434 – Katie’s School Project
A couple of days went by and I’d briefly seen my papergirl just once but she was in a hurry so we didn’t have time to speak which was unfortunate but everything was good in life, it was now Friday morning and Emma had slept over at Rita’s with Darren as I had work I needed to finish at home so I was alone when I woke up around 6am and hoped that today was the day that Katie had more time as I’d be interested to know if she had any feedback from her private lesson…
After taking a shower I slipped on my robe and just before 7 o’clock I went down to make some coffee and right on time I saw Katie approaching the gate, she saw me at the window and gave me a friendly wave and as she didn’t seem in much of a hurry I went to the door and opened it.. “Good morning my little ray of sunshine” I said as I took my paper from her, “How did the test go?” I added and she gave me a big smile.. “I aced it sir thanks you your fantastic help, my teacher was so pleased as I’d struggled before, how can I thanks you” she said beaming and although I could think of a few ways I didn’t want to suggest them.. “Oh I’m sure I can think of something Katie” I said with a cheeky grin and she just nodded her head.. “I got a new project now sir and I’m a bit stuck on how to proceed” she said as we stood in the doorway and I was curious to know more.. “So what’s the new project then Katie and why are you stuck?” I asked as I motioned her into the hallway shutting the door behind her… she glanced down at my robe and raised her eyebrows as she thought of how best to explain her predicament..
“Well sir, my new project is to write about how our grandparents keep fit and active and the idea is for the class to share ideas that would benefit others but my problem is that my grandparents live too far away for me to visit, do you have grandparents locally sir?” she asked as she sat down on the stairs allowing me a quick glimpse of her white regulation school panties which she shouldn’t really be wearing with the new shorter skirts but who was I to complain, maybe she was tempting me in to helping her I don’t know but I had to give her problem some thought.. “My grandparents are both gone I’m afraid but I do know someone who might be willing to help you” I said thinking of old Elsie, Sam Lovett’s grandmother.. “Really sir, I’m sorry to hear that but anyone that can spare me the time would work, school doesn’t have to know do they” she said and she did have a point there..
“Let me speak to someone for you Katie, but in order for this to work you’ll have to pretend that you’re my daughter, do you think you can do that” I said giving her a mischievous look and she giggled, “Yes daddy, you’re nicer than my real daddy and I wish you were my real daddy sir” she said enthusiastically as she subtly widened her legs giving me another flash of her knickers and as I felt my cock starting to move under my robe I was sure that she saw it too as her eyes widened.. “Tell you what, come and see me in my workshop around ten this morning and I’ll be able to tell you for certain.. when do you need to get this done by?” I asked her and she said she had a free afternoon today if that works for everyone..
She got up off the stairs and gave me a big hug and I could feel my pending erection pushing against her belly.. “You give such nice hugs daddy, I likes them” she said as I wrapped my arms around her putting my hands on her arse cheeks giving them a playful squeeze and as we broke away she said she had to get going to finish her round.. “I’ll see you at 10 daddy, and again.. thank you” she said as she left skipping down the path feeling happy… I was pretty confident that Elsie would be game for this but I needed to speak to Sam to get it set up, I got myself ready and headed off to school wearing my grey velcro shorts and a tee shirt and left Sam a voicemail to come and see me as a matter of urgency…
Sam arrived late at school as she did t have a PE lesson until after 10 o’clock but had received my voicemail and came to see me as she arrived sporting a tight fitting white tee shirt and an even tighter fitting matching pair of tracksuit bottoms which made my pulse race.. Sam and I have a special connection and being engaged we never really pushed the limits but I knew she had a soft spot for me and boy did she love to tease.. “What can I do for you Bill?” she asked walking in with her bag over her shoulder and carrying two coffees, she’s very thoughtful like that and as I stared openly down at her tight crotch she gave out a girlish giggle.. “Now then Bill, behave yourself” she said smiling as she put the coffees down on my desk…
“How’s your grandmother?” I asked out of politeness and she smiled.. “Oh she’s doing great and keeps asking about you and when you’re going to visit her again.. she keeps looking for jobs to be done bless her” she replied cheerfully full of appreciation for me asking, I knew then that it wouldn’t be a problem with her helping me Katie out although I might possibly have to go along with her.. I explained the situation with Katie’s new project and asked if Elsie would be interested in playing a part to help Katie and Sam gave me a warm smile.. “I think she’d be overwhelmed to help out Bill, let me give her a call now for you” she said getting her mobile phone out of her sports bag..
