
Chapter 5 – Bedroom Visitor

Cara returned wearily to her room after yet another fourteen-hour shift on the ward. It had been a difficult shift; the young lad with the serious abdominal burns had taken a turn for the worse and in spite of the best efforts of her and the surgeons, the boy had died in great pain that afternoon. Although she was used to death, this had hit her hard as she had dressed his awful wounds for months, each time fighting back the tears as she thought of the terrible pain he must be suffering and the horrific mutilation of his young body. Cara was angry that the boy had been caught up in this awful power battle in this horrible little country so far from home. She was angry that she was still here – she was angry with Lee for bringing her here – she was angry with Lee for deserting her, and she wanted to go home – NOW!

With a face etched in tiredness and stress, Cara pulled off her uniform and went to the bathroom. She felt dirty and sweaty after her awful day. She turned on the shower and waited for the flowing water to reach the right temperature before stripping off her bra and panties and stepping in. As the refreshing water cascaded over her head and down her slim, pale body, Cara at last smiled and started to regain her strength and positive nature. “Why is it that a shower can do that?” She thought.

Her long, dark hair plastered over her shoulders and half way down her back as Cara reached for the soap. She rubbed the fresh smelling lather into her sweaty skin, washing away not just the dirt, but the anger as well. She felt her sensitive nipples harden as she washed her perky boobs, and smiled at last. She rubbed her teats and was pleased to find her right boob was much less tender than it had been and was at last now almost fully recovered. She pulled her nipples out from her chest, extending her breasts to cones as she arched her back. How she missed Lee's tender and stimulating touch! When she got back to England she'd have to find a new partner – maybe she could teach some young stud how to satisfy her properly!

Cara sighed as she eventually turned off the water and stepped from the shower naked. She pulled a clean towel from the rail and walked into the bedroom.

“Wow! That's a fine sight to greet me.”

Cara turned around startled and held her towel to her chest. She saw a man sitting on her bed, smiling at her. “Who the fuck are you?” she screamed. “Get out of my room, now!”

“Hold on there, Cara. I'm a friend, not an enemy.”

“How do you know my name?” asked Cara, a little less aggressively.

“I'm a friend of Lee's. It's too dangerous for him to come here. The militia are watching for him. They've got road blocks all over the place.”

“So how come you came here. You're a fucking Yank, aren't you?”

“CIA. I can dodge the roadblocks and get in here without being noticed. Lee's not trained for that sort of work.” He showed Cara the laundry cleaner's uniform he was wearing.

“Are you the guy that got me arrested and beaten up, you bastard?”

“Hey, less of that. No, that was another guy. There's lots of us here. He made a mistake and got caught up with the rebel military. I don't make mistakes.”

“So what are you doing here, spying on me in the shower, you pervert?” asked Cara. She was trying to secure her towel around her without flashing any more flesh, and she was still not pleased at this invasion of her privacy, or at the thought of what would happen to her if the militia found a CIA agent in her room!

“Lee asked me to look out for you. He says he's sorry he left you here, but it was just too dangerous for him to stay. You see, Lee's been working for us. For the past few months he's been acting as a go-between for the CIA agents, taking messages and passing them on. No-one suspected him, after all he's a fine surgeon and he came here for all the best moral reasons. When our agent got shot, he went to Lee for help, and Lee treated him and hid him. He told us what had happened and that the stupid locals had arrested you, so we took them both away to the city into the safety of the US embassy. Luckily for us, the locals thought it was you that helped our agent, so he and Lee got away while they were questioning you.”

“Fucking great. Lucky for them, but fucking unlucky for me! Do you know what those bastards did to me?”

“Yeah, sorry. But they must have believed you knew nothing or they'd never have let you go so quickly.”

“Sure they fucking believed me. I was screaming my head off as they beat me up and fucking tortured me!”

“Well you looked pretty good to me coming out of that shower, so it obviously wasn't that bad. Anyway, Lee tells me you like a bit of sharp treatment on those cute little nips of yours!”

Cara was speechless. She sat down on the bed, the opposite side from her arrogant, uninvited visitor. How could he be so uncaring and heartless about her awful torture, and all because her boyfriend – no, ex-boyfriend – had been a secret CIA agent?

“Anyway. Lee's still real fond of you, Cara. The CIA are going to really de-stabilise this area soon, so he's asked me to get you out and take you to the British embassy. They'll evacuate just before the exercise starts. If you wait for the Red Cross to send you home, it'll be too late.”

“What about all those poor people in the hospital? They're only in there because of CIA “de-stabilising'. If the violence gets worse, there'll just be more bombings and shootings and more deaths and injuries.”

“Collateral damage. We can't let the militia take over. If a few more locals get hurt, that's a price we need to pay for future stability. We've not really done much so far, just kept a watching brief and made some contacts, but we're going to give some proper arms to the government soon, so they can really hurt the militia. What do you want to do, stay here and take your chances when the soldiers come for you again, or leave with me? Believe me, the militia already suspect Lee of CIA sympathy. When the bullets start to fly they'll be here looking for you in a shot, and this time they won't believe you don't know anything.”

“What choice do I have?” sighed Cara resignedly. “You Yanks are hell bent on ruling the world, aren't you?”

“Get dressed then, unless you're happy to go like that!”

“Yes, sir!” Cara saluted mockingly at her arrogant visitor and walked to her wardrobe.

“There's no room for luggage. You can't take anything with you that you can't easily carry. Best just take the clothes you want to wear.”

“Yes, sir! Can I wear some knickers, please, sir!” mocked the frustrated nurse.

“Oi. You listen to me. I'm risking my neck getting you out of here. I'm only doing it as a favour to Lee, so you show some gratitude or I'll just fucking leave you here to take your chances with the soldiers.”

“All right. I'm sorry. I'm just pissed off with all this. Please, give me a little privacy to dress.”

