Ashley IS-7
Chapter 9 : The End of Yellow
When the lights were turned on in her cell, Ashley simply lay limply on the floor of her cage. The torture had taken so much out of her that she could barely even function any more. The Quantrons grabbed her and dragged her down the hall - there was no way that Ashley could walk with the condition of her feet and toes. When they brought her into the torture chamber, as soon as she saw Astronema she was so filled with terror that her bladder let go and piss streamed down her leg. Astronema laughed, and motioned to Ecliptor, who tossed cold water on Ashley's legs to clean away the urine. Ashley looked at Astronema.
"Please..." Ashley's voice was barely audible. "Please no more please..."
Astronema smiled. "But Ashley, you're still so very beautiful," she said, fondling Ashley's breasts, squeezing them, rubbing them. She cupped Ashley's pretty face in her hands. "We've got so much more fun ahead of us, Yellow Ranger, so much more fun!" And with that, she planted a long, kiss on Ashley, plunging her tongue deep into Ashley's mouth. Ashley whimpered miserably.
Astronema removed her tongue from Ashley's mouth and motioned to the Quantrons. They brought Ashley to the table where she was securely bound. As she was being bound to the table, Ecliptor walked over and gave her an injection, which burned slightly. Once he was finished, he walked away and Astronema walked over and started to fondle her breasts. Ashley looked up at her tormentor.
"Please, Astronema, please," the wretched girl began, her voice low and raw from screaming so much. "Don't do this any more. Just kill me if you must but for God's sake don't hurt me any more..."
Astronema threw back her head and laughed, a laugh so evil it sent waves of terror through Ashley. "But I promised you I wouldn't kill you, now didn't I, pretty Ashley? Ha-ha-ha!"
Ashley burst into tears. "Please," she sobbed, "please oh please..."
Astronema squeezed Ashley's breast and looked down at her. "But I've got such plans for you, Ashley, such big plans. I should let you know that you've been given a stimulant." She leaned over and gave Ashley an evil grin. "I want you to appreciate fully what's going to happen next!"
Astronema picked up a scalpel and taunted Ashley with it, running the edge over her flesh and brandishing it in front of her wide, terrified eyes. Ashley shook, literally shook with terror as Astronema taunted Ashley, waiting for the stimulant to take effect.
When Astronema was sure that the stimulant was pumping through Ashley's bloodstream, Astronema grabbed Ashley's right breast and squeezed, making the lovely brown nipple stand up. Astronema picked up the soldering iron and burned the nipple.
Ashley wailed and thrashed in pain as Astronema calmly used the iron on the nipple, until the nipple was covered with blisters. Astronema then picked up the scalpel and slowly and carefully removed the skin off Ashley's delicate nipple. Once she had skinned the nipple, she picked up some rough sandpaper and rubbed the tender, exposed skin. Ashley was going wild with pain.
Astronema next picked up the scalpel and carved a small piece of flesh off of Ashley's breast. Ashley went frantic with suffering as blood spurted from the wound, but Astronema picked up the soldering iron and used it to cauterize the wound and staunch the flow of blood.
For the next thirty minutes, Astronema merrily carved piece after piece away from Ashley's breast. Each time she sliced away a piece of Ashley's breast, she cauterized the wound with the iron. Ashley couldn't believe what was happening to her, the pain was overwhelming, she screamed, she thrashed her head from side to side, tears and sweat flying off her pretty face. When Astronema was finished, what was once Ashley's shapely right breast was now a small, mangled lump of burned flesh. Astronema smiled happily at her handiwork.
Astronema then began to fondle Ashley's left breast. Ashley moaned and writhed as she felt Astronema fingers knead the breast. Astronema hands and forearms were covered in blood and she left bloody fingerprints all over Ashley's left breast as she squeezed, pinched, and fondled the luscious mound of flesh.
When she had tired of tormenting Ashley by kneading her breasts, she picked up the scalpel. She sliced straight through her pretty nipple, and then made another cut through the nipple, making an "X" cut. Astronema then leaned over, put her teeth around the nipple and bit down hard. She kept on biting and digging her teeth into Ashley's nipple until she finally bit Ashley's nipple off. Astronema savored the taste and feeling of the nipple in her mouth.
"Delicious," said Astronema, as she swallowed the nipple down.
Astronema then took the scalpel and made a deep, small cut on the side of the breast. Ignoring Ashley's frantic screams of agony, Astronema then made three more deep cuts next to it. Putting the scalpel down, she then reached around Ashley's breast and digs her fingers deep into the cuts she made, her fingers imbedding themselves into Ashley's soft breast. She squeezed her hand into a fist and pulled, ripping away the breast.
