The Sissy Way

The physical surrender of femme-boi's to strong, masculine men is truly far more than physical, more than 'just sex.'

We long to be held by their strong arms, to feel our soft, inherently feminine bodies held safely, lovingly, against their strong, masculine bodies, to feel their superior manhood protecting us, even nurturing us, affirming our FEMININE role. To feel his potent, warm, semen still pulsating deep inside our bodies, where only real men could ever touch us, knowing it's changing us, profoundly, from the inside out.

To curl up against the strong, firm, but tender man who's just made passionate love to us, and allow ourselves to drift off to sleep, safe, protected, cared for, is something ALL sissies truly long for deep inside. Still basking in the warm afterglow of being fulfilled by a TRUE man, a REAL man, as a true sissy GIRL was always meant to be, we can finally let go of the LIE of trying to be a 'male' once and for all, and know we've finally become what nature always meant us to be: the tender, loving GIRL of a strong, worthy MAN.
The Sissy Way
Published by Archive222
2 months ago
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carmen-cum-cissy 1 month ago
NEOH333 1 month ago
Exactly my thoughts… a true masculine man makes my inner femininity emerge even more so than when I’m by myself. Even though I feel great expressing my femininity I just seem to let it all out when around a man. Totally feel ya girl. 
1roberta 2 months ago
Stunning.  I have the same cage and it's one of my favorites....
tvslut69 2 months ago
Beautiful words, sister. :heart: You hit the heart of our femininity. We're not looking for fuckers with big dicks. Men don't fascinate us with that. But the man we'll feel safe with is the one who will win us over even without a big dick. The one who won't just love our bodies, but our souls too. The one who will make us feel like real women.
lauragonzales 2 months ago
mmm I love your words :heart: they identify and define me as a sissy, I feel and see myself as you have described
captJack33 2 months ago