My first time in vanity fair panties

I've wondered for a long time about all the hype of vanity fair panties. I didn't get what made them so special to the panty lovers. I started with my grandmothers panties who didn't wear vanity fair and then later on I moved onto my mother's panties. My Mother wears only serenada nylon panties and my grandmother had more of the common brands. I think they were jockey, fruit of the loom and others I can't remember, faded tags are a bitch.
Anyway continuing on, recently I decided to buy a of white vanity fair panties. they're the kind with the lace on the sides. Now unfortunately because of my early adventures in panties I've become somewhat desensitized to them after I've had them for a certain of time, but this only depends on where i get them from. But the vanity fair was a bit different. Usually I get extremely hard when i get a new pair of panties and it was the same as always with these. But slipping these little white granny panties into place I suddenly realized the wonders of VF. The nylon is really soft and thin, and they fit really nice. My cock was extra hard inside these panties. I quickly slipped them off wanting to savior the wonderous feeling for a while and then when feeling up to it cumming into the virgin fabric. The next day I slipped them on again and would you believe my cock responded instantly as if commaneded by the panties to erect and harden past the limit. I wanted to soooo badly to just instantaneously CUM-BUST-IN those panties and believe I tried. I tried everything i could think of to make myself cum in those panties. I should explain, these pantiess felt waaaaaay to good for the usual grabit, wankit and stainit. I wanted to cum without using my hands, it felt like the only ejaculation that would do justice. unfortunately, I find myself to be a bit frigid. I think it may be my dick size or that i'm just not sensitive enough. Truthfully, I belive I'm just bloody impatient. I tried humping my bed, pillows, and other panties. But I felt not even a tickle of sensation. I tried humping the panties, I mean that as humping the air while dick rubs against the inside surface of the panties. Got hard at first, but then went flaccid after 3 minutes. I gave up and then put the panties away. I figured that since they make me so hard i would show off on webcam and then cum in them. But I wanted to cam with someone really sexy. I put out invitations to cam and I got, well, let's just say not many responded. By now you're probably saying just cum in them already. But I tell you sir, that I did and no not on webcam. I just got bored one night and decided I'd dig those up and cum into them. I did it twice in fact, and it was nothing special.

So now I have a question to you vanity fair fans. My vanity fair panties are a common style that you see these days. Vanity fair also uses their own unique style which makes them more origional. The other nylon panties I've worn are nothing like them.
And so I ask "Have they always been like this". I mean if their is a difference between the modern day vanity fair and the vintage vanity fair. If their is leave a comment and refer me to some other unique panty brands.
Published by huntrog
11 years ago
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VF15003 2 years ago
As a VF conneisseur I can tell you that Vanity Fair 1995 and before is far superior in quality to anything after that. The material was a better quality. They also stopped making their best feeling panty (15003 and 13044 Diaphanique) in 1995 as well. Although it's pricey, there are some nice vintage VF on ebay but you have to be careful as not everyone is accurate with dating the panties. (BTW- I had 160 VF panties in my collection.)
casualwear 6 years ago
I have at least fifty VF nylon briefs and I love them all and love myself with them often.  For me it's not the panties, but the fantasy that goes with them.  A wank session goes several days while I read other pantyboys' stories, watch videos of women in panties and wallowing in a bed full of panties.  I rub them on my ample man breasts and on my private parts.  I tie them around my cock and balls and let the pressure build until I am at launch point.  Then I can satisfy myself, but not in the panties.  I cum in my favorite toy and let the vibrations carry me away.  My orgasms then are full, complete and totally sastifying.  Then I rinse out the panties and hang them like trophies to dry for use another time.
vanityfair 8 years ago
There is indeed a difference between modern VFs and vintage VFs. The ones from the early 90s and before were made of nylon tricot. (a fabric that is no longer used by them) They were so special in feel that I can tell with my eyes closed. In addition the fit has changed somewhat. I'm so glad that I have a few of those beauties left in my collection.
upload9779 11 years ago
The VF Body caress is on of my favs. They come in different styles and even bras. They are hard to find though, look on Ebay and order a size smaller!
homeb0y61 11 years ago
I used to love to wear my moms vf panties. So soft and silky