Sam started to explain the situation to her grandmother and then looked up at me.. “When can you take Katie round there, Gran is very excited to help” she asked.. “How’s about this afternoon, Katie did say she was free” I replied and Sam related that information back to Elsie before hanging up the phone.. “She said she’d be very happy to help and even said she’d bake a cake for your visit” she said cheerfully as she picked up her coffee and took a few sips.. “That’s great Sam, thank you for that and I know that Katie will be very happy” I said as we changed the subject around to the football team.. “Is this the Katie that is best friends with Jo Varga, I think she tried out for the team a while ago but she wasn’t up to scratch, I wanted to tell you about Jo as she’s been struggling with her fitness recently, maybe you could have some words with her to find out what’s going on and how we can improve her” she said and I told her that Katie did have a good friend called Jo and I was sure we were talking about the same girls, “I’ll make an appointment for Jo to come along and we’ll find out” I said as part of my job as physio is to work on the girls injuries and fitness.. All in all it was a successful meeting with Sam and after she left I carried on with my work waiting for Katie to come and see me so I could share the good news…
It was just after the 10 o’clock break bell went that Katie sneaked into my workshop looking excited to find out how I’d got on setting up her new project, “Well daddy, did you manage to sort it all out” she asked eagerly finding it difficult to hide her excitement.. “Yes I did and we’re all set for this afternoon to go and meet my mother, Elsie” I said showing my own excitement and she was so thrilled that she immediately came over to give me a big hug.. “Aww thank you daddy” she said excitedly as I again grabbed her arse cheeks in an embrace that was a lot longer than it should’ve been but neither of us were complaining.. I knew Elsie would play along with it and I hoped that Katie would get the information that she needed, she even told me that she got her notebook ready to take notes and then she can put it into a document over the weekend, we arranged to meet at noon for the short drive to Elsie’s house…
Noon soon came and an excited Katie arrived with a big smile on her face eager to get started, she said that she had lots of questions to ask Elsie about how she copes with later life and believing that she was my mother added extra spice to the mix as she wanted to know the relationship I had with her, I hope that Elsie was up for the challenge which knowing her personality I was pretty certain that she was it this was Katie’s show and I was happy to let her lead the way.. “Are you ready daddy” she asked eagerly and holding her notebook I locked up and we walked through the school yard towards my house which was where my car was.. I’m sure that she had her own vision of what Elsie was like and I was convinced that she may be in for a bit of a shock, Elsie was like no other grandma is ever known but it certainly promised to be an exciting afternoon…
As we got in the car Katie sat down and her skirt pulled up showing me a teasingly large amount of thigh and knowing that the seatbelt was stiff I leant across her to help and unwittingly caught my thumb in her shirt snapping the button right off but luckily with her not having too much up top it wasn’t really a problem, who knows.. maybe Elsie has a spare button somewhere.. Katie did laugh as it though as I pulled the belt across her brushing her puffy breasts as I did so and as I looked across I could see right into her open shirt, such an arousing sight.. “Will grandma be mad coz I broke my shirt daddy?” she asked nervously and I just looked across at her again.. “Oh no, don’t be silly, accidents happen don’t they” I said reassuringly as we moved off onto the road with Katie’s notebook on her knees..
We pulled up outside Elsie’s home and as we got out the car I noticed her looking out the window at us, she was obviously looking forward to our visit and I remembered her telling me that she didn’t get too many visitors so our appearance was a bit special for her and as we approached her front door the door opened and Elsie stood there in just a big baggy tee shirt that just about covered her down below, god only knows what she had on underneath.. she opened her arms to welcome us and Katie was the first, “Hello Katie dear,, give your grandma a big hug and an even bigger kiss” she said as Katie walked up towards her with her arms open Elsie wrapped her arms around the girl grabbing her square on the arse cheeks while their lips met.. I was totally amazed yet not surprised at her welcoming ritual and standing behind Katie I saw her running being her arse cheeks as their lips seemingly stuck together and while I waited for my turn I noticed Elsie’s hands pulling up the back of her skirt exposing her little white panties and then finally as they broke their embrace I knew it was my turn, Katie looked shell shocked but as Elsie held out her arms for me and puckering her lips I thought that maybe this was her new welcoming ritual..
