427 – Setting The Rules
After we had finished the wrestling scenario Emma wanted to show Darren her room which gave Rita and myself a chance to talk and debrief the movie which we’d just filmed but more importantly we needed to set some ground rules if we were to have a successful relationship which I could see in her eyes that she really wanted and the fact that her son and my daughter got on so well and only being a couple of years apart in age was a blessing and a hurdle we didn’t need to overcome..
The first thing on the agenda was living arrangements and it was way too soon to move in together plus Rita owned her flat and it would be wrong to give it up plus I only had two bedrooms and Emma had a single bed which by the way she rarely slept in as she was always with me however Darren did have a double bed in their flat so it was agreed that I would get Emma a new bigger bed so they could sleep comfortably when they stayed over, we also agreed that me and Emma would have spare clothes at Rita’s flat and she and Darren could have spare clothes here with me which would make life so much easier, we both agreed that was the best way forward..
Next on the agenda was dress code around our respective residences and we agreed that as much or as little was perfectly acceptable as like today we all felt comfortable being naked in front of each other and Rita admitted that even at home they had a very relaxed code, she was often in just her panties and Darren had no problem with that and was happy being naked and it was the same with me and Emma so we agreed that we would carry on in that way as long as everyone was happy, so far they were all plus points and it was uncanny how Rita and I were so alike..
The next point of discussion and probably the most important point was sex, we had to come up with a mutual understanding and it was obvious that we both had a high sex drive and Rita’s work which I wanted to encourage.. (she was happy to hear that).. obviously involved sexual activity which not only did she enjoy but felt it was a necessary part of her job in building rapport with her clients and I fully understood that and when I told her that I was happy for that to continue she was overjoyed.. an open relationship is both healthy and fun and then the conversation turned to me, she knew I was heavily involved with the soccer team offering massage and physio and she knew of my liking for schoolgirls and their uniforms, she also knew of my pantie fetish and was happy with my bisexual nature, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from her and she agreed that nothing would change as long as we were honest with each other and our activities didn’t threaten the relationship, to summarise I think we were perfect for each other and it was so refreshing that there was no jealousy and life would go on.. that was probably the most enlightening conversation I’d ever had in my life and what’s more she even said she would use me in her videos should the customer request warrant it, now that was a good thing…
Time will tell as to whether this would be a success or not but talking things over with Rita I had no reason to think that it wouldn’t be and she agreed that seeing me with Emma would be as exciting as seeing her with Darren, she’d already told me how excited she got the other day seeing me sucking him off, the combinations were endless and with her also having bisexual tendencies I knew that seeing her with Emma would be enjoyable for all of us and the excitement was beginning to show as the front of my shorts started to rise which didn’t go unnoticed by my new girlfriend who suddenly gasped.. “OMG Mr Dickens.. is that an erection I see down there, that is so inappropriate” she gasped with a horrified look on her face as she quickly got into character.. I loved her imagination and thinking right outside the box.. “Oh I’m so sorry my dear, how disrespectful am I” I replied apologetically as I tried to cover it up but with my shorts being ripped at the sides that proved to be impossible and with Darren and Emma busy upstairs I couldn’t resist playing along..
“Oh that’s so disgusting Mr Dickens” she said sternly as she stood up in front of me to get a better viewpoint holding her hand over her open mouth.. “Look at those old shorts, it’s like you’re doing that on purpose.. that’s so disgusting sir, I can’t look.. please put it away.. what are you, some kind of pervert or what? showing your penis to an innocent young lady.. wow.. it’s so big too” she said rather sternly as I sat back on the sofa widening my legs to let my bollocks get some air.. “Oh I didn’t mean to offend you my dear, I’m so ashamed of myself and I know it’s bad” I said playing along as I reached down and moved the front of my shorts aside showing my full erection and wrapping my fingers around the shaft pulling the foreskin back showing her the swollen purple head, “OMG that is so disgusting, my mummy warned me about men like you, what are you doing now, why are you rubbing it like that” she said with her eyes transfixed on my slow hand movements like she’d never seen a guy wanking before..
