The Broads - An Elektra Situation.
Chapter 1. The background.
Several years ago, my wife passed away. At our marriage I became a step father to her two offspring (one of each) from her first marriage. We got along well after the traditional rocky start. I never tried to fully replace their father and never demanded that Alice or Glen refer to me as ‘dad’. I had three basic rules. I will treat you as if you were my own; I will never make a promise I can’t keep, and if you are straight with me, I will always back you up.
We lived about three hours away by car. I know the separation made keeping in contact harder, so after my wife passed away and with a now growing families both of them lost touch with me; calls on birthdays, Christmas cards and dropping in whilst passing but the distance increased. It is natural I suppose. I would send cards and presents for their offspring too.
Whilst Glen was thriving in the military it became apparent that the man Alice had married was not the jovial, fun-loving chap he made out to be, but actually, in private was a lazy narcissist, forever belittling her, running her down, financially controlling over her and would display angry outbursts when full of whisky. Even screaming at her to get off her phone so he could use it to livestream a sports event; when she was calling her doctor. Eventually she snapped and sought a divorce.
Chapter 2. The failed fishing trip.
One summer a group of my friends decided to organise a ‘fishing trip’ to the Norfolk Broads.
Sadly, for reasons of illness, injury and work each one had to cancel. This left me as the sole person on board ‘a far too’ big cruiser that had already been paid for. In the week prior to going, I thought about cancelling too.
Coincidentally, I had seen a social media post Alice had made regarding the school holidays. Then it struck me. I gave her a call that evening and suggested that she and her two cherubs join me for the week.
She gave the usual prevarications but I brushed them away saying it was all paid for and I would love to see them. She asked what she should pack for them. I told her that typical attire was shorts, t shirt, swimsuits, sun hats. Like you would pack for a beach holiday or camping trip. I said there are plenty of bars and restaurants so she could pack as glam or as casual as she liked. When I had done a similar holiday with her mother, she had not packed suitable flats to wear instead of her heels on the towpath on the way to the pub. Guess who had to visit a local shoe shop next morning….
Anyway…I think the final selling point was to tell them that they were going to see granny and grandad who live near that region and surprise them by pulling into the boat yard, ‘just to look around’.
Chapter 3 – The boatyard. Night 1.
Cherubs 1 & 2 were thrilled. It was so nice to see them looking so happy and excited. Alice seemed to be a bit more relaxed than she had been over the last few years. I showed them where they would sleep, how to use the toilet and how to help me fill the water tank. They were delighted when I showed them the fishing rods and asked if they could use them right away.
After the mandatory training and safety checks, we set off on our first night on the Broads. Despite the rumble of the engine, it really is peaceful on the water.
After watching a DVD, the cherubs eventually went to bed and surprisingly both fell asleep quickly. Unprompted by me, Alice started telling me what had been going on with her ex. I was so angry about it; hearing how he would isolate her, cut her off from friends, and express some of the vilest opinions.
Chapter 4 – The bacon incident. Day 2
On the first full day I awoke early, boiled the kettle to make tea and went outside to take in the morning air. I’m not one for ‘meditation’ but there is something about that time of day in that place that helps shift the mindset. Shortly after, Alice joined me and we sat sipping tea and quietly discussing the plans for the day.
Once the cherubs were up and dressed, we set off. Alice had taken my advice and packed plenty of shorts, leggings t-shirts, sunblock and insect repellent. When we got to our first stop; a quiet mooring on Salhouse Broad, Alice set about frying up some bacon for brunch.
In an instance, I heard the spit of the bacon pan and looked over to see Alice’s sports T-shirt coved in hot oil. I immediately jumped up and pulled the hem of her t shirt up and away from her body. I was simply concerned that the oil might burn her. As he leaned forward her breasts became exposed. I took the towel that I told cherub 1 to get and told Alice to use it to cover herself and check for burns then get washed and changed.
We had another wonderful day and the cherubs really enjoyed the fishing. That evening, after a gin or so Alice mentioned the bacon incident. She asked what I saw. I was honest enough to say and to assure her that it wasn’t sexual, I just didn’t want to stand by and see her burned. I likened it to when he was breastfeeding; aside from the occasional glimpse we would all look at a point on the ceiling. She laughed and that it wouldn’t happen again as she was wearing her bra, pulling the strap to underline the point.
