So now its more than just a hobby

3 weeks. that was the plan. she would have another migraine, and i would stop over to see she was okay...and maybe i could stay overnight? well, that was an interesting development,i was on board with that!!! as soon as my lot left, i was on my way to her house,gently wanking in my pants as i walked.i spent the intervening time imagining what the weekend might bring. i had taken a risk by wearing panty hose under my jeans. no underwear, just shear black very the time my little cock was hairless, so she would have a clear view.feeling bold, i unzipped, and positioned my cock so it was completely out, straight up and down, out of my fly, inside the mesh of the tights..she didnt dissapoint me. i rang the bell, and she could be seen thru the glass, mincing down her hallway dressed like the sugar plum fairy!! she was a tall lady.and the heels and boufant hairdo made her wel over 6 feet yall. she wore a bustier that was far too small, and the girls were fighting to get out!! i was hypnotized!!!
Published by sandy50
5 months ago
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