Pajama Party Gone Right
Here’s another story inspired by a friend who provided me some details and descriptions for me to put into a story. As usual, we think this would make a very sexy movie that we’d like to watch. If you agree, send a reply who you would like to see performing in the roles. I have her permission to share this story.
Everyone in this film is at least 18 years old.
Scene 123: Pajama Party Gone Right
The scene opens with a woman on the back patio of her house lying on her stomach on a lounge. The small pool looks inviting on the sunny day, but she’s out there for her tan. Her tanned skin is a nice contrast to the bone white string bikini she wears. The bikini shows off her slender figure, and the bottoms don’t completely cover her squeezable, heart-shaped ass. Her dirty blonde hair is wavy and drops below her shoulders. When she rolls over, the camera appreciates her lean body, her flat stomach, and her 34A breasts. She has an adorably cute face that beckons you watch it and dream of kissing its inviting lips. In her early 30s, she still has the well-toned body and height of an athlete, someone you’d want to go watch the basketball or volleyball or whatever team she’s on just to have an excuse to watch that body wearing something tight.
She sits up when she hears the doorbell ring and puts on a cover. She walks into the house and pauses when she sees her niece through the door’s glass. She smiles and takes a detour to her bedroom where she leaves the swimsuit cover and continues to the door. She opens the door and smiles at the two extremely cute High School girls on her porch. One is a younger, slightly shorter version of herself and with longer hair. The other is another tall beauty but maybe a little younger and with dark hair. The two girls are dressed preppy and have backpacks.
“Hello, Maureen! I was happy when my sister called and said you wanted to stay with me while she’s away at the conference.”
“Hi, Aunt Sunny.” Maureen has a smile that would warm the dreariest day. “When Mom said I could stay with someone while she’s gone, you were at the top of my list.”
The dark-haired is staring at Sunny’s body with a perplexed look.
“You look confused about something, Jenna.”
Jenna shakes her head slightly and smiles. “It’s nothing, Coach. I just wasn’t expecting to see you in a … in a bikini. I’m used to seeing you in the school swimsuit.” Jenna’s confusion is replaced with a slightly embarrassed look. “You look so, um, very good in it.”
“I’m not your swim coach this weekend, Jenna. You have to call me Sunny.”
Jenna nods.
“And I’m not working today, so I get to wear something fun. Don’t you like it.” She poses sexily with a hand on her hip and smiles at the girls.
“You look so hot, Aunt Sunny.”
“Uh-huh, really hot,” Jenna agrees.
Sunny laughs. “Well don’t just stand out there. Come on in.” She moves out of the doorway to let the girls in. “And you don’t get to call me Aunt, this weekend. We’re just three girls hanging out and having a slumber party together.”
They go into the living room, and the girls sit together on the sofa. I really didn’t expect you until later, so I haven’t even thought of ordering anything for dinner. But I can open a bottle of wine while we chat and decide what to order.” The girls look at each other nervously. “Oh, don’t worry, this is just between us girls. It’s not like I’m gonna tell your mother we drank wine together. And you’re both 18.”
They both nod.
“I’ve got a sweet, white wine that I know you’ll love.” She walks into the kitchen and knows that they’re staring at her. Sunny has a world class butt and knows how to show it off. As she gets into the kitchen, she can faintly hear Jenna tell Maureen that her aunt is really hot, and Maureen agrees. Sunny pours the wine and takes two glasses to the girls. They squirm a little as she bends over to put the glasses on the table in front of them and give them a closer view of her breasts. She knows that they’re uncomfortable with her being almost undressed. She’s conditionalizing them to move from discomfort to acceptance before hatching her next move. She knows that they can’t help but watch her as she retrieves her glass. “I’m going to go get a wrap,” she tells them, and they nod.
She goes to the bedroom and puts on the wrap, not that it really hides anything. She considers the girls. Her niece is like an ice princess. She’s achingly beautiful, but she’s never had any interest in boys … or girls, either. She’s intent on being a good girl and getting grades and pleasing her parents. Not that other students haven’t tried to ask her out, but Sunny’s sure she would’ve heard something if anyone had been successful. It would be a very pleasant surprise to convince her to do anything. But Jenna’s a more interesting case. A couple of years ago, Sunny was convinced that Jenna was following the path to becoming a wild slut. She had what Sunny thinks of as the ‘desperation gene,’ where it’s very obvious that you’re searching for assurance and love. \ Sunny had seen girls with that type of personality go far overboard to get affection. But ever since she and Maureen started hanging out, Jenna’s attitude had changed 180. She’d become a model student, much like Maureen. She’s developing nicely, and her shirt’s tightness gives away the curves beneath it. Realistically, she’s going to be Sunny’s primary target tonight, if she can pry the girls apart after they go to bed.
The girls are drinking the wine when Sunny returns and sits in the chair opposite them. She makes sure that the wrap doesn’t obstruct their view of her long legs or her bikini bottom, and she’s pleased to see that their gaze keeps shifting down to assess her body. “I’m so glad that you wanted to come over here for a sleepover while your mother’s at a conference. What made you want to include me?”
“I really don’t like being alone,” Maureen admits. So first I asked Jenna if she wanted to hang out with me, and then I thought maybe you’d let us come over and stay at your house.”
“Well, I don’t have anyone here often enough, so I’m glad to be able to schedule a girls’ night. And I want to feel like a High School student instead of a coach tonight.” She looks at Jenna. “Jenna, you keep looking like you want to ask me something important. What is it?”
“Well, I just keep wondering if you always go around in your house wearing a swimsuit?”
Sunny laughs lightly. “No, not at all. But I had it on when you got here, and I thought I’ll just leave it on til we put on our pajamas. And I don’t think you’d be comfortable with what I normally wear.” The girls look at her quizzically. “Lots of time, when I’m here alone, I don’t bother wearing anything.”
Maureen chokes on her wine, and Jenna looks away, embarrassed. Several seconds go by without anyone knowing what to say next. Then Sunny interrupts the tension by grabbing her iPad. “I don’t have plans for dinner. What do you want to order? Indian food? Chinese? Pizza?”
“I’m good with anything that Mo wants,” Jenna announces.
Maureen smiles enthusiastically. “I’m happy with pizza!”
Sunny stands, walks over to squeeze between the girls on the couch, and lifts her phone for them all to see. “Pizza it is. You can help me order the toppings.”
The scene fades out. The next scene fades in, still in the living room. Sunny and Jenna are sitting closely on the sofa, and Maureen is sitting on a rug on the floor at their feet. The pizza box is empty except for a crust, and the so is the wine bottle. Sunny announces that she’s picked out a movie and that they can start it after they all their pajamas on.
“Thank you for the pizza, Sunny,” Maureen tells her.
“Why don’t you let me and Mo clean up out here while you get the movie set up, Coach.”