“I hope you’re not going to ask to see my tits sir coz that would be really disgusting and I’m not that kind of girl so don’t get any ideas sir, I’m not going to show you them” she said keeping her stern tone and not even blinking as she watched me slowly masturbate.. “Oh god no, I would never dream of suggesting such a thing but I wouldn’t say no if you decided you wanted to show me” I said back as I ran my eyes over her slim and slender body.. “Absolutely not sir, that’s absolutely disgusting that you would ask such a thing of an innocent young woman, you are such a pervert”.. she said as she paused reaching her hands up to the hem of her top teasingly hesitating as my hand movements gained a bit more pace.. “I don’t have much tits sir, do you really want to see them” she said defensively thinking that I would change my mind due to the lack of size and I was not put off.. “Yes, show me then” I said rubbing a bit faster and I could see the hesitation on her face.. “Damn it sir, ok then if it’ll shut you up and stop you from doing that disgusting act” she scowled bluntly as she lifted her top up to her chin.. “See.. I’ve got nothing” she said holding it up for me to see.. “Oh wow they are wonderful, so small and cute and look at your lovely nipples, I love your tits girl” I said rubbing myself even harder and she even managed a wry smile at my complimentary comments.. “Really sir, do you really like them” she said in a much softer tone which made me smile.. “Yes I do and I think you should take your top off” I answered but she wasn’t sure, “Oh I don’t know about that sir, you won’t tell my mummy if I do will ya, or else I will tell her that you exposed yourself to me and she won’t like that” she said as she hesitated a bit.. “It’ll be our secret, I promise” I replied but she still seemed unsure as she teased me with a prolonged look at her lovely little titties.. “Oooh I like secrets” she said with a touch of excitement in her voice and within seconds her top was off and she was totally topless continuing to watch me wanking…
“May I ask if you would turn around for me, I’d love to see you from behind” I asked and she gave me a very confused look and I think her problem was that if she turned her back on me then she wouldn’t be able to see me masturbate.. “That’s weird, why would you want me to do that” she asked as she screwed her face up a bit.. “To be perfectly honest with you I’d like to see what your arse looks like in those shorts, please.. just for a second” I asked almost begging and she soon thought that it would do no harm and at least I wouldn’t be ogling at her tits so she reluctantly agreed and turned herself around.. “Oh my word, you do have a lovely bottom dear and those shorts are a perfect fit” I said excitedly and without turning she seemed pleased with the feedback, who doesn’t like compliments.. “Aww really sir, I suppose I should thank you but I still think you’re weird” she said with a girlish giggle and I was loving how this was going..
“It’s alright young lady, I’m guessing you wear lovely knickers too don’t you” I asked as I continued to rub myself but had slowed right down not wanting to cum just yet and my last comment shocked her even more.. “What did you say.. I think my choice of knickers is really none of your concern, how much weirder can you get.. Eeew” she said back very sternly making me think that maybe I’d crossed the line..
“Anyway, for your information Mr weirdo I’m not wearing any knickers through choice, I feel much more comfortable without them..” she said rather sarcastically and I had to take that vision out of my head or I would’ve shot my lot.. she was so naive and innocent.. “OMG really, I would never have guessed that and I’m thinking that you’re lying.. all girls wear knickers.. I think you’re teasing me here” I said trying to call her out but she was having none of it.. “Oh I’m lying am I said the dirty old pervert who’s got his cock out masturbating in front of an innocent young lady.. that’s rich isn’t it.. well, I’m not lying at all” she said getting annoyed but still with her back to me and I was enjoying looking at her curvy arse cheeks clad in a pair of Emma’s shorts.. I could see she was getting upset but I wasn’t prepared to let it go.. “Well I only have your word for that my dear, I still think you’re lying” I said knowing I was pressing her buttons which I certainly was.. “I’m not having this you old pervert, I’ll show you and you’d better apologise” she said quite angrily as she grabbed the waistband of her shorts and in one swift movement pushed them down her legs letting gravity do the rest and swiftly kicked them over to my chair.. “See, are you satisfied now” she cried out not realising that she was now naked with no going back.. I gasped at the sight of her perfectly rounded arse cheeks which were still facing me.. “OMG, I’m really sorry but you do have an absolutely beautiful bottom” I said very apologetically as I started to beat my meat more vigorously as she just stood there frozen to the spot..
Feeling slightly embarrassed about her situation the young lady started to mellow mostly because she was liking seeing me masturbate but she did need to turn around in order to carry on but knew that by doing that parts of her would be exposed which she wasn’t entirely comfortable with, but what were her options.. “How can you like someone’s bottom, that’s totally disgusting Mister, I won’t allow you to look” she gasped rather loudly as she turned around to face me quickly putting her hands in front of her to hide her bush which getting a nano second glance was nice and hairy, she held her hands together tightly covering her pubic region and focused her eyes on my now fully exposed penis and balls with my hand still working slowly up and down.. “Wow.. you must like doing that sir, you been doing it for ages, you are so disgusting” she said but her tone was a little more pleasant than before and as I looked up and down her naked body I was sure I saw her fingers subtly moving and pushing between her legs.. I raised my eyebrows and gave her a warm smile which seemed to confuse her..