Ashley lost control, twisting, writhing, wailing beyond belief. The straps stretched but held the wretched girl firm as blood gushed from the mangled breast. Astronema then took a blowtorch and used it to burn the torn breast into a blackened, charred mass of flesh.
Astronema wasn't finished yet, though. She then picked up the scalpel and reached into Ashley's cunt and used the scalpel to mutilate any piece of Ashley's genitals that she could reach. She then rammed the soldering iron deep into Ashley's mangled private parts, burning and sizzling away the delicate flesh. Then she rammed the iron deep into Ashley.
Ashley barely kept her sanity. Her face no longer looked human. It was contorted into such twisted agony that if you wouldn't know that she was once considered the prettiest girl in Angel Grove.
Astronema's face was twisted with sadistic lust. She was covered in Ashley's blood. She leaned close to Ashley's face, a face that was still contorted in agony, and kissed her. She smiled at her victim.
"Poor Ashley, poor, poor Ashley," she cooed, "I've done so many horrible things to you. I'm made you see so much that you probably wish you didn't, haven't I?"
Ashley was in so much pain, shock, and horror that she just grunted, unable to really even speak.
Astronema smiled even wider. "Well, then," she mocked, "I don't want to make you see any more than you have to!"
And with that, she grabbed Ashley by the hair and held her head still. She then stuck her finger into Ashley's right eye socket and gauged her eye out. The eye hung on Ashley's cheek, held in place by the optic nerve that was still attached. The wretched girl wailed in unimaginable pain.
Laughing, Astronema reached down and ripped the eye off. Ashley was screaming insanely, her mouth wide open, and Astronema pushed the eyeball into Ashley's mouth. Grunting, she forced Ashley's mouth shut and held her nostrils shut and shook her head until she swallowed her own eyeball. Ashley's misery cannot be described.
Astronema then picked up the most evil device she had - it was a hand saw, but the saw was attached to an electric cord and when turned on the saw turned red hot. She went to Ashley's left foot and, putting her hand on Ashley's shin, started sawing through her ankle. Even in Ashley's condition, she sensed what was happening to her and she wailed. Astronema calmly sawed through Ashley's ankle, and the searing heat of the saw limited the bleeding by partially cauterizing the wound. It didn't cauterize it fully, though, and once Astronema had removed Ashley's foot she picked up the blowtorch and charred the exposed stump until it was black. Astronema picked up the severed foot and kissed it. Then, despite Ashley's struggles and screams, Astronema started in on Ashley's right foot.
Ashley had reached new heights of agony. Only the sedative kept her awake, and only some inner strength that refused to die kept her sane. Astronema slowly sawed through Ashley's right ankle, and then charred the stump. But Astronema wasn't finished yet. She went to Ashley's arm and sawed through her right wrist, and then the left wrist, cauterizing each stump with the blowtorch.
Astronema sawed with exquisite slowness, making sure that Ashley felt every pass of the saw through the flesh and bone. Her face was a mask of pure evil as waves of pleasure went through her evil body with each long, slow stroke of the saw. Ashley no longer looked or sounded human as she screamed and struggled wildly - her face was contorted into a hideous mass of pure pain and suffering.
Once Astronema had removed both of Ashley's feet and both her hands, she arranged them neatly on the on the floor and took a minute to admire her handiwork. Then she went up and started cutting through Ashley's legs, just under the knee. She used long, slow, strokes, carefully sawing so that Ashley felt every second of what was happening to her. The blowtorch charred the new stumps as well. Astronema them went and sawed through Ashley's arms just under the elbow. There are not the words in any language to describe the hell that Ashley was suffering as Astronema slowly sawed her limbs off.
Once this round of amputations was complete, Ashley needed to be slightly retied since the original straps held her wrists and ankles. But once she was tied again, Astronema dug back in with the horrid saw. This time, she sawed through Ashley's shapely thighs. It took a long time for her to saw through Ashley's muscular thighs. Blood was everywhere, Astronema was covered in it as she slowly, oh so very slowly, sawed through Ashley's flesh and bone. The exposed stumps were big, and it took a long time to char them black with the blowtorch. Despite having gone into shock, the stimulant kept Ashley awake during the entire ordeal, and it also kept her awake while Astronema sawed through her upper arms.
Astronema stood back and looked at Ashley. Ashley was writhing, thrashing, screaming and drooling incoherently. With a smile, she reached into Ashley's screaming mouth and grabbed her tongue. With a scissors, she sliced several inches off it. Astronema then picked up a hammer and, forcing Ashley's mouth open with her fingers, smashed in all of her teeth.