I opened up my arms and stepped towards her.. “So nice to see you again son” she said as we embraced and as she put her hands down on my arse cheeks i thought what’s good for the goose is good for the gander so I put my hands down onto her arse cheeks too and blow me if I couldn’t feel any underwear and as our mouths met I felt he pulling me tight against her and I felt my flaccid bulge pushing against her tummy… our kiss lingered and even at her age her lips were soft and her kiss so gentle I could feel myself starting to stiffen up as her fingers explored the cheeks of my arse..
“So nice to see you again mother” I said as we broke away from each other and as she beckoned us inside I saw a look of confusion on Katie’s face and I just shrugged my shoulders as Elsie led us into the lounge.. “Would you like a nice cup of tea and some cake, I baked it especially for your visit” she said as we got into the lounge and with her saying that how could we possibly refuse and from the look on Katie’s face I could see she liked cake.. “Yeah, that’ll be lovely, thank you mother” I said as Katie sat down on the two seater sofa and I sat in the chair opposite and watched as she opened up her notebook.. “She likes hugs doesn’t she daddy” she said as she made some notes in her book.. “And she’s a good kisser” she added with a giggle and something told me that wasn’t going to be the last hug we had today…
“Yes she is isn’t she Katie, it’s just her way of showing love and affection to her family” I said quietly in her defence as Katie made more notes, Elsie then can in with the cake that she’d baked this morning and as the coffee table was to the side of us she walked slowly past us.. “Do you need a hand mother” I asked and she declined my offer.. “Oh no dear, I’m alright, I just can’t bring everything in at once, you just relax” she said as she carefully bent down putting the cake on the table, this action caused her baggy shirt to rise up which by the way was shorter than Katie’s skirt and both Katie and I silently gasped as her sagging naked buttocks came into view, I looked at Katie who was trying not to laugh but clearly had a shocked look on her face.. “There you go, grandmas fruit cake.. I’ll go and get some plates” she said straightening herself up and slowly walking back to the kitchen.. Katie looked at me.. “Wow daddy, grandmas not got underwear on” she whispered with a grin and then recorded the event in her notebook.. “Sometimes she forgets” I replied in her defence showing equal surprise as she slowly came back in with the plates and a big knife and again slowly walked past us and bent down firstly putting the plates down while we both sat silently, Katie leant forward a little and turned her head to get a better look and I have to say I was tempted as well and as Elsie started to cut the cake she had widened her stance and we both saw her hairy muff as her shirt rode halfway up her arse cheeks, I’ve said this before but for a 70 year old woman Elsie did have a slim body and she seemed intent in showing it to us…
After slowly cutting the cake she slowly turned towards Katie and without straightening up handed her a plate of cake and as her stew shirt flopped down giving Katie a view down the front of her body I was lucky enough to have her arse pointing towards me giving me an even closer look at her rear end and as I sneakily leant forward I could actually smell the freshness of her skin.. “Here you go Katie dear, enjoy it” she said as she handed Katie the plate and then slowly turned back to the table picking mine up and turning towards me, I glanced across at Katie who was now getting now getting a perfect view of her grandmothers arse and from the look on her face seemed rather curious about it while I was now privy to a view down the front of her body seeing her small sagging breasts which had obviously seen better days.. “Here you go dear, I big piece for my growing boy” she said as she glanced down at the bulge starting to appear in my grey shorts, I don’t know what it is about grey but the colour seems to show off the bulge better.. “Thank you mother” I replied as she now straightened up.. “I’ll go and make the teas now” she said as she slowly walked away back into the kitchen leaving both Katie and I eating our lovely cake staring at each other in disbelief at Elsie’s exposure show…
“Oh this cake is wonderful daddy, I likes my new grandma.. she’s fun” Katie said as she munched on the cake and I have to say that as I took a bite myself it was rather delicious and such a nice gesture, Katie made a few more notes and I wondered if she was going to share them later but that decision was up to her, my only concern was that she had enough material to finish her project which I’m sure she will have if I know Elsie.. “Teas are done now” she said softly as she walked slowly back into the lounge carrying two mugs.. “How’s the cake” she asked as she slowly walked past and we both said “Delicious” at the same time as Elsie again bent down to put the mugs on the table.. “Yes, it’s so nice to have something nice in your mouth isn’t it” she said as again we both looked up the back of her big baggy tee shirt.. she then picked up Katie’s mug and without straightening she turned towards her and again gave me a lovely view of her arse cheeks and as Katie took her mug putting it back down on the table as it was too hot Elsie finally straightened up looking down at young Katie’s legs.. “Oooh you do have a short skirt on don’t you dear, lovely legs I might say too” she said excitedly as she reached down to feel the soft skin on her thighs.. “Oooh it’s been a while since my skin was so soft” she added as Katie instinctively widened her legs at Elsie’s soft touch and with me sitting opposite I now had a view up Katie’s skirt as well as up the back of Elsie’s baggy shirt.. “Oooh you do have a nice touch grandma, I likes how it feels” Katie replied softly as she let out a faint sigh not really knowing why the old lady was doing it but enjoying the attention just the same..