Sunny gives Jenna the evil eye.
“I mean, Sunny.” She seems embarrassed to be calling Sunny by her first name, but the Sunny laughs, and so do the girls. Maureen and Jenna pick up the trash and take it to the kitchen.
Sunny stands and gives directions. “I’ll go put on my pajamas in my bedroom. Jenna, you can go change in the guest room. Maureen, you can just change out here in the living room.” A shocked expression covers Maureen’s face, and Sunny laughs. “Or there’s the bathroom.” Maureen looks relieved and heads to the bathroom with her bag. Jenna takes her bag into the guest room. The camera follows Sunny into her bedroom. She takes off her bikini and hangs it in the bathroom. She opens her lingerie drawer and puts on orange and blue striped bikini panties. She admires her butt in the mirror and then rubs her breasts for a moment. She puts on a lace top that covers about 2/3 of her top.
When she gets back to the living room, she laughs scornfully at the other girls’ pajamas. “I thought you knew this is a girls’ only slumber party!” Maureen has on pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, and Jenna has on a long nightgown. Maureen is dressed how she expected, but she didn’t think Jenna would look this plain. “Girls, this is not appropriate for a slumber party. There’s no boys here and we get to be loose and show off a little for each other and wear something sexier than we normally would.”
“I don’t have anything like that,” Maureen complains.
“This is all I brought,” Jenna adds. Sunny registers that she didn’t claim not to have anything sexy.
Well I’ve bought more lingerie since I was in school than a small lingerie store, and I still have most of it. We aren’t wildly far apart in our height and body type. Look through my pile and find something fun to wear tonight!” She takes them to her room and opens an armoire for them to explore. She watches the girls sort through her small mountain of clothing. Maureen picks out some red boy shorts. Sunny silently approves. Maureen might assume that this is the most conservative item because it looks like it will be the least revealing, but she’s going to be surprised by how tight the shorts are. Jenna has a harder time picking something that she wants to wear and finally settles on a mesh black chemise with black bikini panties. Sunny approves of her choice, too; Jenna doesn’t realize how transparent that will be when she’s wearing it.
The girls take their prizes back to their changing rooms and shut the doors. Maureen emerges first. Sunny is stunned by how sexy her body is and how much she reminds her of herself — and Sunny has spent lots of time watching and examining her own body in front of mirrors. Maureen tugs on parts of the shorts without any effect. Then Jenna joins the group, and both of the others stare at her. Sunny has lusted after her so very often, but the lingerie shows off her body far better than any school swimsuit ever did. The tiny panties don’t really cover enough for Jenna to be comfortable, and the filmy top reveals sexier breasts than Sunny had dared to imagine. In her mind, Sunny knows that if Maureen weren’t there, she would grab Jenna in her arms and kiss her madly; even with Maureen there, it takes all of her concentration to remain cool. “That’s what I was talking about. Now you both look like you’re ready for a slumber party.”
Maureen has been watching Jenna closely. “You look incredibly, Jenna. That looks so good on you. You should really show yourself off more.”
Jenna seems a bit embarrassed by the compliment, but she recovers, laughs, and spins around slowly to give everyone a good view. Her tone gets serious as she looks at Maureen. “And you, too, Mo. I’ve seen you in a swimsuit a lot, but those shorts are amazing they way they cling to you and show off every feature of your body.”
Sunny decides it’s time to make the atmosphere edgier. “She’s right, Maureen. It totally shows off your cute camel toe.”
Maureen’s hands shoot down to cover herself. Jenna gasps “I can’t believe you said that.”
Sunny smirks and looks at Jenna. “Don’t tell me you weren’t thinking the same thing. I saw you keep staring down there.” Jenna’s face immediately glows bright red the way you read about in books but never really ever see happen in person. Sunny was actually just teasing Jenna — she hadn’t seen Jenna staring — but the reaction showed that her remark had scored a goal. The mood in the room was certainly steamier now as the girls continued staring at each other in awkward silence. Sunny let it simmer a few seconds before laughing. “You know I’m just teasing you, Jenna. Let’s start the movie.” Sunny notices that Maureen is still covering herself with her hands as she sits.
Sunny acted like she was randomly choosing a movie, but she had carefully chosen a video that would raise the intensity another level. Sunny lets the girls sit on the sofa together, and she sits in the chair again. The movie begins with a young couple returning from a date. They’re in her apartment, and they kiss. The girl is acting reluctant. When the roommate shows up and interrupts them, the man apologizes that he has to be in court early the next morning and leaves. The roommate apologizes for breaking things up and asks the first woman if she likes the guy. She answers that he’s fun but not really very romantic and not a good kisser. The roommate smiles and says “well, that’s what you have me for,” and the women kiss intimately.
“That’s so unrealistic,” Jenna complains. “The guy is so hot-looking and fun, and she just ditched him for her roommate.”
That was the opening Sunny’s looking for. “There’s more to it than that. It’s easier to have a relationship with a girlfriend. You know, with men, it’s hard to know what they’re thinking. And they hide what they think and what they feel. Don’t you feel more comfortable around your girlfriends. It’s easier to take that next step.” Maureen is nodding her head the whole time as if she’s convinced and is trying to help convince Jenna. “Oh, and girls kiss better than men.”
Jenna frowns. “I don’t believe you. Where’s your proof?”
“My own experience. I’ve kissed more girls than men.”
This revelation astonishes Maureen. “Does my sister know about this?” She seems a bit freaked by the announcement.
Sunny smiles. She’s not ready to talk about her sister experiences with her niece. She keeps her focus on Jenna. “Do you want to find out what it’s like?”
Jenna hesitates, but Maureen encourages her. Sunny is certain that Jenna’s a slut at heart and won’t be able to hold out. When Jenna wavers, Sunny puts her arms on Jenna’s waist before she changes her mind. She gives Jenna a couple of short, tender kisses and then continues with a more passionate one. Her tongue slips into Jenna’s mouth. Sunny has Jenna turned so that Maureen view is blocked and can’t see that she’s moved her hand down to cup Jenna’s butt. As she squeezes her bottom, Jenna’s tongue becomes more animated in Sunny’s mouth. Jenna’s intensity rises as if this is what she’s always been waiting for. Sunny moves the hand under Jenna’s panties until it’s only inches from her pussy.
Then Sunny stops, takes a breath, and takes a step back. Jenna is panting and wants to continue, but Sunny looks over at Maureen to see if this has thawed her any. “What about it Maureen, do you want a turn?”
Maureen looks even more reluctant than Jenna was, but her curiosity overcomes her, and she relents. Sunny touches one of Maureen’s cheeks and holds her hand there while their lips touch briefly. She holds the back of Maureen’s head with her other hand and kisses her other cheek and then her lips again. She kisses Maureen on the lips several more times to get her used to the woman’s touch. Sunny can tell that Maureen is getting turned on when she feels Maureen’s hand move down and press against her own pussy through her shorts. Sunny leads her to the next level with a kiss that violates her mouth, and she feels Maureen relax and return the passionate kiss.
