RANT - Gold Members? ;P
DISCLAIMER: Unless you're in for a bitch fest, quit reading. I've warned you, so if you continue reading, you're saying "Yes, I want to hear your unfettered rant about whatever subject it is you have written a rant about." In such a case, you will then be welcome to complain about this post because you didn't like my rant, or in any other way criticize me for it, because YOU CHOSE TO READ IT. Sure, you can disagree with my opinions, but I don't wanna hear any "Quit your bitching", "stfu" or whatever. Dickish, unproductive comments will be deleted. If you're not sure you can handle that kind of commitment while reading the following post, then you should discontinue reading now.
This post is a rant about my xHamster experience and views as a non-Gold member. The views or opinions I express about some Gold members does not mean I am trying to suggest that all Gold members are jerks. I am friends with a few, and am casually acquainted with a few more, and they are all very nice people. Just wanted to get that out of the way first....on to my rant:
I'm a non-Gold member, and will always be a non-Gold member, unless something changes dramatically in my perception of what exactly being a Gold Member means. And fuck you if you don't like it. Especially you Goldies who think you're hot-shit because you paid xHamster a few bucks to have your name written in yellow with a little stack of coins to the left of it. You're not better than a Basic member, you're just different. Different because you chose to give money, for your own reasons, to a company that others have chosen not to give money to, for their own reasons. That's it. One difference, in what is probably often a split second choice to spring $20 for tokens.
For me, that choice is not a split-second decision, but in fact one that I reached many, many years ago, before online porn chat rooms ever existed. I decided when I was a much younger man that I wasn't interested in going to strip clubs for the same reason, which is that I don't want to chat and interact with a woman who I know is interested in what I have to say because she thinks I have money to give her. If I take the time to chat with a girl, ANY girl, or to tell her she's beautiful, or whatever, the response I want to get is one that is most likely a sincere response, rather than a calculated response based on what she thinks will garner her the most tokens or interest in her for future token transactions. Call me old-fashioned, but I still like the notion of chatting and creating a cool connection with someone, not based on the fact that I have been allowed to wear a title that says "I might have money so pay attention to me." (i.e. Gold Member) For that reason alone, I haven't become a Gold Member. Since being in various of the rooms and seeing how some of these Gold Members behave, either acting like they're part of some exclusive club, or looking down on non-Gold members simply because they're "freeloaders" or "deadbeats", I can also say that I damn sure won't pay $20 to join a club that includes a bunch of self-important porn-site socialites whose major claim to fame is their extensive xHamster accolades.
Now, for those of you who like to call Basic members "freeloaders" or "deadbeats" or whatever the fuck term you think you sound cool tossing around in the rooms, let's remember one simple fact: this site would not exist in its current form (or anything at all like it) without non-Gold members. The ratio of paid members to non-paying members is surely low...and yet, still xHamster is here, still they make money, and why? Because xHamster makes a lot of money from selling banner advertisements, content advertisements/partnerships, etc. If you look at the number of FREE online porn sites where absolutely NO money is ever requested from anyone for any reason, it's plain to see that selling advertisements can be very lucrative. And how does xHamster set their rates for advertisers? By telling advertisers how many people visit their site and their pages per hour, per day, per week, per month, and per year. And the VAST majority of those visitors that xHamster is citing to set advertising rates are unregistered visitors or NON-PAYING MEMBERS! So, just because an xHamster member has not made the same choice as you to plunk down $20 to be assigned a designation that YOU found desirable, does not mean that they are not helping to contribute to the success of this site. And please, don't even bother with the absurd notion that a member is not Gold simply because they can't afford it or are too cheap. $20? Are you fuckin' serious?
Further, I have seen for myself (and like to think I am included in this) that there are many Basic members who contribute greatly to the success of the cam rooms by interacting politely with models, engaging them in dialog, making them laugh, helping them feel like something other than a piece of meat to be told what to do with their bodies all day. I, and many other non-Gold members, make a point to interact respectfully with Gold members, acknowledging or thanking them in some way if a Gold member chooses to tip, reporting spammers quickly and reliably, and helping curtail abuse of the models by members who clearly have issues with misogyny and lack of respect. So, the idea that a non-Gold member is automatically a freeloader because he didn't pay the same $20 you paid, is complete bullshit. And shame on any Gold member who has such a careless and dismissive attitude about a group of people who are just as integral to xHamster and are actively trying to be good members of this growing community.
With all of that having been said, I do want to also acknowledge that I know that the ridiculous and often offensive behavior of many non-Gold members probably causes Gold members to view all non-Gold members somewhat skeptically at first, which is totally understandable. It's the continued insistence on acting superior, even after sharing a room with a non-Gold member who they see with their own eyes is behaving respectfully, contributing to the model's enjoyment of her performance, etc that is totally reprehensible.