“What was that look for pervert man, and are you going to be rubbing that thing all day” she said with a disgusted look on her face still and I thought she was carrying off her character perfectly.. I didn’t answer straight away but kept on slowly rubbing while focusing my eyes on her hands and I definitely saw them moving in such a way that from where I was sitting which was only about a yard away it looked very much like she was pleasuring herself which did come as a bit of a surprise under the circumstances but my mind was thinking that just maybe she was actually enjoying herself watching me masturbate.. I decided to put my hunch to the test.. “Are you touching yourself there little lady.. I think you are.. I think seeing me masturbating is turning you on.. Am I right” I said as I sat up straight looking straight at her hands, her fingers were definitely twitching between her legs, her face went red.. “Oh god no, I wasn’t doing anything of a kind and I’m certainly not getting turned on by watching you masturbating.. that is so gross and disgusting I can’t believe you’re still doing it.. doesn’t your arm get tired” she said in a tone that started off quite sternly but seemed to soften slightly.. “Well yes it does actually” I said as I stopped rubbing and held my throbbing penis up pointing at her.. “I don’t suppose you want to help me finish off do you?” I said and the look of horror on her face was a picture and there was a short awkward silence.. was she thinking about it, if she was then it would prove that my actions were turning her on.. “Oh come on, I know you want to, it won’t bite you” I added hopefully and again there was this awkward silence, her fingers were still moving between her legs..
Quickly realising that if she didn’t help then the show was probably over I could see her giving it more thought than she probably should’ve but that was a good thing as she didn’t come out with a blatant no.. she looked down at my prick standing to attention and pulsing.. “But I never done anything like this before sir, what if I get it wrong.. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt and it’ll be our secret right” she mumbled as she made her decision and slowly but hesitantly inched closer.. “Of course it’ll be our secret, tell you what.. I’ll even take my shorts off to make it easier for you” I said as I eased my shorts down my legs leaving me totally naked, I sat back on the sofa with my legs open waiting for her, my penis was flat against my belly and her eyes were transfixed on it but she still looked hesitant.. “Will you tell me what to do, I still think this is a bit disgusting but I’ll try my best” she muttered getting closer to me wondering to herself if she’d made the right decision.. “Ok then my dear, get down on your knees and wrap your fingers around the shaft and then just move your hand up and down and also you might want to use your other hand to massage my balls.. I like that” I said giving her instructions and as she slowly got to her knees I could see the nervousness in her eyes.. “But I never done this before sir” she repeated again as she slowly moved her hand forward and wrapped her fingers around the shaft.. “Wow it’s so hard” she mumbled as she slowly started to move her hand and seemed quite amused as the helmet popped in and out with each stroke.. “That’s it, you’re doing great.. carry on like that.. Mmm it’s so nice” I said softly as she reached out her other hand and gently massaged my balls and after a couple of minutes she was getting the hang of it and it felt really nice…
She wasn’t rushing like I thought she would and her attitude seemed to change for the better as she squeezed my balls gently while twisting her hand up and down my penis in a weird sort of corkscrew way.. “This is kinda fun sir” she mumbled with a smile and I loved how she was varying her technique but the problem now was that my penis was a bit dry.. “Maybe you should add a bit of saliva to it, it would lubricate and make it a lot more pleasant” I suggested and she briefly looked up at me with a confused look on her face.. “Saliva sir? Really?.. how do I do that?” she asked in a soft tone requesting that I give her suggestions.. “Well you could spit on the tip and let it run down or alternatively you could try putting it in your mouth which usually produces a lot of saliva as you suck on it” I said hopefully and I have to say that she looked horrified at the suggestion of putting my penis into her mouth.. “Eeew that sounds horrible and so disgusting.. I couldn’t possibly do that, it’ll surely make me sick… what does it taste like anyway” she said looking back down at my throbbing penis and it was obvious that she hadn’t totally dismissed the idea..
“It’s a bit like sucking your thumb really and who knows you might like it.. at least you can give it a try and if you don’t like it then it’s ok to stop” I said calmly but with a bit of excitement in my voice and I could see that she was giving the idea some thought.. “So if I don’t like it I can stop” she repeated and as I nodded my head she focused her eyes on the prize.. “Should I still rub it up and down as well sir? I never done this before” she said and again I nodded my head.. “Everyone has different methods honey so just do what comes naturally and what you’re comfortable with” I said softly as she hesitantly started to lower her head while pointing my dick towards her face and I thought that as she pulled the foreskin back exposing the swollen head which was oozing a little juice that she would be put off.. “Just lick around the head like you’re eating an ice cream and get the taste, you might like it” I said as her mouth got to within an inch, I watched closely as she briefly looked up and then I saw her tongue come out and with a screwed up face she ran it across the tip and then around the helmet.. I waited for a reaction…
“Wow.. that doesn’t taste too bad sir, like you say it’s just like sucking your thumb.. I likes it sir” she said quite excitedly as she dribbled some saliva on the tip which ran down to her fingers holding the shaft and quickly rubbed it in and then lowered her head again taking the helmet into her mouth giving it a gentle suck which did cause me to gasp in unexpected delight.. she started off slowly taking as much of it in her mouth as she could without gagging spewing more saliva and then pulling back up to the helmet and using my now lubricated shaft started to wank me keeping just enough suction to make me squirm.. then she surprised me again by pulling her mouth away and running her tongue up and down and all around my shaft from top to bottom before flicking her tongue around my balls taking each one into her mouth individually giving them a somewhat pleasant suck, she soon had me trembling in my seat.. “Oh this is so much fun sir, I’m liking this.. am I doing good.. do you like it?” she asked enthusiastically and she was taking to it like a duck to water and I’m sure this was the real Rita now sucking my dick but I gave her all the praise and encouragement to keep her happy..
“Oh yes my dear you are doing fantastically well and I’m really happy with how you do it, maybe you should take a break” I said which probably wasn’t the best thing to say as she immediately thought that I didn’t really like it, “Oh why sir, do you not like it then” she said pulling herself up from my cock and that wasn’t what I meant so I needed to put it right, “Oh god no, that’s not what I meant and you can carry on if you want to but I just thought you could get up hear and sit on my lap and take a breather” I said giving her a warm smile and it took a few seconds for her to process my suggestion.. she sat back on her heels and looked at my wet tackle and thought what benefit would be obtained from sitting on my lap.. “Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable sir, I might slip off backwards and hurt myself” she said in her innocent and naive voice which I loved so much so I had to give her some reassurance.. “Oh I’ll make sure you don’t fall sweetheart, I’ll hold on to you.. I think you should give it a try” I said trying to convince her but could see that she was still unsure..
“I’d like to have a break sir but are you sure I’m not to heavy, I don’t want to break that thing” she said with a giggle as she pointed at my erection and she still seemed to have no idea of the reason why I wanted her on my lap and I was starting to get a little impatient.. “Well” I said.. “If you come up here then we’ll soon find out won’t we” I said shifting over a little to allow her knees to get either side of me and reached out my arms in a welcoming gesture.. “Ok sir, I just don’t want to hurt you” she replied getting up onto her feet and her lovely hairy pussy was right in front of my eyes and this time she made no attempt to cover it up.. she lifted up her right leg putting her knee next to me on the sofa and as I reached out I grabbed her fleshy little arse cheeks as she straddled me putting her left knee the other side of me, “Oooh this is a bit awkward sir” she sighed as her perky little breasts seemed to push into my face which didn’t bother me in the slightest and was was more concerning was the fact that I could feel the tip of my penis pressing against her hanging labia which were surprisingly already quite wet..
I squeezed her arse cheeks opening them up as my tongue flicked and sucked on her nipples causing her to moan softly.. “Mmm.. this is interesting now sir, I like that” she sighed again as I felt her pushing her chest harder into my face but what she hadn’t yet realised was that I needed her to lower herself down onto me and as I reached a hand underneath her I was able to grab my penis and direct it into the right place.. “OMG sir, did that go inside me there.. Woah.. that feels so.. UM.. good sir” she said excitedly as she wrapped her arms around my neck and my penis pushed deeper inside of her and it was just seconds before I felt her cunt muscles getting a grip and she felt so nice and tight.. “I never done this before sir, I never knew it would feel so good” she gasped as I felt the weight of her soft cheeks pressing against my nuts, I was in up to the hilt and she started to wiggle about presumably trying to get more comfortable and although I’d lost the position of my head against her tits she was now an inch from my face looking into my eyes with a look of pure pleasure on her face even biting on her bottom lip..
Her movement was slow and steady and I used my grip on her arse cheeks to manoeuvre her up and down slowly which caused her to moan more systematically and as I saw her eyes rolling back our lips gently met in a soft embrace which gathered momentum quickly as our mouths opened and our tongues started to intermingle and I didn’t realise that Rita was such a deep and passionate kisser, there was nothing I didn’t like about her and right now as we made sweet and passionate love I was seeing the real Rita and not the innocent naive character that led us to this point… We had got a good rhythm going and with all the foreplay that had gone on before I knew that I wouldn’t last too long and we both enjoyed our first passionate kiss which only heightened the experience for both of us, our bodies were totally in sync and I could feel her getting wetter and wetter as we increased the pace getting ready for a grandstand finish..
I know we fucked earlier but that was for the benefit of the demonstration but this time it was for love and mutual feelings and I felt it important that we show each other how we feel about each other so I tried to make it last as long as I could but I have to say that everything about this woman turns me on and hence to say it wasn’t long before I was shooting my load deep inside her and as we parted our mouths purely to be able to breath and catch our breath it was so comforting when she laid her head on my shoulder gently kissing my neck and nibbling at my earlobe and with our bodies still tightly locked together it was one of the most pleasant and peaceful experiences I’d had in a very long time, I knew then that she was a keeper and that made me so excited..