After we went to our cabins, I fell asleep quite quickly, only to be awoken by Alice stumbling around in the dark. She was hunting for the extra bedding that was in a seat locker in my cabin. Cherub 2 had climbed into bed with her and had wet the bed. I told her to leave it until morning and sleep in my room as it had an extra bed. “It’s cold, I’m tired and it will need making up. Can I just get in with you?” That made me jump.
I said yes, my heart starting to race. She climbed in and lay next to me. I noticed the aroma almost straight away. “I think cherub 2 got your nightshirt too.” She reached down to confirm the wet part and after swearing, removed it, throwing it towards the bathroom door.
It my heart wasn’t racing before, it was now. She giggled, “topless, in bed with you”. “I’ll try to remember you cover you up in the morning”, I said. As I drifted off, I could feel her near naked body against mine, her bare breasts snuggling into my back.
Chapter 5 – Wash day. Day 3
As promised, I was able to extract myself from the bed and preserve her modesty yet I couldn’t help feeling that my waking to find her hand on my erection wasn’t completely accidental.
We spent the day in a marina with a launderette and enjoyed ice cream at a nearby park. I sat with the cherubs while she went to some local shops before we started a long leg towards Norwich. I felt her really opening up to me about some of his behaviours in their marriage and that evening she obviously felt comfortable to elaborate on some of the more sexual elements of their marriage. I was reluctant but pleased she could unburden herself. He was forever nagging her to get pierced and tattooed, on several occasions, threatening to ‘do it to her himself’. He fantasised about tying her up and bring round several mates to service her. Humiliation was obviously a big thing for him She’d be blindfolded so she would not know they were if they ever met in daytime. She was to be clean shaven at all times. If she wasn’t, he would tie her up and do it for her. No stubble, no strips, no experimenting with different styles, lengths or shapes. Just all off all the time.
This aroused me a bit because her mum used to shave. It was a thing that I liked. Before we met, she would trim but after we got together, she was happy to indulge me. For me, it was a turn on to be able to share that sort of intimate detail with Alice, who recalled as a teen, seeing mum in the bath, shaved, and wanted to ask us about it. I smiled, “What would you have asked?” I asked.
“Oh, just that, do some women shave downstairs and why?” she replied. I smiled and said that I hoped I would have answered then as I would if asked today. That some do it for hygiene, some for the look, some for their partners.
I told her that whatever is going on down there, if a real man gets to find out, he’s not going to complain. Although, in a relationship you do things for each other. For a romantic night mum would shave and put on the sort of lingerie that she knew I thought looked good on her. In my turn I was also clean shaven as she hated facial stubble, I would always wear a suit as she thought I looked good in one and I would put on an aftershave she liked just as she would wear a perfume I liked. We never demanded things of each other. We did them out of love.
She said that she thought he was jealous of me because although I was far older than him, I had kept in trim and looked after myself. He went as far as to suggest that she had some kind of crush on me and that actually an inappropriate relationship had occurred years before. “Maybe you should fuck him, you slag.” What a fat piece of shit.
I think she was shocked to learn the mum did get an intimate piercing as a surprise for me. As we said goodnight, she hugged me for longer than usual and asked what style mum preferred for me. I smiled, “trimmed’, I said.
I was reading when Alice knocked at the door. She entered and closed the door looking nervous. She was breathing heavily wearing a short kimono style robe. I asked if everything was alright. She nodded and said, “He used to make me feel so ugly. Please just let me do this. Am I really so unattractive?” She stepped forward and removed the robe, letting it fall to the floor.
Her figure was lit up by the single cabin light. I was stunned. This woman who I had seen grow up over the years standing nude in front of me. Seeming to get more confident with her figure by the second. Her breasts bouncing with her breathing and heartbeat, her tummy barely affected by stretch marks and her hips displaying a full, thick brown bush.
I got out of bed and my arousal was obvious. I wanted to have her but I knew she would need to lead. I stepped towards her, put my hands on her hips and kissed her neck; she moaned.
We made our way to the bed. I sat and she knelt down and took me in her mouth. Eventually she stood up. I leaned forward to her breasts, kissing and sucking on them. I placed my hand on her lips and felt a real wetness.
She pushed me back and straddled me. She sat with my cock at the entrance to her pussy. “Condom?” I asked. She reached in to her robe, opened up a packet and put it on me; my cock covered in a black sheath. “Maybe you should fuck him…” she mimicked. With that she pushed down and I slipped in to her.
