Electro play

Tips 'n Tricks: Playing with electricity

In my never-ending quest to add variety to my solo sex play in hotel rooms at night while away on business over the years, I tried all sorts of things, many of which I learned about either from porn videos or online in Yahoo groups.

The electricity thing

Most of the people that practice BDSM at least thought about it once. The idea that you are hooked to some electrical device can be quite appealing for some. It is, however, one of those things that you definitely do or definitely don't like. This page contains some information about some of the aspects of electricity play.

Some of the basics - technical stuff that might bore you

Most of the people I've talked to say that it's not the voltage that can kill you but the current. This is an interesting observation because current and voltage are directly related if you count resistance in. According to Ohm's law, resistance (R) is equal to voltage (V) divided by the current (I). The resistance is a very important part because the resistance of the human body is never constant. It varies from person to person and from day to day. Studies prove that, in general, the resistance between your hands varies from 2kOhm to 50kOhm. Take a look at the table below for some indications. Note that as long as you stay away from vital organs (the spine and the heart) the current may not have fatal consequences.

Current Sensation

1mA Tingling feeling
5mA Pain
6mA Female let go
10mA Paralysis/male let go
15mA Hazardous
30mA Breathing stops
75mA Ventricular Fibrillation (Irregular heartbeat)
100mA Dangerous to life
4A The heart stops
5A Death/skin burns

Note: Most of the currents and what happens came from different sources. How the electricity was applied to the human body was not described. It will also vary from person to person.

If you are still awake and interested, read on for some useful tips and warnings.

In general terms, the simple advice is never use any electrical device that is not expressly designed for use on the human body. This usually means either a TENS unit or the sex elector toys available online at sex catalog spots.

The Basic Safety Rules

NEVER set up contacts such that a current path can be completed through the heart or brain! The safest way to be certain of this is to avoid any contact above the lowest set of ribs. In plain language, although you may see it done in porn videos, never hook up the nipples to an electrical device. The charge - even minor - may go through the heart and cause all sorts of problems possibly death. Sorry to ruin people's fantasies here, but better safe than sorry. Or dead.

It IS possible to work safely on the back, shoulders, neck and arms and we make some references to it later, but unless you are certain of your equipment, your knowledge and skill, and your subject's health, keep the contacts below the lowest set of ribs.

If doing a bondage scene, don't tie your subject too tightly, allow some room for muscle contractions. It is possible to do some significant damage if you apply a strong shock to a tightly-tied limb. Also, make certain that your subject is bound or positioned such that a sudden movement won't cause a fall, impact against a solid or sharp object, or other unintended injury.

Make certain that your electrodes make good contact. Poor contact will often cause burns. Electrical burns tend to be deep and slow to heal. They also tend to have more damage beneath the surface than is immediately obvious. Use contact pads or gel between metal electrodes and naked flesh. Of course, the genital area is particularly sensitive and vulnerable.

If playing solo, don't experiment too much with something entirely new or that you've not used before. I strongly suggest that when you try a new setup, you test it on with someone else present. This will give you some insight as to what the sensations are and what constitutes a tolerable level of current with someone who can help you should you need it. We repeat: NEVER EXPERIMENT WITH ELECTRICITY ON YOURSELF UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMEONE PRESENT WHO KNOWS HOW (AND WHEN) TO SHUT OFF THE CURRENT! Once you get the hang of something, know how to use it and how much you can tolerate, you can play solo.

Linking up to the above statement: always try to use devices that turn themselves off after a period of time.*

Know your equipment!

This similar to the statement just above: when playing solo, don't try anything new unless you've tested it before with a buddy. When playing bdsm games, ALWAYS HAVE A SAFE-WORD *AND* a signal which can be used if your sub can't speak. Make sure that you are always alert to it and watch for signals of slave distress.