The American went into the bathroom and Cara heard his pee hitting the bowl before she finally dropped her towel to the ground and set about dressing. In the circumstances, practicality seemed to be the key, so she donned panties and bra and a pair of khaki shorts with a green tee shirt and a warm jacket, as it could get cold at night. She just started putting on her ankle socks when her guide returned to the bedroom. He eyed her with interest, as her shorts rode up the back of her slender, smooth thighs, but Cara scowled and quickly finished putting on her socks and stout shoes.

“Don't forget your passport, but don't bring anything else to identify you.”

“OK. I'm ready.”

“Sorry, but I'm going to have to put you in this sack. That way I can get you to the van outside without arousing suspicion.” The American reached down by Cara's bed and pulled up a large Hessian sack, normally used for dirty linen.

Cara sighed, and half wondered if she was dreaming this whole thing. The American opened the sack and motioned Cara towards him. On her hands and knees the young nurse crawled into the open sack before curling herself into a ball. The opening quickly closed, leaving Cara in darkness inside the foul smelling sack. Suddenly she heard a grunt and found herself lifted unceremoniously off the floor and swung over the shoulder of the strong CIA agent. A firm hand patted her backside twice, much to her annoyance; before she heard the door of her apartment opening and she felt the steady motion of the sack being carried outside, step by unfaltering step.

After a few minutes Cara heard a creaking door being opened and felt herself being placed down fairly gently on a flat surface.

“Don't move until I tell you it's safe,” came a hushed, but stern instruction.

Cara heard the engine burst into life, and then felt the motion of the van as it moved away through the hospital grounds. She waited to be allowed to extricate herself from her smelly, claustrophobic prison, but heard nothing from her companion driving the van. It was stifling in the closed sack, and Cara soon found herself sweating and fighting for fresh air. Still there was no sign from the driver and Cara felt herself getting close to swooning. Eventually she had no choice but to try and open the sack to get some air and she wriggled about until she was able to get her hands to the neck of the sack. She fumbled in the dark with the ties at the neck of the sack, but just could not budge the tight ties. The bumpy, bone-jarring ride did not help as she tried in vain to get a good grip on the ropes. However, she did gain some relief by placing her mouth at the small opening and gulping in lungfuls of fresher air from the back of the van. She called out to the Yank to let her out, but heard no reply. Eventually the exhaustion of the day got the better of her, and the young English nurse fell into a fitful sleep, still imprisoned in her Hessian sack, with her mouth gaping at its opening.

Chapter 6 – Paying her Fare

A sudden jolt woke the weary nurse from her uncomfortable slumber. For a moment she wondered where she was. Then she remembered the CIA agent, the linen sack and the bumpy van journey – but was it real, or just a nightmare?

The van was bucking and kicking along what was obviously a dirt track and Cara was becoming more scared. She had no idea where she was, or even how far from the hospital they had travelled. She could not see her watch in the darkness, and had a pounding headache from the stresses of her day and the awful confinement in this airless, smelly sack. She felt sick.

Finally she felt the motion of the van stop, and she heard a door slam. A few seconds later and she felt the welcome draft of fresh air around the sack and then the neck was opened and she saw the shadow of her companion in front of her eyes.

“Sorry about that,” he said. “There were a lot of soldiers about. I didn't dare let you out in case I got stopped. We're off the road now, and we'll camp down here for a few hours to get some rest. We're due to meet some friendly locals here later. They'll take us to the city. Come on, out you get, you look a little green.”

“I feel sick, you bastard. Have you any idea how shitty it is in that sack?” Cara was sure the Yank was smiling as she climbed out of the van and promptly retched, spitting onto the dusty ground.

The CIA agent dragged another linen sack from the van and emptied it onto the ground. A large blanket dropped out, and he carried at to a relatively flat patch of ground some yards away and spread it out. Cara raised her pounding head and watched. She gulped in the fresh night air and tried to clear her head.

“Your bed awaits,” stated her companion.

“Where are you sleeping then?”

“It's time for you to pay your fare.”


“That was my deal with Lee. He said you were worth it.”

“Fuck off.”

“Your choice. You either give it and enjoy it, and I keep you safe, or I take it anyway and leave you here for the wolves, or the hyenas, or the soldiers – or all of them.”

“Fuck off. I'm not a whore.”

“Get your arse over here, NOW!”

Cara took a deep breath. She was helpless. She had no idea where she was, and she certainly did not trust this arrogant pig of a Yank. She was sure he would happily leave her to a horrible fate, but the thought of having sex with him was just awful.

“Look. I've got a really bad headache and I feel sick. It was so hot in that sack. I really don't feel like it. Maybe in the morning after I've had some sleep.”

“Don't give me that crap! You've got five minutes to get your arse over here and strip or the deal's off. And you'd better be hot as hell, or it's null and void and I'll still leave you here to take your chances.”

Cara sat on the ground a few yards from her companion and contemplated her choices. Her head was clearing in the fresh air, and she knew she really had no choice at all. Her body was very sticky with sweat, and she certainly didn't feel sexy, but that wouldn't worry this nasty Yank. He'd been very clever, getting her into that sack and then tying it so she couldn't escape, making sure she was exhausted and disorientated and totally dependant on him. Now she was at his mercy, or lack of it, and they both knew it.

“One minute left.”

Cara sat and glared at him in the darkness, hoping that she could unnerve him, but knowing it was hopeless.

“Thirty seconds.”

“Ten seconds.”

“All right. I'm coming.” Cara got up and slowly walked to the blanket. She knelt down and pulled off her jacket.

“Just in time, Cara. Don't forget to make this good. Take off all your clothes first, nice and slowly, and let me see that sexy little body of yours again. And don't be so coy this time.”

Still fixing a sullen glare at her companion, Cara pulled at her green tee shirt and slowly lifted it off her torso, revealing her lacy white bra holding her perky boobs in place.

“Bra next.”