After what seemed an eternity, I shot my load. She collapsed on to me. We both lay there sweating and breathing hard. I said I was sorry that I hadn’t been able to last long enough for her to orgasm. She replied that she couldn’t remember the last one she had as he hated vibrators and was not interested in pleasuring her. I stood up, removing the condom. I asked about the colour. She told me that he hated the colour and it made him think she wanted some BBC. I’d never seen a black one on as my late wife didn’t need contraception. I told her it looked good, novel. We lay in bed together just talking. I asked her again about the orgasms. She confirmed that they weren’t part of the marriage. That set an idea in my mind.
Chapter 6 The morning after the night before (unoriginal) Day 4.
Early on, after overcoming the awkwardness we all had breakfast. The other grandparents rang. Alice arranged to have the pick up the cherubs and have them overnight. In return we would host them on the boat the next day. The cherubs were a bit put out at having to leave (I like that they enjoyed it so much though) but were quickly persuaded when they were told that grandad had a new home movie theatre, and reminded that there was also a hot tub and a pizza oven. As we were already in Norwich, after we dropped them off Alice and I each said we had a couple of things we needed to do and went our separate ways, agreeing to meet up at a coffee shop before heading to the boat. That afternoon we headed up the river as I had a special mooring in mind. We got to the place; a secluded part of Barton Broad and I dropped the mud weight. We appeared to be completely alone.
We pulled the canopy back and just sat enjoying the sun. After we had eaten, she excused herself and went to her cabin as I did the washing up. When I finished, I stood at the bow door. “What do you think?” I turned to see Alice fully nude except for a pair of black hold up stockings, some high heels and completely shaven. “I got waxed”, she giggled. “I hope you like it. I didn’t know what lingerie you like but you can’t go wrong with black stockings and heels.” I nodded.
I walked towards her. “I hoped last night wasn’t a one off, but I never expected” I said. “It fits well with what I have for you”. I led her to my cabin, kissing and caressing her. I could feel the excitement build in her body. I lay her on the bed and kissed and bit her all over, eventually tasting her smooth pussy. I stood up and showed her the vibrator I had bought that morning. Long, black and ‘sure to work’, the assistant told me. Adding some lube, I inserted it. The response was instant. Like I was fucking her but looking on; like an out of body experience.
I knew it had hit her g spot; the rabbit ears teasing her now swollen clit. She reached out to my cock and pulled it towards her mouth, wanking me in to it as she writhed. She moaned. I assured her no one could hear. Her moans got louder. I felt the slight increase in wetness, her own juices a different texture than the lube. This is how her mother used to be. I knew she was close.
Then a deep groan through gritted teeth as the squirt began. A quick embarrassed pause that she could not control, then another jet. Followed by a slight trickle. Her eyes rolled over. I slowly reduced the speed of the vibrator and kissed her swollen clit. She moaned and twitched, before going silent for a while. Le petit mort?
I moved to take out the vibrator. “No,… again,… please.” I powered it back up and felt her start to move her hips. I leaned forward to suck her nipples. She pushed my hands away from the toy, “squeeze my tits, bite my nipples.”
Taking it in her own hands, she worked it in to the position that gave her most pleasure and kept it there, back arched, hips thrusting. Then the breathing got far heavier again. I was just a bystander to her pleasure and I was OK with it. The orgasm came. No squirting this time. As it subsided, I went to kiss her smooth mound. She pulled my hair up, “No, just fuck me. Fuck my bald pussy.”
In an instant I was hard with the black condom over my swollen cock. Parting her legs I pushed straight in, her stocking clad legs wrapping around my waist. Then the explosion. I came really hard. This time it was my turn to collapse on to her. We lay there for a while. “I think I passed out. Mum was a lucky girl.” She turned to me, kissing my chest. “This feels natural, doesn’t it” she said. I nodded. That evening we drank some wine, watched a DVD and eventually fell asleep next to each other.
Chapter 7 - Meet the (other) parents. Day 5.
The sun was already strong as I started the engine and headed to Wroxham. Alice was nude as we set off; she wanted to top up her tan. I told her I didn’t mind and some of the residents nearby would be ok but others may not. She lay on the couch, soaking up the rays, covering herself as needed when passing under the bridges. Such was the strength of the sun that by midday in Wroxham she really did have an almost all over tan.
