
Chapter 8
Ellie was led into the room and immediately felt a nostalgic sensation remembering her and Elizabeth playing in the room. She was soon shaken back to reality by the stern voice of her former cousin Jacob who commanded “ Shuck off that shift girl and on your knees right quick and show me and my brother what you have to offer. A lot has happened since this morning and I done forgot what that pretty little body looks like naked.”
Ellen’s reply came quickly, “ I won’t do any such thing. You bullies don’t scare me.” Her words were brave but her quivering chin led the brothers to believe otherwise. Suddenly Aaron’s right arm shot forward propelling the tip of a short leather whip in-the direction of the girls bare feet. Ellen cried out as the cruel braided leather snapped against her her left instep causing her to hop on her right foot as she sought to caress the injured foot. Quickly Aaron’s arm shot out again and the leather tip bit into the girls right foot, dropping her unceremoniously to the floor writhing in pain. “ Get naked and on your knees now girl or there’s plenty more where that came from” Aaron chortled. Ellen slowly rose to her knees and pulled the shift over her head but immediately clutched the silky material against the front of her body to provide some cover.
Jacob yelled “ Drop that shift now bitch and clasp your hands behind your neck. Kneel real straight, legs apart, with your shoulders back. Dont say a word, don’t even breath hard unless you want a good whuppin’.

Ellen did as she was told, shaking visibly, much to the delight of the two brothers. She dropped the shift and slowly raised her arms to clasp her hands behind her neck. A feeling of shame swept over her as she felt the eyes of the two boys ogling her nudity. A blush came over her as she realized what a brazen position she kept. She glanced downward where her upturned pointed breasts with their long nipples stood at attention. She could do nothing to cover them or for that matter cover her pubic area so wantonly displayed for her new masters. Jacob the older and more cruel, walked up next to her tracing his finger along her cheek, over near neck and shoulder and down to her right breast. He lifted it gently, testing its weight, tracing around the nipple with his dirty fingernail. Ellen stiffened and tried to rise but he quickly shoved her back down and yelling for her not to move. “ Hell, you ain’t even fully tittied out yet girl. I seen old hags with better tits than you got bitch “ he lied trying to humiliate her with his words. “ Look at that boney ass and scrawny legs. Good thing you got a pretty face girl because no man wants to marry a girl pitiful body like you got. Your only hope is to learn the ways of pleasing a man the right way. Well brother, we have our work cut out for us but it’s time we commence to learning this little wench those ways” he chuckled as he reached down and gave Ellie a hard slap across her naked bottom.

“ Now get your ass up and do a little dancing for me and my brother” Jacob ordered. Ellen not knowing what was expected, scrambled to her feet when Aaron gestured with the whip. She began to do a minuet with an invisible partner that caused Jacob and Aaron to laugh uncontrollably. “ Not-like some citified old matron you idiot, like a New Orleans dancing whore. Move your hips back and forth and round and round real slow like. Start moving your hands over your body paying special attention to your titties, your ass, and that sweet spot betwixt your legs.”
Ellen clumsily responded to his request.
“ Thats it Ellie girl, you could be one of those dancers at Madam Jolene’s. Sure you could. Now lift those little titties of yours in your hands and smile real pretty like at your new masters.” She did as she was told but couldn’t force herself to smile at the two bullying brothers. Arron’s whip flailed out again to slap its fiery tip dead center on the nipple of her right breast. Ellen stiffened, screamed aloud and bent forward hugging her chest with her hands, the tips of her pigtails dragging on the floor.
“ Lift that head of yours bitch and give us a big toothy smile or your other tittle is going to fell the bite of my lash”. Aaron shouted. The poor girl straightened and through her tears forced a smile.

“ Now that’s better Ellie. Time for your next lesson. Now get your ass on the bed and we’re going to learn you how to accept visitors.” Jacob chuckled. As he shoved Ellie toward the bed, he let his trousers drop to the floor freeing his engorged penis. “ Hurry to the bed girl, he’s already feeling the cold, he needs a warm place to visit. Ellen hit the bed with that back of her knees and fell onto her back stop the mattress, her feet still contacting the floor. In a second Jacob was atop her, sloppily kissing her mouth, and jabbing aimlessly with his turgid rod until he found the opening of her tunnel. He thrust deeply into her and she screamed as he shredded her hymen. As he thrust forward again and lowered his head to bite her nipple, he let out a loud groan and sprayed his seed prematurely once again. He immediately began to sob and pummel the poor girl with his fists, calling her a whore, blaming her for his early ejaculation.
Aaron pulled his brother off the girl “ Remember what Pa said, we can have our fun but we gotta keep ‘em pretty and not damaged. Jacob grumbled some incoherent curse and backed off as his brother lifted the sobbing girl to a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

Aaron deftly reached for a coil of rope and threw the rope over a rafter beam directly above the bed. “ Now Ellie if you know what’s good for you will do exactly what I say. Now crawl up on this here bed and kneel directly below the rope.” Ellie, tears running down her cheeks, scrambled to kneel under the rope. “ That’s it Ellie, now sit back on your haunches and raise your hands into the air and clasp your hands like your praying to the almighty. This done, ordering the girl not to move, he quickly wrapped the rope around the girls wrists forming a tie and tugged on the free end of the rope until her bottom was raised about 6 inches above her lower legs. In this position Ellen could tug on the rope to raise herself but could not lower herself at all. Ellen shook with fear, thinking they had secured her for a good flogging with her naked breasts, back and bottom ready for the lash. She pleaded. “Please don’t whip me Aaron! I’m sorry I angered Jacob. I promise to be good.” She turned her head away as Aaron discarded his clothing. The slender dark haired beauty wondered what was happening as Aaron slid feet first beneath her suspended body. Ellen soon came to know the reason why as he gently lifted her by the hips, found her slit with his erection and pulled her down. The distraught woman squealed as she realized what was happening. Arron began lifting her hips until until his manhood was almost out of her before he yanked her back down onto him. He repeated the movements a number of times, trying to show her how he wanted it done but she kept struggling to get away.

Finally she was able to wriggle free and in frustration Aaron yelled to his brother “Jacob grab the whip and make this haughty bitch sing and dance atop me in the proper fashion. You be Maestro.” He grabbed Ellie by the waist and thrust her down hard onto his erection just as Jacob unleashed his first blow. Ellen received the virgin lash across her shoulder blades, her body stiffened as she cried out she clenched her vaginal muscles tightened sending wonderful sensations to the man flesh she held within. Aaron moaned in pleasure as the second hard blow higher on her shoulders caused her to buck and twist. He no longer had to orchestrate her movements, just hold on tightly to her hips. Jacob was coaxing her movements, thoroughly enjoying his revenge on his bitch of cousin as he sent blistering strikes curling around her flanks to nip her tender titties. Again and again Jacobs arm lashed out bringing forth screams and pleas for mercy as her body rocked and spasmed with each fiery impact. Aaron reaching the point of no return, reached up with both hands and grabbed her bobbing breasts in a vice-like grip, just as Jacob unleashed the most brutal blow yet. Ellen reared back her head and screamed in pain as Aaron lifted his head and emitted a guttural moan, firing his lad deep into her belly. Aaron rose from the bed, pushing her aside” Ellie girl, you little whore. If didn't know better, I think you enjoyed that more than me.” He was about to untie the rope when Jacob said he had unfinished business and jumped onto the bed. Standing in front of the tied Ellen he slapped his stiffened rod against her face several times, awakening her from her stupor. He bade her to service him with her mouth,warning her not to bite or he would slice off her tits. Ellen unable to fight back anymore, opened her mouth and learned quickly how to satisfy a man this way. Thankfully for the girl, Jacob fired his load way too early for the third time that day.

Chapter 9
Elizabeth was fetched first by Gurda early in the morning. She was brought to the bath and bathed tenderly by the German woman until she was cleaned and preened.
Then she was brought to a small bedroom with a single matt on the floor, where she slept through until the following morning. Ellen was fetched next, with a few wounds to attend to the girl took longer to bathe, brought to a different room than her sister, she too fell into a fitful sleep almost immediately. When they finally did awake they were felt stiff and sore and had no ifea what had happened to their sibling. Girds ordered to keep them apart, sent Ellen to the kitchen and her older sister to clean the library, the room that had been the favorite of her late father brought back many memories.

On her second day, tasked to begin wiping clean every book in the vast library, Elizabeth’s eyes began to tear, worried about what had happened to her sweet sister Ellen. Not knowing if Ellen was ok or if she too had been attacked was almost too much for her to bear. The house slaves would not speak of Ellen for they had been threatened with a severe whuppin’ if they uttered a word. Thankful that her uncle and cousins had not called for her in two days, Elizabeth may have found out the reason why.

Through the library window she got a glimpse of a large coffle of new slaves collected in the courtyard. Elizabeth shuddered when she noticed a heated brazier that was at the ready. A number of the new slaves looked to be white and all of those that appeared so were women. One of the girls she recognized. It was Suzette Larue, a girl about Elizabeths age from a plantation, a days ride away. Her father was a never-do-well drunkard and gambler who never cared much for his 3 stepdaughters of which Abigail was not old. Elizabeth had recently heard that the girls mother had become gravely sick.
Before Elizabeth could see any more Gurda entered the room and yelled at the girl to get back to work or else.

Elizabeth and Ellen weren’t so lucky that night. This time Ellen was called to service Uncle Silas and Elizabeth to spend the night with her dispicable cousins. Silas was insatiable and the bruised and battered Ellen had a difficult time reacting fast enough to please the big man’s every whim. Once again the whip was stronger than her free will. Elizabeth was no luckier. The brothers were sadists and seemed to only enjoy sex if it was preceded by the administration of pain which they doled out in large quantities.

