The popularity of porn

Porn is everywhere, whether people see it as good or bad, no one can deny it's popularity, which is why those who try to quit usually fail.
Most people in the uk watch porn, but it's still in second place to America, which has the most porn viewers per amount of people.
People from all walks of life relapse to porn, I remember a story online of a doctor who was a lay preacher, being caught by his wife watching it.
He was in his 70''s at the time, of course he quit lay preaching, he knew that porn wasn't 'good' but he was addicted, which must have felt like a blessing at the time.

Porn is more popular than amazon, Netflix and Twitter combined.

I have always relapsed to porn and 99.9% fail no fap.
It's loners like me, who are particularly prone to cum to porn, and my acceptance of science made me wave the white flag even more.
Those at my church would frown on all this, gosh, but what a delight it is.

Speaking of...

So many church goers encourage masturbation on YouTube, they're very wise, it's because they accept millions of years of evolution and masturbate accordingly.
What can I say?
I'm certainly not perfect, I am older and a little fatter (I exercise but have a slow metabolism), and I have always kept my penis satisfied.
Yes! What a blessing!

Published by simpsonss345
4 months ago
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