The afternoon went well with Alice and her stepmum gong shopping at the famous store there. Her dad and I sitting with the cherubs while they fished. I don’t think there was any danger of them catching anything but they loved it. They took up Alice’s offer of staying the night. I gave up my cabin, and slept in a corridor bunk. Nothing happened that night and it was probably wise to cool off a bit anyway.
Chapter 8 - Morning departure. Day 6.
We said goodbye to them after breakfast and started to enjoy our last full day on the boat. Alice had changed into a bikini just as they were leaving and I think her step mother was a bit alarmed at just how skimpy the bottom was, “Half your bum’s on show.” It amazed me how much her body confidence had developed in such a short time.
We returned to our yard that night to be ready to pack up the car the following morning. After lights out, as I ‘d hoped she came in to my cabin. No stockings tonight, just the high heels and the robe. “There’s something I’d like you to do for me.” I asked what. She explained that her ex would get paralytic every night of every holiday they ever had and had left her fantasy unfulfilled. I asked what it was. “Fuck me in the moonlight; ideally it would be a balcony, but here will do.”
She pulled open the curtains, bent over and spread her legs. As I entered her smooth pussy from behind, “I always fantasised about being ‘seen’. Not too close, just close enough.” I gripped her hips and pushed with a long gentle rhythm. She wiggled her hips slowly making her breasts wobble. I reached around and caressed her clit. “Did mum really get her clit pierced?” I said yes, her clit hood, I pinched the fold of skin indicating where the ring had gone. “Did it make sex better?”. I told her that it wasn’t like that. That she had done it for me and that we both shared a sexy secret was the turn on.
I looked down at the thick black ‘cock’ sliding between her ass cheeks. Before long I filled the condom. “I don’t know who it would be, but I hope they saw” she said, removing my condom and cleaning me up with her mouth.
After calming down we talked. It couldn’t go on; we both knew that. Since my wife died, I had been practically celibate and besides, I wouldn’t want to complicate her life any more. She was of the same opinion.
Chapter 9 – Ships that pass in the night…
After we had handed the boat back, explained what we had done to resolve the bed wetting incident; the yard was very gracious. We went to a nearby drive through for breakfast. After that we said our goodbyes and set off on out respective journeys.As we hugged Alice whispered in my ear, “Thank you for everything including the new toy…daddy.”
Several years ago, my wife passed away. At our marriage I became a step father to her two offspring (one of each) from her first marriage. We got along well after the traditional rocky start. I never tried to fully replace their father and never demanded that Alice or Glen refer to me as ‘dad’. I had three basic rules. I will treat you as if you were my own; I will never make a promise I can’t keep, and if you are straight with me, I will always back you up.
We lived about three hours away by car. I know the separation made keeping in contact harder, so after my wife passed away and with a now growing families both of them lost touch with me; calls on birthdays, Christmas cards and dropping in whilst passing but the distance increased. It is natural I suppose. I would send cards and presents for their offspring too.
Whilst Glen was thriving in the military it became apparent that the man Alice had married was not the jovial, fun-loving chap he made out to be, but actually, in private was a lazy narcissist, forever belittling her, running her down, financially controlling over her and would display angry outbursts when full of whisky. Even screaming at her to get off her phone so he could use it to livestream a sports event; when she was calling her doctor. Eventually she snapped and sought a divorce.
Chapter 2. The failed fishing trip.
One summer a group of my friends decided to organise a ‘fishing trip’ to the Norfolk Broads.
Sadly, for reasons of illness, injury and work each one had to cancel. This left me as the sole person on board ‘a far too’ big cruiser that had already been paid for. In the week prior to going, I thought about cancelling too.
Coincidentally, I had seen a social media post Alice had made regarding the school holidays. Then it struck me. I gave her a call that evening and suggested that she and her two cherubs join me for the week.
She gave the usual prevarications but I brushed them away saying it was all paid for and I would love to see them. She asked what she should pack for them. I told her that typical attire was shorts, t shirt, swimsuits, sun hats. Like you would pack for a beach holiday or camping trip. I said there are plenty of bars and restaurants so she could pack as glam or as casual as she liked. When I had done a similar holiday with her mother, she had not packed suitable flats to wear instead of her heels on the towpath on the way to the pub. Guess who had to visit a local shoe shop next morning….
Anyway…I think the final selling point was to tell them that they were going to see granny and grandad who live near that region and surprise them by pulling into the boat yard, ‘just to look around’.
Chapter 3 – The boatyard. Night 1.
