The first time i made her cum
The first time i made her cum it was fantastic. she a bigger girl and i dont have the biggest dick in the world but i do know how to use all my tools. When the four play was up it was time to smash. i went at it doggy and got a couple of sound from her. she moved a little even said oh shit once or twice. but that not what i want I want her to loose control. I hit as hard as i could an came. She thought i was done. silly girl new condom round two she on her back and im hitting it with all my might. feel like the little engine that could because i think i can concur this one too. My dick cant do it alone so on of my hands join the fit. i rub that spot driving her nuts. that the sound i wanted to her her gasping for air while convulsing. she reach for my hand cause she know its over. but all of her energy in her screams i tell her cum for me that what u came here for let go. u wanted this dont run from it now. she continues to fight it but it to late i see it happen with my own two eyes. she does a situp while i am pounding away and give me a moan from the exorcist. Lol her voice was deeper then mine.I keep it up for 30sec then i slowly stroked her . she took he shower and gave me a surprise, lay me down sucked on my nipple and stroked me because i never came the second time. she stroked hard and fast until i popped the she did something incredible she keep stroking even though i was nutting even after she continued until she was satisfied. man we sleep like baby that day. it hard to please a fat girl but she made that hard work worth it
12 years ago