Diary of a naughty School girl...
I was up early today, I showered slipped into my uniform & headed down for breakfast.
I needed a small but energy boosting meal.. I opted for a banana.
Maybe practising my oral skills at the table isn't wise ;)
I walk the short distance to school daydreaming about what lessons I have.. I'm not referring to the usual school curriculum im referring to my "extra" lessons with Mr Stevens.
The bell rings & im late.. I need to sign in at the office.. Perfect.
I'm greeted with the stern wrinkled receptionist.. "Late again " She scowls.
"Miss Taylor can you step inside my office please"
Its Mr Stevens, he is wearing that look, the look that tells me he wants me, he wants to spank my pert tight behind.
I can feel my juices clinging to my crisp white panties as I enter his office.
He wants me I can feel it...
Im staring straight at his buldging trousers, he looks so fresh today.
"Miss taylor can you please take a seat"
"is everything ok Mr Stevens"?
Im sat up straight with my legs opened wide
He is sat on the edge of his desk eyeing my panties.
" Im thinking of starting a school swimming club Miss taylor and i was hoping you would be keen to sign up"
"its not during the school day but i think you would benefit hugely from it"
Im so wet at the thought i could easily fuck my pussy hard with everal fingers!!!
"That sounds like a brilliant idea sir, when do i start"?
"Ive a staff meeting tonight , shall we say tomorrow evening at 6pm"?
" Yes that sounds perfect"
"Excellent now hurry off to class, you dont want another black mark"
As i stand up to leave i turn and drop my bag, in full view i bend over , his face is so full of lust..
" Goodbye sir"
"Goodbye Miss Taylor"
The day seems ever so slow, im certain its because im counting the hours until tomorrow.
I havent seen Mr Steven's all day, im in a state of lust & teenage hormones.
As im walking home PANIC!!
What swimsuit shall i wear, i mean i cant turn upto the pool with nothing, what happens if somebody turns up...
Ive got to go into town.
Black figure hugging one piece, Not to slutty.
Back home i try to distract myself from tomorrow's activities.
I arrive at school far later than normal, i recieve the same old comment from the receptionist, but hang on where's Mr Steven's?
"Mr Steven's isnt in today so you can go staright to class"
And there i am stood there feeling like ive been punched, he's not here!!
The day passes by in a mixture of confusion and sulking.
I dont understand why he would arrange to meet me and then not come into school.
Its 6pm and im in my bedroom staring at my swimming costume hanging on my door.
Ding ding ding.. # 1 new text message #
Within mintues im out the door & at the pool, there's nobody here,it feels so strange to be here.
" Miss Taylor come over here"
I follow the echo of his voice and find myself in the male changing room.
He's wearing black swimshorts and nothing else, he has the most amazing body.
" I suppose you thought i wouldnt turn up but im here now and im ready to teach you, slip off your clothes and join me in the pool"
He picks up a towel and walks out of the room.
I undress nearly tripping out of my jeans in excitement.
Im feeling exposed as i enter the long pool, i feel his eyes on me as i approach him.
He dives straight into the pool and swim's off
Im confused, do i follow him or do i watch.
I decide to jump in, its colder than id imagined, my nipples are like bullets, my costume tight agaisnt my pussy.
Up and down the pool, i think he likes the idea of me chasing him.
Im getting really tired and to be honest a little annoyed, he hasnt spoke to me since before and all he's doing is swimming off.
He must sense my annoyance as he swims to the edge and climbs out.
" come here" he shouts.
I do as im told and join him on the poolside.
He looks even hotter wet, im soaking & every piece of my body feels on view.
He stretches out his arm and pulls me close, his hand cupping my hand, his body tight against mine.
I go to speak, he puts a finger agaisnt my mouth, "Ssssshhh" he say's.
To be continued....
I needed a small but energy boosting meal.. I opted for a banana.
Maybe practising my oral skills at the table isn't wise ;)
I walk the short distance to school daydreaming about what lessons I have.. I'm not referring to the usual school curriculum im referring to my "extra" lessons with Mr Stevens.
The bell rings & im late.. I need to sign in at the office.. Perfect.
I'm greeted with the stern wrinkled receptionist.. "Late again " She scowls.
"Miss Taylor can you step inside my office please"
Its Mr Stevens, he is wearing that look, the look that tells me he wants me, he wants to spank my pert tight behind.
I can feel my juices clinging to my crisp white panties as I enter his office.
He wants me I can feel it...
Im staring straight at his buldging trousers, he looks so fresh today.
"Miss taylor can you please take a seat"
"is everything ok Mr Stevens"?
Im sat up straight with my legs opened wide
He is sat on the edge of his desk eyeing my panties.
" Im thinking of starting a school swimming club Miss taylor and i was hoping you would be keen to sign up"
"its not during the school day but i think you would benefit hugely from it"
Im so wet at the thought i could easily fuck my pussy hard with everal fingers!!!
"That sounds like a brilliant idea sir, when do i start"?
"Ive a staff meeting tonight , shall we say tomorrow evening at 6pm"?
" Yes that sounds perfect"
"Excellent now hurry off to class, you dont want another black mark"
As i stand up to leave i turn and drop my bag, in full view i bend over , his face is so full of lust..
" Goodbye sir"
"Goodbye Miss Taylor"
The day seems ever so slow, im certain its because im counting the hours until tomorrow.
I havent seen Mr Steven's all day, im in a state of lust & teenage hormones.
As im walking home PANIC!!
What swimsuit shall i wear, i mean i cant turn upto the pool with nothing, what happens if somebody turns up...
Ive got to go into town.
Black figure hugging one piece, Not to slutty.
Back home i try to distract myself from tomorrow's activities.
I arrive at school far later than normal, i recieve the same old comment from the receptionist, but hang on where's Mr Steven's?
"Mr Steven's isnt in today so you can go staright to class"
And there i am stood there feeling like ive been punched, he's not here!!
The day passes by in a mixture of confusion and sulking.
I dont understand why he would arrange to meet me and then not come into school.
Its 6pm and im in my bedroom staring at my swimming costume hanging on my door.
Ding ding ding.. # 1 new text message #
Within mintues im out the door & at the pool, there's nobody here,it feels so strange to be here.
" Miss Taylor come over here"
I follow the echo of his voice and find myself in the male changing room.
He's wearing black swimshorts and nothing else, he has the most amazing body.
" I suppose you thought i wouldnt turn up but im here now and im ready to teach you, slip off your clothes and join me in the pool"
He picks up a towel and walks out of the room.
I undress nearly tripping out of my jeans in excitement.
Im feeling exposed as i enter the long pool, i feel his eyes on me as i approach him.
He dives straight into the pool and swim's off
Im confused, do i follow him or do i watch.
I decide to jump in, its colder than id imagined, my nipples are like bullets, my costume tight agaisnt my pussy.
Up and down the pool, i think he likes the idea of me chasing him.
Im getting really tired and to be honest a little annoyed, he hasnt spoke to me since before and all he's doing is swimming off.
He must sense my annoyance as he swims to the edge and climbs out.
" come here" he shouts.
I do as im told and join him on the poolside.
He looks even hotter wet, im soaking & every piece of my body feels on view.
He stretches out his arm and pulls me close, his hand cupping my hand, his body tight against mine.
I go to speak, he puts a finger agaisnt my mouth, "Ssssshhh" he say's.
To be continued....
12 years ago