The stimulant was keeping Ashley awake, but nothing could keep her sanity. The pain had hit a level so far beyond anything that any human being could possibly endure that her brain gave up. Her entire being was only pain, she felt only pain, she thought of nothing but pain, pain was the only thing in her life now, no more thoughts, no more emotions, just pain, pain, and more pain. She barely even noticed when Astronema took her finger and gauged out her remaining eye. Astronema then took a steel pin and drove it into each of Ashley's ears, rupturing her eardrums.
Astronema stood back, covered with blood, and looked at Ashley, or what was left of her and smiled.
"See, Ecliptor," she said to her aid as he walked to her side, "See how I keep my promise? Won't the Rangers be pleased to get their friend back!"
"Indeed, my queen."
Astronema looked happily at the writhing, twisting mound of flesh that once was the Yellow Ranger. "Well, Ashley, let's make our deal!"
Chapter 10 : The Deal is Completed
The other Rangers paced around the meeting spot. Astronema had told them to meet at a secluded spot by the lake. If she got the crystal, they'd get Ashley back. Andros seemed especially worried.
"Don't worry, Andros," TJ said, trying to reassure their leader. "We're going to do what we have to do. We'll get Ashley back."
Andros looked at him. "I hope so. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her. It's all my fault she was captured! I was the one who knocked off her morpher!"
"No!" Cassie ran up to him. "It's not your fault! It could have happened to anybody!"
Carlos agreed. "You can't let it get to you, man. She'll be OK."
They all huddled together, reassuring themselves when in a flash, there stood Astronema and Ecliptor. Andros strode forward.
"Where's Ashley?" he demanded.
Astronema smiled. "In good time. Where's the crystal?"
Andros pulled out a crystal and threw it to Astronema. She caught it and looked it over.
Andros took a step closer. "Now, where's Ashley? Let her go now!"
Astronema looked up from the crystal and smiled. "Of course. I always keep my word. I believe I said I'd return her to you alive and well. I should say, though, that "well" is, of course, a relative term."
This puzzled Andros. "What do you mean..."
Astronema flashed her arm and there, at Andros' feet, was Ashley. At the sight of the mangled body of her friend, Cassie passed out in a dead faint. Andros fell to his knees before the Ashley's squirming, mutilated form.
"Oh, my God... what's happened to her? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER????"
Astronema laughed. "As I said, "alive" is clear, but "well" is a relative term. Ha-ha-ha!!"
Andros, tears filling his eyes, reached down to touch Ashley's cheek.
"Oh, you should have been there," mocked Astronema. "She begged for mercy. Pleaded and cried for it. You should have heard her screams as I was cutting her tits off! Ha-ha-ha! She had such lovely tits, too!"
The other Rangers were stunned. They had never encountered such evil in their lives. TJ and Carlos had managed to revive Cassie. She began to sob.
"Oh God, poor Ashley..." Cassie's voice trailed off into sobs.
"It took a long time, too," continued Astronema. "I whipped her, burned her, and I loved every second of it. And, ha-ha-ha, I thought she was going to hurt my ears with her screams as I sawed through her arms and legs. Oh, she was going crazy! Ha-ha-ha-ha!"
It was too much to bear. Cassie was still crying and TJ and Carlos were trying to console her and control their own emotions. Andros was on his knees, his eyes fixed on Ashley's mutilated body.
"STOP IT!" Andros screamed, covering his ears. "STOP IT!"
"Oh, you sound just like Ashley! That's what she said when I made her eat her own flesh! But she said something you didn't say, Andros. She called for you."
Andros looked up.
"Yes," smiled Astronema, "during the torture she called for you to save her. I told her that you weren't coming, that you weren't going to save her, and I just kept on torturing her. I'm sure at some point she realized you weren't coming. Can you imagine what she felt like then? Ha-ha-ha!"
Andros was shaking all over. He looked at Astronema. "Why? In God's name, why did you do it?"
Astronema stopped smiling and glared at him. "Because I liked it. That's all. That's the only reason. I tortured Ashley, I ripped her to shreds because I loved it. I loved every second of it."
Andros heart sunk as Astronema continued.
"I spent days doing nothing but torturing her. She screamed and begged for mercy and it just made me want to torture her some more. I loved it. Do you hear me? I loved it! I tortured her until I came and then I kept on torturing her and kept on coming! And I'll do it to any one of you if you cross me again!"
Andros could take no more. He ran at Astronema, but just as he reached her, she vanished, leaving only her evil laughter hanging in the air. A low gurgling sound came from behind him and her turned around.
