Tears of Joy

I'm artistic, and this morning, a bit sensitive,
that worked against what I really wanted to say,
so I thought I could show these qualities I have,
can produce a personal loving poem along the way :)

From one August night,
Our dreams took flight
Together we could run,
Our hearts longed to be as one

It's never been easy for us,
With challenges along the way
But we held on to our dreams
To see a better day

A day where we could run
Together in the sun
Or drive to Niagara Falls
Remember our first Calls?

So long ago that was,
I learned that you were real
Our love began to grow
A love a kiss will seal

I dream we always care,
May Loving c***dren meet us there
Hugs of a lifetime to share
Kiss of forever, love that's rare

Please know that I am
Down but not out
I love you Laiza
I love you! I will shout!

Please know that you always,
Brighten my whole life
Please know that I will always,
Love you my sweet delight

With patience we will arrive,
Together where planes fly
And look in each others eyes,
Tears of joy we both will cry
Published by dayveee
12 years ago
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