History & Future of the Kellykins2u Page :)

Hello My Hammys! :)

First of all, I just want to say a big "Thank you!" to everyone who has made xHam fun for me. Even with all the craziness that goes on, good friends are what keep me coming back (okay, and free porn too, lol).

Well, hmmm, let's see, this is kind of a random update, but I thought it would be good to just let everyone know what I think about xHam in general, and what I think about my own page overall on here.

When I first made a page on here, I thought "Oh, it'll be a nice little naughty corner of the interwebz for me to watch some videos, look at pics, maybe even chat with a few people, but that'll probably be all that happens."

After seeing some really great profiles of people, I decided to make mine similar to the ones that I liked reading. Yes, I actually do read people's profiles and about me's, I'm weird like that :P

So, I added some more info, added a blog of random FAQs, and a gallery of pics. I found that the number of quality people I started chatting with on xHam went up quite a bit, but so did the number of just random msgs. It's kind of a catch 22, especially once a girl puts up pics on her page.

I'm sure most people on xHam know this, but it goes doubly true for girls - once you have a gallery of self pics, the invites and msgs start flooding in.

I was barely a few weeks into starting a profile and it wasn't uncommon for me to have as many as 20 msgs and 20 invite requests every single day.

For a while, I admit, I did go on a few "friend collecting" sprees just to clear out my box.

I've always tried to be as nice and polite as possible to every one on here, so with that in mind, as well as convenience, it was easier to just "Accept All" because it seemed nicer than "Delete All".

Another thing that I have always tried to do, is to comment/reply back to everyone who is nice enough to leave comments for me. And that in itself can take up a lot of time too, especially since I don't do the "cut and paste" responses, I actually try to thank people specifically and in response to the comments they have left me.

It was still taking me a long time to answer all the requests, and even longer to actually try to check/read through everyone's profile to decide if they had a good page worth adding.

I always thought "Oh, I can just delete the bad friends later." Except I never really got around to filtering through my friends list again because I was too busy answering current msgs and things, in addition to my own site surfing.

I still haven't gotten around to this. Mostly because I dread having to spend so much time on it.

That's when I decided to turn off my "Accept Invites" option, simply because I didn't have the time/energy to check out every single request to try and filter through the spam profiles to find the actual good profiles.

Things got noticeably easier for me after that. It was much more apparent who had actually read through my page/blog based on the kind of msgs I got from people, and it seemed to cut down on a fair amount of spam as well.

Even at that, I still get a lot of msgs each day. Whenever I login, there are usually anywhere from 25-35 msgs waiting for me, and thats on a normal day. If its the weekend and I don't come back until Monday, there can be as many as 40-60.

I'm not trying to say "Don't msg me", lol, I'm just trying to give you an idea of how much time it takes for me to try and catch up to everyone, and to give honest thoughts and feedback to you all.

Again, I've never been into the "cut and paste" responses, so I really do try hard to give all of you as much equal time as I can.

I think you all know how much I like chatting with you, my Hammy's, based on my msgs to you, as well as my random "Q and A" sessions that I throw out sometimes, lol.

Like I said, those of you who are my friends, you are what keep xHam fun for me. Not just in terms of recommending hot vids/pics, but for chatting and being nice.

I have literally talked about everything from "anal sex" to "lasagna recipes" with you guys on here, and that's why I keep coming back :)

So, what happens from here?

Well, if you're still reading this really long blog, here's a few notes on things from me that I'll try to address for what I see as the future of my naughty little corner of the internet:

I know you guys would like more of these, and I know it's been a while since I've posted newer ones. I honestly do appreciate all the comments you guys have left for me, and I will try to post more pics every once in a while.

But please remember: I'm not an internet model, I don't have a super fancy camera, and I don't always have time to take/post pics regularly. I do have a life outside of xHam, where I have school, work, friends, etc, and those things get my first priority.

Also, I can appreciate and understand the requests I get for more "risque" pics, but to be 100% honest with you guys, that's probably not going to happen.

I still value my privacy a lot, and needless to say, putting up more "risque" pics is pretty much the shortest road possible to destroying that privacy, and would only open the floodgates even more to the crazy msgs we girls on xHam get.

I honestly feel like I have put enough of my real self on this site (between my pics and my blogs and my daily interactions with you guys) and I just don't feel the need to expand that by putting up anything naked.

This section will continue to grow as I find new vids/pics, and as all of my fun and naughty Hammy's recommend things to me :)

I try to add a variety of things that I enjoy, and I get the feeling that many of you use my page as a kind of "porn hub" for finding vids you like, which is pretty cool, since I often look at your guys' faves to find good vids too, hehe.

Hopefully as time goes on everyone will still enjoy coming by to visit my page not just to see what new faves I've added, but also to just say "Hi" and chat a bit :)

This is honestly how I spend 90% of my time on xHam, answering and chatting with all my Hammys on a day to day basis. If it sometimes takes a while for me to get back to you, please remember that there's usually a decent amount of you msging me, which is totally fine, but again, it just takes time to answer everyone properly.

Throw in a few phone calls, school work, emails, needing to eat, etc, and I can't always answer right away.

I apologize for these delays, but there's not much I can do about it, so um, deal with it, lol :P

As I said earlier, I really dread having to do a "mass purging of the list", but it might just end up happening one day.

If I do, it will be because... well, because I feel like it. It's as simple as that.

Please, for the love of God, do not flood me with a million "please don't delete me!" msgs.

If you're someone who already chats with me regularly, then you should know by now that I'm not going to delete you as a friend.

This little section is something I started way back when I first made my page, when I had no idea that I would eventually have a crazy porn filled page with tons of people dropping by all the time.

