How to spot a fake profile

I would say anything up to 85% of all "female" users on xham are either bots or men.

You need to be careful who you initialise contact with, as the chances are, you could make a fool out of yourself and give a sad pathetic excuse for a human their jollies.

Step 1.

The first point to be sceptical, is if the user has not been verfied. If there is no verification pic or welcome meesage, be wary and move onto step 2

Step 2.

Check the users uploaded videos and pics. If there is a lack of consistency in the people depicted (or if there are no faces shown) You could be dealing with a fake user.

Step 3.

Check the users "About Me" section. If there are any links to other webistes, you will not get anywhere with this user unless you are willing to pay, they are here for business.

Also, if you see a "tinyurl" address, you are dealing with a bot (a bot is an automated wrangling account to fool users into clicking onto an assigned website)

Step 4.

Look at the users name. If you see a nonsensicle amount of numbers, again you could be dealing with a bot. Bots create multiple accounts with a common name and then append them i.e. An account could be called "HornyGirl77256" and another called "HornyGirl77257"

Step 5.

See how many comments compared to how many days the user has been active. If the number of comments is very low, be sceptical. True, the user may be just shy, but chances are, its a scam.

Step 6.

See how long the user has been active. Hundreds of fake accounts are created every day. So if you receive a friend request from someone who has only been signed up for a matter of minutes/'ve got a bot.

Step 7.

Check the users comments board. You may have been beaten to the punch in figuring out if the account is fake. When this happens, most xham users will comment on the profile to warn other users away.

Step 8.

Check the users "friends list." If you're not wise enough, you could be suckered in via a friend request, and lots of xham users do. This results in bots gaining hundreds of friends in a matter of hours.

Step 9.

Look in the users photo gallery. If it looks too good to be probably is. 95% of women in this world do not look as perfect as the ones who are professional models. Don't be fooled into thinking you have found one.

Step 10.

Keep a mental note of the profile pics that you have spotted as a fake account. I guarantee that you will see it again someday.

Sum This Up

It really is a bad idea to not check out another users profile. Don't go in guns blazing and comment on a profile without reading up on them. If you see anything thats doesnt add up, ask the user to explain.

If you're sure you have found a fake account, report the user and comment on their profile that you have called them out as a fake.


Don't think that every female account on here is a fake one. I have met some amazing female users on this site, but I will point out.....

If you are a fake user reading this post

I don't need to insult you because I know that you will die alone.
Published by Gothix
12 years ago
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isis_love345 10 years ago
Fake profile suck
so truem thanks for post
so many people still do not do these simple things! They should all be made to read this lol
itachifan 12 years ago
Great post. There's one more tip though.

Google's Reverse Search. If their images come up elsewhere other than xHamster, or similar sites etc, then it's a fake too.
Stretchmefillme 12 years ago
Good post :wink: