EMT Class

A few weeks ago I was at my EMT refresher class, it is a small class about 5 of us. During a break I went to use the bathroom when I returned this decent looking girl told me my zipper was down, so I pulled it up and said I was sorry. It happened again last week and again she noticed and let me know. I noticed she continuously stares at me but I hadn't done anything because she is married.
Well today I purposely didn't wear any underwear and let my zipper down after the bathroom. She knew I had gone to the bathroom and am sure was ready to tell me about my zipper when I saw her look then look away then look back. I knew there was some flesh showing because I checked before I left. This time she didn’t say anything I felt I kind of pushed the envelope a little bit so I zipped up.
Well we are doing patient assessments and she ends being my partner. I practiced on her first but didn’t do anything. Well when she assessed me I was tasked to be a spinal Injury. Well during the rapid assessment she check for priapism (pretty much a boner due to spinal injury) well usually we simulate the check but this time she brushes her hand and says oh sorry didn’t mean to get to close. This kind of gave me a chubby and on the detailed assessment when she was checking for any breaks in my legs she definitely brushed up and felt it. This time though she just looked at me and smiled kind of blushed and kept going. Nothing else happened today but I definitely can’t wait until next week. What do you all think I should do?
Published by MrDrizz
12 years ago
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