Are there more people I should/want/need to add to that list? Absolutely. I just haven't had the time to update it. Also, I don't want everyone to have to scroll down for 20 minutes just to be able to see the rest of my profile each time they stop by.

Eventually (maybe after #4 happens) I'll make an actual separate "Hammy All Stars Blog" with everyone who deserves to be there. But in the meantime, it is what it is.

Again, I can understand and appreciate all of you wanting to get to see/know more about me, but ultimately this is my page, and I get to decide what I do with it.

That's all for now. Sorry for the long blog, but it was easier to do it this way than to write to all of you individually over, and over, and over, and over.... :P

For anyone still reading, here's a great big boobie hug and a kiss for you *MUAH* :)

Also, just to see who reads this one, send me a PM and let me know what your favorite kind of pizza is, that way I'll know.

I'd rather get random msgs that say "Pepperoni and Cheese" than "hey slut, cum suck my 12" cock you dirty whore". ROFL

Published by kellykins2u
11 years ago
Please or to post comments
bassman30069 8 years ago
Hadn't read this yet. You are so fun:). I appreciate the friendship. Hugs! Bassman.
baltimorefun 8 years ago
I sent you a slice of pizza via PM :smile:
BigE1993 9 years ago
You're blogs are refreshing and down to earth. I enjoy reading them. Thanks.
markpabear 9 years ago
Another great blog :smile:))
femalesonly 10 years ago
This blog is case in point for my other comment on your other blog about how fuckin' awesome you are. You go, K-kins! (y)
shawn1956 10 years ago
You're like the most interesting person I've run into on this site. I've got to find more. More real down to earth people who just happen to love porn
WonderWoman22 10 years ago
great blog, now one of my faves! xox -belle
jonboi18 11 years ago
hopefully my profile is one of the good ones:smile:
edintx99 11 years ago
Of course I read your whole blog. They're great. Could we share a pepperoni, Canadian bacon, mushroom, and extra cheese pizza please?! For you I'll take that double dose of Lactaid!!
KnightUnderCover 11 years ago
Philly Steak Calzones are nice too :smile:
bobchelicopter 11 years ago
Yes, a long read, but nice. Thanks for the invite.
anthony_weston 11 years ago
I found this blog post really helpful. As a guy and so part of the giant pack, I get more left alone, which is pretty much fine with me. I do like good conversation and since we here obviously share an interest in porn and human sexuality in general, I'd like to think there's a lot of room for good, adult conversations that are talks between friends without any other expectations or pressures involved.

While I like my current profile, this post has given me some good ideas for how I might develop mine and also mirrors a lot of what I've so far experienced here.
jizzytits 11 years ago
Nice blog and a good read.
KnightUnderCover 11 years ago
Love the blog, and I Still love Extra Cheese, Mushroom, and Pineapple Pizza!
patriots1 11 years ago
Another great well written, well thought out blog. Thx for the boobie hug and kiss and hugs back :wink:
Although I'm not on your friends list, I can still talk to you and that in itself is a good thing, because If we want to talk we still can and we don't need the icon to say oooo your my friend, as I already know that via the messages we've exchanged
rocks4050 11 years ago
Great post! And a lot of good comments. Makes me wonder about your lasagna recipe!
Well thought out blog, its a truth any long term 'properly' active members understand. All the same I enjoyed reading it, I like your style of writing.

"I have 2 college degrees including a masters and know the "busy" feeling! " Really? because so do I and uni never really had me feeling more busy than I am now.
KnightUnderCover 11 years ago
Nice blog! I love the photos and favorites that you post, and I Love my pizza with cheese, mushrooms, pineapple, and sometimes with a little bit of hamburger. No pepperoni. :smile:
Six_gun 11 years ago
Hey this was a fun read. I'm more into the "about me" stuff on Xhamster as I find it particularly intersting to see what others are into. I enjoyed this and hope you stick around...I'll be back to chek in and see what's new. Thanks for sharing your page hon. Cheers!
nxtyme 11 years ago
3-Meat ...(talking about pizza)....lol... Just ad to your blog baby, - have an adventure and tell us all !
letsgo4it 11 years ago
... and this is what makes kellykins the awesome woman she is. :smile:
crazyboutsex 11 years ago
"Oh no, another PM yet again!", hehehe.
Thanks Kelly for your frankness, appreciated that big boobie hug too, big "MUAH" to you, sweetie.
smallwnder 11 years ago
lol big boobie hug great blog kelly
godawgs 11 years ago
Thanks for the boobie hug...they're the best kind...
VoyeurWhiteMale 11 years ago
I always appreciate a person (especially a beautiful woman) who has a filled profile. Pics & vids are fine but personal info & messages are what it makes the whole thing interesting for me. I hope you'll have the energy to continue posting (especially writing) for a long time.
Alexlucard 11 years ago
Oh Kelly, you licentious lunatic, do you. Do yo thang and have fun. :smile:
ShaneLonghorn 11 years ago
I could sure use a big booby hug haha
chucke9816 11 years ago
Very well written and I can respect all that you do for all your friends on here.I'd like to say I think you have done a great job and I do like all the pics that you have put on here of yourself for us to see.I like all the other guys of course would like to see more of you but I'm glad that you have enough repsct for yourself not to go any farther with the pic...allow us to imagine all we want to and we can all share a great smile over it.If there comes a time when you find that I am one of the ones that get deleted I will fully understand and I'll remember all the great things about your page and still continue to come back and look at whatever you might be sharing with us and I'll even thank you now for everything.
Flyhi69 11 years ago
I hope you keep me and we can continue to message via YIM or email. Just too bad you're so far away as I'd love to have a hot young sexy and sexual g/f and at the same time show you want an educated, fun sense of humor, gentleman can be like.