The first thing on the agenda was living arrangements and it was way too soon to move in together plus Rita owned her flat and it would be wrong to give it up plus I only had two bedrooms and Emma had a single bed which by the way she rarely slept in as she was always with me however Darren did have a double bed in their flat so it was agreed that I would get Emma a new bigger bed so they could sleep comfortably when they stayed over, we also agreed that me and Emma would have spare clothes at Rita’s flat and she and Darren could have spare clothes here with me which would make life so much easier, we both agreed that was the best way forward..
Next on the agenda was dress code around our respective residences and we agreed that as much or as little was perfectly acceptable as like today we all felt comfortable being naked in front of each other and Rita admitted that even at home they had a very relaxed code, she was often in just her panties and Darren had no problem with that and was happy being naked and it was the same with me and Emma so we agreed that we would carry on in that way as long as everyone was happy, so far they were all plus points and it was uncanny how Rita and I were so alike..
The next point of discussion and probably the most important point was sex, we had to come up with a mutual understanding and it was obvious that we both had a high sex drive and Rita’s work which I wanted to encourage.. (she was happy to hear that).. obviously involved sexual activity which not only did she enjoy but felt it was a necessary part of her job in building rapport with her clients and I fully understood that and when I told her that I was happy for that to continue she was overjoyed.. an open relationship is both healthy and fun and then the conversation turned to me, she knew I was heavily involved with the soccer team offering massage and physio and she knew of my liking for schoolgirls and their uniforms, she also knew of my pantie fetish and was happy with my bisexual nature, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from her and she agreed that nothing would change as long as we were honest with each other and our activities didn’t threaten the relationship, to summarise I think we were perfect for each other and it was so refreshing that there was no jealousy and life would go on.. that was probably the most enlightening conversation I’d ever had in my life and what’s more she even said she would use me in her videos should the customer request warrant it, now that was a good thing…
Time will tell as to whether this would be a success or not but talking things over with Rita I had no reason to think that it wouldn’t be and she agreed that seeing me with Emma would be as exciting as seeing her with Darren, she’d already told me how excited she got the other day seeing me sucking him off, the combinations were endless and with her also having bisexual tendencies I knew that seeing her with Emma would be enjoyable for all of us and the excitement was beginning to show as the front of my shorts started to rise which didn’t go unnoticed by my new girlfriend who suddenly gasped.. “OMG Mr Dickens.. is that an erection I see down there, that is so inappropriate” she gasped with a horrified look on her face as she quickly got into character.. I loved her imagination and thinking right outside the box.. “Oh I’m so sorry my dear, how disrespectful am I” I replied apologetically as I tried to cover it up but with my shorts being ripped at the sides that proved to be impossible and with Darren and Emma busy upstairs I couldn’t resist playing along..
“Oh that’s so disgusting Mr Dickens” she said sternly as she stood up in front of me to get a better viewpoint holding her hand over her open mouth.. “Look at those old shorts, it’s like you’re doing that on purpose.. that’s so disgusting sir, I can’t look.. please put it away.. what are you, some kind of pervert or what? showing your penis to an innocent young lady.. wow.. it’s so big too” she said rather sternly as I sat back on the sofa widening my legs to let my bollocks get some air.. “Oh I didn’t mean to offend you my dear, I’m so ashamed of myself and I know it’s bad” I said playing along as I reached down and moved the front of my shorts aside showing my full erection and wrapping my fingers around the shaft pulling the foreskin back showing her the swollen purple head, “OMG that is so disgusting, my mummy warned me about men like you, what are you doing now, why are you rubbing it like that” she said with her eyes transfixed on my slow hand movements like she’d never seen a guy wanking before..
