Dad's dog

Light lived in a nice happy family. She had good parents. Mom high school teacher, a teacher of Russian language and literature. His father worked as a senior editor of a certain newspaper. My father had a passion for dogs, about which he knew a lot. And seriously this approach. Naturally, we had a dog in the house, and not a simple, Fight, parody Mastiff. His name was Caesar. To raise such a dog you need experience and skill, without dog handlers in education can hardly do without. These dogs do not recognize or anyone, or a single person who is the leader of the dog. Kojima and his father was and unquestioningly obey only him. Father of soul in it is not looked for, and loved his great pupil, took long walks with him, spent a lot of time. In a word doing the dog.

The world this year entered the Pedagogical University, decided to follow his mother. She dreamed that from that moment, the exciting new life, new friends, romance, freedom. Her body has been formed, also wanted adventure, I like classmates, make new girlfriends, losing her virginity, to feel the joy of sex, which she had an idea, but from the stories of her friends and some books.

And so it came to a new interesting life. Light was quite attractive and sociable. So quickly joined the group, and the guys are not passed. A few weeks after dating for team building, we decided to organize a party, to which the Light to take time off from their parents. Conducted a classmate earrings, it's a lot of people drinking beer, wine, dancing, flirting. With unaccustomed light and went through to the end was bad lift. Many had left, someone like light stayed the night. Andrew Light on the coveted, with whom she danced and Serge landlord. And when all spread out to sleep, they took her to a room where resting on the bed with each other, began to undress carefully. Light it was difficult to resist in her condition, and does not like. And with it has already pulled jeans, blouse, unbuttoned her bra. Whose hand down to her untouched pisechki, the other with interest crumpling chest. That carefully removed her panties. Light said that she previously no one had. When I first said Sergei, and I added a second Andrew. And the first is already perched, spread her legs wider. And he began to enter her. It hurt a little bleed. Serge struck an obstacle and in all fucked. Was a narrow hole, which gave a pleasure, but not the light. She was hurt. True, moderating alcohol - that feeling. After Serge finished on her stomach. He was replaced by Andrew and famously began to batter the light. After some time, instead of pain were coming pleasure, excitement. She became a drag on the lips Andrew to kiss, but he roughly pushed her face with her hand and continued movement. At the end of the penis and pulled out a hand to finish.

After a short rest, the guys have the desire to fuck her from both sides, put the cancer. And here they are again started naglazhivat her elastic young velvet body, Light decided to refuse, saying that he wanted to sleep. But the guys to prevail upon her, asking her one more time to relax and then sleep. Putting it on the four limbs, Andrew scaled down from behind and entered her, and Sergei stood at her head. While fellow intensively kneaded her pussy, Serge naglazhival Light head and trying on her mouth. Neatly summing penis to her lips. It seems that Light wanted to say - take away. - But she prevented head Sereginova member, known in the time of opening of the mouth to utter the phrase. Later came the mouth just moo and sniffles saliva. Alcohol dulls Svetin shame and prolonged the pleasure of the experience. Just two barrel penetrated her, and she was helpless. She could only take them in yourself. Sergei had finished first, right in the mouth. Semen mixed with saliva ran down the edge of his lips Amy. Andrew continued to hammer away at her pussy, and Serge went to the toilet. There he met a still vital and slept in the kitchen smoking a Dima. Guys too pokuvyrkalis with girls, but one by one. And Serge boasted that they fucked Svetku together and Andrei continues her tear. And the guys fired up, saying that she, too, and they will. In men's eyes lit up and finished his they all went into the room. Seeing guys, Light realized that hit. And nowhere to go, she pose naked, fuck it Andrew. Guys were cheering her say that she a good sport that she stanochek cool. Excuses did not make sense, it does not even change positions. The guys are rotating seats and Precedence. Her aching hole, the muscles of the mouth and cheeks ached. Light at the end of a very very tired. Guys, why is it all filmed on phones. Overslept and sobered, Light realized her folly and be a situation. Shame hunting was to disappear.

Of course, many have learned about Sveta's first experience of sex, and some have even seen. In this dream of romance ended in the near future, and the circle narrowed sharply. With dating guys got sick. But life went on.

After that incident, about a year, maybe a little less. During this time, no sex drive has decreased and may even have increased. Libido made itself felt. Light constantly thinking about how to solve this problem, especially in the morning, twisting and stretching as a cat, in his bed. Dreaming of that, that it again penetrated. With guys like that discourage, at least for the near future. Can find a girlfriend, I thought of the Light. At times, the Light began to pay attention to what kind of a huge machine with their dog Caesar. This made her not fake interest. Light remembered how young cable, it often zaprygivayem on her leg. Sometimes, and now he was trying to jump on it or completely Mom in exacerbation 'doggy' needs. Light often scroll through images with similar sexual fantasies with a dog. But then dismissed as utter nonsense, but such fantasies come more often.

In one weekend, when the parents went to the friends to the country, the World woke up again not surmountable sexual desire. Body again requested discharge, abdominal burning, it's all throbbed. It was a real pain, light gathered all the sheets. Calmed down a bit, went to bathe again inadvertently glanced at the dog lying in the hallway. Take a bath, dried herself with a towel and put on your favorite silk robe. The desire not to not disappear.