Cara slowly reached behind her and unclasped her bra before shrugging it off her arms. Her breasts hardly drooped an inch, her nipples pointing directly at the Yank in the night air, just a few inches from his face.

Without ado, the CIA agent grabbed a pert breast in each large hand and squeezed firmly. Cara gasped, “Oi, not so rough, please.” She gripped his wrists, but could do nothing to stop his mauling.

“I was told you like your boobs fondled. Anyway, I do what I like, and you do what I like – that's the deal, darling.”

“Just don't be too rough, please. They're still tender. Ow!” squealed the nurse as the Yank pinched her hardening nipples between thumb and forefinger.

“Quit moaning, will you Cara, or I'll stick something in your mouth to shut you up, and let go of my wrists. Arch your back.”

Reluctantly Cara did as she was ordered, offering her breasts unprotected to the Yank, who continued to squeeze her flesh and twist her nipples until she moaned in pain.

At last he released the girl's throbbing boobs and removed his own tee shirt to show off his broad, hairy, well-muscled chest. “Now take the rest off,” he ordered.

Relieved that he had at last released her boobs, Cara quickly untied her shoes and bared her dainty feet. The Yank did likewise and then waited for the nurse to unzip her shorts and pull them off her slender, sexy legs, leaving just her knickers to remove.

“Stand up,” he ordered, and Cara reluctantly obeyed.

“Take them off… slowly!”

Cara inserted her thumbs into the elastic and slowly pushed her knickers downwards over her flared hips. The Yank watched intently as the girl's hairy mound was gradually revealed, and finally her pink pussy peeped out over the elastic waistband of her knickers. Cara belt forward to push her knickers down her shapely thighs and past her knees until she was able to step elegantly out of them and stand naked in front of her companion.

“Stay there. Open your legs.”

Cara slowly obeyed.

The Yank knelt in front of the girl, his eyes directly in line with her puffy pink slit. He raised his right hand and started to finger the shamed girl, fiddling with her pussy lips until he found the sensitive, little nubbin of her clitoris. He pulled at it and tickled it with the tip of his finger, eliciting a gasp from the young nurse.

“You like that, don't you, you horny, little bitch.”

For several minutes the Yank continued to play with the girl's most intimate sex organ as she squirmed and gasped in embarrassed arousal.

“Ow!!!!” she squealed as he suddenly pinched her clitoris hard, sending a sharp pain shooting into her very soul. “Please, don't do that.”

“I'll do what I want.” He released the girl's sex and smelt the juices on his fingers. “Now that you're warmed up, get down here – on your back and spread “em.”

“Are you Yanks always so romantic?” asked Cara scornfully.

“Are you English girls always so fucking frigid?” he retorted sharply.

Cara carefully lowered herself to lie on the blanket next to the CIA agent. She parted her legs slightly, feeling the cool night air in her damp pussy. Her nipples were still hard, pointing upwards to the night sky as she prepared herself for what would undoubtedly be a rough, maybe violent, coupling. She wondered if there was any way she could find to enjoy it.

The Yank quickly removed his trousers and Y-fronts and rolled on top of the slim nurse, his face hovering just inches from hers. He forced her thighs further apart with his knees and started to suckle on her slim neck, nibbling at her. His hands again roamed to her perky breasts and started more rough mauling of her beautiful boobs until she moaned in pain and squirmed under his heavy body. She felt his large member trapped between their bodies and noticed it getting harder as she wriggled and moaned at the pain in her breasts. This guy was obviously getting off on hurting her. His mouth moved to her left nipple, leaving a trail of saliva on her neck and chest. He sucked hard, and then nipped her teat with his teeth as she wailed under him and flailed at his muscular back with her tiny fists.

She felt his penis swelling and hardening even more. He raised himself off her slightly and guided his throbbing member towards her sex, slipping it easily into her lubricated cunt. He thrust his pelvis, penetrating her deeper, and grabbed her bony shoulders for extra leverage. His heavy balls slapped against her as he pushed into her to his limit. Cara felt the penetration and awaited a fast and brutal fucking. She was surprised when the Yank withdrew slowly and started up a steady, controlled, rhythmic humping of her petite body. His hands returned again to her breasts, mauling them again and playing roughly with her sore nipples, pulling them, squeezing them and twisting them until she squealed, tears flowing from her eyes. His teeth again sought out and found her slender neck and shoulders, nibbling at her flesh like a vampire – and all the while he humped her with long, slow and deeply penetrating strokes of his thick, pulsating cock.

Cara looked up at the stars twinkling in the clear night sky as her companion used her lovely body for his own pleasure. She felt her nipple being pulled upwards by the Yank's teeth and she arched her back as much as she could to try and relieve the pain. As he pumped into her a little harder, a little faster, she moaned - surely not in passion? He was coming to his climax, and Cara didn't really know if she was pleased or not. She gasped as he pounded her now, grunting in his exertion and concentrating only on fucking her, rather than mauling and biting her sexy body. She found she had bent her knees and spread her legs even wider and was grasping his sweaty torso now instead of punching it. Her mind was spinning as he neared his climax, staring wildly at her face as he spurted deep in her sex, again and again amid loud groans of lust. Then it was over and the Yank withdrew his floppy dick from her sore and sopping cunt and slowly rolled off the gasping girl. They lay side by side, breathing heavily, cheeks aglow in the cool night air.

A few seconds later Cara pulled the blanket over her sweaty body and rolled onto her side, facing away from her companion. Within minutes she had fallen into a deep slumber.

Chapter 7 - Deserted

Cara woke from her deep, troubled sleep as the first rays of the new morning started to light up her pretty face. The warmth was welcome after the cold night with her nude, sweaty body wrapped only in the single blanket. She blinked at the sun as it peeped over the nearby treetops and groaned as she gently stretched out her sore, aching body. She rolled over to face her American companion, but found to her surprise that she was alone in the large blanket. In panic, Cara looked over to where the van was parked – it was gone!