Cherubs 1 & 2 were thrilled. It was so nice to see them looking so happy and excited. Alice seemed to be a bit more relaxed than she had been over the last few years. I showed them where they would sleep, how to use the toilet and how to help me fill the water tank. They were delighted when I showed them the fishing rods and asked if they could use them right away.
After the mandatory training and safety checks, we set off on our first night on the Broads. Despite the rumble of the engine, it really is peaceful on the water.
After watching a DVD, the cherubs eventually went to bed and surprisingly both fell asleep quickly. Unprompted by me, Alice started telling me what had been going on with her ex. I was so angry about it; hearing how he would isolate her, cut her off from friends, and express some of the vilest opinions.
Chapter 4 – The bacon incident. Day 2
On the first full day I awoke early, boiled the kettle to make tea and went outside to take in the morning air. I’m not one for ‘meditation’ but there is something about that time of day in that place that helps shift the mindset. Shortly after, Alice joined me and we sat sipping tea and quietly discussing the plans for the day.
Once the cherubs were up and dressed, we set off. Alice had taken my advice and packed plenty of shorts, leggings t-shirts, sunblock and insect repellent. When we got to our first stop; a quiet mooring on Salhouse Broad, Alice set about frying up some bacon for brunch.
In an instance, I heard the spit of the bacon pan and looked over to see Alice’s sports T-shirt coved in hot oil. I immediately jumped up and pulled the hem of her t shirt up and away from her body. I was simply concerned that the oil might burn her. As he leaned forward her breasts became exposed. I took the towel that I told cherub 1 to get and told Alice to use it to cover herself and check for burns then get washed and changed.
We had another wonderful day and the cherubs really enjoyed the fishing. That evening, after a gin or so Alice mentioned the bacon incident. She asked what I saw. I was honest enough to say and to assure her that it wasn’t sexual, I just didn’t want to stand by and see her burned. I likened it to when he was breastfeeding; aside from the occasional glimpse we would all look at a point on the ceiling. She laughed and that it wouldn’t happen again as she was wearing her bra, pulling the strap to underline the point.
After we went to our cabins, I fell asleep quite quickly, only to be awoken by Alice stumbling around in the dark. She was hunting for the extra bedding that was in a seat locker in my cabin. Cherub 2 had climbed into bed with her and had wet the bed. I told her to leave it until morning and sleep in my room as it had an extra bed. “It’s cold, I’m tired and it will need making up. Can I just get in with you?” That made me jump.
I said yes, my heart starting to race. She climbed in and lay next to me. I noticed the aroma almost straight away. “I think cherub 2 got your nightshirt too.” She reached down to confirm the wet part and after swearing, removed it, throwing it towards the bathroom door.
It my heart wasn’t racing before, it was now. She giggled, “topless, in bed with you”. “I’ll try to remember you cover you up in the morning”, I said. As I drifted off, I could feel her near naked body against mine, her bare breasts snuggling into my back.
Chapter 5 – Wash day. Day 3
As promised, I was able to extract myself from the bed and preserve her modesty yet I couldn’t help feeling that my waking to find her hand on my erection wasn’t completely accidental.
We spent the day in a marina with a launderette and enjoyed ice cream at a nearby park. I sat with the cherubs while she went to some local shops before we started a long leg towards Norwich. I felt her really opening up to me about some of his behaviours in their marriage and that evening she obviously felt comfortable to elaborate on some of the more sexual elements of their marriage. I was reluctant but pleased she could unburden herself. He was forever nagging her to get pierced and tattooed, on several occasions, threatening to ‘do it to her himself’. He fantasised about tying her up and bring round several mates to service her. Humiliation was obviously a big thing for him She’d be blindfolded so she would not know they were if they ever met in daytime. She was to be clean shaven at all times. If she wasn’t, he would tie her up and do it for her. No stubble, no strips, no experimenting with different styles, lengths or shapes. Just all off all the time.
This aroused me a bit because her mum used to shave. It was a thing that I liked. Before we met, she would trim but after we got together, she was happy to indulge me. For me, it was a turn on to be able to share that sort of intimate detail with Alice, who recalled as a teen, seeing mum in the bath, shaved, and wanted to ask us about it. I smiled, “What would you have asked?” I asked.
“Oh, just that, do some women shave downstairs and why?” she replied. I smiled and said that I hoped I would have answered then as I would if asked today. That some do it for hygiene, some for the look, some for their partners.