Over the next month the beautiful sisters were introduced to every depraved act they thought imaginable to man. They were subjected and resubjected to all types of ways to satisfy men from all kinds of positions. Even Jacob with all the “practice” he was getting began to overcome his premature ejaculation issues, much to the chagrin of the two sisters.Elizabeth and Ellen became easy to excite , in fact the two women began themselves to seek the satisfaction only the release of orgasm could give and both were experiencing multiple orgasms while performing for their masters.The Devereaux men were completely oblivious as they were so intent on their own release that they never noticed the pleasure the girls were feeling.

The Devereaux men were very satisfied with the progress the sisters were making as they perfected all of the sexual acts they were tasked with. The sisters still hadn’t made contact with each other since the first night that they had returned to the plantation. They each found it odd that they were only called to the masters beds every 3-4 nights instead of nightly. In the beginning they were thankful but as the days passed, getting closer to the big party, Elizabeth and Ellen began to wish they were warming someones bed each night.

Finally the afternoon of the the big celebration, the sisters were individually scrubbed and brushed until their skin shined and their dark hair flowed flowed perfectly. Next they were dressed in beautiful shear gowns that one could almost see through, the bodices cut low and the material clinging to all the curves of their perfectly formed youthful bodies. The girls still kept apart, it had been a month since they had laid eyes on each other, waited in separate rooms. The celebration was taking place in full force on the lawns of the plantation. Food was plentiful as was the music and song that the girls could barely hear in their respective rooms anxiously awaiting what was in store for them.

Silas Devereaux, his two sons and their guests - twelve couples and their youth retired to a full feast as dusk began to fall. After sating themselves with a lavish meal, the women and youth were spirited off to the west wing of the huge house to be entertained by various minstrels and magicians hired by Silas to “keep the families occupied”. The women had been instructed not to wait up for the menfolk who would be conducting important business into the wee hours of the morning. Meanwhile the menfolk retired to the large, lavishly furnished library.

“Gentleman, you are probably wondering why I have invited you here tonight. Well I have a plan for a very lucrative endeavor that I believe you will rush to invest in. A gentleman’s club where a man can completely dominate a beautiful white woman without repercussion. If you wish to inflict pain you can. If you wish to pester the bitch, however you like to do it. Or both, sometimes there is a fine line between pain and pleasure. With that the double doors of the room opened and the group of men caught their collective breath as twelve of the most beautiful light skinned women dressed in sheer wispy low cut gowns filed demurely to the front of the room and turned to face the audience. It soon became apparent to the assembled manhood that this was going to be a special night indeed.

Chapter 10

Silas continued with his speech, “ As you see my boys are passing around a tray of wooden discs branded with a numbers from one to twelve, please accept one of the discs and hold onto your chairs. I believe your in for ride of your life. The number on your disc just so happens to match a number on a necklace that each girl is wearing. The girl that matches your doc is your companion for the night.” a cheer went up from the men showing their obvious pleasure. “ Should we check out the pairings” he said as he stepped behind a short buxom girl and reached out to slowly pull the girls sheer dress to her waist.

A murmur of approval went up from the men as the girls large breasts were revealed. “Now Mindy girl, turn that disc on your necklace over so we can see who gets to suck on those big boobies.” The men chuckled in amusement. “ Lucky number nine, who has lucky number 9?” Asked the plantation owner. “My stars, I guess it’s me”
Said Judge Alexander Jeffries with huge smile , “ Those big titties appear to be mine. Come over here and sit on my lap girl.” Jonas Barlow chided “ Best watch that bad back of yours judge, riding a filly like her with hillocks that big could be mighty dangerous.” That brought a roar from the laughing assemblage. Mindy was an orphan who had just reached her 18th birthday and upon leaving the orphanage was tempted by the chance for employment on the Devereaux plantation. It didn’t take long for a fake bill of sale for a black girl to be forged by Nester Belmont and the girl became the property of Silas and his sons. Silas bade the girl to pull up her dress and sit on the floor by Judge Jeffries.

All three girls were ordered to flip the wooden discs on their necklaces. “Who gets our tall redhead Suzy for the night?”
“Well that would be me, me and Suzy imagine that.”shouts out Amos Larue. Next the brown haired Becky went to Arnold Stone one of Amos’ gambling friends and her petite twin Lissa went to fellow plantation owner acquaintance Lester Black. “You gentleman will share a large room. No sense splitting these sisters up best they show their appreciation to some men they know.” The three girls grudgingly took their positions at the foot of the chairs of their partners, Suzy reluctantly took her seat but refused to even look at her former stepfather. Amos did not fail to observe the disdain of his former stepdaughter.

Next up were three girls bought from fathers who owed so much their farms were in foreclosure. Of course banker Alan Carsten supplied the money and Nestor Belmont the forged papers .Sassy, a very petite brunette was paired up with Alan Carsten the banker, followed by JonasBarlow matching numbers with a full bodied blond girl named Lily. Both men beamed as the girls took their places. Constable Morton was paired with an obstinate blond named Liza. Obviously Morton was a man who knew how to beat the obstinance of her. The three remaining plantation owners were paired up with three women who had been bought from kidnappers. From another county with forged papers they too were now just slaves. That left only Elizabeth and Ellen standing before the group.

