Bad news
hi this is Paul, Lisa's ex
shes asked me to write a message on here for you guys
unfortunatly lisa was in a car crash aound 2pm yesturday and shes now in hospital with a rupshered spleen, three broken ribs and a punchered lung
i have no idea why she thought this was important but whatever
as far as we know shes going to be fine
she told me to say she was sorry to someone but i cant remembre who it was
shes asked me to write a message on here for you guys
unfortunatly lisa was in a car crash aound 2pm yesturday and shes now in hospital with a rupshered spleen, three broken ribs and a punchered lung
i have no idea why she thought this was important but whatever
as far as we know shes going to be fine
she told me to say she was sorry to someone but i cant remembre who it was
12 years ago
Wish her well.