I told her that whatever is going on down there, if a real man gets to find out, he’s not going to complain. Although, in a relationship you do things for each other. For a romantic night mum would shave and put on the sort of lingerie that she knew I thought looked good on her. In my turn I was also clean shaven as she hated facial stubble, I would always wear a suit as she thought I looked good in one and I would put on an aftershave she liked just as she would wear a perfume I liked. We never demanded things of each other. We did them out of love.
She said that she thought he was jealous of me because although I was far older than him, I had kept in trim and looked after myself. He went as far as to suggest that she had some kind of crush on me and that actually an inappropriate relationship had occurred years before. “Maybe you should fuck him, you slag.” What a fat piece of shit.
I think she was shocked to learn the mum did get an intimate piercing as a surprise for me. As we said goodnight, she hugged me for longer than usual and asked what style mum preferred for me. I smiled, “trimmed’, I said.
I was reading when Alice knocked at the door. She entered and closed the door looking nervous. She was breathing heavily wearing a short kimono style robe. I asked if everything was alright. She nodded and said, “He used to make me feel so ugly. Please just let me do this. Am I really so unattractive?” She stepped forward and removed the robe, letting it fall to the floor.
Her figure was lit up by the single cabin light. I was stunned. This woman who I had seen grow up over the years standing nude in front of me. Seeming to get more confident with her figure by the second. Her breasts bouncing with her breathing and heartbeat, her tummy barely affected by stretch marks and her hips displaying a full, thick brown bush.
I got out of bed and my arousal was obvious. I wanted to have her but I knew she would need to lead. I stepped towards her, put my hands on her hips and kissed her neck; she moaned.
We made our way to the bed. I sat and she knelt down and took me in her mouth. Eventually she stood up. I leaned forward to her breasts, kissing and sucking on them. I placed my hand on her lips and felt a real wetness.
She pushed me back and straddled me. She sat with my cock at the entrance to her pussy. “Condom?” I asked. She reached in to her robe, opened up a packet and put it on me; my cock covered in a black sheath. “Maybe you should fuck him…” she mimicked. With that she pushed down and I slipped in to her.
After what seemed an eternity, I shot my load. She collapsed on to me. We both lay there sweating and breathing hard. I said I was sorry that I hadn’t been able to last long enough for her to orgasm. She replied that she couldn’t remember the last one she had as he hated vibrators and was not interested in pleasuring her. I stood up, removing the condom. I asked about the colour. She told me that he hated the colour and it made him think she wanted some BBC. I’d never seen a black one on as my late wife didn’t need contraception. I told her it looked good, novel. We lay in bed together just talking. I asked her again about the orgasms. She confirmed that they weren’t part of the marriage. That set an idea in my mind.
Chapter 6 The morning after the night before (unoriginal) Day 4.
Early on, after overcoming the awkwardness we all had breakfast. The other grandparents rang. Alice arranged to have the pick up the cherubs and have them overnight. In return we would host them on the boat the next day. The cherubs were a bit put out at having to leave (I like that they enjoyed it so much though) but were quickly persuaded when they were told that grandad had a new home movie theatre, and reminded that there was also a hot tub and a pizza oven. As we were already in Norwich, after we dropped them off Alice and I each said we had a couple of things we needed to do and went our separate ways, agreeing to meet up at a coffee shop before heading to the boat. That afternoon we headed up the river as I had a special mooring in mind. We got to the place; a secluded part of Barton Broad and I dropped the mud weight. We appeared to be completely alone.
We pulled the canopy back and just sat enjoying the sun. After we had eaten, she excused herself and went to her cabin as I did the washing up. When I finished, I stood at the bow door. “What do you think?” I turned to see Alice fully nude except for a pair of black hold up stockings, some high heels and completely shaven. “I got waxed”, she giggled. “I hope you like it. I didn’t know what lingerie you like but you can’t go wrong with black stockings and heels.” I nodded.
I walked towards her. “I hoped last night wasn’t a one off, but I never expected” I said. “It fits well with what I have for you”. I led her to my cabin, kissing and caressing her. I could feel the excitement build in her body. I lay her on the bed and kissed and bit her all over, eventually tasting her smooth pussy. I stood up and showed her the vibrator I had bought that morning. Long, black and ‘sure to work’, the assistant told me. Adding some lube, I inserted it. The response was instant. Like I was fucking her but looking on; like an out of body experience.
