Two Best Friends Practing Entrancement

I’m in the middle of writing another story, but this fantasy shoved its way into my head and I’m having trouble thinking of anything except how much I would love to watch this little vignette. I thought of the fantasy just two days ago, and I wrote the entire story today. I was thinking of the models Lila Love and Lily Blossom while I was writing this. Who wants to see this made into a movie?

— It’s been challenging to post this story. It got rejected because I used prohibited words, but it didn’t tell me what those prohibited words were. I had to ask Support, and they read it and told me three words I had to take out of the story.
• The one that most surprised me is the fetish when you like to watch, so I’ll replace it with v—.
• Then there’s the words that describes what you might do when you’re in an emotional and sad state and your eyes get wet.
• And I can’t use the verb h— that describes the act of using a watch or something to put someone into a trance.
And then I found a fourth verb.
• And I can’t use the very sp— that describes what James Bond might be doing.
But now you can read the story with those words kind of replaced.

Scene 122: Two Best Friends Practicing Entrancement

Two girls are sitting in a living room on a couch, watching a TV. They could almost be sisters. Susanna is 19, and Jennifer is 20. They’re both about 5’4” or 5’5” and slender. They both have pert, medium/small breasts. Susanna has brown/blonde hair that reaches the top of her shoulders. She’s wearing some loose running shorts and a tight t-shirt. Jennifer’s hair is just a little darker. She’s wearing a cute pink blouse and a loose skirt that’s several inches above her knee.

They’re watching a YouTube video, and the presenter is wrapping up. “And now you know how to be a successful entrances and how to help your friends. Just remember my key points. You will never be able to entrance someone against their will. The subject must be comfortable to be entranced. It’s a myth that you can’t get someone to do something under a trance that they normally wouldn’t do. And most importantly, always entrance ethically — that is, always discuss in advance with your subject when is the purpose and what will you have the subject do under entrancement. Also, post-trance suggestions are very powerful and must discuss these triggers in advance with your subject. If you’ve enjoyed this content, please push the subscribe button, and you can find more videos of entrancement in action.”

The video ends, and Jennifer uses the phone to turn off the TV. “What do you think? It doesn’t sound so hard.”

“I think this is a great idea! You can entrance Dave to ask you out, and I can entrance Bradley.”

“I’m in the Math class with Dave, and I know he’s struggling. I’m going to tell him that I can entrance him to help him remember the formulas.”

“That’s a good one. I can use the same idea with Bradley and help him remember History dates.”

“I hope this works. Dave is so cute, but I’ve never met anyone so shy before. He just won’t take a hint.”

“You don’t think he’s gay, do you?”

“I really don’t think so. But, you know, it doesn’t matter after I entrance him.”

Susanna stands up. “You know, we should practice this before we try this for real on them.”

“I had the same idea. We can practice on each other.” Jennifer walks to a desk in the room and pulls a necklace out of a drawer. “We can use this crystal pendant to take us into a trance. Who do you want to go first?”

“Why don’t you try entrancing me first? I’m feeling excited and nervous and I think it would help me if you do me first.”

Jennifer nods in agreement. “Okay, you get to be the first subject. You can sit down on the couch to be comfortable.” Susanna gets on the couch and watches Jennifer dangle the crystal in front of her eyes. Jennifer talks in a quiet monotone about being comfortable and warm and feeling sleepy.

“I don’t think it’s working. I keep thinking of Bradley and can’t concentrate on you.”

“Shhh. Take some deep breaths. I’ll let you think of Bradley later. For now, pay attention to your breathing and how regular it is. Feel the breath come into and out of your body. Watch this crystal while you listen to your breaths.” Jennifer continues calmly leading Susanna into the trance state. “Are you in a trance now?”

“Yes,” Susanna replies emotionlessly.

“Let’s try a test. I’ve filled your left hand with helium. Do you feel how light it is?” Susanna nods. “It’s lighter than air, and you can’t keep it from rising.” Susanna’s hand rises in the air. Jennifer pulls it down back into her lap, but when she lets go, the hand rises again. “Very good. I’m slowly taking the helium out of your hand so it can come back down.” Susanna’s hand slowly comes back down to rest on the sofa.