“Enjoy it while you’re young my dear Katie as when you get old like me it dries up and gets wrinkly, feel my legs and you’ll see for yourself” she said as she stayed in her bending position moving her hands up Katie’s thighs and accepting the offer from Elsie thinking that this would something good to put in her project she reached out putting her hand on the inside of Elsie’s thigh, I could clearly see her hand from my vantage point and heard Elsie sigh softly as her fingers made contact.. “Oooh yes dear, you have a nice touch too, feel free to move it up and down” said Elsie as I noticed her hand moving inside Katie’s skirt.. Katie did as asked and started to move her hands tentatively up and down the inside of the old girls thigh and from where I was sitting she was going higher up her thigh with each movement and I could feel my bulge growing inside my shorts as I wondered just how far they would go on each other..
“Oh and you feel so warm as well my dear” Elsie said as her hand reached Katie’s crotch causing her to gasp a little and with her own hand just an inch or so away from the old ladies hairy minge I was waiting for her to announce her comparison and I was just a foot away behind Elsie and could see both of their movements and with my shorts starting to increase I just hoped that the velcro would hold.. Katie’s fingers started to hesitantly move upwards and I could clearly see them pushing into Elsie’s hanging pubic hair.. “Oh wow grandma, you are warm too” she said as I saw her fingers moving around exploring the old girls crotch.. “That’s why I don’t wear underwear dear, I like to let the fresh air get to me” she said in a grumbly voice although I had no idea why she was grumbling..
Suddenly she straightened up pulling her hand away from Katie and looked down at the cake.. “Have some more cake dears, I baked it specially for you” she said picking up the knife like nothing had happened, Katie immediately accepted her offer and as I didn’t speak she turned to me looking straight down at my bulging shorts which didn’t leave too much to the imagination.. “Oh you are growing nicely dear, have another piece and then you can show mummy just how much you’ve grown” she said turning back with knife in hand to cut me another slice and then turning back to me but instead of handing me the plate she bent forward placing the plate on my lap and as I concentrated on looking down her top at her aged body I felt her hand slipping underneath the plate and sneakily fondling my balls and shaft.. “There now dear, isn’t that nice” she said knowing I was peeping down her shirt.. “Oh yes mother, it’s very nice” I gasped and it took a few seconds for her to remove her hand and turning back to the cake to cut another slice for Katie..
Katie was totally confused by Elsie’s behaviour but seemed happy to go with it as it gave her something to write about and share with her classmates and as Elsie turned to her bending down with her plate she did the same thing putting it on her lap and slipping her hand up the front of her little short skirt which for some reason caused her to lean forward and with her forehead pressed against the top of Elsie’s chest she had the perfect birds eye view down the front of her body, Katie sighed softly as I saw Elsie’s hand moving under her skirt.. “Oh I’m so glad you like it Katie dear, you do like it don’t you” the old lady asked and I wasn’t sure if she was talking about the cake or her fingers fumbling with her gusset.. “Oh yes grandma, I do likes it very much” she replied as finally Elsie pulled up and let her get on with eating her cake..
Elsie was so unpredictable I had no idea what she was going to do next but so far Katie had lots to write about without asking too many questions, I think her answers were coming naturally and I suppose that was a good thing and as I finished my cake Elsie took my plate and turning her back on me she made a strange suggestion.. “How about I sit on Billy’s lap dear and let’s help with your school project” she said as she backed up towards me so quickly closing my legs a bit I reached out grabbing her hips and guided her down onto me with her legs either side of mine, her shirt rode up a little and I felt her sitting right on my bulge, “Oooh this is nice dear, brings back so many good memories” she said as I put my arms around her waist and the look on Katie’s face was priceless as she looked over clearly see up the old girls baggy tee shirt which was almost up to her waist, that must’ve been a shock in itself seeing Elsie being so open but from the look on her face I think she was enjoying the view..