It was coming from Ashley. The Rangers gathered around her. Andros knelt close to her quivering form and spoke to her.
"Don't worry, Ashley, we'll take care of you, I promise we'll take care of you, we'll..."
"No we won't."
Andros turned around and saw Cassie.
"What do you mean?" Andros asked.
Cassie motioned to Ashley. "Look at her. I mean, just look at her! Do you think she wants to live like that? Would you? Imagine what she went through! Just imagine! We've got to free her - we've got to give her peace. You know we do. I love her as much as you do, and it's the only thing we can do."
Andros looked at her. Nobody had to say anything. They all knew Cassie was right. Andros stood up and took out his Power Blaster. He aimed it at the quivering remains of Ashley.
"Goodbye, Ashley. I'll miss you more than you can ever know." And with that he sent a blast onto Ashley and finally, her suffering ended.
TJ put a hand on Andros' shoulder. "You had to do it, Andros. You had no choice."
"I know. She's better off this way."
The Rangers stood silently in the early morning sun. Cassie took Andros' hand and spoke first.
"Let's get back to the Megaship. We'll decide what to do then."
Andros nodded and gripped Cassie's hand tightly. They teleported back to the ship. Once there, they sent Ashley's body into space and tried to figure out a cover story to explain Ashley's disappearance. And they tried to carry on, somehow.
Chapter 11 - Epilogue
It was night in the Dark Fortress. Astronema's guest waved her hand, asking Astronema to pause for a second in the story. Astronema was describing, in lurid, gruesome detail, exactly what she had done to Ashley. And Astronema's guest was rubbing herself wildly, fingers in her cunt as she listened to Astronema describe Ashley's torture.
"OK," Cassie said, rubbing her clit and cunt harder, "Keep going. What happened next?"
Astronema smiled. When Cassie, the Pink Ranger, came to her and hatched the plan for Ashley, she knew she had found a kindred soul. And now, watching her masturbate while she listened to the story of her friend being tortured, she knew she was right.
"Well, then I ripped her last toenail out."
"OH!" moaned Cassie, in joy, "How did she react?"
"She screamed so loud I couldn't believe it. And you should have seen her face!"
"MMMMMMM!" Cassie came, a huge orgasm flooded her senses as the thought of Ashley's torture filled her imagination.
Smiling, Astronema took her clothes off and crawled up to Cassie. They kissed deep on the lips, a long lingering kiss. Astronema stroked Cassie.
"And then, let me tell you what happened next..."
"Oh, yes, yes, yes!" Cassie moaned, and as Astronema continued the story of Ashley's torture, the two women licked and rubbed themselves to orgasm after orgasm, all fueled by the thought of Ashley's suffering. Finally, they got dressed and Cassie prepared to leave.
"So," Astronema said, "you got what you wanted?"
Cassie looked at her. "Did you?"
"Indeed I did. The crystal, and the chance to torture that Yellow bitch. Who could ask for anything more?"
"Well," sighed Cassie, "I wish I could have seen it. But I really couldn't have."
"But now Andros is yours, right?"
Cassie smiled. "Right. No matter what happens, it'll be better now that that bitch is gone. Well, Astronema, it's been nice doing business with you. Remember our deal. Give me a while to get Andros. If I'm going to let you take over, I need Andros, and so I needed Ashley out of the way. Now that that's done, everything should be set. And once you're the Queen, I'm number 2 - right?"
Astronema smiled back. "That's the deal. Considering what you've done so far, I can't think of anybody I'd rather have at my side." She paused and looked quizzically at Cassie. "None of them have any idea that you set the whole thing up? That you set the trap for Ashley?"
Cassie laughed scornfully. "Of course not! Heck, Andros still thinks he knocked Ashley's morpher off. I wonder what he'd think if he knew that I pulled it off her deliberately."
Astronema looked at her with respect. "Ashley didn't give any indication that she thought you were responsible for everything that happened to her. Do you think she knew?"
Cassie shrugged and laughed. "I'd be surprised if that stupid bitch was able to put two and two together and come up with four." She smiled wistfully and shook her head. "Boy, I wish I could have watched her suffer. I wish I could have helped! But once you take over, we'll have a whole planet full of bitches like Ashley we can torture. Can you imagine? We'll be able to torture one of those bitches any time we want."
Both Astronema and Cassie sighed at such a pleasant thought.
"Well," said Cassie, "I'd better go. I'll be in touch." And with that, she teleported back to the Megaship.
Astronema smiled. With Cassie at her side, they would soon rule the galaxy, spreading evil, pain, and horror throughout. And she couldn't wait....