“I hope you’re not going to ask to see my tits sir coz that would be really disgusting and I’m not that kind of girl so don’t get any ideas sir, I’m not going to show you them” she said keeping her stern tone and not even blinking as she watched me slowly masturbate.. “Oh god no, I would never dream of suggesting such a thing but I wouldn’t say no if you decided you wanted to show me” I said back as I ran my eyes over her slim and slender body.. “Absolutely not sir, that’s absolutely disgusting that you would ask such a thing of an innocent young woman, you are such a pervert”.. she said as she paused reaching her hands up to the hem of her top teasingly hesitating as my hand movements gained a bit more pace.. “I don’t have much tits sir, do you really want to see them” she said defensively thinking that I would change my mind due to the lack of size and I was not put off.. “Yes, show me then” I said rubbing a bit faster and I could see the hesitation on her face.. “Damn it sir, ok then if it’ll shut you up and stop you from doing that disgusting act” she scowled bluntly as she lifted her top up to her chin.. “See.. I’ve got nothing” she said holding it up for me to see.. “Oh wow they are wonderful, so small and cute and look at your lovely nipples, I love your tits girl” I said rubbing myself even harder and she even managed a wry smile at my complimentary comments.. “Really sir, do you really like them” she said in a much softer tone which made me smile.. “Yes I do and I think you should take your top off” I answered but she wasn’t sure, “Oh I don’t know about that sir, you won’t tell my mummy if I do will ya, or else I will tell her that you exposed yourself to me and she won’t like that” she said as she hesitated a bit.. “It’ll be our secret, I promise” I replied but she still seemed unsure as she teased me with a prolonged look at her lovely little titties.. “Oooh I like secrets” she said with a touch of excitement in her voice and within seconds her top was off and she was totally topless continuing to watch me wanking…
“May I ask if you would turn around for me, I’d love to see you from behind” I asked and she gave me a very confused look and I think her problem was that if she turned her back on me then she wouldn’t be able to see me masturbate.. “That’s weird, why would you want me to do that” she asked as she screwed her face up a bit.. “To be perfectly honest with you I’d like to see what your arse looks like in those shorts, please.. just for a second” I asked almost begging and she soon thought that it would do no harm and at least I wouldn’t be ogling at her tits so she reluctantly agreed and turned herself around.. “Oh my word, you do have a lovely bottom dear and those shorts are a perfect fit” I said excitedly and without turning she seemed pleased with the feedback, who doesn’t like compliments.. “Aww really sir, I suppose I should thank you but I still think you’re weird” she said with a girlish giggle and I was loving how this was going..
“It’s alright young lady, I’m guessing you wear lovely knickers too don’t you” I asked as I continued to rub myself but had slowed right down not wanting to cum just yet and my last comment shocked her even more.. “What did you say.. I think my choice of knickers is really none of your concern, how much weirder can you get.. Eeew” she said back very sternly making me think that maybe I’d crossed the line..
“Anyway, for your information Mr weirdo I’m not wearing any knickers through choice, I feel much more comfortable without them..” she said rather sarcastically and I had to take that vision out of my head or I would’ve shot my lot.. she was so naive and innocent.. “OMG really, I would never have guessed that and I’m thinking that you’re lying.. all girls wear knickers.. I think you’re teasing me here” I said trying to call her out but she was having none of it.. “Oh I’m lying am I said the dirty old pervert who’s got his cock out masturbating in front of an innocent young lady.. that’s rich isn’t it.. well, I’m not lying at all” she said getting annoyed but still with her back to me and I was enjoying looking at her curvy arse cheeks clad in a pair of Emma’s shorts.. I could see she was getting upset but I wasn’t prepared to let it go.. “Well I only have your word for that my dear, I still think you’re lying” I said knowing I was pressing her buttons which I certainly was.. “I’m not having this you old pervert, I’ll show you and you’d better apologise” she said quite angrily as she grabbed the waistband of her shorts and in one swift movement pushed them down her legs letting gravity do the rest and swiftly kicked them over to my chair.. “See, are you satisfied now” she cried out not realising that she was now naked with no going back.. I gasped at the sight of her perfectly rounded arse cheeks which were still facing me.. “OMG, I’m really sorry but you do have an absolutely beautiful bottom” I said very apologetically as I started to beat my meat more vigorously as she just stood there frozen to the spot..
Feeling slightly embarrassed about her situation the young lady started to mellow mostly because she was liking seeing me masturbate but she did need to turn around in order to carry on but knew that by doing that parts of her would be exposed which she wasn’t entirely comfortable with, but what were her options.. “How can you like someone’s bottom, that’s totally disgusting Mister, I won’t allow you to look” she gasped rather loudly as she turned around to face me quickly putting her hands in front of her to hide her bush which getting a nano second glance was nice and hairy, she held her hands together tightly covering her pubic region and focused her eyes on my now fully exposed penis and balls with my hand still working slowly up and down.. “Wow.. you must like doing that sir, you been doing it for ages, you are so disgusting” she said but her tone was a little more pleasant than before and as I looked up and down her naked body I was sure I saw her fingers subtly moving and pushing between her legs.. I raised my eyebrows and gave her a warm smile which seemed to confuse her..