Jennifer smiles and sits on the couch next to Susanna. Her voice is quieter but somehow more serious sounding. “Susanna, here’s what we’re going to do next. When I say ‘go,’ you’re going to start thinking about Bradley. You’re going to imagine him at the pool, and you’re going to watch how handsome he is and think about how much you want him. As think about him, you’re going to get turned on. You will see that you’re alone, and you’re going to start masturbating. But you aren’t going to be able to cum. Do you understand?”


“Masturbating is just going to make you hornier and hornier, and the hornier you get, the harder that you will masturbate. But you won’t be able to cum. And you’re going to be frustrated because you need someone to help you cum, and you’re all alone. Do you understand.”


“Then go.”

Suddenly, Susanna’s eyes widen and she has the warmest smile possible on her face and looks incredibly happy. She leans forward and unconsciously licks her lips seductively. She nods and she places her hand between her legs and squeezes them tightly. She leans back on the sofa and begins to rub her shorts, slowly at first and then faster. She looks around the room, and pulls down her shorts and underwear and tosses them aside. She closes her eyes and smiles while her fingers get to play directly with her clit and go into her pussy. Her fingers move faster, and we see a worried look on her face, and her rubbing becomes more vigorous. Her breathing becomes louder and she shifts her position to intensify the feeling and her moaning gets louder. She shifts positions again to try to satisfy herself. She pulls off her t-shirt so she can use the other hand to pull on her nipples while her hand is rubbing with maximum effort. Her moans have turned into frustration.

While all of this has been happening, Jennifer’s hand has been rubbing herself beneath her own skirt while she watches Susanna’s performance. Suddenly she calls out “Oh my God, Susanna, what are you doing?”

Susanna looks over at Jennifer but can’t stop. “Jennifer, you’ve got to help me! I need help cumming! I’m so horny, but I can’t cum! I need your help!”

“Of course. You just have to help me get in the mood, first.”

“Yes, anything!”

“Kiss me, and then I’ll help you cum.”

Susanna jumps up and runs over to Jennifer. One hand is still fingering herself while the other pulls Jennifer to her so they can kiss passionately. Jennifer reaches around and squeezes Susanna’s butt. Susanna’s tongue is wild in Jennifer’s mouth. Susanna sucks on Jennifer’s ear and licks in her ear and then the rest of her face wildly.

Jennifer pushes Susanna’s body back so she can pull down her skirt and bikini panties.

“What are you doing?”

“Lie down here on the rug with me.” Susanna lies on her back, and Jennifer positions her body against Susanna’s so they can scissor. Susanna is tired by now but driven to get her orgasm and furiously grinds her pussy against Jennifer’s. She cums quickly and collapses in exhaustion. Jennifer continues grinding with her until she has her own orgasm.”

Jennifer turns around and caresses Susanna’s body. “You are so sexy.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. Thank you. That was maybe my best orgasm ever.”

“Have you ever made out with a girl before?”

“No, that was my first time ever.”

“Now, you’re going to go into the bathroom. There are some wipes in there you can use. Then come back and get dressed.” Susanna goes off into the bathroom while Jennifer puts her panties and skirt back on. Jennifer watches Susanna walk back and get dressed, admiring how sexy she is. She has Susanna sit again on the sofa after she’s dressed. “When I say ‘we’re done,’ you will wake up out of the trance. You will not remember anything that happened while you were entranced. Are you ready?”


“We’re done.”

Susanna looks perplexed. “What happened to your necklace?”

“I set it down after you were in the trance.”

“Are you sure it worked? It doesn’t feel like I was entranced.”

“Oh, yeah, it worked.”

“I feel so good. I feel so happy. I don’t remember anything. What did I do?”

Jennifer smiles broadly. “I just helped you relax and try to feel good.”

“It worked! I’m going to have to let you entrance me every day.”

“I’ll do that for you.”

Susanna gets a little more excited. “And now it’s my turn to practice on you.”

Jennifer leans back. “I’m ready. Fire away.”

Susanna repeats the instructions that Jennifer used to entrance her, and Jennifer is quickly under her spell. “Jennifer, go stand by the door.”

Jennifer gets up and stands by the door.