“Shit! The fucking bastard!” spat Cara to herself. She scrambled to her feet and quickly dressed before searching the area for any sign of the Yank or any message from him to tell her what to do. There was nothing.

Cara's stomach rumbled and she realised just how hungry she was, and thirsty – but what should she do? She remembered the Yank had told her that friendly locals would meet them here and take them to the city, to meet up again with Lee. Maybe he had gone to find them, but why hadn't he taken her with him, or at least woken her to tell her, and left her some water? “Fucking bastard!” she repeated.

The rising sun was already getting hot and Cara knew the dangers of getting caught in it without cover, especially with her fair, western skin. She picked up the blanket and walked across to the tree line and sought out some cover. She sat down in the shade and did the only thing she could do – she waited, and hoped that someone would come and rescue her before she died of thirst. Eventually Cara curled into a ball and dropped off to sleep again.

The noise of a rattly diesel engine this time woke Cara. She sat up and peered out from under the trees, hoping to see the laundry van approaching. From the sun's position, Cara could tell it was now late morning, and her thirst was now far worse.

As the engine noise got louder, Cara heart beat faster. “Shit!” she exclaimed as first one, then two army jeeps appeared along the track. Each contained four uniformed soldiers, and they were obviously following the tracks from the laundry van, looking intently down at the ground as the jeeps slowly came nearer to Cara's hiding place.

Cara prayed silently that they would somehow fail to stop, and would continue past her, but of course they didn't. The first jeep came to a halt, its driver motioning to the vehicle following to stop. All eight soldiers got out of the jeeps and after a brief huddle they started searching the area. Cara's mind was racing – she was sure these soldiers were the same militia that had been at the hospital, and she certainly didn't want to fall into their hands again. On the other hand, if she didn't get some water soon, she would become very dehydrated, and a slow, lonely death out here would be even worse.

Thus, Cara concocted a desperate plan, but one she persuaded herself she could pull off. If she skirted around the clearing, keeping in the trees out of sight, maybe she could get to one of the jeeps and drive it away before they noticed her. But she'd have to hurry, as the nearest soldier was approaching her now, and was only about twenty yards away!

Cara moved furtively back further into the trees, keeping low, crouching or scrambling on hands and knees to avoid being seen. The dense trees, fallen branches and uneven ground made progress slower and more painful than Cara had thought, as her bare arms and legs became scratched and bloody. After a few minutes she had only moved twenty yards or so, and a glance behind her showed the soldier had already found her discarded blanket and was starting into the trees after her, calling on his comrades to join the chase.

A loud cry told Cara that she had now been spotted and a volley of bullets into the treetops above her head confirmed her fears. Cara hurried on, not worrying now about keeping out of sight, or of trying to steal a jeep, but just running and skipping through the trees to escape her pursuers. Fresh sweat stained her tee shirt as the young English nurse fled through the hot Asian forest, followed by half a dozen local soldiers, each eager to be the one to claim the credit for capturing the fugitive, and any prize that may come with it!

Cara leapt high over a fallen tree trunk, and over the edge of a steep slope that ended some ten feet below her. She tumbled down, rolling over and over until her progress was abruptly stopped by another tree at the bottom of the slope. Winded, the young nurse scrambled to her feet, pleased to be uninjured, as the first soldier started down the slope, a broad grin on his face. Cara glanced at the young man and turned to run away again, dodging through the trees. But she was struggling to catch her breath after her heavy fall, and the soldier was gaining on her with every stride, shouting at her every few seconds to heighten her fear and let her know he was now right behind her. She thought she could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck as she jumped over yet another branch, and as she landed she certainly felt his hand on her shoulder blades giving her a firm shove that sent her falling flat on her face on the floor of the forest.

She rolled over onto her back to see the grinning soldier standing over her, his rifle pointed at her heaving chest. He said something to her that she could not understand, and then turned to accept the congratulations of his comrades who joined him to surround the prone, breathless nurse.

One of the soldiers reached down and grasped the front of Cara's dirty, sweaty tee shirt just above her breasts and hauled her to her feet. Within seconds, the soldiers had bound her wrists tightly together with a long length of rope. They handed the end of the rope to the soldier who had captured Cara and he had the privilege of leading his captive back through the forest to where the jeeps were waiting.

Poor Cara trudged wearily after her captor, encouraged by constant sniping from the other soldiers, and the occasional slap on her firm backside when they thought she might be faltering, or when they fancied a quick feel of their lovely prisoner, so Cara thought. She glared at the soldiers as she was brought slowly back to the campsite, and she wondered what would happen to her now – she had never before felt so helpless or alone!

The hot sun suddenly beat down on the captive nurse as she was led out of the trees and towards the first of the jeeps, where the two remaining soldiers were waiting. Cara could see one of them carried a two way radio set, and the other was engaged in earnest conversation on the radio. Cara's guide placed her immediately in front of this soldier, who was obviously in charge of this patrol. Cara enviously eyed the jerry cans carried on both jeeps, and hoped her captors would recognise her urgent need for water.

Finally the soldier finished his radio conversation and handed the microphone to the operator. He looked Cara up and down and smirked. Cara took the plunge and smiled back, “Please… ” she asked hesitantly. “I really need some water, please.” She nodded at the jerry cans.

The soldier replied with a stream of words that Cara could not comprehend, but which brought hoots of joyous laughter from the other soldiers. Cara blushed. She pointed with her bound hands to the jerry cans and smiled nervously. The soldier issued an order, which again brought laughter from his squad. One of the soldiers picked up a jerry can and offered it to the nurse. She fumbled with the tricky stopper and then smelt the contents a little suspiciously as the soldiers looked on intently. She wrinkled her nose and replaced the stopper – it was diesel! “Water… please,” she asked plaintively, shaking her head. The soldiers laughed and took the can from the nurse, offering her another. Cara again struggled with the stopper before putting her pretty nose to the top. She breathed in the welcome smell of fresh water and put the can to her lips, struggling with the weight of the heavy metal container. One of the soldiers tipped it for her, sending water cascading over her face, down her chin and soaking her tee shirt and shorts. They laughed as Cara spluttered and tried to drink down the sweet tasting liquid. She gulped down as much water as she could, grateful for the refreshment and momentarily forgetting her dire predicament. When she was finished, the soldiers took the jerry can from her.