I knew it had hit her g spot; the rabbit ears teasing her now swollen clit. She reached out to my cock and pulled it towards her mouth, wanking me in to it as she writhed. She moaned. I assured her no one could hear. Her moans got louder. I felt the slight increase in wetness, her own juices a different texture than the lube. This is how her mother used to be. I knew she was close.
Then a deep groan through gritted teeth as the squirt began. A quick embarrassed pause that she could not control, then another jet. Followed by a slight trickle. Her eyes rolled over. I slowly reduced the speed of the vibrator and kissed her swollen clit. She moaned and twitched, before going silent for a while. Le petit mort?
I moved to take out the vibrator. “No,… again,… please.” I powered it back up and felt her start to move her hips. I leaned forward to suck her nipples. She pushed my hands away from the toy, “squeeze my tits, bite my nipples.”
Taking it in her own hands, she worked it in to the position that gave her most pleasure and kept it there, back arched, hips thrusting. Then the breathing got far heavier again. I was just a bystander to her pleasure and I was OK with it. The orgasm came. No squirting this time. As it subsided, I went to kiss her smooth mound. She pulled my hair up, “No, just fuck me. Fuck my bald pussy.”
In an instant I was hard with the black condom over my swollen cock. Parting her legs I pushed straight in, her stocking clad legs wrapping around my waist. Then the explosion. I came really hard. This time it was my turn to collapse on to her. We lay there for a while. “I think I passed out. Mum was a lucky girl.” She turned to me, kissing my chest. “This feels natural, doesn’t it” she said. I nodded. That evening we drank some wine, watched a DVD and eventually fell asleep next to each other.
Chapter 7 - Meet the (other) parents. Day 5.
The sun was already strong as I started the engine and headed to Wroxham. Alice was nude as we set off; she wanted to top up her tan. I told her I didn’t mind and some of the residents nearby would be ok but others may not. She lay on the couch, soaking up the rays, covering herself as needed when passing under the bridges. Such was the strength of the sun that by midday in Wroxham she really did have an almost all over tan.
The afternoon went well with Alice and her stepmum gong shopping at the famous store there. Her dad and I sitting with the cherubs while they fished. I don’t think there was any danger of them catching anything but they loved it. They took up Alice’s offer of staying the night. I gave up my cabin, and slept in a corridor bunk. Nothing happened that night and it was probably wise to cool off a bit anyway.
Chapter 8 - Morning departure. Day 6.
We said goodbye to them after breakfast and started to enjoy our last full day on the boat. Alice had changed into a bikini just as they were leaving and I think her step mother was a bit alarmed at just how skimpy the bottom was, “Half your bum’s on show.” It amazed me how much her body confidence had developed in such a short time.
We returned to our yard that night to be ready to pack up the car the following morning. After lights out, as I ‘d hoped she came in to my cabin. No stockings tonight, just the high heels and the robe. “There’s something I’d like you to do for me.” I asked what. She explained that her ex would get paralytic every night of every holiday they ever had and had left her fantasy unfulfilled. I asked what it was. “Fuck me in the moonlight; ideally it would be a balcony, but here will do.”
She pulled open the curtains, bent over and spread her legs. As I entered her smooth pussy from behind, “I always fantasised about being ‘seen’. Not too close, just close enough.” I gripped her hips and pushed with a long gentle rhythm. She wiggled her hips slowly making her breasts wobble. I reached around and caressed her clit. “Did mum really get her clit pierced?” I said yes, her clit hood, I pinched the fold of skin indicating where the ring had gone. “Did it make sex better?”. I told her that it wasn’t like that. That she had done it for me and that we both shared a sexy secret was the turn on.
I looked down at the thick black ‘cock’ sliding between her ass cheeks. Before long I filled the condom. “I don’t know who it would be, but I hope they saw” she said, removing my condom and cleaning me up with her mouth.
After calming down we talked. It couldn’t go on; we both knew that. Since my wife died, I had been practically celibate and besides, I wouldn’t want to complicate her life any more. She was of the same opinion.
Chapter 9 – Ships that pass in the night…
After we had handed the boat back, explained what we had done to resolve the bed wetting incident; the yard was very gracious. We went to a nearby drive through for breakfast. After that we said our goodbyes and set off on out respective journeys.As we hugged Alice whispered in my ear, “Thank you for everything including the new toy…daddy.”
1 month ago