Silas Devereaux moved behind the beautiful Elizabeth. “Which of you wouldn’t want to bed such a beauty as Lizzy. Unfortunately most of you have already been matched with a girl but there isn’t any reason not to see what your missing. With a hard yank he pulled the woman’s gown to the floor. Elizabeth blushed and stepped back realizing she was completely naked in front of the men, many of which she had known for years. This time the group was quiet. The men were mesmerized by the perfect body just displayed before them, lusting for the beauty. Silas raised his right hand to gently lift her right breast, weighing it in his hand.
He turned the wooden disc on her necklace. “Now which of you gets to pester this fine wench. Who has lucky number 2?”

“ Oh my, I do believe that I have hit the jackpot. Liz you and I go back a long way, don’t we girl. I do believe a reckoning is in the works.” Nestor exclaimed. Elizabeth shuddered and hung her head as she made her way to the unscrupulous accountant. It was Elizabeth that had caught Nester Belmont stealing plantation money and had her father fire the thief.Now she was to be at the mercy of this vile man. She shook as she pondered what kind of punishment he had in store for her.

Lastly Silas stepped behind Ellen and as he pulled her gown down to the waist “Don’t forget the other sister, just as beautiful, just smaller titties. The number is 7. Who has lucky number 7.? I bet it’s the last man standing Jedidiah Smith! Come up here Jedidiah and take possession of this prime piece of poke meat.” Jed Smith held back, not wanting to take any part of this but he was grabbed by the men and pushed forward to come face to face with his prize. He saw no fear or anger in her eyes, only a look that told him it was ok. He immediately felt a wave of relief.

Silas continued. “Gentleman, take your allotted wench and follow my boys. They will show you to your well equipped bedrooms with all the necessary equipment and implements and rest assured that anything you choose to do will be kept in the strictest confidence. I just ask that punishments be doled out painfully but with no permanent damage to the recipient. Remember, this a trial run for a business that I believe will be extremely profitable for all of us.

Chapter 11
Judge Jeffries enjoyed his plump girl with the big titties. She who was well trained by the Devereauxs paid homage to the judge by fellating him deep-throat style and rode him wildly from atop until he climaxed a second time. The judge, needing some extra stimulation, decided it was high time to get to know what it felt like wielding the whip rather than the person who ordered the whipping. Soon Mindy found herself spreadeagled face down on the mattress of the big bed, her wrists and ankles shackled to the corners of the bed, her big titties flattened beneath her against the mattress. She shuttered as she saw him pick up an oiled, braided leather quirt. “ I’m sorry sir” she blurted out “ I’m sorry if I did something wrong.” The judge answered calmly, “ You been real good so far Mindy but I’m feeling the need to dispense some pain. It’s ok to scream some girl, in fact I’d rather like that.”

With that he brought his right arm down and the quirt came down awkwardly and thudded across the girls shoulders. She stiffened but no sound came from her lips. How do the constables make the whip sing thru the air and crack loudly against the victim. Maybe I’ll try flicking my wrist a little he thought and sent another blow across her back. He heard the whip slap against the bare flesh and a yelp escaped from the girl’s lips. Another couple of blows and his technique began to improve dramatically and soon the loud crack of the whip was eliciting screams from Mindy’s writhing body. The girl was now screaming uncontrollably as she tugged at her bonds trying to evade the burning lashes. The sadistic side of the judge took over and soon he was reigning hard blows all over Mindy’s body. His manhood rose once again causing him to crawl upon the bed between the girls legs. He spit into his hands, rubbed the spittle on the head of his penis, and plunged his weapon thru her anal opening. He buggered the girl with such force she nearly passed out from the pain. After his climax he pulled out of her, quite pleased with himself. Before this the idea of doing such things to a white woman would never have crossed his mind.

In the next bedroom, Constable Morton, who had administered Elizabeth’s strapping in the courtyard of the courthouse, was enjoying himself with the obstinate Liza. She had dared to talk back to him right away and had caught a hard backhanded blow that split her lip for her efforts. Morton had her bound with her back to column in the room. He decided that a good tit whipping, something that he would never be allowed to do with his constable duties, would best still the girls sassy tongue. He had plied a dozen strokes of a short three thonged whip over the squealing blond’s right tittie, reddening the soft orb while decorating her tender nipple with oozing abrasions. Her screams didn’t deter him from attacking her left breast with even greater fervor. Liza was begging him to stop as her body stiffened with each direct hit on her breast. Her screams filled the room until Morton finished her second dozen. The constable untied her and threw her over the edge of the mattress and took her from behind while squeezing her bruised and battered orbs. The girl took the strap to her backside and thighs after that until the constable got good and hard. Then she fellated him while he striped the three thonged whip down onto her bare back. She got no sleep that night as the man was relentless.

The three girls taken from debt ridden farms in an adjacent county serviced the three other plantation owners to the best of their ability but the plantation owners all were not as satisfied as they could have liked. Slapping the girls around a bit didn’t seem to improve performance so the men resorted to having to dispense some pain. Unbeknownst to each other, All three chose wooden paddles that had a bit of heft. Having the girls grasp their ankles and threatening to triple the number of strokes should they straighten from their bent positions, the men blistered the behinds of the poor girls until the skin on their bottoms were beet red. By the time the paddling was complete, each girl was begging to please her companion in any way possible which they did for the rest of the night to the best of their ability.

