Attention! Men.. men.. men...
I want you all to understand something, and I mean this with all of my heart. If I allow you to speak to me on skype, pretty please, do not demand that I do things for you. I would like to think that I am a highly intelligent woman who knows what I want in life. I am not a -pardon my language- a fuck bot, for you to use over and over again, at your command. Last time I checked my pussy and my ass are not coin slots and I am not offering a peep show to those of you who cannot offer me more than a "I want you to cum for me baby". Get to know me, or at least try to, you might be surprised at how open and sweet I can be when you do take the time to speak to me. I understand this is a porn site, and that a lot of you are just looking to get off, but let me emphasize on this, I am not the one! If you want someone to do all of those things, take your credit card, and pay one of the lovely ladies that reside on this site, to give you a show, because I'm not going to. I leave you with a quote and my interpretation of them, and perhaps this can elaborate on how I am.
"If you want to feel me bring me water for these flowers growing in my mind, give me nothing, breathe love in my air, don't abuse me 'cause these herbs are rare" -Badu
My own interpretation of this is that if you want me to dig on you, like you dig on me, I need you to bring something to the table to feed my thoughts, to open my mind to receiving you. A lot of you misinterpreted what I meant when I said mind fuck, what I mean by mind fuck is that I want you to blow my mind with your intelligence, turn me on with who you are on the inside, and you will have my full on attention. I am a rare kind of woman, I am a lady, please treat me as such and you'll have me licking out of the palm of your hand.
xoxoxo HonestlyHonest.
12 years ago
Some ♂ Men ♂ tend to act like " Richard Cranium " ‼
Richard = Nick name is ??? Dick, Dicky.
Cranium = a part of the skull AKA Head
Richard Cranium ≈ Dick Head ‼