“What was that look for pervert man, and are you going to be rubbing that thing all day” she said with a disgusted look on her face still and I thought she was carrying off her character perfectly.. I didn’t answer straight away but kept on slowly rubbing while focusing my eyes on her hands and I definitely saw them moving in such a way that from where I was sitting which was only about a yard away it looked very much like she was pleasuring herself which did come as a bit of a surprise under the circumstances but my mind was thinking that just maybe she was actually enjoying herself watching me masturbate.. I decided to put my hunch to the test.. “Are you touching yourself there little lady.. I think you are.. I think seeing me masturbating is turning you on.. Am I right” I said as I sat up straight looking straight at her hands, her fingers were definitely twitching between her legs, her face went red.. “Oh god no, I wasn’t doing anything of a kind and I’m certainly not getting turned on by watching you masturbating.. that is so gross and disgusting I can’t believe you’re still doing it.. doesn’t your arm get tired” she said in a tone that started off quite sternly but seemed to soften slightly.. “Well yes it does actually” I said as I stopped rubbing and held my throbbing penis up pointing at her.. “I don’t suppose you want to help me finish off do you?” I said and the look of horror on her face was a picture and there was a short awkward silence.. was she thinking about it, if she was then it would prove that my actions were turning her on.. “Oh come on, I know you want to, it won’t bite you” I added hopefully and again there was this awkward silence, her fingers were still moving between her legs..
Quickly realising that if she didn’t help then the show was probably over I could see her giving it more thought than she probably should’ve but that was a good thing as she didn’t come out with a blatant no.. she looked down at my prick standing to attention and pulsing.. “But I never done anything like this before sir, what if I get it wrong.. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt and it’ll be our secret right” she mumbled as she made her decision and slowly but hesitantly inched closer.. “Of course it’ll be our secret, tell you what.. I’ll even take my shorts off to make it easier for you” I said as I eased my shorts down my legs leaving me totally naked, I sat back on the sofa with my legs open waiting for her, my penis was flat against my belly and her eyes were transfixed on it but she still looked hesitant.. “Will you tell me what to do, I still think this is a bit disgusting but I’ll try my best” she muttered getting closer to me wondering to herself if she’d made the right decision.. “Ok then my dear, get down on your knees and wrap your fingers around the shaft and then just move your hand up and down and also you might want to use your other hand to massage my balls.. I like that” I said giving her instructions and as she slowly got to her knees I could see the nervousness in her eyes.. “But I never done this before sir” she repeated again as she slowly moved her hand forward and wrapped her fingers around the shaft.. “Wow it’s so hard” she mumbled as she slowly started to move her hand and seemed quite amused as the helmet popped in and out with each stroke.. “That’s it, you’re doing great.. carry on like that.. Mmm it’s so nice” I said softly as she reached out her other hand and gently massaged my balls and after a couple of minutes she was getting the hang of it and it felt really nice…
She wasn’t rushing like I thought she would and her attitude seemed to change for the better as she squeezed my balls gently while twisting her hand up and down my penis in a weird sort of corkscrew way.. “This is kinda fun sir” she mumbled with a smile and I loved how she was varying her technique but the problem now was that my penis was a bit dry.. “Maybe you should add a bit of saliva to it, it would lubricate and make it a lot more pleasant” I suggested and she briefly looked up at me with a confused look on her face.. “Saliva sir? Really?.. how do I do that?” she asked in a soft tone requesting that I give her suggestions.. “Well you could spit on the tip and let it run down or alternatively you could try putting it in your mouth which usually produces a lot of saliva as you suck on it” I said hopefully and I have to say that she looked horrified at the suggestion of putting my penis into her mouth.. “Eeew that sounds horrible and so disgusting.. I couldn’t possibly do that, it’ll surely make me sick… what does it taste like anyway” she said looking back down at my throbbing penis and it was obvious that she hadn’t totally dismissed the idea..
“It’s a bit like sucking your thumb really and who knows you might like it.. at least you can give it a try and if you don’t like it then it’s ok to stop” I said calmly but with a bit of excitement in my voice and I could see that she was giving the idea some thought.. “So if I don’t like it I can stop” she repeated and as I nodded my head she focused her eyes on the prize.. “Should I still rub it up and down as well sir? I never done this before” she said and again I nodded my head.. “Everyone has different methods honey so just do what comes naturally and what you’re comfortable with” I said softly as she hesitantly started to lower her head while pointing my dick towards her face and I thought that as she pulled the foreskin back exposing the swollen head which was oozing a little juice that she would be put off.. “Just lick around the head like you’re eating an ice cream and get the taste, you might like it” I said as her mouth got to within an inch, I watched closely as she briefly looked up and then I saw her tongue come out and with a screwed up face she ran it across the tip and then around the helmet.. I waited for a reaction…
“Wow.. that doesn’t taste too bad sir, like you say it’s just like sucking your thumb.. I likes it sir” she said quite excitedly as she dribbled some saliva on the tip which ran down to her fingers holding the shaft and quickly rubbed it in and then lowered her head again taking the helmet into her mouth giving it a gentle suck which did cause me to gasp in unexpected delight.. she started off slowly taking as much of it in her mouth as she could without gagging spewing more saliva and then pulling back up to the helmet and using my now lubricated shaft started to wank me keeping just enough suction to make me squirm.. then she surprised me again by pulling her mouth away and running her tongue up and down and all around my shaft from top to bottom before flicking her tongue around my balls taking each one into her mouth individually giving them a somewhat pleasant suck, she soon had me trembling in my seat.. “Oh this is so much fun sir, I’m liking this.. am I doing good.. do you like it?” she asked enthusiastically and she was taking to it like a duck to water and I’m sure this was the real Rita now sucking my dick but I gave her all the praise and encouragement to keep her happy..