“I have some instructions for you. When I say ‘go,’ you’re going to walk into the room and realize that I’m getting dressed for a date. You are going to be very quiet and hiding behind that chair, because you’re going to realize that you’ve never seen me undress. You’re going to be fascinated by how smooth my ass is and what it would be like to touch it. You will be captivated by my breasts and imagine squeezing them. And you will be surprised by how smooth my pussy is. You will want to touch my pussy more than anything else in the world, and you’ll be willing to do anything to feel how smooth it is.” She pauses to see if Jennifer has any comment, and, of course, she doesn’t. “Go.”

Susanna turns away from Jennifer and pulls off her shorts. She’s wearing a thong under her shorts. She slowly bends over and puts the shorts neatly on the couch and wiggles and massages her cute, little butt. She turns to face Jennifer and pulls off her shirt. She lets her boobs bounce as they get free from the shirt, and she smiles towards Jennifer. Jennifer is staring intently at her from behind the chair. Susanna slides the thong off, and Jennifer gives a loud gasp when her bare pussy is revealed.

Susanna pretends to be surprised. “Who’s back there? Who’s watching me?”

Jennifer stands up and is all flustered. “I’m sorry, Susanna. It’s just me.”

“Jennifer, why are you watching me get dressed?”

“I don’t know. I saw you undressing and couldn’t stop staring at you. And, … and, “ she stammered, “… and I didn’t know you were shaved.”

Susanna doesn’t say anything but seems to straighten up and give Jennifer an even better look.

“You’re so bare, and shaved. And you’re so smooth. And … and … and I … can I touch you?”

“What do you want to touch?

“Your, uh, your pussy. Your smooth pussy. It looks so smooth, and I just want to touch it.”

Susanna gives her a stern look. “I don’t know. Maybe. You know, you’re the first girl to see me naked since Jr. High gym class. And it doesn’t seem right that you get to see me naked, and I’ve never seen you.”

“If I take off my clothes, can I touch your pussy?”

“Let find out.”

Jennifer’s gaze never leaves Susanna’s pussy. She quickly unbuttons her blouse and unzips her skirt and drops them to the floor. “Do you really want me to take everything off? I don’t remember the last time I was naked with another girl.”

“Yes, take it all off.”

Jennifer shyly removes her bra and panties.

“You’re shaved, too.”

Jennifer looks down shyly. “Yes, I like to feel how smooth my pussy is when I masturbate. It makes me more excited. Can I touch your smooth pussy now? I’ll do anything to feel it.”

“You have to convince me with your kisses. Come here and give me your most seductive kisses.”

Jennifer walks over to Susanna and stretches her arms out and wraps them around Susanna’s neck. She tilts her head so they can kiss. Susanna puts her hands on Jennifer’s waist and then on her ass. They both enjoy the soft kiss while their tongues cuddle and lick each other’s tongue in their mouth. The kiss nearly lasts forever, and Jennifer lowers a hand to finger Susanna. She moves her body seductively against Susanna’s. They don’t break the kiss, and one of Susanna’s hands comes around to the front to finger Jennifer. They finger each other while continuing the long kiss. The orgasm approaches Jennifer first. Her legs get weak, and she slowly lowers herself to her knees. Susanna moves lower so they can maintain the kiss and the fingering. The fingering moves faster and deeper, and the orgasm explodes in Jennifer and in Susanna soon thereafter.

They finally break the embrace, and Susanna has new instructions for Jennifer. Go wash your hands in the kitchen and then get dressed. Susanna quickly gets dressed so she can sit on the sofa and watch Jennifer put her clothes back on after returning from the kitchen. “When I say ‘wake up,’ you will wake up from your trance. You will not remember anything that happened while you were entranced except that you feel very relaxed and happy and want to do it again tomorrow.” She waits for Jennifer to finish dressing and to sit on the sofa. “Wake up.”

Jennifer becomes alert again and smiles. “Wow, I feel great!”

“I think we had a successful experiment.”

“I can hardly wait to do it again. And I want to see what you did that helped me feel so good.” Jennifer walks over to her cell phone.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I left my phone on to record everything we did.”

Susanna’s face freezes in obvious terror. “No - no - no - um - wait, don’t do that.” Jennifer begins scrolling back through the video, and Susanna can’t think of anything to say to stop her.

Jennifer stares at the phone and her eyes go wide.

