How to make your Cam Show successful

So you wanna boost your ratings and earn more money? I have being watching Cam shows for a while and I think I have discovered most of the tricks that models use to get you in there rooms. Needless to say, the bigger your audience the bigger your profit should be. This is a guide on what to do and what not to do.

Don't be shy, converse with your customers, get them into debate of some kind. What this does is keep current viewers in your room while other potential viewers can join in....Silent models rarely get the top viewing figures. I would argue that talking is as important as your body when it comes to selling your show.

Show some skin
This one really is a no-brainer. In many cam sites, a viewer can audition a room by scolling over the rooms icon, this shows what is happening in that room, at that time. If there's nothing to see, they'll move along. So show something that will entice a viewer into your room.

Have something in the shot with you that suggests what you will be doing for the main show, be it toys, oils, lingerie etc. Give the customer something to really look forward to. Note, the best prop you could ever wish for is another person.

Move the camera
It sounds silly, but moving the camera gives your show a more professional feel. It makes for a more intersting watch and shows that you actually have some imagination when in it comes to selling yourself. Also it shows the customer that you WILL be showing them things from the best possible angle.

Marker board
This goes hand in hand with the "show some skin" section. When a viewer is auditioning a room, (by viewing the pop up window) If they see something engaging it will make them want to enter. Writing messages on a marker board for them to see is an effective way of pulling people in. Your board could say anything from "show starts in five minutes" "Come and join the conversation" or it could be your tarrif.

Play a game
Another silly one, but suprisingly engaging for viewers. When you're in your room and not much is happening, suggest a game to your viewers (20 questions works well.) Tell them that if they win, you'll remove an item of clothing.....simple yet effective.

Again this is no-brainer. Customers won't pay tokens for something they can barley see. Keep your room well lit.

Have a niche
There is a similarity between most cam girls......they all kinda do the same thing, and thats fine. Find a niche for yourself, be it hipster, gothic, emo, nerdy, it adds a seldom seen flavour to an otherwise typical show.

Have a personality
This again helps customers to get to know you, it makes it easier for them to tip you. Don't be afraid to have an attitude either, you can never tell what sort of people your viewers are (you will get some real nasty ones) Stand up to them and don't take their BS. Don't forget,

Always look happy
This is a must, If you look bored in your audition window, you will be overlooked. If you look sad in your room, your room will soon empty. If you get emotional about the nasty things some viewers have said, your show is over.

Location, Location, Location
If you can do a cam show from somewhere that is not a typical will get a big increase in viewers figures if you host your show from somewhere a bit more risque, as you are offering them something rarely seen.

And Finally
This is a very rough guide and I hope it helps some of you hoping to become XHam Cam Stars. The other thing you really need to bare in mind; other girls will be more popular than you simply because, men are shallow and like big boobs, hourglass figures etc. It may also get quite vulgar in your room, be prepared for some of the nastier customers you may have to deal with.

Don't talk about your private life, this is not the place. Some viewers may use that against you. Understand also, cam shows can last hours and hours, be prepared before you go live. Have water and snacks avaialable.

Most of all, remember to have fun!


Published by Gothix
11 years ago
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annah833 11 years ago
love it :smile: thank you for sharing