To Be Continued….
After taking a shower I slipped on my robe and just before 7 o’clock I went down to make some coffee and right on time I saw Katie approaching the gate, she saw me at the window and gave me a friendly wave and as she didn’t seem in much of a hurry I went to the door and opened it.. “Good morning my little ray of sunshine” I said as I took my paper from her, “How did the test go?” I added and she gave me a big smile.. “I aced it sir thanks you your fantastic help, my teacher was so pleased as I’d struggled before, how can I thanks you” she said beaming and although I could think of a few ways I didn’t want to suggest them.. “Oh I’m sure I can think of something Katie” I said with a cheeky grin and she just nodded her head.. “I got a new project now sir and I’m a bit stuck on how to proceed” she said as we stood in the doorway and I was curious to know more.. “So what’s the new project then Katie and why are you stuck?” I asked as I motioned her into the hallway shutting the door behind her… she glanced down at my robe and raised her eyebrows as she thought of how best to explain her predicament..
“Well sir, my new project is to write about how our grandparents keep fit and active and the idea is for the class to share ideas that would benefit others but my problem is that my grandparents live too far away for me to visit, do you have grandparents locally sir?” she asked as she sat down on the stairs allowing me a quick glimpse of her white regulation school panties which she shouldn’t really be wearing with the new shorter skirts but who was I to complain, maybe she was tempting me in to helping her I don’t know but I had to give her problem some thought.. “My grandparents are both gone I’m afraid but I do know someone who might be willing to help you” I said thinking of old Elsie, Sam Lovett’s grandmother.. “Really sir, I’m sorry to hear that but anyone that can spare me the time would work, school doesn’t have to know do they” she said and she did have a point there..
“Let me speak to someone for you Katie, but in order for this to work you’ll have to pretend that you’re my daughter, do you think you can do that” I said giving her a mischievous look and she giggled, “Yes daddy, you’re nicer than my real daddy and I wish you were my real daddy sir” she said enthusiastically as she subtly widened her legs giving me another flash of her knickers and as I felt my cock starting to move under my robe I was sure that she saw it too as her eyes widened.. “Tell you what, come and see me in my workshop around ten this morning and I’ll be able to tell you for certain.. when do you need to get this done by?” I asked her and she said she had a free afternoon today if that works for everyone..
She got up off the stairs and gave me a big hug and I could feel my pending erection pushing against her belly.. “You give such nice hugs daddy, I likes them” she said as I wrapped my arms around her putting my hands on her arse cheeks giving them a playful squeeze and as we broke away she said she had to get going to finish her round.. “I’ll see you at 10 daddy, and again.. thank you” she said as she left skipping down the path feeling happy… I was pretty confident that Elsie would be game for this but I needed to speak to Sam to get it set up, I got myself ready and headed off to school wearing my grey velcro shorts and a tee shirt and left Sam a voicemail to come and see me as a matter of urgency…
Sam arrived late at school as she did t have a PE lesson until after 10 o’clock but had received my voicemail and came to see me as she arrived sporting a tight fitting white tee shirt and an even tighter fitting matching pair of tracksuit bottoms which made my pulse race.. Sam and I have a special connection and being engaged we never really pushed the limits but I knew she had a soft spot for me and boy did she love to tease.. “What can I do for you Bill?” she asked walking in with her bag over her shoulder and carrying two coffees, she’s very thoughtful like that and as I stared openly down at her tight crotch she gave out a girlish giggle.. “Now then Bill, behave yourself” she said smiling as she put the coffees down on my desk…
“How’s your grandmother?” I asked out of politeness and she smiled.. “Oh she’s doing great and keeps asking about you and when you’re going to visit her again.. she keeps looking for jobs to be done bless her” she replied cheerfully full of appreciation for me asking, I knew then that it wouldn’t be a problem with her helping me Katie out although I might possibly have to go along with her.. I explained the situation with Katie’s new project and asked if Elsie would be interested in playing a part to help Katie and Sam gave me a warm smile.. “I think she’d be overwhelmed to help out Bill, let me give her a call now for you” she said getting her mobile phone out of her sports bag..