Gold Members are not better. Just different. Prejudice is prejudice, and it's wrong in any form. Don't be haters. You know who you are. ;)
***Written by non-Gold member and admitted newbie "femalesonly"***
This post is a rant about my xHamster experience and views as a non-Gold member. The views or opinions I express about some Gold members does not mean I am trying to suggest that all Gold members are jerks. I am friends with a few, and am casually acquainted with a few more, and they are all very nice people. Just wanted to get that out of the way first....on to my rant:
I'm a non-Gold member, and will always be a non-Gold member, unless something changes dramatically in my perception of what exactly being a Gold Member means. And fuck you if you don't like it. Especially you Goldies who think you're hot-shit because you paid xHamster a few bucks to have your name written in yellow with a little stack of coins to the left of it. You're not better than a Basic member, you're just different. Different because you chose to give money, for your own reasons, to a company that others have chosen not to give money to, for their own reasons. That's it. One difference, in what is probably often a split second choice to spring $20 for tokens.
For me, that choice is not a split-second decision, but in fact one that I reached many, many years ago, before online porn chat rooms ever existed. I decided when I was a much younger man that I wasn't interested in going to strip clubs for the same reason, which is that I don't want to chat and interact with a woman who I know is interested in what I have to say because she thinks I have money to give her. If I take the time to chat with a girl, ANY girl, or to tell her she's beautiful, or whatever, the response I want to get is one that is most likely a sincere response, rather than a calculated response based on what she thinks will garner her the most tokens or interest in her for future token transactions. Call me old-fashioned, but I still like the notion of chatting and creating a cool connection with someone, not based on the fact that I have been allowed to wear a title that says "I might have money so pay attention to me." (i.e. Gold Member) For that reason alone, I haven't become a Gold Member. Since being in various of the rooms and seeing how some of these Gold Members behave, either acting like they're part of some exclusive club, or looking down on non-Gold members simply because they're "freeloaders" or "deadbeats", I can also say that I damn sure won't pay $20 to join a club that includes a bunch of self-important porn-site socialites whose major claim to fame is their extensive xHamster accolades.
Now, for those of you who like to call Basic members "freeloaders" or "deadbeats" or whatever the fuck term you think you sound cool tossing around in the rooms, let's remember one simple fact: this site would not exist in its current form (or anything at all like it) without non-Gold members. The ratio of paid members to non-paying members is surely low...and yet, still xHamster is here, still they make money, and why? Because xHamster makes a lot of money from selling banner advertisements, content advertisements/partnerships, etc. If you look at the number of FREE online porn sites where absolutely NO money is ever requested from anyone for any reason, it's plain to see that selling advertisements can be very lucrative. And how does xHamster set their rates for advertisers? By telling advertisers how many people visit their site and their pages per hour, per day, per week, per month, and per year. And the VAST majority of those visitors that xHamster is citing to set advertising rates are unregistered visitors or NON-PAYING MEMBERS! So, just because an xHamster member has not made the same choice as you to plunk down $20 to be assigned a designation that YOU found desirable, does not mean that they are not helping to contribute to the success of this site. And please, don't even bother with the absurd notion that a member is not Gold simply because they can't afford it or are too cheap. $20? Are you fuckin' serious?
Further, I have seen for myself (and like to think I am included in this) that there are many Basic members who contribute greatly to the success of the cam rooms by interacting politely with models, engaging them in dialog, making them laugh, helping them feel like something other than a piece of meat to be told what to do with their bodies all day. I, and many other non-Gold members, make a point to interact respectfully with Gold members, acknowledging or thanking them in some way if a Gold member chooses to tip, reporting spammers quickly and reliably, and helping curtail abuse of the models by members who clearly have issues with misogyny and lack of respect. So, the idea that a non-Gold member is automatically a freeloader because he didn't pay the same $20 you paid, is complete bullshit. And shame on any Gold member who has such a careless and dismissive attitude about a group of people who are just as integral to xHamster and are actively trying to be good members of this growing community.
With all of that having been said, I do want to also acknowledge that I know that the ridiculous and often offensive behavior of many non-Gold members probably causes Gold members to view all non-Gold members somewhat skeptically at first, which is totally understandable. It's the continued insistence on acting superior, even after sharing a room with a non-Gold member who they see with their own eyes is behaving respectfully, contributing to the model's enjoyment of her performance, etc that is totally reprehensible.
Gold Members are not better. Just different. Prejudice is prejudice, and it's wrong in any form. Don't be haters. You know who you are. ;)
***Written by non-Gold member and admitted newbie "femalesonly"***
12 years ago
-Love a Gold Member.
... that;s the reason why i don't do camshows in here. i admit, i share my body (makes me pleasure too, not only money) on cam but i prefer to do it private only with people who make me feel good... not with people who treat me just as a "fuck-machine" or a piece of juicy pussy just because they are yellow, pink, puke color (lol) or any other color
good article, thx for sharing
"why the f would i care that the site makes money from advertising? i care about my money, not the site's." - Totally understandable...the statement I made concerning that was directed at Gold members saying that another member is "freeloading"....if models want to call someone a "freeloader" when they come into the model's room, that's their prerogative because it's their room. Although I have to say that, I would be disappointed to think that you would think of me as a freeloader, since my time is also valuable to mee...if I go out of my way to spend my time (on this site or off this site) communicating respectfully with a person, keeping them company in a room, etc., I don't expect to be called a "freeloader". Name-calling is not something I do with someone I view as a good person, regardless of whether or not my relationship with that person is "going to help me pay my bills."
Anyway it may be a rant, but it is well stated and very true!