Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras

Wow what a huge crowd, I thought to myself as the taxi tried to make it's way thru the crowd of partiers. I had gotten lucky to rent a small one room efficiency apartment just of the main street for this weekend. I now smiled to myself when I saw everyone walking around with all those beads around their necks, wearing those funny hats and carrying huge ass beers cups. Yep it was Mardi Gras weekend, and finally after 40 years of working for the same company in a small Iowa city. I had now made it to the biggest free party there was. The cab driver then said. Sir I need to let you off here, as he then dropped me off on the corner from where I was staying. That was because of the streets being blocked off for the weekend. Well after I had walked the half block to the small one room efficiency apartment that I was staying at. I then opened up it's door, and saw that it wasn't really that bad for the $500.00 weekend rental. It had a couch, and a small bar up against one side of the wall. Then an entertainment center with a small television set and stereo system on the other wall. I saw that it had a bed that pulled down from inside the wall, and then a small bathroom right next to the small built in kitchen. I then walked over and opened up the small fridge, and smiled when I saw that it had some cocktail mixers, beer and even some wine inside it just like the owner said it would. I then grabbed a beer and opened it. I then walked over to the small bar and saw that it was also well stocked. I then walked over and turned on the small stereo system, and smiled when I heard that the radio station that it was on was playing some Mardi Gras music. I then sat down on the couch and thought to myself. Dam it sure felt good to retire from that old boring job at the hardware store. Now I have been living and working in the same small city all my life. So I was now retired without a worry and had a small little pension to carry me over each month. Well at lease that $2,000.00 retirement bonus was going to good use. I was thinking about going down to Mexico for my first time leaving Iowa, and then I read all the great things they said about Mardi Gras on the internet, and yes. All those photos and movies about girls getting drunk and flashing on the internet. Did help me make up my mind to come to Mardi Gras instead. I had even bought me a new miniDV digital video camera that also shot still images just for this weekend

Now as I got up to change into some old sweatpants and a light hooded sweatshirt. I then slipped on some black boots that I had bought from the army surplus store. This one site on the internet had said to. Dress real casual, and to wear some old shoes. Because the streets get sloppy, and everyone seems to just spill their drinks on you as you try to make it thru the crowd. I then stood up and put some bead around my neck that the cab driver had given me. I looked into the mirror to see how I looked. Well for 63 years old and being 5 foot 8 inches tall. I did look kind of fat. But the sweatshirt, and matching pants I was wearing did kind of cover up my big old belly. Now I grabbed a baseball cap that I had bought at the airport before I left Iowa. It was from our state college. So I then put it on, and liked how it just hid the bald spot on top of my head. Oh well at least I had some gray hair on the sides and back of my head. I then put on my glasses so that I could read and also use functions of my new digital video camera. I then put my keys, wallet, and a extra miniDV video tape into a small fanny pack, and then put that on. I then said to myself, Ok time to go out and enjoy myself. I then walked out of the small one room efficiency apartment and into the street. I walked the half block to Bourbon Street and then turned and started to walk out into the crowd. Well it was already 7 pm and the streets was packed with partiers. It looked like all mostly college k**s by the way they keep yelling out their school name. I then came up to a group of them yelling out. Show your tits over and over again. I then just raised up my digital video camera and held it upwards over their heads as I looked into it's turned down display screen. I then saw about 3 college age girls just teasing the guys by just grabbing the bottoms of their shits, and then I heard everyone cheer as they then just pulled up their shirts and flashed 3 nice sets of young coed tits. I then left that group and started to look for more groups to film. Now as I walked along with the crowd. I also filmed a lot of girls flashing from some of the balconies. I couldn't believe how much film I was getting. I was glad that I had that extra miniDV tape in my fanny pack.