Sam started to explain the situation to her grandmother and then looked up at me.. “When can you take Katie round there, Gran is very excited to help” she asked.. “How’s about this afternoon, Katie did say she was free” I replied and Sam related that information back to Elsie before hanging up the phone.. “She said she’d be very happy to help and even said she’d bake a cake for your visit” she said cheerfully as she picked up her coffee and took a few sips.. “That’s great Sam, thank you for that and I know that Katie will be very happy” I said as we changed the subject around to the football team.. “Is this the Katie that is best friends with Jo Varga, I think she tried out for the team a while ago but she wasn’t up to scratch, I wanted to tell you about Jo as she’s been struggling with her fitness recently, maybe you could have some words with her to find out what’s going on and how we can improve her” she said and I told her that Katie did have a good friend called Jo and I was sure we were talking about the same girls, “I’ll make an appointment for Jo to come along and we’ll find out” I said as part of my job as physio is to work on the girls injuries and fitness.. All in all it was a successful meeting with Sam and after she left I carried on with my work waiting for Katie to come and see me so I could share the good news…
It was just after the 10 o’clock break bell went that Katie sneaked into my workshop looking excited to find out how I’d got on setting up her new project, “Well daddy, did you manage to sort it all out” she asked eagerly finding it difficult to hide her excitement.. “Yes I did and we’re all set for this afternoon to go and meet my mother, Elsie” I said showing my own excitement and she was so thrilled that she immediately came over to give me a big hug.. “Aww thank you daddy” she said excitedly as I again grabbed her arse cheeks in an embrace that was a lot longer than it should’ve been but neither of us were complaining.. I knew Elsie would play along with it and I hoped that Katie would get the information that she needed, she even told me that she got her notebook ready to take notes and then she can put it into a document over the weekend, we arranged to meet at noon for the short drive to Elsie’s house…
Noon soon came and an excited Katie arrived with a big smile on her face eager to get started, she said that she had lots of questions to ask Elsie about how she copes with later life and believing that she was my mother added extra spice to the mix as she wanted to know the relationship I had with her, I hope that Elsie was up for the challenge which knowing her personality I was pretty certain that she was it this was Katie’s show and I was happy to let her lead the way.. “Are you ready daddy” she asked eagerly and holding her notebook I locked up and we walked through the school yard towards my house which was where my car was.. I’m sure that she had her own vision of what Elsie was like and I was convinced that she may be in for a bit of a shock, Elsie was like no other grandma is ever known but it certainly promised to be an exciting afternoon…
As we got in the car Katie sat down and her skirt pulled up showing me a teasingly large amount of thigh and knowing that the seatbelt was stiff I leant across her to help and unwittingly caught my thumb in her shirt snapping the button right off but luckily with her not having too much up top it wasn’t really a problem, who knows.. maybe Elsie has a spare button somewhere.. Katie did laugh as it though as I pulled the belt across her brushing her puffy breasts as I did so and as I looked across I could see right into her open shirt, such an arousing sight.. “Will grandma be mad coz I broke my shirt daddy?” she asked nervously and I just looked across at her again.. “Oh no, don’t be silly, accidents happen don’t they” I said reassuringly as we moved off onto the road with Katie’s notebook on her knees..
We pulled up outside Elsie’s home and as we got out the car I noticed her looking out the window at us, she was obviously looking forward to our visit and I remembered her telling me that she didn’t get too many visitors so our appearance was a bit special for her and as we approached her front door the door opened and Elsie stood there in just a big baggy tee shirt that just about covered her down below, god only knows what she had on underneath.. she opened her arms to welcome us and Katie was the first, “Hello Katie dear,, give your grandma a big hug and an even bigger kiss” she said as Katie walked up towards her with her arms open Elsie wrapped her arms around the girl grabbing her square on the arse cheeks while their lips met.. I was totally amazed yet not surprised at her welcoming ritual and standing behind Katie I saw her running being her arse cheeks as their lips seemingly stuck together and while I waited for my turn I noticed Elsie’s hands pulling up the back of her skirt exposing her little white panties and then finally as they broke their embrace I knew it was my turn, Katie looked shell shocked but as Elsie held out her arms for me and puckering her lips I thought that maybe this was her new welcoming ritual..
I opened up my arms and stepped towards her.. “So nice to see you again son” she said as we embraced and as she put her hands down on my arse cheeks i thought what’s good for the goose is good for the gander so I put my hands down onto her arse cheeks too and blow me if I couldn’t feel any underwear and as our mouths met I felt he pulling me tight against her and I felt my flaccid bulge pushing against her tummy… our kiss lingered and even at her age her lips were soft and her kiss so gentle I could feel myself starting to stiffen up as her fingers explored the cheeks of my arse..
