Big Clue on Scoring with Women

Dear Men,

Women are just as shallow as you. We want things that look good to us. If you want to convince a woman to hook up with you, show her pictures that she's attracted to. Attempting to verbally convince her what a phenomenal stud you are and how you will do this, that and the other thing to make her eyes roll back in her head and make her see god IS NOT GOING TO WORK!

We don't give a flying fuck about your verbal bullshit. We like hot guys who know how to fuck. Coming up with some elaborate story about your amazing tongue olympics or your incredible toy plans is all a bunch of bullshit. If I'm not attracted to you, I couldn't give a shit what you can or think you can do to me. You will not get the chance.

How is this not obvious?! Where do you get the idea we are willing to buy a verbal bill of goodsā€”some story you made up about how good your areā€”to get us into bed? Any fool of a monkey can make up a story. I expect action. And I want to be just as visually turned on as you.

Get a fucking clue! I don't care if you're a pulitzer prize winning erotic author. You won't get a fucking speck of play with me if I don't think you're hot.

Just one more form of sexism in the world. Women have to look good and be willing. Men don't have to look good and be able.

Bullshit. You have to look just as good as you expect from us. And be just as willing and capable.

Take that!

Published by bindy1111
12 years ago
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LoveToBeMILKED 12 years ago
Well... you have to realize most females dont abide by that premise at all. i can tell you from experience. I do however think that in this da and age, YES women are far more visual and sometimes even more so than the typical guy who will fuck anything. But I've dated some real lookers, and while sure I'm a handsome devil... I canell you from their exs and such(an $ had zero to do with it cus I dont date girls like that) that they werent near as visual, as say ... me. There are differences in the sexes. You just happen to be a woman in power role(i read your profile.. phd etc) so I think you embrace that more than the avg woman.