Now after walking around and filming for over 3 hours. I then started to noticed that the streets were even more crowded then before, and that I was now just being pushed along with the crowd. I then found myself standing up in a huge crowd of college k**s yelling out. Show your tits over and over again. So as I raised my camera up to film over their heads. I was kind of pushed aside by a college age k** and his girlfriend, as they just stepped in front of me. Now this college k** looked to be only about 20 years old if that. I could see that he was well on his way to being drunk. Now his girlfriend looked to be only about 18 years old, and she was so drunk that the college k** just had his right arm around her to hold her up against his right side. His girlfriend looked like she might be a cheerleader from their school. Because I could see that her black half top blouse had the words Texas State Cheerleader Squad printed in white across the front of it where her young tits just pressed the white letters outwards I also noticed that she also had on these stretchable skin tight white shorts that just barely covered up her fine little ass cheeks. I saw that she had her shoulder length blonde hair in a single ponytail. I could see that she was so drunk. That she could just barely stand up if it wasn't for her boyfriend holding her up. Now her boyfriend was just standing up in right in front of me, and as she was just leaning into his side with her head onto his right shoulder. He just stood there trying to look over the crowd while yelling out. Show your tits. It was then that I was bumped over by my right side. I turned my head to the right some to see who had bumped into my right side. I then saw a tall and skinny older black man of about my age. I could see that he was kind of scrubby dressed in gray sweatpants and a long black t-shirt. It also looked like that he hadn't had a bath or a shave in at least 3 or 4 days. I saw that he was holding a bottle of cheap wine in his right hand, as he then started to yell out. Show your tits over and over again. I then figured that he was just one of the local bums, and that he was also just enjoying the big free party. So now as the crowd yelled out. Show your tits. I then looked upwards into my turned down display and watch one of the 4 college girls just flash her tits. Now as she pulled down her top. The crowd then started to try and get the other girls to flash their tits. The girls just keep shaking their heads no. So I then lowered my video camera downwards to see what I had caught on film. Now as I lowered my video camera, and started to rewind the tape some. I then caught something out of the right side of my eyes that made me just look over even more. I could just see an old black hand cupping the back of the college k**'s drunk girlfriend's left tight white shorts covered ass cheek. I then looked up to see that the tall and skinny older black man was now just leaning to the right some, and just looking at the side of college k**'s drunk girlfriend's face as he did this. I could hear that he was still yelling out. Show your tits. Now as I looked at the college k**'s drunk girlfriend's face. I could see that her eyes were closed and that her head was laying even more sideways onto her boyfriend's right shoulder.

I then looked downwards behind her, and in-between her and the tall and skinny older black man. I could see that his old black hand was starting to slip up under her right tight little white shorts covered young ass cheeks, and then upwards in-between the back of her young legs. I just watched as the palm of his old black hand started to just slowly rub back and forth over the crotch area of her tight little white shorts. I saw the tall and skinny older black man then smile some when she never reacted. I then remembered my video camera. So I just held it in my left hand and down at my waist as I pressed record. I then aimed it in-between the drunk blonde coed, and the tall and skinny older black man, as I watched what was happening from the side of my eyes. I saw that the tall and skinny older black man was starting to turn his head towards me some. So I then quickly turn my head to look into the crowd. I waited for a minute, and then just let my eyes look back over towards him. I could see that the tall and skinny older black man had stepped a little closer in behind the drunken blonde coed. I saw that he was now looking downwards in-between him and the drunken blonde coed, as he just moved the palm of his right old black hand back and forth over the crotch area of her tight little white shorts. I saw that the tall and skinny older black man was trying to worm his long and skinny old black middle finger up under the leg band of her tight little white shorts. I then saw about half of his finger then just slip under the left side leg band of her tight little white shorts. He then just worm his long and skinny old black finger around some, and then I saw even more of it disappear up under the left side leg band of her tight little white shorts. I watched him start to move that finger in and out some, as it just slipped in, and out from under the left side leg band of her tight little white shorts. I just watched him do this for only about a minute, before I then saw him now just pull his long and skinny black old finger out from under the left side leg band of her tight white shorts, and then just remove his right old black hand from in-between the back of her legs. I watched as he then just step in even closer behind the drunken blonde coed, as he pushed his crotch area up against her tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks. I saw that his crotch area had pushed into the upper swells of her tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks. The tall and skinny older black man then just bend his knees some and just spread them outwards some. Now when he had did this. I watched as his crotch area slipped right into her tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks. Now this also pushed her forward a little. I saw her boyfriend then just look over his right shoulder some and back at the tall and skinny older black man. The tall and skinny older black man then just held up his bottle of cheap wine and then yell to the young college k** as he pulled his crotch area a little away from his drunken girlfriend. Happy Mardi Gras. I then watched as the drunk college k** reach upwards with his free left hand, and then grab the bottle from him as he yelled back, It's party time, as he took a swallow from the bottle.