“I’m ready for another turn,” Jenna is begging.
Sunny lets go of Maureen and considers her plan. She’s certain that she sees a small wet spot between Maureen’s shorts. “You two should kiss each other, next.” The reluctance returns as they consider kissing their best friend, and they tentatively hug and kiss. Sunny’s plan is moving perfectly. She wants both girls comfortable with all of them being involved. As the girls become more comfortable in their kissing, Sunny suddenly feels more uncomfortable. She’s never been much of a voyeur before, but watching her two targets enjoying each other makes her very wet. It was only a minute ago that those sexy tongues were in her own mouth, and now it’s her turn for her fingers to pull aside her panties and play with herself while watching her students kiss.
The girls finish testing each other and both look towards Sunny. Their kisses were much tamer than Sunny’s. They enjoyed kissing their friend, but Sunny senses that they’re both frustrated that it wasn’t as arousing as Sunny’s kisses. Jenna moves towards Sunny, but Sunny knows that she can get Jenna any time she wants; Maureen is the prize. “Do you want to kiss me again, Maureen?”
Maureen nods eagerly, and Sunny wraps her arms around her and kisses her passionately again. Maureen’s kisses are more aggressive this time. Sunny slides a hand under Maureen’s shirt and squeezes the breast that she’s wanted to touch for so long. Maureen doesn’t object and holds Sunny tighter.
Sunny’s reached the point she had hoped for from the start. She stops kissing and looks at Maureen’s body. The wet spot is large now. “Wouldn’t you be a lot more comfortable without those shorts on?”
Maureen’s eyes get wide. She can’t speak, only nod. Sunny pulls them down those long legs and over her feet. “And maybe there’s something else you’d like me to lick?” Maureen smiles nervously and waits for Sunny to continue. Sunny takes Maureen’s silence as consent and kneels down to worship her pussy. Her plan is to move slowly with the inexperienced young woman, and she licks up one of Maureen’s thighs and lightly flicks her pussy with the tip of her tongue. But Maureen takes over and gives Sunny instructions on what she wants and needs and is soon moaning in delight.
Jenna was already horny to the brink, and watching her coach and best friend together rips away her remaining self-control. She quickly pulls off her clothes and straddles the edge of the sofa to hump herself and pull on her breasts.
Maureen’s legs are feeling weak as the fire between her legs intensifies. She bends over and unsuccessfully tries to put some weight on Sunny’s body to hold herself up. “I want to lie down” she gasps between moans. Sunny lays her on her back and spreads her legs while she licks with even more aggressiveness. Maureen holds her legs back with her hands and cums suddenly. “I love you Aunt Sunny.”
Now Sunny is ready for what she’s rarely dared to dream of. She stands above Maureen and undresses completely while Maureen stares open-mouthed. She sits next to Maureen. “Lick my breasts.” Maureen obeys eagerly, and Sunny lies on her back. Even without asking her to, Maureen’s kisses quickly move down Sunny’s body until her tongue is inside. Sunny concentrates on enjoying the sensation that she never expected to have with her niece. She moans in pleasure to encourage Maureen to continue as Maureen leads her towards an orgasm. Sunny can tell that Maureen was paying attention as Sunny licked her, and now she licks Sunny as if she’d been doing this all of her life.
Jenna crawls over to Sunny and surprises her with a kiss. “Please make me cum, coach. I want to have sex with you.”
Sunny stretches out her arms and helps Jenna position herself over her face. This is better than any of the fantasies she’d had about the girls individually. Her tongue swirls around Jenna’s clit and penetrates her. The girl was already on the edge of cumming, and the feeling of the wet tongue inside her is more than she can handle. She cums with her own loud moan. This is the final trigger for Sunny, and she screams out as the orgasm takes control of her. She always tells herself that she isn’t going to scream this time, but her body never obeys.
Sunny sits up, and Jenna is wildly kissing her repeatedly. Sunny looks over at Maureen. Maureen is the prize, and Sunny is determined to make sure Maureen enjoys this and wants to come back and cum again with her. She pulls Maureen towards her so they can kiss. The three women try to kiss each other simultaneously. When that doesn’t work out, Sunny rotates kisses between the two of them. “I can tell you really enjoyed that!”
“I think I love you, Sunny,” Jenna blurts out enthusiastically. “Can we do it again?”
“I love you, too, Sunny,” her niece adds. “First do it with me again.”
Sunny has reached the final stage to seal her deal — make the girlfriends comfortable with lesbian sex overall, not just with her. She knows that once they’re committed, she will get to enjoy endless encounters with them. “Here’s my idea. I think you two should have sex with each other. You should take your friendship to its ultimate level. And I’m going to just get in my bed and rest a little.”
The girls look at each other with fresh desire and smile. They hold hands and nod at each other. “I would love to have sex with you, Mo,” Jenna says. They scooch together on the floor and wrap their legs around each other so they can sit and hold each other while they kiss. Sunny watches and holds back the excitement that is urging her to get in the middle. Their pussies are so close together, Sunny thinks, and she could play with both of them. But she holds off. That’s not part of the plan until they’ve had more time to bond. She watches the girls kiss passionately and then maneuver around to 69.
Sunny knows that she can’t just watch detachedly, and she crawls off to her bedroom and gets in the bed. The lights are off, but the full moon lights up the room. She knows that she won’t be able to rest, not with the girls moaning next door. Her hands play against her own body until they reach what was always their destination. She slowly masturbates — she doesn’t want to scream again and interrupt her new lovers — she just needs her fingers to let her body know that its desires are heard. The moaning next door has ended. Sunny’s other hand begins fingering herself while she sucks on the other hand’s wet fingers.
Her fingering slows, and she feels she’s reaching an equilibrium and can delay her satisfaction until tomorrow, but she hears a sound from her doorway. Maureen stands naked with the light of the living room shining behind her, playing with herself while watching Sunny do the same. “Jenna’s asleep, but I need to cum again so I can fall asleep.”
Sunny is so pleased with what she’s unleashed and is thrilled to move up her plan’s timetable. “There is nothing in the world that I would like more than sex with you right now.” She admires Maureen’s breasts that are so like her own as she walks over to the bed and places her hands on Maureen’s perfect figure and pulls her down onto the bed. Maureen stretches out on top of her and they kiss deeply. Sunny feels Maureen’s hips moving rhythmically, and she instinctively parts her legs to let Maureen sit up and slide their bodies together. Sunny gasps as their pussies kiss; to her, there’s no better feeling in the entire world than her wet pussy rubbing and squishing against another wet pussy. She feels the orgasm that she deferred come rushing back as they reach maximum rubbing velocity.
