Time wasters why ?????.

Well indeed what is the point ? the people that do this must not have a brain that as matured to a state that they can be called adult, even if there body is the mined is only 10 yr old 12 at the best it is not funny to a mature person to say they will meet and not show up.
If you chat to some one that you like and wish to meet them you would swap phone / numbers so if some thing dos wrong you can tel them you cannot make it or if its on the net PM them, I fined it so fucking hard to think you are so thick they don't do that if there are any newbies that read this watch out stay close to home don't go up or down the country if they don't show its not cost you much and you don't feel such a prat for trusting them.
I thought putting this down on a blog might make me feel better, no it did not but I hope I may have warned some of you if you read this if you would like to PM me to get some thing off you chest sort of speak please do, or add a comment.
Published by ph999
12 years ago
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