Real love
See love is not something you can make happen. Love comes and goes but it's still here waiting, searching for us. You can give up on love, but love will never give up on you. The eyes of love is always dwelling on us so our minds should always be open to each and everything that's around us. You see love can turn on and off like a light, but real love, real love will last forever. The only way to find real love is with a open heart, open soul, and the willing to die for it. You see we have to sacrifice for love so love can be great to us. See love love should bind us between the spiritual and the natural cause love is peace, but it's also passion. Like passion between a man and a woman, but those who are blinded by love will always wonder, there fear of love will be there down fall. At times love can hurt, like when a man and woman breakup or when someone's cheating, but love should never hurt in the physical like when a man hits a woman, see that's not love. You see love is not demanded love is emotionally given. Nobody should demand love, love is given freely to us all so we should never take it forgranted.
12 years ago