“I love you, Sunny,” Maureen says softly. “Scissoring always gives me the strongest orgasms!” Maureen tries to concentrate on what she just heard; it’s very difficult to think to think when your body is screaming at you, and hers is screaming “I’M GOING TO CUM!!” But did her fantasy, perfect princess tell her that she’s had sex before and with other girls?
Maureen pants hard as she grinds herself against Sunny. “Cum with me! I’m going to cum!”
“Me, too. Tell me you love me again!”
“I love you, Aunt Sunny. I love you.”
Anything else Maureen tries to tell her is drowned out by the scream that Sunny is very familiar with, and she feels wrapped in the blanket of pleasure and love and satisfaction and more and more overpowering pleasure as the orgasm rushes through her body. She sees Maureen stop moving her body and put her hand against their clits and jerk spasmodically while her fingers dance between them. Sunny’s scream dies down, and Maureen stretches out partly on Sunny and partly on the bed, still panting. “That was one of the best orgasns I’ve ever had, Sunny. You know I love you.”
Sunny feels the girl relax against her. She shifts her weight and puts a leg and an arm over Maureen to stay close to her and to keep her in place as they drift off. Maureen’s breathing slows down; Sunny feels that this has been a perfect day with a perfect ending. “You know I’ve always fantasized about you, Sunny,” she says very softly, very conspiratorially.
“Huh?” Sunny snaps back awake.
“Yeah, ever since I started having fantasies, this one’s been my favorite. I come home early, and my mom’s not home. You’re on the pool deck working on your tan. I secretly watch you unsnap your bikini and masturbate, and I’m so turned on that I have to strip off my uniform and play with myself. But you hear me when I start to moan and see what I’m doing. And you take charge and have sex with me, and I promise to be your sex slave forever and ever.” Maureen’s voice continues to fade as she tells the story. Her eyes are shut, and Sunny can tell that she’s gone for the night. She slowly caresses Maureen’s butt while considering the fantasy she just shared; her mind is moving at light speed. It means that Maureen was available all this time, just for asking. And it also means that she’s going to have to think of lots of excuses for Maureen to spend more time with her. She thought she was worn out for the night, but the thought of Maureen as her sex slave is turning her on again. She realizes that she’s unconsciously starting to move her own hips and wishes Maureen would wake back up. She feels Maureen’s smooth ass under her hand and thinks about humping it — and if Maureen wakes up they can scissor with Sunny on top this time.
As she convinces herself to take this next step, she sees Jenna watching in the doorway and rubbing herself. Her heart beats faster. She rolls out of the bed away from Maureen. Jenna waits for her in the doorway and embraces her and kisses her lovingly when Sunny reaches her.
Sunny guides her back into the living room. “Did I wake you up?”
“Not just me; I think you woke up half the street.” She starts kissing and licking Sunny again on the neck. In between the kisses she makes a proposal. “I want to cum again. I’ll lick your pussy if you promise to fuck me hard after I make you cum.”
Jenna’s hand has already moved from Sunny’s butt to rubbing her just inches from her pussy; she’s teasing Sunny the same way Sunny teased her earlier. “But let’s do it in the guest room and close the door.” Jenna pulls Sunny into the guest room, closes the door, and gently pushes Sunny onto the bed and covers her body with soft kisses. Jenna climbs into a 69; as her mouth approaches Sunny’s sweetest spot, Sunny tells her to stop. “Wait, I’d rather do something else. Do you know what scissoring is?”
“Of course,” Jenna grins. She turns around and spreads her own legs as her body approaches Sunny. She touches Sunny’s pussy with her finger when only inches separate them. Sunny moans at the touch of the girl’s hand and then makes a louder moan when their pussies meet and she realizes her scissoring fantasy for a second time that night. The women clench each other’s hands as they press their bodies together and move in unison. Sunny feels her orgasm speeding towards her; she breathlessly awaits the arrival of the strongest one yet that night. Their rhythm gets out of sync as she jolts wildly against Jenna. She lets go of Jenna and covers her mouth with her pillow. She feels like her whole body is vibrating and then the scream arrives that confirms to Jenna what she already knows. Sunny’s eyes are shut, but she feels Jenna’s tongue licking her pussy and around it.
Sunny tosses the pillow aside and orders her lover “kiss me! That was the best orgasm I’ve had all night!”
Jenna is still caressing Sunny’s breasts while they kiss. “I’m glad.”
“It’s like every one is better than the one before.” She wants Jenna to volunteer to scissor again, but she doesn’t want to order her.
Jenna pauses. “Are you ready to help me? I haven’t cum enough today.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I usually masturbate four or five times a day. I’m really addicted to it. Now, sit up against the headboard.” Sunny follows her directions, and Jenna crawls into her lap. “I really want you to finger me while we kiss.”
Jenna gives Sunny a long, passionate kiss. “You know that you keep kissing me like that I’m going to get turned on again and need another one.”
“Uh-huh. Put another finger in me.” Sunny obeys. “Put two more in me.” Sunny has three fingers exploring Jenna’s pussy while they have another long kiss. Jenna interrupts the kiss with an even more desperate command. “I love feeling you like this; put your whole fist in me.”
“I don’t think I can get it all in.”
Jenna giggles. “I’ve had bigger hands than yours in me.” Sunny works her entire hand inside Jenna, and Jenna was right. “I love feeling your hand fill me up like this.” Jenna gives Sunny orders on how to turn her hand and wiggle her thumb and where to put her fingers, and she keeps moaning and reminding Sunny that she loves her.
Sunny’s mesmerized by how her hand disappears into Jenna’s bouncing body; it reminds her of a fish squirming on the end of a stick. Her own body is on fire and demanding attention again at the realization that she now has both a sex slave and a slut professing their love to her, and she fingers herself with her other hand.
Without any other warning, Jenna goes practically motionless and her eyes stare off beyond Sunny. She feels Jenna slightly twitching and she breathes loudly and whispers “I love you.” Thirty seconds turn into a minute. Jenna licks her lips and has a couple of spasms but is still mostly motionless . Sunny envies her for the long orgasm that has gripped her. It’s nearly two minutes before Jenna starts wiggling again to try and extend it another few seconds. Jenna straightens her body, lies down on top of Sunny, and covers her with an onslaught of kisses. Sunny’s hand slips out of Jenna, and she puts it on Jenna’s back. She imagines what it will be like tomorrow, going back and forth and getting orgasms from each of her guests.
Jenna rests her head partly on the pillow, partly against Sunny’s breast. “This was my best day ever.” Sunny keeps a hand on Jenna’s butt as she listens to the girl falling asleep. Didn’t she just come from this scene in her bedroom. But just as she closes her eyes and tries to follow the girls’ path to sleep, she hears one last drowsy remark from Jenna. “I’ve dreamed of sex with you for so long, Mo. I’ve always loved you, Mo.”
