Oxygen is the secret of Penis size! Strong Lungs!

I am an adventurer of life knowing everything about everything!

After years of study, I discovered how to develop the penis/clitoris and all parts of your body in general!

Breathe as faster and deeply as possible! Do it as much as you can. Always fill your lungs quickly and completely, lifting up your chest when you inhale! When you feel dizzy, stop and breathe normally. you will be able to do more repetitions without dizziness over time.

Of course there are others exercises, but this one is the best for me, because it increases the flow of oxygen that enters the lungs and stimulates the absorption of oxygen and the removal of carbon. the others just strain the muscles. the most important is to always breath filling your lungs quickly and completely!

Breathe as faster and deeply as possible, always filling your lungs quickly and completely, lifting up your chest when you inhale! Do it as much as you can. this increases the flow of oxygen that enters the lungs and stimulates the absorption of oxygen and the removal of carbon. This way your sexual parts will develop more! I got results with 3 months doing that! The more oxygen your blood absorbs, the more your cells will work, then the more your cells will recover, develop, and procreate, all in harmony! this will happen with all your body, and also with sexual parts! the secret is the flow of oxygen! Send me a message if you have any question.

after studying a lot about anatomy, I noticed a similarity between the penis/clitoris and the lungs. The corpora cavernosa and the lungs have very similar appearances. So I thought, if we develop the lungs and make them stronger, we will be able to absorb more oxygen. The size of the penis is determined by the size of the corpora cavernosa, but these only increase if they are able to support that size. An erection depends on the amount of oxygen that is sent to the penis. So if we have more oxygen in the body, the corpora cavernosa will be able to support a larger size! So the secret is to strengthen the lungs! I started doing these exercises 1 week ago, later I will post what were the results I obtained.

Also i suggest you study about pompoarism exercises!

also, eliminate salt from your meals! If we put salt on our meals, we won't produce adrenaline, and then adrenochrome, and then the body won't develop their muscles, organs, and glands. The world system is fooling us with their salt. Salt is adrenaline, and our adrenal glands already produce this. So we need to stop put salt on our meals, and then our adrenal glands will produce more adrenaline, and then more adrenochrome. Adrenaline makes the body works, and adrenochrome makes the body recover and develop!

Everything is possible for those who Dream!
Published by BIOKINESISforYOU
5 months ago
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