The soldier in charge issued some orders and three of the soldiers led Cara away towards the centre of the clearing. Cara wondered what the soldiers would do – they were obviously in no hurry to take her away in their jeeps, but none seemed to speak any English, so they were in no position to ask her why she was here or where the Yank had gone.

Cara looked over her shoulder to see the other soldiers sheltering in the shadows of the jeeps, or in the shade of the trees. On the other hand, she was out in the open in the sweltering sunshine, and she could already feel her bare arms and legs burning up. She hoped she too would be allowed some shelter soon. To her dismay Cara found herself led to where a large tree trunk lay on the open ground. It was about three feet in diameter and twenty feet long, with very thick, rough, knobbly bark. It must have been a very old tree. The soldier leading Cara by her bound wrists was her original captor, but as they came up to the tree trunk he handed the rope with a broad grin to one of their two guides. He turned Cara around to face into the hot sunshine and pushed her down until she was sitting on the trunk. She stared at him, noticing his lustful grin as he overtly eyed her up. She saw him lick his lips as he took in her perky tits, with her nipples poking at the dirty, wet tee shirt that stretched across them. He looked at her thighs, the lovely, smooth skin already turning pink in the sun. He didn't seem to mind that they were dirty and a little scratched from her flight through the forest. He grinned at Cara like a teenager on his first visit to a brothel, and she knew then that she was his prize for capturing her. No wonder he had chased her so hard. She would be hurt on this tree trunk, but would he be her only, or just her first, attacker.

“Please… Don't do this,” the young nurse asked, her eyes pleading at the lustful soldier. He licked his lips again, still grinning and grasped her breasts through her cotton tee shirt, squeezing them as roughly as the Yank had done the previous night. Cara gasped in pain at this latest mauling of her sore boobs, but was helpless to stop the soldier, with her wrists still tightly bound together. After just a few seconds the soldier released her throbbing boobs and pulled a sharp knife from his belt. Still grinning, he pulled at the young nurse's green tee shirt and inserted the bright polished steel blade under the hem and slowly split the flimsy material all the way up the front, revealing Cara now off-white lacy bra. A tear tricked from Cara's eye as the soldier inserted the blade between her breasts and easily cut through her bra, allowing the cups to fall to either side and reveal the smooth, pale, lightly freckled skin of her lovely breasts, with their perky pink nipples poking invitingly out from them. The soldier replaced his knife in his belt and resumed his intimate examination of the sobbing girl's tits, this time without any barrier between his rough, callused fingers and the silky smooth skin of her trembling tits. For what seemed like an eternity the soldier massaged Cara's breasts, sometimes quite tenderly, but often very roughly, digging his fingertips into her firm flesh and leaving sweaty, red finger marks to decorate her pale skin.

Cara noticed the growing bulge in the soldier's crotch, as he finally ceased his mauling of the girl and nodded to his comrade who held the rope tying her wrists together. He pulled the rope taught and walked behind the sitting girl, causing her to lift her hands above her head, and eventually forcing her to lie back over the tree trunk until her shoulder blades almost touched the ground. Cara breathed heavily as she looked up into the cloudless sky, the rough bark of the tree now digging painfully into the base of her stretched spine. The soldier holding the rope kept a firm grip on it, ensuring the girl was kept stretched and unable to squirm away from her captors, while her attacker stood between her splayed legs and prepared to ravish his lovely victim. The third soldier looked on, presumably insurance in case the feisty captive managed somehow to get loose.

The prone, young nurse felt the soldier undoing the button in the waistband of her shorts. A few seconds later the zip was pulled down and then her shorts were dragged off her hips and all the way down her legs and off her ankles. This was followed immediately by her shoes and socks, which were quickly removed. Cara looked up between her sore breasts and could just see to top of her white panties still in place around her hips, but she knew they would not stay there much longer. She noticed the glint of a steel blade and felt the warm air on her pussy, and knew she was now fully exposed.

Cara let her head drop again as she awaited her attacker's penetration of her cunt, which was still sore from the Yank's attentions the previous night. Instead of his hard, wet cock, though, she felt the cold, sharp steel of the man's knife on her sweaty skin. Cara jerked her head up in panic. She saw the familiar grin as the soldier scratched at her skin with his blade, sending curly wisps of dark pubic hair falling to the ground around Cara's crotch. She hardly dared breathe, lest the soldier's concentration lapse and he cut her most tender flesh. Having scratched away the main thatch of hair, the soldier was now intent on denuding the nurse's crotch completely. Using his left hand to stretch her skin, he delicately severed each hair at its base, sometimes using the very tip of his razor sharp blade. Occasionally he nicked the terrified girl's flesh, drawing blood on her pale skin and causing her to cry out in pain and anguish. He laughed, the grin never leaving his face, and continued until he had removed all the nurse's pubic hair. Now she was as he liked his cunts, totally nude. He wiped the blood from his knife on the girl's sweaty thigh and prepared to fuck his prize.

Cara felt the wet tip of the soldier's cock teasing her crotch, running up and down and all around her sex lips until she felt her juices flowing in spite of herself. The soldier was talking to himself, or his comrades, and he laughed at her reaction, probably calling her a dirty whore, thought Cara. She breathed hard as she felt the cock poking at her sex as the soldier grasped her hips tightly in his hands. He entered her slowly, savouring her tight sex and relishing her whimpering, tearful debasement. Then he lunged in hard and fast, eliciting a pained groan from the captive girl. From then on the soldier concentrated on building up a steady, satisfying rhythm, rocking the girls hips back and forth in time with his deep lustful thrusts, oblivious to her suffering as the rough bark scratched away her skin and her splayed legs kicked the air in desperate anguish.