“I’m sorry, Jennifer, I’m so sorry. I can explain. Do you remember that pool party we both went to last year and you had on that red hot bikini? Well, I kind of fell in love with you that day, and I’ve been fantasizing about you ever since. I know I should’ve talked to you about this before I entranced you.”

“I remember that party. You were wearing a skin-tone monokini, and I’ve fantasized about stripping you ever since that party. And that’s what I did to you when you were entranced.” The two girls stare at each other and then slowly smile. “I think I should’ve worn more short dresses for you.”

“Yeah, I love it when you wear short dresses because I always get peek at your panties. Do you peek up my skirt, too?

Jennifer sucks on her lip and nods. Susanna pulls off her shorts and stands for Jennifer to look at her.

“I never knew you wore a thong.” Jennifer unzips her skirt and drops it to the ground.

“I never wear them with skirts.” Susanna smiles. “I’ve seen those panties before, and they’re one of my favorites.”

Jennifer continues taking off her blouse and bra, and Susanna pulls off her t-shirt to catch up.

Susanna puts two fingers under her thong. “And it’s really turning me on to think that my body turns you on.”

“I fantasize about watching you undress. I think I’m a v— but only with you.”

“When you were entranced, I made you get excited watching me undress.” Both of the girls slide their last item down their legs.

“I love how shaved you are. It turns me on so much.”

“That was another entrancement suggestion I gave you.”

“No, really, I’ve always fantasized you being shaved like me.” Jennifer starts rubbing herself, too. “You know what else I’ve fantasized about a lot? Kissing you naked.”

Susanna grins goofily. “Me, too.” The girls simultaneously walk towards each other and kiss. They tightly hold their bodies against the other while they enjoy long kisses and the feel of their best friend’s tongue exploring their own mouth. Eventually, Susanna moves her hand around to play with Jennifer’s breast, and Jennifer does the same while they continue to kiss.

Jennifer breaks off a kiss. “Have you ever wanted to 69 like in the movies?”

“Sure!” Susanna quickly lies out on the rug, spreads her legs, and waits for her partner. Jennifer arranges her body so they can lick each other. They begin slowly licking each other’s bald pussy. Between moans, Susanna says “I never felt anything this wonderful. Do you like it, too?”

Jennifer replies by speeding up her licking of Jennifer’s clit and pushes a finger deeply inside her.

Susanna feels that her orgasm is imminent and uses her remaining concentration to tell Jennifer “I’m going to cum! Cum with me! I want you to cum with me!” She pushes her tongue deep inside Jennifer. She feels Jennifer have an orgasm and hears her scream out, and that triggers Susanna’s parallel orgasm. The orgasm continues, and they both keep licking furiously to try to prolong it. It couldn’t have lasted ten minutes, but it was at least five for each of them before the waves subsided and they could begin to think clearly again.

Jennifer released her grip and turned around so they could kiss again.

“What kind of movies do you like?” Susanna asks. My favorites are the massage videos and the seduction videos with lots of fingering. I finger myself in bed while I watch to help me fall asleep.”

“I like to hump my pillow. I pretend that it’s another pussy I’m grinding against. My favorites are videos of roommates or best friends either seducing or coercing each other into sex. We should watch one together after dinner while we make out. But our sex made me hungry now.”

“Wait. Can we have some fingering first. That’s my main fantasy, that you want to finger me and ask me to finger you.” The girls spread their legs wide and move close enough together that they can finger and kiss at the same time.

The fingering grows more intense, and Jennifer is moaning loudly. The orgasms are coming to take control again. Susanna calls out again “I’m going to cum.” Jennifer stops fingering and rearranges her body so she can shove her pussy directly against Susanna’s. The feeling of another hot, wet pussy against their own sends them both over the cliff again. This time, Susanna screams out along with Jennifer.

The girls untangle, and Jennifer walks over to get her panties. “This time, I have to eat for sure,” she says as she puts them on. Susanna stands up and walks towards the kitchen nude. “Aren’t you going to get dressed?”

“No, it’s a lot more fun to know that you’re staring at me and thinking of doing all this again after dinner.”

Jennifer agrees and wishes she’d thought of that first. She pulls the panties off again. “And you can stare at me.” She follows Susanna into the kitchen, and the camera watches them both walk out of the room.
Published by morganj-16
5 months ago
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Ilovelessies 5 months ago
Very sexy story