“Oh yes my dear you are doing fantastically well and I’m really happy with how you do it, maybe you should take a break” I said which probably wasn’t the best thing to say as she immediately thought that I didn’t really like it, “Oh why sir, do you not like it then” she said pulling herself up from my cock and that wasn’t what I meant so I needed to put it right, “Oh god no, that’s not what I meant and you can carry on if you want to but I just thought you could get up hear and sit on my lap and take a breather” I said giving her a warm smile and it took a few seconds for her to process my suggestion.. she sat back on her heels and looked at my wet tackle and thought what benefit would be obtained from sitting on my lap.. “Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable sir, I might slip off backwards and hurt myself” she said in her innocent and naive voice which I loved so much so I had to give her some reassurance.. “Oh I’ll make sure you don’t fall sweetheart, I’ll hold on to you.. I think you should give it a try” I said trying to convince her but could see that she was still unsure..
“I’d like to have a break sir but are you sure I’m not to heavy, I don’t want to break that thing” she said with a giggle as she pointed at my erection and she still seemed to have no idea of the reason why I wanted her on my lap and I was starting to get a little impatient.. “Well” I said.. “If you come up here then we’ll soon find out won’t we” I said shifting over a little to allow her knees to get either side of me and reached out my arms in a welcoming gesture.. “Ok sir, I just don’t want to hurt you” she replied getting up onto her feet and her lovely hairy pussy was right in front of my eyes and this time she made no attempt to cover it up.. she lifted up her right leg putting her knee next to me on the sofa and as I reached out I grabbed her fleshy little arse cheeks as she straddled me putting her left knee the other side of me, “Oooh this is a bit awkward sir” she sighed as her perky little breasts seemed to push into my face which didn’t bother me in the slightest and was was more concerning was the fact that I could feel the tip of my penis pressing against her hanging labia which were surprisingly already quite wet..
I squeezed her arse cheeks opening them up as my tongue flicked and sucked on her nipples causing her to moan softly.. “Mmm.. this is interesting now sir, I like that” she sighed again as I felt her pushing her chest harder into my face but what she hadn’t yet realised was that I needed her to lower herself down onto me and as I reached a hand underneath her I was able to grab my penis and direct it into the right place.. “OMG sir, did that go inside me there.. Woah.. that feels so.. UM.. good sir” she said excitedly as she wrapped her arms around my neck and my penis pushed deeper inside of her and it was just seconds before I felt her cunt muscles getting a grip and she felt so nice and tight.. “I never done this before sir, I never knew it would feel so good” she gasped as I felt the weight of her soft cheeks pressing against my nuts, I was in up to the hilt and she started to wiggle about presumably trying to get more comfortable and although I’d lost the position of my head against her tits she was now an inch from my face looking into my eyes with a look of pure pleasure on her face even biting on her bottom lip..
Her movement was slow and steady and I used my grip on her arse cheeks to manoeuvre her up and down slowly which caused her to moan more systematically and as I saw her eyes rolling back our lips gently met in a soft embrace which gathered momentum quickly as our mouths opened and our tongues started to intermingle and I didn’t realise that Rita was such a deep and passionate kisser, there was nothing I didn’t like about her and right now as we made sweet and passionate love I was seeing the real Rita and not the innocent naive character that led us to this point… We had got a good rhythm going and with all the foreplay that had gone on before I knew that I wouldn’t last too long and we both enjoyed our first passionate kiss which only heightened the experience for both of us, our bodies were totally in sync and I could feel her getting wetter and wetter as we increased the pace getting ready for a grandstand finish..
I know we fucked earlier but that was for the benefit of the demonstration but this time it was for love and mutual feelings and I felt it important that we show each other how we feel about each other so I tried to make it last as long as I could but I have to say that everything about this woman turns me on and hence to say it wasn’t long before I was shooting my load deep inside her and as we parted our mouths purely to be able to breath and catch our breath it was so comforting when she laid her head on my shoulder gently kissing my neck and nibbling at my earlobe and with our bodies still tightly locked together it was one of the most pleasant and peaceful experiences I’d had in a very long time, I knew then that she was a keeper and that made me so excited..
18 days ago