When the lights were turned on in her cell, Ashley simply lay limply on the floor of her cage. The torture had taken so much out of her that she could barely even function any more. The Quantrons grabbed her and dragged her down the hall - there was no way that Ashley could walk with the condition of her feet and toes. When they brought her into the torture chamber, as soon as she saw Astronema she was so filled with terror that her bladder let go and piss streamed down her leg. Astronema laughed, and motioned to Ecliptor, who tossed cold water on Ashley's legs to clean away the urine. Ashley looked at Astronema.
"Please..." Ashley's voice was barely audible. "Please no more please..."
Astronema smiled. "But Ashley, you're still so very beautiful," she said, fondling Ashley's breasts, squeezing them, rubbing them. She cupped Ashley's pretty face in her hands. "We've got so much more fun ahead of us, Yellow Ranger, so much more fun!" And with that, she planted a long, kiss on Ashley, plunging her tongue deep into Ashley's mouth. Ashley whimpered miserably.
Astronema removed her tongue from Ashley's mouth and motioned to the Quantrons. They brought Ashley to the table where she was securely bound. As she was being bound to the table, Ecliptor walked over and gave her an injection, which burned slightly. Once he was finished, he walked away and Astronema walked over and started to fondle her breasts. Ashley looked up at her tormentor.
"Please, Astronema, please," the wretched girl began, her voice low and raw from screaming so much. "Don't do this any more. Just kill me if you must but for God's sake don't hurt me any more..."
Astronema threw back her head and laughed, a laugh so evil it sent waves of terror through Ashley. "But I promised you I wouldn't kill you, now didn't I, pretty Ashley? Ha-ha-ha!"
Ashley burst into tears. "Please," she sobbed, "please oh please..."
Astronema squeezed Ashley's breast and looked down at her. "But I've got such plans for you, Ashley, such big plans. I should let you know that you've been given a stimulant." She leaned over and gave Ashley an evil grin. "I want you to appreciate fully what's going to happen next!"
Astronema picked up a scalpel and taunted Ashley with it, running the edge over her flesh and brandishing it in front of her wide, terrified eyes. Ashley shook, literally shook with terror as Astronema taunted Ashley, waiting for the stimulant to take effect.
When Astronema was sure that the stimulant was pumping through Ashley's bloodstream, Astronema grabbed Ashley's right breast and squeezed, making the lovely brown nipple stand up. Astronema picked up the soldering iron and burned the nipple.
Ashley wailed and thrashed in pain as Astronema calmly used the iron on the nipple, until the nipple was covered with blisters. Astronema then picked up the scalpel and slowly and carefully removed the skin off Ashley's delicate nipple. Once she had skinned the nipple, she picked up some rough sandpaper and rubbed the tender, exposed skin. Ashley was going wild with pain.
Astronema next picked up the scalpel and carved a small piece of flesh off of Ashley's breast. Ashley went frantic with suffering as blood spurted from the wound, but Astronema picked up the soldering iron and used it to cauterize the wound and staunch the flow of blood.
For the next thirty minutes, Astronema merrily carved piece after piece away from Ashley's breast. Each time she sliced away a piece of Ashley's breast, she cauterized the wound with the iron. Ashley couldn't believe what was happening to her, the pain was overwhelming, she screamed, she thrashed her head from side to side, tears and sweat flying off her pretty face. When Astronema was finished, what was once Ashley's shapely right breast was now a small, mangled lump of burned flesh. Astronema smiled happily at her handiwork.
Astronema then began to fondle Ashley's left breast. Ashley moaned and writhed as she felt Astronema fingers knead the breast. Astronema hands and forearms were covered in blood and she left bloody fingerprints all over Ashley's left breast as she squeezed, pinched, and fondled the luscious mound of flesh.
When she had tired of tormenting Ashley by kneading her breasts, she picked up the scalpel. She sliced straight through her pretty nipple, and then made another cut through the nipple, making an "X" cut. Astronema then leaned over, put her teeth around the nipple and bit down hard. She kept on biting and digging her teeth into Ashley's nipple until she finally bit Ashley's nipple off. Astronema savored the taste and feeling of the nipple in her mouth.
"Delicious," said Astronema, as she swallowed the nipple down.
Astronema then took the scalpel and made a deep, small cut on the side of the breast. Ignoring Ashley's frantic screams of agony, Astronema then made three more deep cuts next to it. Putting the scalpel down, she then reached around Ashley's breast and digs her fingers deep into the cuts she made, her fingers imbedding themselves into Ashley's soft breast. She squeezed her hand into a fist and pulled, ripping away the breast.