He finished with her with a final pounding thrust and emptied his balls deep into the struggling, crying nurse. He stepped back, still grinning down at his lovely captive, and replaced his limp cock in his trousers. He then took his place at Cara's head, holding the rope that bound her wrists and kept her bent so agonisingly over the rough tree trunk. The soldier he replaced stood guard, while the third in the group took his turn between the girl's spread thighs.

And so the second soldier took his pleasure of the captive English nurse, fucking her hard and fast as her sexy body writhed and wriggled under him, oblivious to her sobs and occasional cries of pain as he pounded her sore sex. When he had finished the three swapped position again, allowing the third soldier to attack their pretty, young prisoner.

Cara felt the hot pain in her ravaged sex, and she also felt the burning sun high above her, scorching her sweaty chest, arms and legs, and her tear-stained face. She licked her parched lips and looked up just in time to see the third soldier shudder as he came inside her. She hoped that would the end of her awful ordeal.

The soldier holding her down released Cara and helped her up to sit again on the rough tree trunk. She looked down at her mound, noticing ruddy abrasions where her pubic hair had been, with some nastier looking cuts around her sex lips. Her cunt was covered with drying semen, and she took a few moments to wipe the worst of it away. Meanwhile, behind her a soldier had taken his knife to her tattered tee shirt and bra and removed them, leaving the girl completely naked. As she sat panting in the hot sun, Cara noticed three more soldiers approaching, one carrying a jerry can of water.

The three newcomers talked excitedly with their comrades while Cara drank eagerly from the jerry can. Their laughter and lascivious gestures annoyed Cara, but there was nothing she could do to stop them, or even to make her annoyance known to them. She poured some water over her sunburnt shoulders, allowing it to trickle over and soothe her burning, bruised breasts and her thighs. She hoped she'd soon be allowed some shade to stop her becoming too burnt up in the sun.

Finally the three earlier attackers bade farewell and left Cara in the hands of the three newcomers. Soon, she was again bent painfully over the old tree trunk, its rough bark biting into her red raw lower back. The first soldier attacked her quickly and roughly, pumping her hard for just a few minutes before spurting his load into her to join those of his comrades. The next two followed suit, performing their debasing sexual act on the English girl in a rather perfunctory fashion, as if it was just another task they had been ordered to perform.

The final two soldiers walked over to their captive. This time there was no respite for Cara, and no refreshing drink. The three others stayed with their captive and chatted for a while with the two latest arrivals, who included the soldier in charge. As far as Cara could tell, he seemed to be leading the conversation, with much nodding and smiling from the others. Cara blinked away the sweat and tears from her bloodshot eyes as she tried to work out what they were talking about. She found out when the soldiers suddenly flipped her over onto her front and positioned her pert backside in place on top of the tree trunk. She felt the hot sun now burning the pale, freckled skin on her back and the backs of her thighs, and more worryingly she felt hard hands feeling up her arse cheeks, testing their firmness and exploring the deep crack between the cheeks. Cara squirmed, but was firmly held down by the rope that still secured her tiny wrists so tightly together.

Cara wondered if the soldiers just fancied a change of position, but her fear grew quickly when a stubby finger wormed its way into her arse crack and burrowed down towards her tightly clenched sphincter. “No!” she yelled hoarsely, wiggling her arse to hoots of laughter from her captors.

Cara had never had anal sex. Although some boyfriends had suggested it, she had always found the thought repulsive. She had always maintained that sex should bring as much pleasure to her as to her partner, and while she was very happy to experiment with different positions, scenarios and toys, she had never allowed anyone, or anything to penetrate her arse hole.

She kicked out at the soldier in charge, for it was he who stood between her legs and was fingering her anus. Poor Cara tried to wriggle free and tried to kick away her attacker, but her efforts were fruitless, and gained her only a hard slap of her right buttock. She felt more digits intruding into her virgin arse and screamed her protest louder now, but that just seemed to encourage her attackers even more. She thought she heard a zip being undone, and Cara steeled herself for this awful violation. She screwed her eyes up tight, trying to distance herself from what was happening to her, trying to tell herself that she was having a nightmare, that it was all a horrible dream, and she would wake up safe and sound at any moment.

The wet cock slipping up and down the crack of her arse reminded the distraught girl of the awful truth. As strong fingers prized her open, the slippery wet cock pushed towards the twinkling entrance to her virgin anus. She felt the gases from her intestines escape as she farted involuntarily, but that didn't seem to deter her attacker whose cock was now forcing its way into her, inch by inch, as her resisting muscles were gradually overwhelmed by his strength and determination. Hard as she tried, Cara just could not withstand the assault, and she cried out as she felt the thick, hard cock enter her. Finally, after much exertion and heavy breathing, the soldier's balls thumped against the young nurse's arse, and he pronounced to his squad that he had reached his goal. They cheered as poor Cara wept in pain and misery. The soldier slowly pulled back out, revelling in the agonised cries of his captive, until just the tip of his cock remained within the girl's tight opening. Then he pushed in suddenly, gradually opening the nurse's anus as her muscles weakened and stretched. And so he continued, gradually fucking the wailing girl's virgin arse faster and harder, ambivalent to her agony or to the trickle of bright red blood that flowed from her arse and down the inside of her left thigh.

The other soldiers slapped their leader on the back in congratulation for his performance. They chatted enthusiastically as the ravaged, English girl sobbed her anguish.