Jonas Barlow, who had a proclivity for other men, hated women as a gender. Even though he lived a lavish life as a youth, his mother and his grandmother beat and berated him at every turn, casting upon him the blame for his good for nothing father who stole half the mother’s fortune and left just after Jonas was born. Lily the full bodied blond who was paired with Jonas was not sexually violated that night but felt the lash and the cane throughout the night. Alan Carsten was a romantic at heart and chose to make love with the petite brunette Sassy throughout the night. Even though she offered him her body for a beating, the banker refused and was more than happy to satisfy his lust with the petite dark haired girl.

But what would become of the three Larue sisters companioned with their step father and his cronies? What about Ellen who was paired with the family lawyer Jedidiah Smith? What revenge would the thieving accountant Nester Belmont wreak on the beauty Elizabeth Devereaux?

Chapter 12
Amos asked his good friend Elijah Turner “ Grab that rope over there and drop that wooden triangle. Looks like it’s made for these three.” With that, Elijah grabbed a rope that had been tied to a spike in the wall and commenced to drop a triangle of wood with two manacles at each corner and a hole dead center where the other end of the rope was tied. In a matter of moments each girls wrists were secured to each end of a side of the triangle. The rope was hoisted up by Elijah and the girls stood on tiptoe facing each other at an angle, their arms spread out to the corners of their side of the triangle. Amos had asked Silas Devereaux for some type of apparatus to punish all three girls at the same time but this was exceptional, he thought. As the girls were whipped, the could see each other up close. They see each others fear, see each others tears, and hear each other beg and scream as pain taught them the lesson of obedience.

Amos was the first to go, sending a hard strike of the single tail whip that cracked as it struck the redhead Lucy between the shoulder blades drawing a squeal and grimace from the girl. A second lash struck the girls left buttocks causing her whole body to lurch forward and brought forth the first of many screams. As their sisters body lurch with each blow the other two sisters were scrabbling to keep their toes in contact with the floor as the wooden triangle began to sway back and forth.

“ Please stop, father. Why do you treat your daughters so? “ pleaded Becky. “ You bitches ain’t my daughters no more. If your mother would have let me take the whip to ya when ya was a youth maybe you all wouldn’t be in this predicament” replied Amos as he sent a hard blow that curled around Lucy’s back with the tip biting her right nipple. Lucy’s head reared back and she let out an animal like scream which caused her sisters to start bawling and begging for mercy for their older sister. Amos nodded to his friends and they started to rain blows upon the two other girls.

The triangle was swaying all over the place now and each of the men had to use his expertise with the whip well as they each had to hit their moving target. The room was soon filled with screams and each girl begging for mercy. Another hard stroke from Amos that curled around to punish both nipples had Lucy dancing and begging that she would do anything to stop the pain. In fact all three girls were screaming hysterically, offering to do whatever the men wanted. They had been trained by the Devereauxs to service a man with their mouths and their hands. They were still all virgins to penetration but that was soon remedied as each man took his place behind each bound girl, spit into their hands and rubbing the spittle on their engorged penis’s, they took the girls anally at the same time. Thrusting forward they buffeted the women as the bedroom filled with sound as the women shrieked in agony. Each man in turn moaned as he shot his load deep into the bowels of his woman.

Amos ordered the men to release girls and reattach the manacles so that each girl was now facing outward with arms spread. He also had the men tie one of the girls ankle to the ankle of the girl next to them. In essence each girl was now spreadeagled, arms and legs spread wide. Amos said “ Now I get to do something very special for my stepdaughters. ” He picked up a bullwhip and stood directly in front of Suzette. “ such a hard look you give me girl. I believe I know just the way to soften you up.” With that he brought his right arm up sending the tip of the lash to snap loudly into the crotch of the pinioned girl eliciting a animal like scream. Strike after strike struck home as the girl writhing and screaming begged for mercy. As Amos plied his whip on the eldest stepdaughter, the other two men took their whips to the tender breasts of the two sisters. The two screamed loudly as Amos Larue stepped forward and once again aroused brutally took the girls virginity.

The twins received like treatment from their former stepfather, their vaginas assaulted by the whip of Amos before brutally losing their virginity to their hateful stepfather. All three girls suffered multiple beatings that night as well as numerous sexual assaults.Their unconscious bodies scored by the whip , remained hanging in their bonds, as the men took drink and fell off into a deep sleep. What about the beautiful Devereaux sisters Elizabeth and Ellen. What of their fate?

Part 13

Nester Belmont and Elizabeth were escorted to one of the front bedrooms in front of the mansion by none other than Silas Devereaux himself. Nester ,ever since his ouster from Devereaux Plantation, had been in cahoots with Silas and his sons. Belmont, never married, fell on hard times after his dishonest accounting had been discovered by the bitch Elizabeth Devereaux. She bade her father to fire the accountant on the spot. Ruining his reputation and unable to find work he barely survived. That was until Silas and the Judge came to him with an idea.
It was easy enough to forge birth records for the sisters if it meant a return to “respectability” and a large infusion of cash.

