Today's task
If all goes well a woman here will carry out the following task today and report back on it this evening.
Nice and easy.
Find a private place in a public building eg library, sports club, hotel, office building etc where you shouldn't really be ie it's a hotel you're not booked into.
Find a quiet place eg the ladies loo.
Strip naked and I mean everything!
Masturbate as close to climax as you possibly can but DO NOT CUM.
Stop masturbating and dress.
When you get home find a chair and place it facing a mirror.
Strip naked and sit on the chair with your feet on the floor and your legs spread as wide as you can.
Finger fuck yourself and play with your clit.
Bring yourself close to orgams twice but DO NOT CUM
After this you may masturbate to orgasm.
Write down your experience in detail.
PM the report to me and I will add it to my blog :)
Any questions?
Her only question was what clothes she should wear. I replied Only a dress and a pair of shoes. Nothing else.
This is what happened
Well, I got into the required clothes and walked to the local library, all the time conscious of how little I was wearing. Upon arriving at the library, I browsed the shelves for a while to avoid suspicion. Then, after being hit on by two guys and one girl and being aware of the fact that my nipples were poking through my dress, I made my way to the toilets. I found a cubicle and got completly naked. I then masturbated as close to orgasm as possible (I believe it is called edgeing), replaced my clothes and walked home. At home, I edged two more times before bringing myself to an incredibly satisfying orgasm.
Nice and easy.
Find a private place in a public building eg library, sports club, hotel, office building etc where you shouldn't really be ie it's a hotel you're not booked into.
Find a quiet place eg the ladies loo.
Strip naked and I mean everything!
Masturbate as close to climax as you possibly can but DO NOT CUM.
Stop masturbating and dress.
When you get home find a chair and place it facing a mirror.
Strip naked and sit on the chair with your feet on the floor and your legs spread as wide as you can.
Finger fuck yourself and play with your clit.
Bring yourself close to orgams twice but DO NOT CUM
After this you may masturbate to orgasm.
Write down your experience in detail.
PM the report to me and I will add it to my blog :)
Any questions?
Her only question was what clothes she should wear. I replied Only a dress and a pair of shoes. Nothing else.
This is what happened
Well, I got into the required clothes and walked to the local library, all the time conscious of how little I was wearing. Upon arriving at the library, I browsed the shelves for a while to avoid suspicion. Then, after being hit on by two guys and one girl and being aware of the fact that my nipples were poking through my dress, I made my way to the toilets. I found a cubicle and got completly naked. I then masturbated as close to orgasm as possible (I believe it is called edgeing), replaced my clothes and walked home. At home, I edged two more times before bringing myself to an incredibly satisfying orgasm.
12 years ago