Mum Helps My Film Project

Mum Helps My Film Project

Mum, can I have a word?

Yes of course my love. What is it?

Its for my school film studies project.

Oh yes?

Yes, we have to produce a short film, show it to the class, and get a mark on quality and content.

Oh that sounds interesting. How can I help?

Well, I don't have a lot of time, I've delayed it, thinking about content that will be different from the usual stuff our class does. I want you to star in it, but I really need you to do it today. Now if possible.

What do you want me to do?

The idea is to show you going into the bathroom and having a pee. What do you think?

Oh, well, hmmm... Well, yes, I suppose so! It certainly sounds modern. What's the plan?

Well I was thinking that if I start shooting now, I follow you into the bathroom, you pull down your trousers and your knickers, sit on the toilet and do a pee. Then, you know, wipe yourself and pull your clothes up, wash your hands and its done. Just a straightforward everyday scene! I'll put some music over it after its all shot and edited. What do you think?

Hmm, I have to say it doesn't sound very interesting or exciting! I think I can do a lot better than that. Look, get your camera ready while I get changed and I'll do a better show for you. Something your class will appreciate and you'll get good marks for I reckon. And I'm going to have a nice long drink of water too!

OK Mum, its a deal. I'll leave it to you...


Right, I think this outfit is better. This is one of my best blouses. My nice miniskirt and stockings. Much better than my boring trousers.

Oh yes Mum, that looks great. What's that you're holding?

Its towels. We're not filming in that cramped bathroom; I think the kitchen floor will be better, and I'll put these down to catch the pee, and to lie on. OK?

Wow, yes, the light's good in there too. Shall we get started?

Yes, I think your class would like me to do a nice strip first. You can direct me.

Right then. Filming now. I follow you into the kitchen. Stop there and look back over your shoulder. Lovely. Now, turn and face the camera. Great, now slowly lift up the front of your little skirt, show us the stocking tops. Great, that's really nice. Turn your back to us now, and unzip the skirt.

Why don't you do that for me?

Good idea, yes I'm pulling the zip down slowly with one hand. We get a glimpse of your nice nylon knickers, and… now drop the skirt to the floor. Great. Let me get a shot of your seamed stockings, starting at your heels and then slowly going up your legs to the stocking-tops, getting a nice view of the suspender straps and finishing with a close up of the knickers over your bottom. Wonderful.

Shall I take off the blouse next?

Yes, slowly turn to face the camera again. Give a nice smile to the camera and gently start to unbutton the blouse. Yes that's amazing! So sexy. All undone? Pull the blouse open so we can see your bra. Oh gosh that's fabulous Mum!

Yes its a special bra I only wear when your Dad and I have fun times.

It doesn't really cover your boobs much!

No, its a quarter-cup bra, holds my breasts up nicely but shows my nipples. Nice isn't it?

Its amazing. I think you should keep that on, its super sexy!

That's what I thought!

Let me get close-ups of your nipples. Fabulous.

Give them a little suck!

Wow yes. Oh they taste lovely!

Time for me to get down and ready for the peeing? Panties off first?

Oh gosh yes Mum. Lie down on that big towel. Let me get a good shot of your knickers. Now... slowly open your legs so we can see the gusset. Fabulous... I'm getting hard! Let me zoom in at your crotch. I'll get a nice close-up view. Mum, did you know you have a damp patch on the knicker-gusset?

Yes. This is turning me on, my pussy is getting wet!

It looks great on film. Now we need to reveal your privates. Ready?

Oh yes!

Legs back together again then. Knees back against your chest. Wow, that looks nice, knickers spread across your crotch. Grab the sides and pull them off, keep your legs nice and tight together so we can have a hot reveal. Great. I can see a tiny bit of slit but that's all. Nice teasing view! Now... Open up and show us what you've got down there.

Here goes!

Oh god, I almost shot off! Mum, what a view! Your pussy's all open and wet! I can see absolutely everything you've got! Oh, yes, holding your flaps open now! I can see right down inside! Its all pink and damp! Oh Mum how are you doing that?