Silas knew of his associate’s hate for the older Devereaux girl and wanted to make himself crystal clear. “Now Nestor, I know you got a score to settle here and I’m ok with that, but don’t harm this valuable piece of merchandise” as he grasped Elizabeth’s pretty face by the chin. “ You make this girl hurt, you make her scream, have your way with her any way you fancy, but don’t you damage her or by god there will be the devil himself to pay. Do you understand me Sir?” Nester a bit shaken nodded his head as he led the pretty brunette into the bedroom and locked the door.

Nester Belmonts eyes widened as he and Lizzie were introduced to their bedroom. A magnificent bed filled the center of the room with a unique headboard formed in the shape of a pillory with a hole for the victims head and two smaller holes, one on each side for the hands. The person imprisoned by the headboard could be held in two different positions; standing in front of the bed with head and hands sticking through the holes leaving the persons head looking down over the mattress. Or the person could be imprisoned while kneeling on the be with heads and hands facing out from the other side of the headboard. Implements of pain were well displayed on one wall, all sorts of straps, whips, rods and birches. A tub filled with hot water stood near the fireplace where the hot fire sent rivulets of orange light dancing about the room.

Nester turned toward Elizabeth as he ordered
“Shuck down Lizzie girl,I been waitin to see those fine titties. Show me everything. Be quick about it, time for the reckoning you deserve, you conniving little bitch, I’ve waited two years for this.” Elizabeth slowly backed away and let the filmy shift slide over her hips leaving her completely uncovered. She blushed and lowered her head causing her dark hair to cascade over the front of her body covering her breasts. This caused Nester Belmont to cuff the girl hard upside the head as he threw off his shirt, kicked off his boots, and dropped his pants leaving him naked. “ Don’t hide those tits from me, Lizzy girl! Get on your knees in front of me and rub those big bubbies against my legs so that you can get me good and hard, then you can take my pecker into that spiteful little mouth of yours and pay it some attention.

Elizabeth dropped to her knees, wrapped her arms around his spindly legs and slowly began to move her breasts back and forth over the man’s thighs. In spite of her loathing for the man, she could feel her nipples begin to harden and could feel a tingling sensation starting to warm her down below. The dastardly accountant couldn’t wait a moment longer as he forced his long thin rod into the girls mouth as she gagged as it reached the back of her throat. She pulled back but Nester grasped her hair tightly. Elizabeth was able to gasp in some air before she feverishly went to work using all the techniques she had been forced to learn. Using her tongue and the muscles in her throat, her head bobbing at a steady pace, and her warm hands rubbing his scrotum, she was able to make him fire his load after only a few minutes. Nester Belmont sagged against the door, his knees weak, sated for the moment. Elizabeth, thankful that this vile man had little stamina and knowing her ordeal was far from over, was also thankful for any respite, however brief.

Belmont however was not without a plan for he had years of frustration and embarrassment, fueling his desire to seek revenge on this meddlesome Devereaux bitch. How haughty and untouchable she was when her powerful father was alive, but now she and her pretty little sister were anything but untouchable. All it took was a little forgery of their birth certificates. A crooked judge, and the plan that Silas Devereaux had proposed came to fruition. the money that Silas had paid him was very generous, and would allow him to live comfortably but revenge on this high and mighty bitch, was the real reason he agreed to forge the birth certificates. The fact that Silas and his sons had reduced the sisters from the toast of society to the dregs of society, pleased him greatly, but he wanted her to know the kind of pain and suffering she deserved. He wanted to hear her scream in pain, and beg him for mercy. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, lifted her to her feet, enjoying the surprised look of fear in her eyes, he must take this slowly so that he may enjoy it to the fullest he thought to himself grabbing Lizzie, roughly by the nape of the neck he marched her around to the head of the bed, lifting the cross piece on the headboard. He forced her head and wrists into the half circles and brought the heavy crosspiece back down , Elizabeths head and hands protruded over the mattress side and the rest of her body stood bent at the waist on the opposite side of the heavy oak. She felt panic as she tried unsuccessfully to pull her head and hands back through the unwielding wood. Nestor Belmont chuckled to himself as he watched her well formed breasts sway, so seductively beneath her and the muscles of her shapely behind ripple with her futile movements. “ my how vulnerable you look in that position I believe that you are looking less like a high class lady and more like a whore every day “ Nestor teased . “I would have to be the lowest of whores to let the likes of you touch me, you vile man” Elizabeth shot back defiantly.