Everyone in this film is at least 18 years old.
Scene 123: Pajama Party Gone Right
The scene opens with a woman on the back patio of her house lying on her stomach on a lounge. The small pool looks inviting on the sunny day, but she’s out there for her tan. Her tanned skin is a nice contrast to the bone white string bikini she wears. The bikini shows off her slender figure, and the bottoms don’t completely cover her squeezable, heart-shaped ass. Her dirty blonde hair is wavy and drops below her shoulders. When she rolls over, the camera appreciates her lean body, her flat stomach, and her 34A breasts. She has an adorably cute face that beckons you watch it and dream of kissing its inviting lips. In her early 30s, she still has the well-toned body and height of an athlete, someone you’d want to go watch the basketball or volleyball or whatever team she’s on just to have an excuse to watch that body wearing something tight.
She sits up when she hears the doorbell ring and puts on a cover. She walks into the house and pauses when she sees her niece through the door’s glass. She smiles and takes a detour to her bedroom where she leaves the swimsuit cover and continues to the door. She opens the door and smiles at the two extremely cute High School girls on her porch. One is a younger, slightly shorter version of herself and with longer hair. The other is another tall beauty but maybe a little younger and with dark hair. The two girls are dressed preppy and have backpacks.
“Hello, Maureen! I was happy when my sister called and said you wanted to stay with me while she’s away at the conference.”
“Hi, Aunt Sunny.” Maureen has a smile that would warm the dreariest day. “When Mom said I could stay with someone while she’s gone, you were at the top of my list.”
The dark-haired is staring at Sunny’s body with a perplexed look.
“You look confused about something, Jenna.”
Jenna shakes her head slightly and smiles. “It’s nothing, Coach. I just wasn’t expecting to see you in a … in a bikini. I’m used to seeing you in the school swimsuit.” Jenna’s confusion is replaced with a slightly embarrassed look. “You look so, um, very good in it.”
“I’m not your swim coach this weekend, Jenna. You have to call me Sunny.”
Jenna nods.
“And I’m not working today, so I get to wear something fun. Don’t you like it.” She poses sexily with a hand on her hip and smiles at the girls.
“You look so hot, Aunt Sunny.”
“Uh-huh, really hot,” Jenna agrees.
Sunny laughs. “Well don’t just stand out there. Come on in.” She moves out of the doorway to let the girls in. “And you don’t get to call me Aunt, this weekend. We’re just three girls hanging out and having a slumber party together.”
They go into the living room, and the girls sit together on the sofa. I really didn’t expect you until later, so I haven’t even thought of ordering anything for dinner. But I can open a bottle of wine while we chat and decide what to order.” The girls look at each other nervously. “Oh, don’t worry, this is just between us girls. It’s not like I’m gonna tell your mother we drank wine together. And you’re both 18.”
They both nod.
“I’ve got a sweet, white wine that I know you’ll love.” She walks into the kitchen and knows that they’re staring at her. Sunny has a world class butt and knows how to show it off. As she gets into the kitchen, she can faintly hear Jenna tell Maureen that her aunt is really hot, and Maureen agrees. Sunny pours the wine and takes two glasses to the girls. They squirm a little as she bends over to put the glasses on the table in front of them and give them a closer view of her breasts. She knows that they’re uncomfortable with her being almost undressed. She’s conditionalizing them to move from discomfort to acceptance before hatching her next move. She knows that they can’t help but watch her as she retrieves her glass. “I’m going to go get a wrap,” she tells them, and they nod.
She goes to the bedroom and puts on the wrap, not that it really hides anything. She considers the girls. Her niece is like an ice princess. She’s achingly beautiful, but she’s never had any interest in boys … or girls, either. She’s intent on being a good girl and getting grades and pleasing her parents. Not that other students haven’t tried to ask her out, but Sunny’s sure she would’ve heard something if anyone had been successful. It would be a very pleasant surprise to convince her to do anything. But Jenna’s a more interesting case. A couple of years ago, Sunny was convinced that Jenna was following the path to becoming a wild slut. She had what Sunny thinks of as the ‘desperation gene,’ where it’s very obvious that you’re searching for assurance and love. \ Sunny had seen girls with that type of personality go far overboard to get affection. But ever since she and Maureen started hanging out, Jenna’s attitude had changed 180. She’d become a model student, much like Maureen. She’s developing nicely, and her shirt’s tightness gives away the curves beneath it. Realistically, she’s going to be Sunny’s primary target tonight, if she can pry the girls apart after they go to bed.
The girls are drinking the wine when Sunny returns and sits in the chair opposite them. She makes sure that the wrap doesn’t obstruct their view of her long legs or her bikini bottom, and she’s pleased to see that their gaze keeps shifting down to assess her body. “I’m so glad that you wanted to come over here for a sleepover while your mother’s at a conference. What made you want to include me?”
“I really don’t like being alone,” Maureen admits. So first I asked Jenna if she wanted to hang out with me, and then I thought maybe you’d let us come over and stay at your house.”
“Well, I don’t have anyone here often enough, so I’m glad to be able to schedule a girls’ night. And I want to feel like a High School student instead of a coach tonight.” She looks at Jenna. “Jenna, you keep looking like you want to ask me something important. What is it?”
“Well, I just keep wondering if you always go around in your house wearing a swimsuit?”
Sunny laughs lightly. “No, not at all. But I had it on when you got here, and I thought I’ll just leave it on til we put on our pajamas. And I don’t think you’d be comfortable with what I normally wear.” The girls look at her quizzically. “Lots of time, when I’m here alone, I don’t bother wearing anything.”
Maureen chokes on her wine, and Jenna looks away, embarrassed. Several seconds go by without anyone knowing what to say next. Then Sunny interrupts the tension by grabbing her iPad. “I don’t have plans for dinner. What do you want to order? Indian food? Chinese? Pizza?”
“I’m good with anything that Mo wants,” Jenna announces.
Maureen smiles enthusiastically. “I’m happy with pizza!”
Sunny stands, walks over to squeeze between the girls on the couch, and lifts her phone for them all to see. “Pizza it is. You can help me order the toppings.”
The scene fades out. The next scene fades in, still in the living room. Sunny and Jenna are sitting closely on the sofa, and Maureen is sitting on a rug on the floor at their feet. The pizza box is empty except for a crust, and the so is the wine bottle. Sunny announces that she’s picked out a movie and that they can start it after they all their pajamas on.
“Thank you for the pizza, Sunny,” Maureen tells her.
“Why don’t you let me and Mo clean up out here while you get the movie set up, Coach.”
Sunny gives Jenna the evil eye.