Ashley lost control, twisting, writhing, wailing beyond belief. The straps stretched but held the wretched girl firm as blood gushed from the mangled breast. Astronema then took a blowtorch and used it to burn the torn breast into a blackened, charred mass of flesh.
Astronema wasn't finished yet, though. She then picked up the scalpel and reached into Ashley's cunt and used the scalpel to mutilate any piece of Ashley's genitals that she could reach. She then rammed the soldering iron deep into Ashley's mangled private parts, burning and sizzling away the delicate flesh. Then she rammed the iron deep into Ashley.
Ashley barely kept her sanity. Her face no longer looked human. It was contorted into such twisted agony that if you wouldn't know that she was once considered the prettiest girl in Angel Grove.
Astronema's face was twisted with sadistic lust. She was covered in Ashley's blood. She leaned close to Ashley's face, a face that was still contorted in agony, and kissed her. She smiled at her victim.
"Poor Ashley, poor, poor Ashley," she cooed, "I've done so many horrible things to you. I'm made you see so much that you probably wish you didn't, haven't I?"
Ashley was in so much pain, shock, and horror that she just grunted, unable to really even speak.
Astronema smiled even wider. "Well, then," she mocked, "I don't want to make you see any more than you have to!"
And with that, she grabbed Ashley by the hair and held her head still. She then stuck her finger into Ashley's right eye socket and gauged her eye out. The eye hung on Ashley's cheek, held in place by the optic nerve that was still attached. The wretched girl wailed in unimaginable pain.
Laughing, Astronema reached down and ripped the eye off. Ashley was screaming insanely, her mouth wide open, and Astronema pushed the eyeball into Ashley's mouth. Grunting, she forced Ashley's mouth shut and held her nostrils shut and shook her head until she swallowed her own eyeball. Ashley's misery cannot be described.
Astronema then picked up the most evil device she had - it was a hand saw, but the saw was attached to an electric cord and when turned on the saw turned red hot. She went to Ashley's left foot and, putting her hand on Ashley's shin, started sawing through her ankle. Even in Ashley's condition, she sensed what was happening to her and she wailed. Astronema calmly sawed through Ashley's ankle, and the searing heat of the saw limited the bleeding by partially cauterizing the wound. It didn't cauterize it fully, though, and once Astronema had removed Ashley's foot she picked up the blowtorch and charred the exposed stump until it was black. Astronema picked up the severed foot and kissed it. Then, despite Ashley's struggles and screams, Astronema started in on Ashley's right foot.
Ashley had reached new heights of agony. Only the sedative kept her awake, and only some inner strength that refused to die kept her sane. Astronema slowly sawed through Ashley's right ankle, and then charred the stump. But Astronema wasn't finished yet. She went to Ashley's arm and sawed through her right wrist, and then the left wrist, cauterizing each stump with the blowtorch.
Astronema sawed with exquisite slowness, making sure that Ashley felt every pass of the saw through the flesh and bone. Her face was a mask of pure evil as waves of pleasure went through her evil body with each long, slow stroke of the saw. Ashley no longer looked or sounded human as she screamed and struggled wildly - her face was contorted into a hideous mass of pure pain and suffering.
Once Astronema had removed both of Ashley's feet and both her hands, she arranged them neatly on the on the floor and took a minute to admire her handiwork. Then she went up and started cutting through Ashley's legs, just under the knee. She used long, slow, strokes, carefully sawing so that Ashley felt every second of what was happening to her. The blowtorch charred the new stumps as well. Astronema them went and sawed through Ashley's arms just under the elbow. There are not the words in any language to describe the hell that Ashley was suffering as Astronema slowly sawed her limbs off.
Once this round of amputations was complete, Ashley needed to be slightly retied since the original straps held her wrists and ankles. But once she was tied again, Astronema dug back in with the horrid saw. This time, she sawed through Ashley's shapely thighs. It took a long time for her to saw through Ashley's muscular thighs. Blood was everywhere, Astronema was covered in it as she slowly, oh so very slowly, sawed through Ashley's flesh and bone. The exposed stumps were big, and it took a long time to char them black with the blowtorch. Despite having gone into shock, the stimulant kept Ashley awake during the entire ordeal, and it also kept her awake while Astronema sawed through her upper arms.
Astronema stood back and looked at Ashley. Ashley was writhing, thrashing, screaming and drooling incoherently. With a smile, she reached into Ashley's screaming mouth and grabbed her tongue. With a scissors, she sliced several inches off it. Astronema then picked up a hammer and, forcing Ashley's mouth open with her fingers, smashed in all of her teeth.
