The Totality Of Consciousness

LIfe is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced. Where there is a relationship there is someone reaching out to seek someone different from herself so that she may turn that one into her or turn her into that one. Either way this causes separation not inclusion, not a oneness. The ego(the will) steps in to separate and build 'boundaries'. The 'boundaries' taught or religiously taken are the greatest non-natural guarantees for separation. Once a boundary is set, crossing it becomes fatal to any relationship because it's soaked with frailty in too many ways in her being. 'Boundaries' are fiction that exist in the mind ONLY, therefore the person holding onto them is fiction. In a no-mind state 'boundaries' dissolve and oneness may occur finally, with all it's glory and fullness of becoming freedom to 'be'(is actually losing the 'ego', because tis the ego built the 'boundary'). Thus your consciousness becomes the target to be worked on, your no-mind state.

If no one gives you any attention, the ego cannot exist. In the 'mind state' the mind(with all it's corruption) controls everything-When, Where, Why, How, 'Will'. You are not the ego, the ego is controlling you, corrupting you, setting 'boundaries' that hold you down toward fulfillment. True spiritual growth is not growth, it's revelation. Dropping the ego is that revelation. Time with your ego is food for that ego. It makes it much harder to drop. Work hard as if enlightenment is going to happen this very minute and be patient and relax. In this enlightenment of relationship, sexual energy is the only energy you have. The higher the enlightenment, the less the 'act' of sex is in it. It becomes love, passion, and compassion. A state of no thought with the totality of being creates the ecstasy of sexual orgasm, not the physical act. Hypnosis alone proves this. Inherent in sex is embarrassment, guilt, and self consciousness. Do not become u*********s but be total. Being total transforms the sexual energy, a new circuit is created, an inner circle of energy, independent of the other.

Pure consciousness exists at all of our centers but we become out of touch with it because we live in the periphery. One must concentrate to move the conscious attention from the periphery to the center. Contradictions will occur and they must to drop the ego and experience total ecstasy. The whole consists of the parts. In this pathological society we live in, where the 'path' is to be followed-FIGHT, fight against all things that are not a conscious you, fight against the ego that has set your own 'boundaries'. Let the silence that is not the ego penetrate you, the mind goes out one door and the silence enters another. The answer comes when you stop questioning. There are many questions, but only one answer. Do these things so totally that no memory exists. Do these things so totally that the "I" is not there. Good Luck---Jimbo
Published by long12luv
12 years ago
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irishstud1967 12 years ago
Thank you Jimbo for sharing this.