“I mean, Sunny.” She seems embarrassed to be calling Sunny by her first name, but the Sunny laughs, and so do the girls. Maureen and Jenna pick up the trash and take it to the kitchen.
Sunny stands and gives directions. “I’ll go put on my pajamas in my bedroom. Jenna, you can go change in the guest room. Maureen, you can just change out here in the living room.” A shocked expression covers Maureen’s face, and Sunny laughs. “Or there’s the bathroom.” Maureen looks relieved and heads to the bathroom with her bag. Jenna takes her bag into the guest room. The camera follows Sunny into her bedroom. She takes off her bikini and hangs it in the bathroom. She opens her lingerie drawer and puts on orange and blue striped bikini panties. She admires her butt in the mirror and then rubs her breasts for a moment. She puts on a lace top that covers about 2/3 of her top.
When she gets back to the living room, she laughs scornfully at the other girls’ pajamas. “I thought you knew this is a girls’ only slumber party!” Maureen has on pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, and Jenna has on a long nightgown. Maureen is dressed how she expected, but she didn’t think Jenna would look this plain. “Girls, this is not appropriate for a slumber party. There’s no boys here and we get to be loose and show off a little for each other and wear something sexier than we normally would.”
“I don’t have anything like that,” Maureen complains.
“This is all I brought,” Jenna adds. Sunny registers that she didn’t claim not to have anything sexy.
Well I’ve bought more lingerie since I was in school than a small lingerie store, and I still have most of it. We aren’t wildly far apart in our height and body type. Look through my pile and find something fun to wear tonight!” She takes them to her room and opens an armoire for them to explore. She watches the girls sort through her small mountain of clothing. Maureen picks out some red boy shorts. Sunny silently approves. Maureen might assume that this is the most conservative item because it looks like it will be the least revealing, but she’s going to be surprised by how tight the shorts are. Jenna has a harder time picking something that she wants to wear and finally settles on a mesh black chemise with black bikini panties. Sunny approves of her choice, too; Jenna doesn’t realize how transparent that will be when she’s wearing it.
The girls take their prizes back to their changing rooms and shut the doors. Maureen emerges first. Sunny is stunned by how sexy her body is and how much she reminds her of herself — and Sunny has spent lots of time watching and examining her own body in front of mirrors. Maureen tugs on parts of the shorts without any effect. Then Jenna joins the group, and both of the others stare at her. Sunny has lusted after her so very often, but the lingerie shows off her body far better than any school swimsuit ever did. The tiny panties don’t really cover enough for Jenna to be comfortable, and the filmy top reveals sexier breasts than Sunny had dared to imagine. In her mind, Sunny knows that if Maureen weren’t there, she would grab Jenna in her arms and kiss her madly; even with Maureen there, it takes all of her concentration to remain cool. “That’s what I was talking about. Now you both look like you’re ready for a slumber party.”
Maureen has been watching Jenna closely. “You look incredibly, Jenna. That looks so good on you. You should really show yourself off more.”
Jenna seems a bit embarrassed by the compliment, but she recovers, laughs, and spins around slowly to give everyone a good view. Her tone gets serious as she looks at Maureen. “And you, too, Mo. I’ve seen you in a swimsuit a lot, but those shorts are amazing they way they cling to you and show off every feature of your body.”
Sunny decides it’s time to make the atmosphere edgier. “She’s right, Maureen. It totally shows off your cute camel toe.”
Maureen’s hands shoot down to cover herself. Jenna gasps “I can’t believe you said that.”
Sunny smirks and looks at Jenna. “Don’t tell me you weren’t thinking the same thing. I saw you keep staring down there.” Jenna’s face immediately glows bright red the way you read about in books but never really ever see happen in person. Sunny was actually just teasing Jenna — she hadn’t seen Jenna staring — but the reaction showed that her remark had scored a goal. The mood in the room was certainly steamier now as the girls continued staring at each other in awkward silence. Sunny let it simmer a few seconds before laughing. “You know I’m just teasing you, Jenna. Let’s start the movie.” Sunny notices that Maureen is still covering herself with her hands as she sits.
Sunny acted like she was randomly choosing a movie, but she had carefully chosen a video that would raise the intensity another level. Sunny lets the girls sit on the sofa together, and she sits in the chair again. The movie begins with a young couple returning from a date. They’re in her apartment, and they kiss. The girl is acting reluctant. When the roommate shows up and interrupts them, the man apologizes that he has to be in court early the next morning and leaves. The roommate apologizes for breaking things up and asks the first woman if she likes the guy. She answers that he’s fun but not really very romantic and not a good kisser. The roommate smiles and says “well, that’s what you have me for,” and the women kiss intimately.
“That’s so unrealistic,” Jenna complains. “The guy is so hot-looking and fun, and she just ditched him for her roommate.”
That was the opening Sunny’s looking for. “There’s more to it than that. It’s easier to have a relationship with a girlfriend. You know, with men, it’s hard to know what they’re thinking. And they hide what they think and what they feel. Don’t you feel more comfortable around your girlfriends. It’s easier to take that next step.” Maureen is nodding her head the whole time as if she’s convinced and is trying to help convince Jenna. “Oh, and girls kiss better than men.”
Jenna frowns. “I don’t believe you. Where’s your proof?”
“My own experience. I’ve kissed more girls than men.”
This revelation astonishes Maureen. “Does my sister know about this?” She seems a bit freaked by the announcement.
Sunny smiles. She’s not ready to talk about her sister experiences with her niece. She keeps her focus on Jenna. “Do you want to find out what it’s like?”
Jenna hesitates, but Maureen encourages her. Sunny is certain that Jenna’s a slut at heart and won’t be able to hold out. When Jenna wavers, Sunny puts her arms on Jenna’s waist before she changes her mind. She gives Jenna a couple of short, tender kisses and then continues with a more passionate one. Her tongue slips into Jenna’s mouth. Sunny has Jenna turned so that Maureen view is blocked and can’t see that she’s moved her hand down to cup Jenna’s butt. As she squeezes her bottom, Jenna’s tongue becomes more animated in Sunny’s mouth. Jenna’s intensity rises as if this is what she’s always been waiting for. Sunny moves the hand under Jenna’s panties until it’s only inches from her pussy.
Then Sunny stops, takes a breath, and takes a step back. Jenna is panting and wants to continue, but Sunny looks over at Maureen to see if this has thawed her any. “What about it Maureen, do you want a turn?”
Maureen looks even more reluctant than Jenna was, but her curiosity overcomes her, and she relents. Sunny touches one of Maureen’s cheeks and holds her hand there while their lips touch briefly. She holds the back of Maureen’s head with her other hand and kisses her other cheek and then her lips again. She kisses Maureen on the lips several more times to get her used to the woman’s touch. Sunny can tell that Maureen is getting turned on when she feels Maureen’s hand move down and press against her own pussy through her shorts. Sunny leads her to the next level with a kiss that violates her mouth, and she feels Maureen relax and return the passionate kiss.