Always use battery operated devices. The power from your wall-outlet, even with a transformer, always is perilous. Only special transformers (like the ones used in hospitals) are safe to use.*

Types of devices

There are a few basic devices one can use to let the current flow...:

Violet Wand

This is that device you see in porn vids that snaps a little jolt or sends a visible 'lightening bolt' to the skin. It was originally designed as a medical tool and the electro it emits is somewhat mild but can be painful. This device uses a Tesla coil to generate very high voltages with very little current. Risking contradiction here, this device is considered fairly safe, even above the waist.

The feeling is like a static electricity discharge like touching your car on a cold, dry day. There is a danger of burns from sustained contact, however, so keep it moving and don't dwell in one area too long.

On nipples and genitals this is particularly effective.

Bug zappers

You've probably seen these on tv or in novelty stores: it looks like a toy tennis racket but with two AA batteries becomes a small bug zapper and when struck against naked skin can cause a small zap to humans. Not enough to create much pleasure or excitement however. Save your money.

TENS unit (The****utic Electro-Neural Stimulation)

This is the medical term for a device frequently used by chiropractors and other medical professionals. These are powerful units, and are quite capable of causing serious injury or death. They are also generally sold only to medical practitioners, and are very expensive. They are, however, quite well made and are very safe if properly used.

TENS units are readily available on Ebay these days and these are powered by a 9 volt battery. If you've every put your tongue across the plus and minus on a 9 volt battery, you know the very painful jolt and burn you can get. The TENS unit takes this energy and transfers it to electrodes or pads. The unit allows you to control the 'volume' or strength of the electro as well as vary the pulse from a steady one to a pulsating sensation.

This may be the best device to use for newbies.

Telephone inductors/Tucker Telephone

For the heavy players; REAL PAIN INVOLVED. This idea was probably stolen from the South-American dictatorial regime where they were used to torture people. The feeling can be very, very nasty! The term 'Tucker Telephone' was coined by prisoners of a Georgia jail, where Warden Tucker used the ringer magneto of a field telephone to teach those guys some respect. You can remove some of the magnets to reduce the shock level but even with a couple of magnets removed your sub will be very cooperative after a few experiences with this thing.

Sound Cards/Train Transformers

I have read some stories of people who use their sound card and an amplifier to stimulate themselves. My advice is: DON'T DO IT. The risk on a ground loop is very high. If some component breaks, the risk of getting the wall-outlet current and/or voltage through your body is also there. And you'll probably not be around to check if the fuse is blown! (probably not)

Dog training collars

It is reported that these can be used on humans but they are very painful. Since they are designed to be used on dogs that weigh much less than most men and woman, the electro power is moderate. If you must go this direction, get a unit designed for a 'little' dog. In addition to around the neck these can be used as a cock and ball ring with I assume, a real effective result if training a human male.

Cattle prods

Available online and at farm supply stores another device designed for use on a****ls (cows and pigs) that can really be painful. Used below the waste, pain is the worst result and unless held on the skin and pressed continuously should not cause marks. If you can tolerate this pain, perhaps you missed your calling as a professional wrestler with the WWE.

PES Unit

This unit is made by Paradise Electronics. I have no experience with this device but I've heard many positive reactions. The main disadvantage is the price...they are quite costly. www.pes.com for info and some good gallery photos.


A stun-gun was originally used to defend yourself to an attacker. It produces very high voltages. There are a number of reports concerning serious injuries suffered by people on whom they were used by police or others. There have also been reports of neural damage which only became obvious well after the fact. My advice: leave them in the shops...

My personal experience with a TENS unit has been with hooking up electrodes to my genitals and sending electro from my balls to my cock head to achieve pleasure. I've not been able to induce an orgasm 'hands free' using electro, but have come very close indeed.

On a more adventurous level, I've used a urethral 'sound' - a thin chrome plated rod inserted in my dick and a thicker metal rod inserted in my asshole and wired them up plus and minus. With the other electrodes attached to my cock I've literally sent jolts from my asshole to the tip of my cock. That was a bit scary, but the electro volume was not high enough to cause damage and was a really incredible sensation.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive review of all aspects of electro play. Do your own research - there is plenty online and since my research was done a while ago, there may be more up-to-date information for you.
Published by trowe
11 years ago
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