So when the crowded started to shout out several times again. I heard the drunk college k** then say. Oh come on honey wake up they going to flash again. I then heard the tall and skinny older black men then say. Oh your girlfriend looks out of it. The college k** then replied back. Oh no she's my wife. He then turned his head back to watch the crowd. I could see that he still had the tall and skinny older black man's cheap wine in his left hand. I saw that as soon as the drunken college k** had turned his head back around. That the tall and skinny older black man. Had now just pushed his crotch area up against the college k**'s drunken wife's tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks. I watched as the tall and skinny older black man started to dry hump her tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks. I watched this tall and older black man hump on this blonde's tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks for about a minute. Before I then saw him pull his crotch away away just a little. I watched as he reach downwards with both his old black hands, and then just pull up the front of his black t-shirt with his left hand. I saw that he had a pretty good size tent sticking out from the front of his gray sweatpants. I then saw him pull down the front of his gray sweatpants with his other old hand. I stood there and watched as his skinny and long old black cock then just pop outwards over the top of his pulled down gray sweatpants. I saw it then just lay upwards in-between the 2 white mounds of the drunk blonde's tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks. I could see that his old cock looked to be about 7 inches long semi hard, and that it had a big black knob on the end of it. I now watched as he then pushed up even more into the drunk blonde's tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks with his crotch area. He then started to dry hump her tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks again. I started to see his long skinny black shaft starting to get even harder. Now when I saw his old black cock get full hard. I saw him pull his crotch area a little away from her tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks. Till just the big black knob of his old hard black cock was nudging upwards into them. I saw him then reach up under, and then in-between the back of her legs. He then carefully pull the crotch area of her tight little white shorts to the right side some. I saw him spread his old knees even more outwards, and then I saw the big black knob of his old hard black cock just slip up under her tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks. It was now pointing upwards towards where the crotch area of her tight little white shorts was pulled over some. I saw him then bring his knees inwards some, and then I watched as the big black knob of his old hard black cock then just slip up under the crotch area of her tight little white shorts.

The tall and skinny older black man then remove his hand away from the crotch area of her tight little white shorts, and placed it onto her upper bare right leg. I then watched as the tall and skinny older black man then started to just push his crotch area upwards some, as he also moved it around in small little circles. I could now see the big black knob of his long and skinny old hard black cock now starting to make a good size bulge under the crotch area of her tight little white shorts. I now saw him then just start to push even more upwards with his crotch area as he just moved it around in small little circles. I then saw the big bulge under her tight little white shorts then just disappear, as I also hear her just drunkenly grunt out a little. I could see that she was now just trying to move her tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks forward some but that she couldn't because of the tall and skinny old black man just keeping her tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks pressed back against his crotch area. By his old hand on her bare right upper leg. I saw him push even more upwards with his crotch area, and then I heard the drunk blonde drunken grunt out a little again. I saw that about 3 inches of the long and skinny black shaft of the older black man's hard cock. Had then just disappear upwards under the pulled over crotch area of her tight little white shorts. I watched him pull his crotch area downwards some, and then just slowly push it back upwards. Now this time. I heard the drunk blonde coed just softly moan out some, as I saw another 3 inches of the long and skinny black shaft of the older black man's hard cock disappear upwards under the pulled over crotch area of her tight little white shorts. I guess the drunken college k** must of thought his wife wanted to make out some. Because I saw him just turn his head, and then lean it downwards. He then started to just kiss his drunk wife really deep. I saw that the older black man had also saw him do this. Because he now just pull out most of his old hard black cock, and then just slowly push it all back in.

When I saw his long and skinny black shaft of his 9 inch hard old black cock completely disappear up under the pulled out crotch area of her tight little white shorts. I then heard the drunk blonde just softly moan into her boyfriends kissing mouth. I then watched as the tall and skinny older black man behind the drunk blonde. Then started to just slowly hump about half of his old black cock in, and out of her. I could heard that she would every once in a while just moan out softly into her drunken husband's kissing mouth. I could see that the drunk blonde had also started to just slowly hump her tight little white shorts covered ass cheeks up and down some, as the older black man just keep on slowly humping her. I then saw the older black man now start to shake a little behind her, and then he moaned out really low. Oh yea. I could see that as his old hard black cock just slipped slowly in and out from up in-between her legs. That it's long and skinny old black shaft was now getting wetly coated with his spent load. I then heard the drunk blonde moan out even more into her drunken husband's kissing mouth. I then saw the tall and skinny older black man just pull his wet old black cock from in-between her legs, and then just pull his gray sweatpants up over it. He then pulled down his black t-shirt, as he then just turned and walked away into the crowd
Published by jostwo
12 years ago
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anrianri 8 years ago
aljabrom 8 years ago
Great story more please
CesareRF 11 years ago
Hot Story!