Nestor Belmont reached out his bony hand to touch her between her legs, then reached around to grab both of her breasts in a vice-like grip as she lurched forward in surprise. I do believe that saucy little mouth of yours has once again gotten you into trouble, You bitch. It’s time to hear you scream.” he let go of her and walked around the bed to the array of punishment instruments hanging on the wall since you like to always be in control my sweet little whore, maybe you would like to select one for me.” Nestor laughed. Elizabeth kept silent, knowing that anything more she said, when only make him more angry. “ Maybe this fine quirt or this vicious looking strap or this braided whip?” he asked as he cracked each in the air. No, I think something be-fitting the strong willed, woman that you are”he snarled as he reached for a stout, but flexible hickory cane. He winked at her as he walked out of her range of sight . “Let’s see which is more potent, your sassy tongue or this stick.”

Belmont took up his position behind the unfortunate lass and swished the rod viciously in the air several times. He felt all powerful as he watched her clench the muscles of her behind, anticipating the rod making contact with her flesh “get it over with it you villain, so that I can be done with you,” she cried out, knowing that she had survived her strapping, and this could be no worse. “I have always believed the rod to be mightier than the mouth you trollop.I will soon prove that to you,where shall we start? Shall it be here here, here or here? He said, as he touched the cane against her back, buttocks, back of her legs and side of her right breast. No preference then he answered to her silence. Fear not little Miss high and mighty, for I assure you that they will all receive ample attention” with that he reached far back and stepped into a most vicious blow. The rod hit squarely against the back of her thighs with the tip, curling around to nip the tender flesh on the inside of that thigh. Elizabeth, although braced for the stroke violently lurched forward, only to be held fast by the heavy timbers of the Pillory. Even though she was determined to take her beating in silence, she could not hold back a yelp of pain as a cane impacted her tender flesh. Her brain registered the level of pain as much much worse than her previous beating as the pain seemed to radiate through every nerve ending in her body.

The second and third blows, swiftly followed to her naked backside, crumbling her determination her mind unable to concentrate on anything but the pain, the pain the pain was everywhere, unable to escape the pain she heard a scream off in the distance. It was her scream. The blows continued to rain upon her back buttocks and legs, unable to escape the red haze of pain that engulfed her. She began to plead for mercy begging for him to stop the whipping “stop please….I’ll do anything…just stop…Oh, it hurts…you’re killing me! You can have me I promise I’ll be good.” Elizabeth pleaded as her body writhed and her feet beat a rhythm on the hardwood floor. Nester Belmont smiled to himself “you plead. You offer me nothing. I can take you in any way that pleases me. You beg so beautifully bitch, but not a hint of remorse for what you did to me,” he snarled as he aimed a particularly vicious blow at her right breast. The flexible implement of pain impacted the breast with such force that the tip of the rod curled halfway around the suspended orb and bit the nipple dead center. The excruciating pain of the blow caused her knees to buckle, her body to quiver, and her head to lift as she bellered her response to the terrible stroke.

It took several seconds before she could regain her breath, and by that time the next stroke was already heading for a similar target on the left side, the blow not as accurate as that to the right breast, allowed her to catch your breath, and blurt out another plea for mercy. “ I’m sorry, Mr. Belmont…I made a terrible mistake…. I…I wrongfully accused you of stealing my father‘s money.”

Nester smiled a wicked smile. “Well, now you brazen little wench, it’s about time that the truth comes out. I was right the rod can persuade the mouth to utter the truth. Since you have finally confessed to your lies, you can now be properly punished. I sentence you to 10 strokes for lying and 15 more strokes for the embarrassment. You have caused me. Seeing that I am the lenient type”, he hesitated, giving the poor girl a glimmer of hope for a reprieve. “ I will grant you the choice of where the stroke shall be placed, and if you do not choose quickly, I shall begin anew with your left breast, or maybe that tender spot between your sweet legs .”

“ My backside, please, Mr. Belmont” she blurted out quickly. He smiled once again to himself, enjoying her humility. He told her to brace herself and began to flay her bottom with renewed vigor again, and again, he reigned blows upon the helpless woman, enjoying our hoarse screams as he took out his revenge on the naked woman’s flesh. He avoided crisscrossing his blows so as not to do any permanent damage to this fine, female specimen. He left her there, trapped in the Pillory headboard, and made his way to the awaiting tub of water across the room. As he sat, bathing his naked body, he could look directly upon the entrapped head of the object of his revenge, her body still engulfed in pain. The quivering body and that sobbed uncontrollably with her head bowed downward so that her disheveled raven dresses hung down to the mattress below her . This had been well worth the wait he thought to himself and he was not yet done with her.

Chapter 14

Ellen could sense that Jedediah Smith was extremely uncomfortable and agitated as the two were shown to the bedroom next to the one taken by her sister and Mr. Belmont. Somehow she was nervous but knew what was expected of her. Mr. Smith had always been kind to the two sisters, and she would be only so happy to oblige him in any of his wishes. She sat on the large bed when they entered the room, but Mr. Smith just passed back-and-forth in front of the door, ringing his hands nervously for 15 minutes. He paced until Ellen finally got the nerve to ask him if she could do anything for him. Just then her sisters screams began to filter through the walls of the bedroom. “Elizabeth,Elizabeth”she called out and started quickly for the door. Jed Smith grabbed her as she tried to pass by him on the way to the door.