“I’m ready for another turn,” Jenna is begging.
Sunny lets go of Maureen and considers her plan. She’s certain that she sees a small wet spot between Maureen’s shorts. “You two should kiss each other, next.” The reluctance returns as they consider kissing their best friend, and they tentatively hug and kiss. Sunny’s plan is moving perfectly. She wants both girls comfortable with all of them being involved. As the girls become more comfortable in their kissing, Sunny suddenly feels more uncomfortable. She’s never been much of a voyeur before, but watching her two targets enjoying each other makes her very wet. It was only a minute ago that those sexy tongues were in her own mouth, and now it’s her turn for her fingers to pull aside her panties and play with herself while watching her students kiss.
The girls finish testing each other and both look towards Sunny. Their kisses were much tamer than Sunny’s. They enjoyed kissing their friend, but Sunny senses that they’re both frustrated that it wasn’t as arousing as Sunny’s kisses. Jenna moves towards Sunny, but Sunny knows that she can get Jenna any time she wants; Maureen is the prize. “Do you want to kiss me again, Maureen?”
Maureen nods eagerly, and Sunny wraps her arms around her and kisses her passionately again. Maureen’s kisses are more aggressive this time. Sunny slides a hand under Maureen’s shirt and squeezes the breast that she’s wanted to touch for so long. Maureen doesn’t object and holds Sunny tighter.
Sunny’s reached the point she had hoped for from the start. She stops kissing and looks at Maureen’s body. The wet spot is large now. “Wouldn’t you be a lot more comfortable without those shorts on?”
Maureen’s eyes get wide. She can’t speak, only nod. Sunny pulls them down those long legs and over her feet. “And maybe there’s something else you’d like me to lick?” Maureen smiles nervously and waits for Sunny to continue. Sunny takes Maureen’s silence as consent and kneels down to worship her pussy. Her plan is to move slowly with the inexperienced young woman, and she licks up one of Maureen’s thighs and lightly flicks her pussy with the tip of her tongue. But Maureen takes over and gives Sunny instructions on what she wants and needs and is soon moaning in delight.
Jenna was already horny to the brink, and watching her coach and best friend together rips away her remaining self-control. She quickly pulls off her clothes and straddles the edge of the sofa to hump herself and pull on her breasts.
Maureen’s legs are feeling weak as the fire between her legs intensifies. She bends over and unsuccessfully tries to put some weight on Sunny’s body to hold herself up. “I want to lie down” she gasps between moans. Sunny lays her on her back and spreads her legs while she licks with even more aggressiveness. Maureen holds her legs back with her hands and cums suddenly. “I love you Aunt Sunny.”
Now Sunny is ready for what she’s rarely dared to dream of. She stands above Maureen and undresses completely while Maureen stares open-mouthed. She sits next to Maureen. “Lick my breasts.” Maureen obeys eagerly, and Sunny lies on her back. Even without asking her to, Maureen’s kisses quickly move down Sunny’s body until her tongue is inside. Sunny concentrates on enjoying the sensation that she never expected to have with her niece. She moans in pleasure to encourage Maureen to continue as Maureen leads her towards an orgasm. Sunny can tell that Maureen was paying attention as Sunny licked her, and now she licks Sunny as if she’d been doing this all of her life.
Jenna crawls over to Sunny and surprises her with a kiss. “Please make me cum, coach. I want to have sex with you.”
Sunny stretches out her arms and helps Jenna position herself over her face. This is better than any of the fantasies she’d had about the girls individually. Her tongue swirls around Jenna’s clit and penetrates her. The girl was already on the edge of cumming, and the feeling of the wet tongue inside her is more than she can handle. She cums with her own loud moan. This is the final trigger for Sunny, and she screams out as the orgasm takes control of her. She always tells herself that she isn’t going to scream this time, but her body never obeys.
Sunny sits up, and Jenna is wildly kissing her repeatedly. Sunny looks over at Maureen. Maureen is the prize, and Sunny is determined to make sure Maureen enjoys this and wants to come back and cum again with her. She pulls Maureen towards her so they can kiss. The three women try to kiss each other simultaneously. When that doesn’t work out, Sunny rotates kisses between the two of them. “I can tell you really enjoyed that!”
“I think I love you, Sunny,” Jenna blurts out enthusiastically. “Can we do it again?”
“I love you, too, Sunny,” her niece adds. “First do it with me again.”
Sunny has reached the final stage to seal her deal — make the girlfriends comfortable with lesbian sex overall, not just with her. She knows that once they’re committed, she will get to enjoy endless encounters with them. “Here’s my idea. I think you two should have sex with each other. You should take your friendship to its ultimate level. And I’m going to just get in my bed and rest a little.”
The girls look at each other with fresh desire and smile. They hold hands and nod at each other. “I would love to have sex with you, Mo,” Jenna says. They scooch together on the floor and wrap their legs around each other so they can sit and hold each other while they kiss. Sunny watches and holds back the excitement that is urging her to get in the middle. Their pussies are so close together, Sunny thinks, and she could play with both of them. But she holds off. That’s not part of the plan until they’ve had more time to bond. She watches the girls kiss passionately and then maneuver around to 69.
Sunny knows that she can’t just watch detachedly, and she crawls off to her bedroom and gets in the bed. The lights are off, but the full moon lights up the room. She knows that she won’t be able to rest, not with the girls moaning next door. Her hands play against her own body until they reach what was always their destination. She slowly masturbates — she doesn’t want to scream again and interrupt her new lovers — she just needs her fingers to let her body know that its desires are heard. The moaning next door has ended. Sunny’s other hand begins fingering herself while she sucks on the other hand’s wet fingers.
Her fingering slows, and she feels she’s reaching an equilibrium and can delay her satisfaction until tomorrow, but she hears a sound from her doorway. Maureen stands naked with the light of the living room shining behind her, playing with herself while watching Sunny do the same. “Jenna’s asleep, but I need to cum again so I can fall asleep.”
Sunny is so pleased with what she’s unleashed and is thrilled to move up her plan’s timetable. “There is nothing in the world that I would like more than sex with you right now.” She admires Maureen’s breasts that are so like her own as she walks over to the bed and places her hands on Maureen’s perfect figure and pulls her down onto the bed. Maureen stretches out on top of her and they kiss deeply. Sunny feels Maureen’s hips moving rhythmically, and she instinctively parts her legs to let Maureen sit up and slide their bodies together. Sunny gasps as their pussies kiss; to her, there’s no better feeling in the entire world than her wet pussy rubbing and squishing against another wet pussy. She feels the orgasm that she deferred come rushing back as they reach maximum rubbing velocity.