She could hardly walk, such was her pain and discomfort. Once by the jeeps, the soldiers gave her another drink of water and allowed her to wash the blood from her crotch and her thighs. She was then allowed to sit in the shade of the jeeps, her wrists still bound in front of her with the end of the rope securely fastened to the steering wheel of the jeep. Here Cara tried to compose herself. She looked down at her bruised, sunburnt body, with her denuded and bloodied crotch, and she wondered what was in store for her next. Surely it couldn't get any worse than this? Tiredness overcame the young nurse and her eyes closed, and her chin rested on her chest as she dropped into another fitful slumber.

Chapter 8 – More Questions than Answers

A harsh jerk on the rope binding her wrists caused the half asleep girl to fall forwards onto the dusty ground. She was hauled to her feet to find the soldier in charge once again talking earnestly into his two-way radio. He nodded and gestured to his men, and then he signed off. He issued a stream of orders to his squad and answered a few questions from them quite curtly. Cara was led across to where a large tree overhung the clearing with a thick, strong, sturdy branch. Cara thought the soldiers were going to throw the rope over the branch and suspend her from it, but to her surprise she felt her wrists unfastened and she was pushed to the ground on her front. Her arms were twisted behind her back with her elbows bent at right angles and her forearms held together parallel, so each hand was next to the elbow of the opposite arm. She felt the rope being wound around her forearms, binding them both very tightly together. The soldiers pulled the bound girl up to a kneeling position and then wrapped the rope around her torso, pulling her upper arms tightly against her sides. The rope was first passed just under her sore breasts, and then just above, squeezing them painfully between the two ropes. Then she was pushed back down to the ground.

The soldiers then bent Cara's legs and tied her ankles together at a right angle, forcing her to spread her thighs. Then each shin was tied to her thighs so tightly that the ropes sunk deep into the smooth flesh, causing the tortured girl to whimper in pain. Finally, a rope was attached to her bound ankles and passed behind her forearms and pulled as tight as the soldiers could make it. Cara squealed in pain as she was forced to arch her back as her ankles were brought up slowly towards her forearms. The soldiers ignored her protests as they completed the agonising hog-tie. Finally they threw the long end of the rope over the branch above her and started to haul the tightly bound girl into the air. The rope groaned and twisted under the strain as the soldiers pulled on it. Cara moaned as her arms and ankles took her full weight as they pulled her up until she was several feet above the ground, with her head just about at the height of her captors. Her sweaty, bruised breasts hung down, squeezed painfully by the ropes, and her sore, spread crotch hovered above the ground, just inviting attention from any potential attackers.

As the sun beat down on the tightly bound, moaning, gently swinging girl, sweat poured down her stressed body, dripping from her nose, her nipples and even her sore sex lips onto the dry ground below. Cara looked plaintively at her captors, who now circled her. What were they going to do to her now, helplessly bound, her breasts and sex easy targets for any horrible torments they might like to inflict on her?

Cara's questions became a little closer to being answered as a third jeep sped into view and skidded to a halt next to the others. A short stocky man stepped quickly out and came striding purposefully over to be bound girl, followed by three others. Even at a distance Cara recognised the man as the officer who had arrested her at the hospital all those weeks ago and had overseen her awful beating and torture at the army camp. She shuddered in her bonds, as she realised her predicament had suddenly got much worse, just when she thought it couldn't.

With the officer was his translator, and it was he who repeated the words spat out vehemently towards her, “So. You were lying. You are a Yankee spy. You made fool of me. Now you tell me the truth!”

“No. I know nothing. Please, you must believe me,” gasped the desperate girl.

“You fled from hospital with Yankee CIA spy. Where is he? You talk now, or we beat you bad.”

“I don't know. He brought me here and left me. I don't know where he is.”

“You lie. We beat you, make you talk.” The officer motioned to two soldiers and spat out an order. They ran to the officer's jeep and returned carrying a heavy wooden crate which they placed next to the officer. They opened the crate in front of Cara's wide, tearful eyes, and picked out two large heavy bamboo canes about six feet long. The other soldiers stood back a little as the two swung their weapons through the air in wide arcs, practising their actions as the canes whished through the still, warm air.

“Last chance. Where is Yankee agent?”

“Please…” wept the trembling nurse. “Honestly, I don't know. The bastard brought me here and left me.”

“Liar! You talk soon enough.” The officer nodded to the two soldiers who were now positioned each side of the gently swinging, bound girl.

Whack! Whack!

The canes landed heavily on the sweaty skin of the poor, English nurse, spraying droplets of sweat over the watching soldiers.

“Aaahhh!” squealed the agonised girl as the impacts bruised her legs and arms.

Whack! Whack!

The canes landed again, this time on different parts of the girl's beautiful, young body as she swung around.

“Aaaaahhhh! Please stop!” pleaded the girl as her hip and shoulder took the blows.

Whack! Whack!

“Aaaaahhhh! I don't know where he is!” she screamed as her flat stomach and bound shins were beaten and bruised.

Whack! Whack!

“Aaaaahhhhh No!” wailed the girl as one cane crashed into her right knee and the other smacked into her ribcage.

Whack! Whack!

“Aaaaaahhhhhh!” Tears rolled down her flushed cheeks as her thigh and back took the hard blows.

Whack! Whack!

“Aaahhh!” Cara's voice was weakening already as more bruising blows struck her aching limbs.

Whack! Whack!

“Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh,” she squealed – a longer and even more pained scream this time as her right breast took one of the vicious strokes. She thought it had exploded, and was relieved to find it still intact when she eventually opened her eyes and glanced down at her swollen tit, now sporting another nasty, red bruise.

Whack! Whack!

“Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh'. Cara's other breast experienced the same deep, burrowing pain from a full-blooded swing of the heavy bamboo cane.

Whack! Whack!

Whack! Whack!

Whack! Whack!

Whack! Whack!

Whack! Whack!

Whack! Whack!

The brutal beating continued until the bound girl failed to respond, even when the canes found her most sensitive areas, a bulging, swollen breast, the inside of her spread thighs, and even right up onto her raw, ravaged sex.

