User who is stalking my female friends
This user is a guy who is stalking my female friends, for some reason he is convincing them to defriend and block me...That is a coward and shitty thing to do....millions of people on this site and he chooses to slam me... well it is what it is...guess I will see who my friends are or I will have none...
hmmmmmm I hope that he feels good about himself doing this! Guess tricking women and lying to all of them works for him, and it is easy to hide behing the intranet..probably a meek man in real life!
** added 9/7/12 this coward has now HURT a loving and kind lady..what a real LOSER... I wish I were wrong about him, because it kills me to think she was hurt!!!! I really wish I would see him IRL for 15 seconds..thats all I would need!!!
12 years ago
And thank you
Stay strong warrior, the world needs more heroes. You have our guidance, you have our light, you have our backing.
offends and hides his profile!