Suzanne becomes a slave for the weekend

“You could always be my slave this weekend,” a male voice said from behind.

Suzanne turned around, startled, as she switched off her mobile phone. It was Quinn, the company’s systems analyst. She smiled. “No thanks I’m not into that!” she told him.

She had forgotten that he was in the room. Quinn must have overheard her conversation with her fiancé, Paul. Last weekend he had invited some of his mates round and they had spent most of the time watching football, eating pizzas and drinking wine and beer. Suzanne had spent the whole weekend cleaning up after them. Paul had just told her that they would be coming around again next weekend and she had told him straight ‘If you think I am going to be your slave again this weekend you can think again!’

Quinnie stood beside her and leant over her desk at her side. “You never know you might enjoy it!”

Quinn was into BDSM. Most of the office staff knew; he made no secret of his fetish. He once had a young female assistant whom he often referred to as his slave. Some of the staff was a little wary of him; some thought he was a weirdo but Suzanne got on well with him. As head of Accounts she had got to know him quite well over the last year. A new computer system had been installed and as with most systems in the early stages there had been lots of teething problems. Quinn had spent more time in her office than any other over the last year.

Suzanne smiled as she shook her head.

“Being my slave doesn’t mean you will be treated as a scivvy. I look after my slaves and treat them well!” he told her.

“It’s not my scene Quinn,” she responded.

“And being treated like a scivvy is?” he asked, “From the sound of it you are there just to cook and clean after him and provide sex!”

“That’s enough Quinn!” she snapped.

He stepped away and returned to computer he had been working on. She was annoyed at him but he was right. This last year it had seemed just like that. She had been waiting for him to set a date for the marriage since he moved in with her almost a year ago but talk of marriage had become almost non-existent. This last year she had just felt used. “I’m sorry for shouting at you” she said apologetically.

“That’s okay. I spoke out of turn,” he replied.

She shook her head. “No you were right.”

“Well no one else can make the decision for you about the problem that has obviously been on your mind this last year,” he told her.

He was right again of course, as well as intuitive. Maybe it was time to make a change. “Maybe a break away to think things over is what I need!” she said out loud.

“Maybe,” he responded.

“But not as a slave!” she laughed.

He turned and put his arm around the back of her chair. “I think you would enjoy it,” he said quietly. “I have been into this for almost 20 years and I know a Sub when I see one, believe me!”

“But…but you hardly know me!” she replied.

He leaned closer to her. “Okay then,” he said to her. “I bet that when it comes to sex it’s you who has to make all the running; take the initiative and do the leading, when all along you cry out for a real man to come along and take control?”

Suzanne said nothing. He was right of course, again! But she was not going to discuss such intimacies with a man she hardly knew. He waited for a response for a few moments then stood up.

“The offer is there if you want to explore and find the real you!” he told her.

Their discussion reverberated round her mind for days afterwards and the more she thought about her relationship with Paul the more discontent she grew. Of course it didn’t help matters by Paul talking non stop about the football competition that was taking place. She also thought about Quinn’s proposal. BDSM was never something that she had given much thought too, and certainly, at 40 and almost 20 years her senior, Quinn was not of physical interest to her. Not that he wasn’t attractive, because he was, and he also had that ruggedness about him that she found attractive in a man. But she did need a man who was younger and who would take control.

It was on the Thursday morning that Quinn had to come to fix another computer problem and she found herself talking to him again. That morning she and Paul had argued again about the weekend and she had told him that she was going away. She had no intention of doing so at the time but when he seemed as though he couldn’t care less she telephoned her sister and arranged to visit her. She told Quinn.

“Taking the soft option hey!” he joked.

She smiled “I told you, it’s not my scene!”

“And I told you, you don’t know until you try!” he responded.

“So what happens then in these relationships?” she found herself asking.

“Much too long and involved to go into just now,” he replied as he worked away.

“So it’s all about sex and pain then?” she asked him.

He moved to her desk and knelt down so that he could speak quietly. “It’s not just about sexual pleasure, although that is part of it. Neither is it just about pain, even though that can be part of it in varying degrees. It’s about the bond of control and trust between two people,” he told her. “The Domme is in control of the Sub, who puts her trust in him. The Domme honours that trust and uses his experience to bring out the best in the Sub to attain the ultimate sexual satisfaction for them both.”

“I see,” she responded quietly. “And if, say, I became your Sub there would be sex and pain etc involved?” she asked.

“If you came to be my Sub”, he told her, “You would be coming to hand control of your body and soul over to me!” he told her.

Suzanne said nothing as she stared at her desk. “I need to know what would be expected of me?” she said softly.

“You would be expected to say ‘yes’ to everything I told you to do,” he replied.

“That’s…….that’s a lot to ask of a girl who hardly knows you!”

“I know,” he replied. “But that is part of the excitement. You don’t know what I would ask of you and how much of yourself I would expect you to give!”

She gulped as he rose from her side. “You wouldn’t tell anyone else if I came would you?” she asked him.

“Tell anybody else about what?” he asked her.

“This weekend.”

“What weekend?” he asked with a smile.

She returned his smile with relief.

“I told you,” he said as he turned to her. “It’s about trust. What we do remains between us!”

She sat silently for a few minutes as he finished his work. “Then can I come this weekend?” she asked him quietly.

“Of course you can,” he told her. “But…..but be sure it’s something you want to do. You will be mine from the moment you cross my doorstep on Friday night until you leave on Monday morning. Mine to do with as I please. I do promise of course that I will not do anything to bring you harm or injury, physical and mental; nothing that contravenes the law; and nothing that would be considered a depraved act. Apart from that you can expect anything and everything.”

Suzanne watched as he walked away. Suddenly she became aware of the dampness in her panties. She felt embarrassed with her condition but she also felt excited. No one had ever made her feel this way before. Suddenly she felt alive.

Published by Puppytoes
2 months ago
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