First flash
I was just recently on vacation in a tropical climate, with a group of friends. I am not single, so for the most part I will not fool around with other women (unless she is down right crazy in the sack) but I do love to show my cock online. One morning after room service came over I decided to take a shower, get into my bath robe and drink a coffee on the balcony. It was so warm and beautiful out, and I had not had sex or touched myself in days. So, there I was. Still a little out of sigh from anyone, when I slowly started to pump on my cock. Only a few seconds in I heard a woman's voice from the balcony below me. I got up the nerve, and decided to let my almost hard cock poke out of my robe in plain sight to anyone who looked up. To my luck, her balcony was about 5-10 feet out from mine, and she and I could easily see each other. The view was beautiful, so she did not notice me right away. I then decided to make some noise so she would look around. it worked! She looked up to investigate, and had to take a second look. She was very shy, and did not look at it directly at first, but she knew it was there. over the next few minutes, the blood started to rush to my cock, without me touching it. In to time at all, my hard cock was fully erect, and she could not help but look at it. I had no other choice but to slowly move my hand onto my cock and stroke. after a few minutes I decided to make eye contact, for a really good view. As we looked at eachother, I took off the robe. Just before I came, I heard her husband call for her. shocked she swiftly went into her hotel room. But not before I let my load off, hitting her on the top of the head, while she walked it.
I will remember this for the rest of my life, and will indeed try it again and hopefully film it. I hope next time, the lady will enjoy herself with me.
I will remember this for the rest of my life, and will indeed try it again and hopefully film it. I hope next time, the lady will enjoy herself with me.
12 years ago