“So nice to see you again mother” I said as we broke away from each other and as she beckoned us inside I saw a look of confusion on Katie’s face and I just shrugged my shoulders as Elsie led us into the lounge.. “Would you like a nice cup of tea and some cake, I baked it especially for your visit” she said as we got into the lounge and with her saying that how could we possibly refuse and from the look on Katie’s face I could see she liked cake.. “Yeah, that’ll be lovely, thank you mother” I said as Katie sat down on the two seater sofa and I sat in the chair opposite and watched as she opened up her notebook.. “She likes hugs doesn’t she daddy” she said as she made some notes in her book.. “And she’s a good kisser” she added with a giggle and something told me that wasn’t going to be the last hug we had today…
“Yes she is isn’t she Katie, it’s just her way of showing love and affection to her family” I said quietly in her defence as Katie made more notes, Elsie then can in with the cake that she’d baked this morning and as the coffee table was to the side of us she walked slowly past us.. “Do you need a hand mother” I asked and she declined my offer.. “Oh no dear, I’m alright, I just can’t bring everything in at once, you just relax” she said as she carefully bent down putting the cake on the table, this action caused her baggy shirt to rise up which by the way was shorter than Katie’s skirt and both Katie and I silently gasped as her sagging naked buttocks came into view, I looked at Katie who was trying not to laugh but clearly had a shocked look on her face.. “There you go, grandmas fruit cake.. I’ll go and get some plates” she said straightening herself up and slowly walking back to the kitchen.. Katie looked at me.. “Wow daddy, grandmas not got underwear on” she whispered with a grin and then recorded the event in her notebook.. “Sometimes she forgets” I replied in her defence showing equal surprise as she slowly came back in with the plates and a big knife and again slowly walked past us and bent down firstly putting the plates down while we both sat silently, Katie leant forward a little and turned her head to get a better look and I have to say I was tempted as well and as Elsie started to cut the cake she had widened her stance and we both saw her hairy muff as her shirt rode halfway up her arse cheeks, I’ve said this before but for a 70 year old woman Elsie did have a slim body and she seemed intent in showing it to us…
After slowly cutting the cake she slowly turned towards Katie and without straightening up handed her a plate of cake and as her stew shirt flopped down giving Katie a view down the front of her body I was lucky enough to have her arse pointing towards me giving me an even closer look at her rear end and as I sneakily leant forward I could actually smell the freshness of her skin.. “Here you go Katie dear, enjoy it” she said as she handed Katie the plate and then slowly turned back to the table picking mine up and turning towards me, I glanced across at Katie who was now getting now getting a perfect view of her grandmothers arse and from the look on her face seemed rather curious about it while I was now privy to a view down the front of her body seeing her small sagging breasts which had obviously seen better days.. “Here you go dear, I big piece for my growing boy” she said as she glanced down at the bulge starting to appear in my grey shorts, I don’t know what it is about grey but the colour seems to show off the bulge better.. “Thank you mother” I replied as she now straightened up.. “I’ll go and make the teas now” she said as she slowly walked away back into the kitchen leaving both Katie and I eating our lovely cake staring at each other in disbelief at Elsie’s exposure show…
“Oh this cake is wonderful daddy, I likes my new grandma.. she’s fun” Katie said as she munched on the cake and I have to say that as I took a bite myself it was rather delicious and such a nice gesture, Katie made a few more notes and I wondered if she was going to share them later but that decision was up to her, my only concern was that she had enough material to finish her project which I’m sure she will have if I know Elsie.. “Teas are done now” she said softly as she walked slowly back into the lounge carrying two mugs.. “How’s the cake” she asked as she slowly walked past and we both said “Delicious” at the same time as Elsie again bent down to put the mugs on the table.. “Yes, it’s so nice to have something nice in your mouth isn’t it” she said as again we both looked up the back of her big baggy tee shirt.. she then picked up Katie’s mug and without straightening she turned towards her and again gave me a lovely view of her arse cheeks and as Katie took her mug putting it back down on the table as it was too hot Elsie finally straightened up looking down at young Katie’s legs.. “Oooh you do have a short skirt on don’t you dear, lovely legs I might say too” she said excitedly as she reached down to feel the soft skin on her thighs.. “Oooh it’s been a while since my skin was so soft” she added as Katie instinctively widened her legs at Elsie’s soft touch and with me sitting opposite I now had a view up Katie’s skirt as well as up the back of Elsie’s baggy shirt.. “Oooh you do have a nice touch grandma, I likes how it feels” Katie replied softly as she let out a faint sigh not really knowing why the old lady was doing it but enjoying the attention just the same..