The officer gave another order and a can of water was slowly poured over the beaten girl's head, gradually bringing her back to consciousness. The officer grabbed her lank, matted hair and pulled her face upwards to meet his stare.

“Where your Yankee friend, girl. You tell now, or it get much worse for you.”

“I….I….I don't know,” gasped the exhausted girl.

“You know. Now you tell.”

“No. I…. I don't know. You….you must believe me. I'd… I'd tell you if I knew.”

“You know. You spy. You trained to resist questions. I break you.”

“No! No! I'm just an English nurse. You must believe me. Please … please let me go.”

“You make fool of me one time. This time I make you talk. I use needles. I know you not like needles.”

“No! No! Please. I'm telling the truth. Oh God. No!” gasped Cara as she saw a soldier pick a box from the crate and open it in front of her eyes. Inside were a dozen long, thin needles about a foot long with the sharpest points she had ever seen. The officer picked one out and held it in front of the girl's sweaty, tear-stained face. Her eyes opened wide as the tip glinted in the bright afternoon sunshine. Fresh tears trickled down her flushed, sun-kissed cheeks, as she pleaded again with her captor. He remained unmoved, replaced the needle in its box and handed it to one of the soldiers.

The young soldier grinned as he approached the swaying, tightly bound girl. Cara recognised him as the soldier who had hunted her down in the forest, and had roughly shaved her before being her first attacker. She smiled piteously at him. “Please… please don't do this. You….you seem like a nice guy. You….you wouldn't want to hurt me any more, would you? I really don't know where he is… really… honestly.”

The soldier's grin never wavered. She might as well have been begging him to spear her with the needles. He handed the box to the soldier next to him and picked out one of the long, thin needles. He breathed on the sharp point and tested it with his fingertip, as if to prove to the watching girl just how sharp it was. Then he grasped Cara's right upper arm with his left hand and slowly, deliberately pierced her bicep with the needle as the terrorised girl trembled and screamed in agony. The sharp point entered the muscle easily; poor Cara feeling every terrible inch of its progress deeper and deeper into her flesh until the shiny tip reappeared on the other side of her arm. When two inches of the needle were visible the soldier stopped and stepped back to admire his work. Thin trickles of bright red blood seeped from puncture wounds on each side of her injured arm. Cara turned her head away and sobbed.

The grinning soldier then turned the swinging girl so her back was towards him. He steadied her swaying body and picked out another long, thin needle. This one he used to pierce her straining left thigh, entering the muscle from behind, just below the crease of her trembling left buttock. Again Cara screamed as she felt the sharp point penetrate her epidermis and enter the muscle beneath. The thin needle passed slowly through her leg, missing the bone by just an inch before the tip poked out of the front of her sweaty thigh, between the ropes that bound her so tightly.

Turning her again, the sadistic soldier grinned into Cara's tortured face as he picked out his third needle. He glanced at her bruised, swollen tits that still bore the marks of his vicious earlier mauling and the more recent beating. Cara feared they would be his next target. She wondered how she could survive that. Instead his aim was lower, but even more incredibly painful. He now attacked her smooth, flat stomach with his needle, piercing her pale flesh just to the left of her sunken belly button. This was not muscle he was damaging, but internal organs, and he was careful to avoid endangering the girl's kidneys or liver as his needle agonisingly penetrated Cara's slim, young body. She screamed as the thin needle passed through her and her body spasmed and shuddered in pain. The grinning soldier watched her reactions eagerly. He considered himself an expert in needle torture, and he knew this beautiful, bound English girl was experiencing the most horrendous pain. He also knew he could yet make it even worse for her, if the stupid bitch didn't tell the officer what he wanted to know, but he doubted he would need to. No, a needle through the gut was normally enough to persuade even the most hardened prisoner to talk.

Nausea overcame poor Cara as she retched. Her stomach contracted violently and she splattered on the hard ground below her. Her eyes rolled as she screamed her agony before she fainted away again with the excruciating pain. Her head lolled against her chest, a string of spew and saliva dripping down from her gaping mouth and nose. Her body twitched in its tight bondage as the soldier with the needles shrugged his shoulders and exchanged knowing glances with his officer.

More water tipped over her head brought the tortured nurse slowly back to her senses. She opened her eyes falteringly, frightened of what she might see next. To Cara's surprise she found herself back on terra firma and free of her tight and painful bondage. She also found the hideous needles had been removed from her tortured body, though the pain in her stomach remained agonising, and any tiny movement made her squeal. Nevertheless, once she was conscious, Cara felt firm hands grasping her under her arms and hauling her back to her feet. She screamed as the pain shot through her body, but they took no heed and stood her to face the officer once more.

“You not know where Yankee spy is,” he said in a matter of fact voice. “Now you come with me. I look after you while I decide what I do with you.”

With that, a weeping Cara was marched limping to the officer's jeep. Her hands were tied together in front of her with more rope, and another rope was tied around her slim neck. She was thrown into the back of the jeep and the end of the rope around her neck was tied tightly to the rollover bar behind her. The late afternoon sun still shone brightly down on the naked, young English girl; her tender, pale skin streaked with sweaty marks from ropes and fingers, bloody trails from canes and needles and crimson burns from her exposure to the hot, oriental sunshine. She ached all over, but the worst pain was from her pierced stomach, her ravaged sex and her violated anus. She squirmed on the seat, trying to find the least painful position, but every way she turned and twisted seemed to add to her discomfort rather than diminish it. As the jeep started up, and the officer sat next to her, Cara knew this was going to be a long and painful journey, with little prospect that her situation would be any better once they arrived at their destination. Just what did this fat, smelly militia guy intend to do with her?
Published by cdod
5 months ago
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tamina44 5 months ago
Cara hätte ich viele Schmerzen ersparen können, wenn sie sich schon als junges Mädchen regelmässig in den Arsch hätte ficken lassen. 