im a 36 year old black guy called jess i have been out of jail for 6 months i was fitted up for dealing d**gs by DCI Pauline Adams .Ok im not an angel but i would never deal in d**gs i got 6 years but i was out in 3 so this is how i got payback .Been planing this for months now DCI Adams was 62 years old now nearly retired she was married with 2 k**s and 1 grandaughter . She was having a dinner party with her husband and daughter son in law and gran daughter who is 14 .I been getting a few guys i say guys but they are only about 9 to 12 4 guys 3 girls together so thats 8 of us all together .Right on saturday night about 7 o clock i rang paulines door bell .After a few rings she opened the door "yes she said what can i do for you "we pushed our way in i had a gun in my hand. Ok guys i shouted do as your told and no one gets hurt put your cell phones on the table now which they all did .They looked petrified hands on your heads now Pauline tried to talk but i said shut it i do the talking here ok .The k**s got some duct tape and bound Paulines hubby her daughter son in law and grandaughter up . Right DCI Pauline Adams you dont remember me do you ?who are you she said im the guy you fitted up for d**gs 3 years ago o my god its you what do you want from me Pauline asked me .What i want is to have some fun with you and your family and my little friends here want some fun ass well .Do what you like to me but dont hurt my family please .Now theres an invite i grinned we are going to have fun with you weather you like it or not .Now guys listern up you can do this 2 ways 1 do as your told 2 try and fight us and get hurt ok .Hubby said ok daughter said ok son in law said ok that left Paulines gran daughter Amy no way Amy said please Amy Pauline said do as your told ok i will just for you gran . So let the fun begin Pauline stand up by the table i said you have 2 choices 1 your going to suck a little boys cock 2 your going to lick a little girls pussy make your mind up part 2 later enjoy
11 years ago