What, making my pussy open and close? Just muscle action. I bet it looks good doesn't it?

Oh blimey yes Mum! Let me really focus on it. Your pee-hole is easy to see like that as well. And your bottom-hole. Oh crikey, I can hardly hold myself from jerking! What effect this will have on my film group I do not know. They'll be in ecstasy! Oh you're making your anus open and close too. Oh good grief its amazing!

Lovey, I really need to pee soon. I had a big drink, there's lots to come out! Stand back for a climax to your film!

OK Mum, go ahead. Legs back, wide apart, holding your flaps open. Wow! Here it comes! God its like a fountain.! Most of its going on the towels. Oh fabulous! Wow its still going!

Get lots of good views of it; move around a bit and film from the side.

Great idea Mum. Wow! Oh God that's unbelievable! Legs right open and back almost to your shoulders. Your pussy is so open like that, the pee shooting out! Oh my God, Mum! Its disgusting and wonderful at the same time! Oh wow!

Quick, put a finger in my arse! They'll love that!

What? Really? God, I'll love it too! Here goes!

Ahh, right up me! Ahhhh... I'm cumming. I can't believe it! Its because this is so rude!

Mum you're bucking like mad. This is amazing! Beyond my wildest dreams! I'm getting this all on film. Fantastic!

Ahhh, that was one good fucking orgasm! I think I'm empty now.

I'll take my finger out and take shots of you lying there all open and wet. Both holes gaping. Yes, pull them apart a bit. Nice smile. Close-up on your face. Sexy grin. Wow! Cut!

Pheww... Umm... Alan?

Yes Mum?

Are you a virgin?

Yes Mum, I'm afraid so.

I somehow thought you might be. How you got so excited! I was happy to help with your film project of course, any Mum would, but I expect I can help you in another way too!

Oh, how Mum?

Get your clothes off and fuck me! Its only fair after I got an orgasm just from doing rude things for the camera, and from your finger up my bum! I can repay the compliment.... Oh that's a nice cock! Do you want to stick it up your mother's nice wide open wet and succulent holes?

Oh God! Yes please Mum!

Right, do me up the arse first. That's it, put the cock head at the entrance as I open up for you. Now push! Ahhhhh....

Oh wow, so tight, so lovely!

Pump away lovey! Give my bum a good shafting. Good?

Oh wow yes, fabulous! Unbelievable!

Slow down a bit, don't cum yet! Keep it right up me for a while. Stop pumping. Nice?

So wonderful. So warm and tight on my cock! Finding it hard not to cum!

O, you'd better now do me in the pussy. I'll open my flaps up for you. Great, slide your nice big cock right in!

Ahhh so nice Mum. Lovely! Oh that's it, I'm cummmmiiiinnnnggggg! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Oh wow...

Thank you my love, that was a very good fuck. Very good indeed.

Thank YOU mum! Amazing.

Shoot a bit more with your camera, get a nice shot of my holes now they've been fucked.

Oh wow, my spunk is dripping out!

Maybe when you edit your film you can have that in as a bonus!

I think I'm heading for a distinction!

Published by radionpg
3 months ago
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wakeboardmaster2 8 days ago
Love this it got me so hard xx
wadsy1474 1 month ago
love your stories
fuoriin60 2 months ago
Awesome ! Love tour stories
fdj 2 months ago
Love it.
sam_barford 2 months ago
Fantastic ! So good to have a story dedicated to peeing! It brings back wonderful memories of peeing fun with friends!
ClaudiaCDWYorks 3 months ago
Love it when you include watersports in your stories.  I've managed to enjoy peeing in and on (and received the same) various partners over the years.  The taste of pee with pussy juice or jizz is just the best.  I particularly remember the first time a CD partner pissed whilst fucking my arse.  He had stopped thrusting at full penetration and I thought he was coming.  However, I could feel pressure mounting in my bowles as his piss filled me.  What a feeling!  As soon as he pulled his cock out his juices flooded.  Without hesitation his mouth was locked on my hole, sucking and swallowing  for all he was worth.