A day trip that taught me about myself.

I recently went to some strip clubs in the Phoenix area for the first time in 10-12 years and had some nice dances from several sexy ladies. However, I learned something during this outing that I didn't realize about myself. I have always had a broad range of women I'm attracted to. The ones I find most appealing visually tend to be the smaller women, thin, slender, small breasts, etc etc. Due to a slacking of restrictions at the clubs I was in I was allowed to touch the girls and get a feel of various parts of them, the only off limits areas are breasts and crotch. I had a dance from a very petite little blonde woman, Stacy, turned out she was 37 which was kind of surprising as she looked like she could have been fresh out of college. The thing I learned about myself is that while getting a feel of this sexy woman's ass and legs and sides I wasn't all that thrilled with what I felt, she was to thin, to bony, to hard in places a woman should be soft. I was left saddened by the dance I had with her. Later I ended up a another club and found a girl who's name I can't spell, sounded like Sigh Ear Ah, who was a short little Latina lady, she was nicely curved, some might say overweight but to me she looked gorgeous. Once I had one dance with this lovely girl I had to have more, so much so that I spent the next hour+ just with her having a grand time giving her beautiful round ass a squeeze, feeling her legs, smelling her perfume, mmhmmm I was in heaven. I left later than I expected to be and totally broke but it was worth it. She made my day and my week and I've even refrained from washing or wearing my shirt so that I may smell what's left of her on it and relive that day.

She proved something to me, a curvy woman beats a skinny one hands down for me, I still like to look at the slender lovelies but I'd much rather have a girl with some curves.

Published by jared72776
12 years ago
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