“ Ellen she may not deserve what she is getting, but what she deserves doesn’t matter any more. What any of us deserve, just doesn’t matter.” He blurted out throwing her roughly onto the bed. “You and your sister made a laughing stock out of me. No one will do business with me anymore. I can’t make the money I need to feed my family it’s all the fault of you and your slave whore sister.” he shouted at Ellen. Ellen slapped him across the face, “Don’t ever speak such of my sister again” she yelled.

Jed Smith, in a fit of rage, grasped the girls shift and tore it away, leaving the cowering girl naked as he shoved her down onto the mattress. He reached up to grab a slender leather strap of one of the pegs on the wall. Doubling the strap up in his hand he grabbed the naked sister by the waist threw her naked body over his lap as he sat on the edge of the mattress. He reached up and brought the strap down hard across the tender skin of her bare backside again and again. “You’re not too youthful to benefit from a lesson like this” he snarled. Ellen kicked her legs wildly as the strap relentlessly cracked her behind. She began to cry, and scream almost in unison with her sister, who was receiving a beating in the adjacent room. The writhing of the naked flesh held fast on his lap began to arouse his manhood. Jed Smith with his feeling of power becoming greater and greater with each stroke of this strap moved impulsively. Suddenly he threw down the strap and flipped the girl over on her back so that her pelvis was at the edge of the mattress , her legs bent downward onto the floor. He dropped his pants, and in one thrust, he entered her and began violently pounding into her as he held her down with his left hand at her throat. Suddenly the realization of what he was doing, came over him. He had never struck a woman or ever taken one and anger. He sank to his knees, his head in his hands and he began to sob uncontrollably .

Ellen, caught by surprise by the onslaught, regained her senses. Sliding off the bed she put her arms around the sobbing lawyer, wiping his tears away and helped him onto the mattress. Jed began to babble an apology but not saying a word she placed a finger over his lips to quiet him, and gave him a gentle kiss on the mouth. Then, within a second, she removed his remaining clothing, laid him upon his back and knelt over him, her legs astride his naked body. Slowly she lowered herself down upon his turgid manhood, and reached out for his hands, gently placed each upon one of her firm cone shaped breasts. Slowly, she began to gyrate over him, her pelvis slowly rising and falling and engulfing his manhood, sending wonderful sensation throughout his body. Her hands still over his, urged him to squeeze her firm titties. Jedediah Smith had never known anything but a quick bedding with his wife in the missionary position, and soon became mesmerized by the writhing body that had now captured him . He moaned as he orgasmed shooting what seemed like endless streams of his seed deep into the girls belly. Ellen orgasmed too, just like her sister, she had learned her lessons well, and was willing to accept whatever pleasure she could derive from the acts she was forced to perform. Ellen leaned over to kiss Mr. Smith once again, and lay beside him until he was once again, ready to use her.

Meanwhile, Nestor Belmont finished his bathing, and dried himself off quietly as he looked at Lizzie, still imprisoned by the Pillory headboard. She had ceased to sob, and I dozed off in some type of fitful stupor. unbeknownst to her Nestor made his way behind her and the sight of her nakedness and the realization that his final revenge was near, had as long, slender manhood, standing erect. Quietly spitting onto his hands, he rubbed the head of his penis just before he moved directly behind the woman’s bent over form. Gently he lifted the head of his manhood to her anal opening, grasped her hips and thrust his pelvis forward with all his might.

Elizabeth screamed at the pain of his manhood tearing into her virgin butthole with such force, awakened her violently from her stupor. She cried out as a wounded animal as Nestor Belmont buffeted her bottom hole with his hardened manhood . His bony fingers dug into her hips as his pelvis thrust forward, making contact with flesh still so tender and painful from her caning. Her cries, became whimpering sobs as he unloaded into her bowels, but for the final act of her degradation, he crawled up upon the mattress in front of her face and bade her to lick his member clean, which she did with great fervor to avoid any more pain. Lizzie remained in the clutches of the pillory that whole night as Nestor Belmont slept below her on the mattress dreaming of what he would do to the bitch in the morning.

All the gentlemen were so thrilled with what Silas Devereux had to offer. They all were more than happy to become investors in the Southern Gentleman’s Club. The club became a very lucrative business for Silas and his investors. People came from miles and miles around to be entertained by the clubs females. The judge and his cronies made sure there was a steady supply of “white” girls for years to come. Lizzie, and Ellie were the two most popular attractions for many years, but even though their nights were always filled with customers, the management always found an opening in Lizzie’s schedule for the likes of Judge Jeffries, Nester Belmont, Jonas Barlow, Alan Carsten and the other investors. Though the sessions were sometimes quite painful, Lizzie knew that she was a valuable commodity and would suffer no permanent harm. Ellie was also popular with the investors because of her body but unlike her sister she did look forward to the visits of one of her clients, Jed Smith. Using the excuse that he had a weekly business meeting he would visit the other sister regularly. The beautiful sisters of Devereux plantation, who had one been so popular with the wealthy had come first full circle, and once again became popular with those that had the money to spend to bed and beat them .
Published by cdod
3 months ago
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