“I love you, Sunny,” Maureen says softly. “Scissoring always gives me the strongest orgasms!” Maureen tries to concentrate on what she just heard; it’s very difficult to think to think when your body is screaming at you, and hers is screaming “I’M GOING TO CUM!!” But did her fantasy, perfect princess tell her that she’s had sex before and with other girls?
Maureen pants hard as she grinds herself against Sunny. “Cum with me! I’m going to cum!”
“Me, too. Tell me you love me again!”
“I love you, Aunt Sunny. I love you.”
Anything else Maureen tries to tell her is drowned out by the scream that Sunny is very familiar with, and she feels wrapped in the blanket of pleasure and love and satisfaction and more and more overpowering pleasure as the orgasm rushes through her body. She sees Maureen stop moving her body and put her hand against their clits and jerk spasmodically while her fingers dance between them. Sunny’s scream dies down, and Maureen stretches out partly on Sunny and partly on the bed, still panting. “That was one of the best orgasns I’ve ever had, Sunny. You know I love you.”
Sunny feels the girl relax against her. She shifts her weight and puts a leg and an arm over Maureen to stay close to her and to keep her in place as they drift off. Maureen’s breathing slows down; Sunny feels that this has been a perfect day with a perfect ending. “You know I’ve always fantasized about you, Sunny,” she says very softly, very conspiratorially.
“Huh?” Sunny snaps back awake.
“Yeah, ever since I started having fantasies, this one’s been my favorite. I come home early, and my mom’s not home. You’re on the pool deck working on your tan. I secretly watch you unsnap your bikini and masturbate, and I’m so turned on that I have to strip off my uniform and play with myself. But you hear me when I start to moan and see what I’m doing. And you take charge and have sex with me, and I promise to be your sex slave forever and ever.” Maureen’s voice continues to fade as she tells the story. Her eyes are shut, and Sunny can tell that she’s gone for the night. She slowly caresses Maureen’s butt while considering the fantasy she just shared; her mind is moving at light speed. It means that Maureen was available all this time, just for asking. And it also means that she’s going to have to think of lots of excuses for Maureen to spend more time with her. She thought she was worn out for the night, but the thought of Maureen as her sex slave is turning her on again. She realizes that she’s unconsciously starting to move her own hips and wishes Maureen would wake back up. She feels Maureen’s smooth ass under her hand and thinks about humping it — and if Maureen wakes up they can scissor with Sunny on top this time.
As she convinces herself to take this next step, she sees Jenna watching in the doorway and rubbing herself. Her heart beats faster. She rolls out of the bed away from Maureen. Jenna waits for her in the doorway and embraces her and kisses her lovingly when Sunny reaches her.
Sunny guides her back into the living room. “Did I wake you up?”
“Not just me; I think you woke up half the street.” She starts kissing and licking Sunny again on the neck. In between the kisses she makes a proposal. “I want to cum again. I’ll lick your pussy if you promise to fuck me hard after I make you cum.”
Jenna’s hand has already moved from Sunny’s butt to rubbing her just inches from her pussy; she’s teasing Sunny the same way Sunny teased her earlier. “But let’s do it in the guest room and close the door.” Jenna pulls Sunny into the guest room, closes the door, and gently pushes Sunny onto the bed and covers her body with soft kisses. Jenna climbs into a 69; as her mouth approaches Sunny’s sweetest spot, Sunny tells her to stop. “Wait, I’d rather do something else. Do you know what scissoring is?”
“Of course,” Jenna grins. She turns around and spreads her own legs as her body approaches Sunny. She touches Sunny’s pussy with her finger when only inches separate them. Sunny moans at the touch of the girl’s hand and then makes a louder moan when their pussies meet and she realizes her scissoring fantasy for a second time that night. The women clench each other’s hands as they press their bodies together and move in unison. Sunny feels her orgasm speeding towards her; she breathlessly awaits the arrival of the strongest one yet that night. Their rhythm gets out of sync as she jolts wildly against Jenna. She lets go of Jenna and covers her mouth with her pillow. She feels like her whole body is vibrating and then the scream arrives that confirms to Jenna what she already knows. Sunny’s eyes are shut, but she feels Jenna’s tongue licking her pussy and around it.
Sunny tosses the pillow aside and orders her lover “kiss me! That was the best orgasm I’ve had all night!”
Jenna is still caressing Sunny’s breasts while they kiss. “I’m glad.”
“It’s like every one is better than the one before.” She wants Jenna to volunteer to scissor again, but she doesn’t want to order her.
Jenna pauses. “Are you ready to help me? I haven’t cum enough today.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I usually masturbate four or five times a day. I’m really addicted to it. Now, sit up against the headboard.” Sunny follows her directions, and Jenna crawls into her lap. “I really want you to finger me while we kiss.”
Jenna gives Sunny a long, passionate kiss. “You know that you keep kissing me like that I’m going to get turned on again and need another one.”
“Uh-huh. Put another finger in me.” Sunny obeys. “Put two more in me.” Sunny has three fingers exploring Jenna’s pussy while they have another long kiss. Jenna interrupts the kiss with an even more desperate command. “I love feeling you like this; put your whole fist in me.”
“I don’t think I can get it all in.”
Jenna giggles. “I’ve had bigger hands than yours in me.” Sunny works her entire hand inside Jenna, and Jenna was right. “I love feeling your hand fill me up like this.” Jenna gives Sunny orders on how to turn her hand and wiggle her thumb and where to put her fingers, and she keeps moaning and reminding Sunny that she loves her.
Sunny’s mesmerized by how her hand disappears into Jenna’s bouncing body; it reminds her of a fish squirming on the end of a stick. Her own body is on fire and demanding attention again at the realization that she now has both a sex slave and a slut professing their love to her, and she fingers herself with her other hand.
Without any other warning, Jenna goes practically motionless and her eyes stare off beyond Sunny. She feels Jenna slightly twitching and she breathes loudly and whispers “I love you.” Thirty seconds turn into a minute. Jenna licks her lips and has a couple of spasms but is still mostly motionless . Sunny envies her for the long orgasm that has gripped her. It’s nearly two minutes before Jenna starts wiggling again to try and extend it another few seconds. Jenna straightens her body, lies down on top of Sunny, and covers her with an onslaught of kisses. Sunny’s hand slips out of Jenna, and she puts it on Jenna’s back. She imagines what it will be like tomorrow, going back and forth and getting orgasms from each of her guests.
Jenna rests her head partly on the pillow, partly against Sunny’s breast. “This was my best day ever.” Sunny keeps a hand on Jenna’s butt as she listens to the girl falling asleep. Didn’t she just come from this scene in her bedroom. But just as she closes her eyes and tries to follow the girls’ path to sleep, she hears one last drowsy remark from Jenna. “I’ve dreamed of sex with you for so long, Mo. I’ve always loved you, Mo.”
3 months ago