“Enjoy it while you’re young my dear Katie as when you get old like me it dries up and gets wrinkly, feel my legs and you’ll see for yourself” she said as she stayed in her bending position moving her hands up Katie’s thighs and accepting the offer from Elsie thinking that this would something good to put in her project she reached out putting her hand on the inside of Elsie’s thigh, I could clearly see her hand from my vantage point and heard Elsie sigh softly as her fingers made contact.. “Oooh yes dear, you have a nice touch too, feel free to move it up and down” said Elsie as I noticed her hand moving inside Katie’s skirt.. Katie did as asked and started to move her hands tentatively up and down the inside of the old girls thigh and from where I was sitting she was going higher up her thigh with each movement and I could feel my bulge growing inside my shorts as I wondered just how far they would go on each other..
“Oh and you feel so warm as well my dear” Elsie said as her hand reached Katie’s crotch causing her to gasp a little and with her own hand just an inch or so away from the old ladies hairy minge I was waiting for her to announce her comparison and I was just a foot away behind Elsie and could see both of their movements and with my shorts starting to increase I just hoped that the velcro would hold.. Katie’s fingers started to hesitantly move upwards and I could clearly see them pushing into Elsie’s hanging pubic hair.. “Oh wow grandma, you are warm too” she said as I saw her fingers moving around exploring the old girls crotch.. “That’s why I don’t wear underwear dear, I like to let the fresh air get to me” she said in a grumbly voice although I had no idea why she was grumbling..
Suddenly she straightened up pulling her hand away from Katie and looked down at the cake.. “Have some more cake dears, I baked it specially for you” she said picking up the knife like nothing had happened, Katie immediately accepted her offer and as I didn’t speak she turned to me looking straight down at my bulging shorts which didn’t leave too much to the imagination.. “Oh you are growing nicely dear, have another piece and then you can show mummy just how much you’ve grown” she said turning back with knife in hand to cut me another slice and then turning back to me but instead of handing me the plate she bent forward placing the plate on my lap and as I concentrated on looking down her top at her aged body I felt her hand slipping underneath the plate and sneakily fondling my balls and shaft.. “There now dear, isn’t that nice” she said knowing I was peeping down her shirt.. “Oh yes mother, it’s very nice” I gasped and it took a few seconds for her to remove her hand and turning back to the cake to cut another slice for Katie..
Katie was totally confused by Elsie’s behaviour but seemed happy to go with it as it gave her something to write about and share with her classmates and as Elsie turned to her bending down with her plate she did the same thing putting it on her lap and slipping her hand up the front of her little short skirt which for some reason caused her to lean forward and with her forehead pressed against the top of Elsie’s chest she had the perfect birds eye view down the front of her body, Katie sighed softly as I saw Elsie’s hand moving under her skirt.. “Oh I’m so glad you like it Katie dear, you do like it don’t you” the old lady asked and I wasn’t sure if she was talking about the cake or her fingers fumbling with her gusset.. “Oh yes grandma, I do likes it very much” she replied as finally Elsie pulled up and let her get on with eating her cake..
Elsie was so unpredictable I had no idea what she was going to do next but so far Katie had lots to write about without asking too many questions, I think her answers were coming naturally and I suppose that was a good thing and as I finished my cake Elsie took my plate and turning her back on me she made a strange suggestion.. “How about I sit on Billy’s lap dear and let’s help with your school project” she said as she backed up towards me so quickly closing my legs a bit I reached out grabbing her hips and guided her down onto me with her legs either side of mine, her shirt rode up a little and I felt her sitting right on my bulge, “Oooh this is nice dear, brings back so many good memories” she said as I put my arms around her waist and the look on Katie’s face was priceless as she looked over clearly see up the old girls baggy tee shirt which was almost up to her waist, that must’ve been a shock in itself seeing Elsie being so open but from the look on her face I think she was enjoying the view..
To Be Continued….
4 days ago