- Maybe we should try it at home or anyone, and on the phone who does not lift. No, this is stupid, you can not go down well - talking to herself Light.

- Just try, anyway that does not work, and I understand that this is not the way. - Uboltayet their light. She read somewhere that dogs go to female odor, but sometimes react and pose. Light stood in the midst of the room on all fours like a dog, with his robe, spread her legs, thrust out her ass for maximum access to their holes. And sighing deeply, gain commitment, shout for the dog - Caesar. - The dog came into the room, went up to the light licked her cheek, nose. Slowly toward her bottom. Excitement Sveta heartbeat going wild, she stood motionless. Caesar began to sniff the pope, then licked her pussy, again, more. The light was flashing in his head, excitement and excitement knew no bounds. Heart pounding, labia are filled, swell. Mokrela light, proceeded juices which Caesar licked. Breathing quickened, the dog began to climb on it, crossing legs. And here he is now firmly grabbed her and started poking prick, trying to find the entrance to the Light. Light screamed, Caesar found his way into the vagina. It was a really great tool that led to World mastiff with great speed. It was just luck, Light finished three times, writhing under the dog. And it more or what not to do, it was necessary to wait for the dog to finish. All the same, he did not let go, tightly clasping paws. At the end of the dog profusely ..Light out of the house to the university, the parents later. By the time they left, the robot she just woke up. The next morning the alarm rang, the Light opened her eyes sleepily rubbing their hands, stood up and walked to the shower. At that time, Caesar entered the room, uttering sounds like whining mixed with a growl. It's just that the world began menstruating. He walked into a dense, poking his nose in the crotch. Attempts to remove its face, stopped by his growl. Today, he was more aggressive. Light began to turn away like a dog grabbed her from behind and knocked. Endeavors to have been in vain, doggy was healthy. Then she tried to dokoryachitsya bed. Barely a hand reached out to her and have tightened the housing. Again she heard the roar of a more evil which accompanies grin. She felt like the back dripping saliva. Of light froze this fear when she did not feel. His arms and legs were weak. The body was numb. Male, meanwhile, began to poke into the buttocks Light, seeking entrance. Swim not allowed to enter it. From what growl grew. Light felt a lot of pain, Caesar grabbed her by the neck. Immediately smelting were lowered with the wind speed. And after a few seconds, the male in full pecked the light, which is the front part of the body lying on the bed, feeling a shock. Thoughts of resistance, not even allowed into consciousness. Movement males, were very intense. Light felt his head swelled considerably increased in size, greatly stimulating the walls of her vagina. Do not groan was impossible. Fear, and own passive helpless state, mixed with growing excitement, and gave a new sensory experience. It was the most intense orgasm, what it can only be experienced.

Dog too soon finished, and the light stays in that position on her knees close to the bed to lie on it. Then he began to gather at the university. Caesar became quiet and did not even notice the light, all aggression, was off somewhere. And he was at the time seemed like a very peaceful dog. Of course, talk to parents about the incident, and did not think of Light. You can not make such a shame.

A few days later the dog again became aggressive and violent, and the situation would be repeated. But the light has had time to close the door of his room, to substitute a chair and sit on it. The university did not go naturally. Caesar all the time spent on the other side of the door, before the arrival of the parents. The next day the story was repeated, Light again sat in the chair by the door.

Later in the evening a daughter, decided to tell her parents that her Caesar bit his neck, the more small bruise was visible. And two days he did not let her to university. She said excitedly. Parents listened carefully to her. Some time consulted. After that, my father came into her room. And gently with warmth and love talking to her daughter. Asked if everything was okay at the university, the teachers may issue or fellow students. He said that he can trust with Mom. And what is the real reason that she missed classes? And how, the dog is bitten by the neck? Where she actually earned a bruise?

Light was in despair, she was terribly afraid of the dog. The next morning he went back to knitting. Wander around the house for her, and she always had to go to university. She was already dressed, and she had just come out of the house. But Caesar drove it into the corner. Light of impotence, a village in the angle to the floor hugged her knees to her. So she thought, he did not reach. Again before she saw a grin, she heard a growl. A couple of times jaw snapped in her face. And as a defensive reaction, Light turned her face away, her back to the dog. Caesar again grabbed her two legs continued to growl. She remembered well his bite and almost automatically unzipped and pulled down jeans and panties. Once again, it entered his penis and again he razdalblival Light. Cunt bitch was by this time well established, so the tool dog moved a lot more relaxed than the first time. And the light of the rapid mokrela. Compensating for the next humiliation, was, as usual orgasm.

Share this World did not dare. And soon resigned. That dog was not aggressive it just occasionally, you had to get up in the position under him, especially every time she was enjoying. Now, however, this was not at her request. Some mornings he even climbed up on her bed, when the light was still asleep, had to turn up the ass. Caesar completely took her as his bitch, completely dominating it. Dominance Light Caesar adopted, and the role of knots
Published by sanpil0066
12 years ago
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mikey1ra 8 years ago
need a new translator & not a freebie
alibodge 9 years ago
does the computer understand this jumble cos shure as shit I didnt
tommyboy24 12 years ago
very good
Cadillac16 12 years ago
Shoot the dog, then shoot its owner!
wankersoffagain 12 years ago
lol what the fuck is unreadable
reddick 12 years ago
Caesar wanted to eat her ass..............Sweet