The stimulant was keeping Ashley awake, but nothing could keep her sanity. The pain had hit a level so far beyond anything that any human being could possibly endure that her brain gave up. Her entire being was only pain, she felt only pain, she thought of nothing but pain, pain was the only thing in her life now, no more thoughts, no more emotions, just pain, pain, and more pain. She barely even noticed when Astronema took her finger and gauged out her remaining eye. Astronema then took a steel pin and drove it into each of Ashley's ears, rupturing her eardrums.
Astronema stood back, covered with blood, and looked at Ashley, or what was left of her and smiled.
"See, Ecliptor," she said to her aid as he walked to her side, "See how I keep my promise? Won't the Rangers be pleased to get their friend back!"
"Indeed, my queen."
Astronema looked happily at the writhing, twisting mound of flesh that once was the Yellow Ranger. "Well, Ashley, let's make our deal!"
Chapter 10 : The Deal is Completed
The other Rangers paced around the meeting spot. Astronema had told them to meet at a secluded spot by the lake. If she got the crystal, they'd get Ashley back. Andros seemed especially worried.
"Don't worry, Andros," TJ said, trying to reassure their leader. "We're going to do what we have to do. We'll get Ashley back."
Andros looked at him. "I hope so. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her. It's all my fault she was captured! I was the one who knocked off her morpher!"
"No!" Cassie ran up to him. "It's not your fault! It could have happened to anybody!"
Carlos agreed. "You can't let it get to you, man. She'll be OK."
They all huddled together, reassuring themselves when in a flash, there stood Astronema and Ecliptor. Andros strode forward.
"Where's Ashley?" he demanded.
Astronema smiled. "In good time. Where's the crystal?"
Andros pulled out a crystal and threw it to Astronema. She caught it and looked it over.
Andros took a step closer. "Now, where's Ashley? Let her go now!"
Astronema looked up from the crystal and smiled. "Of course. I always keep my word. I believe I said I'd return her to you alive and well. I should say, though, that "well" is, of course, a relative term."
This puzzled Andros. "What do you mean..."
Astronema flashed her arm and there, at Andros' feet, was Ashley. At the sight of the mangled body of her friend, Cassie passed out in a dead faint. Andros fell to his knees before the Ashley's squirming, mutilated form.
"Oh, my God... what's happened to her? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER????"
Astronema laughed. "As I said, "alive" is clear, but "well" is a relative term. Ha-ha-ha!!"
Andros, tears filling his eyes, reached down to touch Ashley's cheek.
"Oh, you should have been there," mocked Astronema. "She begged for mercy. Pleaded and cried for it. You should have heard her screams as I was cutting her tits off! Ha-ha-ha! She had such lovely tits, too!"
The other Rangers were stunned. They had never encountered such evil in their lives. TJ and Carlos had managed to revive Cassie. She began to sob.
"Oh God, poor Ashley..." Cassie's voice trailed off into sobs.
"It took a long time, too," continued Astronema. "I whipped her, burned her, and I loved every second of it. And, ha-ha-ha, I thought she was going to hurt my ears with her screams as I sawed through her arms and legs. Oh, she was going crazy! Ha-ha-ha-ha!"
It was too much to bear. Cassie was still crying and TJ and Carlos were trying to console her and control their own emotions. Andros was on his knees, his eyes fixed on Ashley's mutilated body.
"STOP IT!" Andros screamed, covering his ears. "STOP IT!"
"Oh, you sound just like Ashley! That's what she said when I made her eat her own flesh! But she said something you didn't say, Andros. She called for you."
Andros looked up.
"Yes," smiled Astronema, "during the torture she called for you to save her. I told her that you weren't coming, that you weren't going to save her, and I just kept on torturing her. I'm sure at some point she realized you weren't coming. Can you imagine what she felt like then? Ha-ha-ha!"
Andros was shaking all over. He looked at Astronema. "Why? In God's name, why did you do it?"
Astronema stopped smiling and glared at him. "Because I liked it. That's all. That's the only reason. I tortured Ashley, I ripped her to shreds because I loved it. I loved every second of it."
Andros heart sunk as Astronema continued.
"I spent days doing nothing but torturing her. She screamed and begged for mercy and it just made me want to torture her some more. I loved it. Do you hear me? I loved it! I tortured her until I came and then I kept on torturing her and kept on coming! And I'll do it to any one of you if you cross me again!"
Andros could take no more. He ran at Astronema, but just as he reached her, she vanished, leaving only her evil laughter hanging in the air. A low gurgling sound came from behind him and her turned around.
