How to Be Your Woman's Best Sex Partner Ever

Most guys believe that pleasing a woman in the bedroom will lead to a better relationship, because women are more inclined to accept your shortcomings if you can get her to feel pleasure every time you have sex with her. Therefore, let's talk about some of the greatest methods any man can make use of to make your sexual partner climax multiple times over in bed AND feel like a sex goddess in the process. Discover how to make her orgasm as fast as a speeding bullet - using just a a couple of simple techniques:

"Supercharge Your Stamina." If you can't last for more than fifteen to twenty minutes, then you won't have the capacity to make her climax - simply because women need more time to climax than men. You see, a regular female usually needs 15-20 minutes of intense stimulation from the guy in order to climax - therefore, if cannot continue that amount of time, then she won't have the ability to orgasm, period. After that disastrous experience, she will not be especially enthralled to see you or even talk to you.

"Sexual Position". Every woman has her own likes and dislikes when it comes to lovemaking positions. Some favor rough movements, while others desire it slow. The trick is to know when to go rough and when to go slow. Hence you would need to notice how she is reacting to you - so that you can alter your movement according to how she is responding to your touch. For example, when she becomes highly reactive to a particular touch at a particular spot, then do more of that action.

"Size Is Significant". This is why many women prefer full-size penises - an adequately-sized penis would mean that her vagina walls and clitoris would be adequately stimulated. In addition, a larger penis would also touch her G-spot - which would result in a stronger, more intense climax experience.

Published by forrealandu
12 years ago
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This post is such rubbish!
ehecatl999 6 years ago
Well...every girl i fuck i make sure i make her cum first...the result is having a the girl cum back  over and over again for more
2damnhorny 9 years ago
I've never failed to make a woman have multiple orgasms. their pleasure always comes first ( turns me on ) , I'm always last. every ex I've had remember & always try to re-hook up wanting more but I'm a one woman dude. no time for games or drama. find a sexy woman & keep it real - good
Joey6942 10 years ago
Nothing new here.
sassafraz 10 years ago
My ex and I had the most wonderful sex, for both of us. That was not enough, as her life bucket list was more important than great sex: e.g. offspring.
where would be the G-spot.....??
orlandop 12 years ago
4play2 12 years ago
Well said!
nudievillemwm 12 years ago
you tell em darlin...
fel1x 12 years ago
bb4w 12 years ago
You've certainly hit every single nail on the head, great post, keep them cummin