It was coming from Ashley. The Rangers gathered around her. Andros knelt close to her quivering form and spoke to her.
"Don't worry, Ashley, we'll take care of you, I promise we'll take care of you, we'll..."
"No we won't."
Andros turned around and saw Cassie.
"What do you mean?" Andros asked.
Cassie motioned to Ashley. "Look at her. I mean, just look at her! Do you think she wants to live like that? Would you? Imagine what she went through! Just imagine! We've got to free her - we've got to give her peace. You know we do. I love her as much as you do, and it's the only thing we can do."
Andros looked at her. Nobody had to say anything. They all knew Cassie was right. Andros stood up and took out his Power Blaster. He aimed it at the quivering remains of Ashley.
"Goodbye, Ashley. I'll miss you more than you can ever know." And with that he sent a blast onto Ashley and finally, her suffering ended.
TJ put a hand on Andros' shoulder. "You had to do it, Andros. You had no choice."
"I know. She's better off this way."
The Rangers stood silently in the early morning sun. Cassie took Andros' hand and spoke first.
"Let's get back to the Megaship. We'll decide what to do then."
Andros nodded and gripped Cassie's hand tightly. They teleported back to the ship. Once there, they sent Ashley's body into space and tried to figure out a cover story to explain Ashley's disappearance. And they tried to carry on, somehow.
Chapter 11 - Epilogue
It was night in the Dark Fortress. Astronema's guest waved her hand, asking Astronema to pause for a second in the story. Astronema was describing, in lurid, gruesome detail, exactly what she had done to Ashley. And Astronema's guest was rubbing herself wildly, fingers in her cunt as she listened to Astronema describe Ashley's torture.
"OK," Cassie said, rubbing her clit and cunt harder, "Keep going. What happened next?"
Astronema smiled. When Cassie, the Pink Ranger, came to her and hatched the plan for Ashley, she knew she had found a kindred soul. And now, watching her masturbate while she listened to the story of her friend being tortured, she knew she was right.
"Well, then I ripped her last toenail out."
"OH!" moaned Cassie, in joy, "How did she react?"
"She screamed so loud I couldn't believe it. And you should have seen her face!"
"MMMMMMM!" Cassie came, a huge orgasm flooded her senses as the thought of Ashley's torture filled her imagination.
Smiling, Astronema took her clothes off and crawled up to Cassie. They kissed deep on the lips, a long lingering kiss. Astronema stroked Cassie.
"And then, let me tell you what happened next..."
"Oh, yes, yes, yes!" Cassie moaned, and as Astronema continued the story of Ashley's torture, the two women licked and rubbed themselves to orgasm after orgasm, all fueled by the thought of Ashley's suffering. Finally, they got dressed and Cassie prepared to leave.
"So," Astronema said, "you got what you wanted?"
Cassie looked at her. "Did you?"
"Indeed I did. The crystal, and the chance to torture that Yellow bitch. Who could ask for anything more?"
"Well," sighed Cassie, "I wish I could have seen it. But I really couldn't have."
"But now Andros is yours, right?"
Cassie smiled. "Right. No matter what happens, it'll be better now that that bitch is gone. Well, Astronema, it's been nice doing business with you. Remember our deal. Give me a while to get Andros. If I'm going to let you take over, I need Andros, and so I needed Ashley out of the way. Now that that's done, everything should be set. And once you're the Queen, I'm number 2 - right?"
Astronema smiled back. "That's the deal. Considering what you've done so far, I can't think of anybody I'd rather have at my side." She paused and looked quizzically at Cassie. "None of them have any idea that you set the whole thing up? That you set the trap for Ashley?"
Cassie laughed scornfully. "Of course not! Heck, Andros still thinks he knocked Ashley's morpher off. I wonder what he'd think if he knew that I pulled it off her deliberately."
Astronema looked at her with respect. "Ashley didn't give any indication that she thought you were responsible for everything that happened to her. Do you think she knew?"
Cassie shrugged and laughed. "I'd be surprised if that stupid bitch was able to put two and two together and come up with four." She smiled wistfully and shook her head. "Boy, I wish I could have watched her suffer. I wish I could have helped! But once you take over, we'll have a whole planet full of bitches like Ashley we can torture. Can you imagine? We'll be able to torture one of those bitches any time we want."
Both Astronema and Cassie sighed at such a pleasant thought.
"Well," said Cassie, "I'd better go. I'll be in touch." And with that, she teleported back to the Megaship.
Astronema smiled. With Cassie at her side, they would soon rule the galaxy, spreading evil, pain, and horror throughout. And she couldn't wait....
5 months ago