Humanity has entered a New Era. It is necessary that in this New Era there are changes, and that these changes are not the random and often senseless ones that are produced by what we conventionally call "history", but that they take the form of models of the perfect Archetypes. The long historical phase that is about to end - which has actually already ended - was the one dominated by the Western wh*te man supported in this seizure of world domination by the Christian religion.
An elite of very powerful wh*te people - reviewing this entire long historical phase in which Western civilization took the place of the primordial Asian civilizations and that of Ancient Egypt - has come to the conclusion that this historical Era dominated by wh*tes is reaching its end and that the balance is negative. In this negative balance, the weight of Christianity is undeniable.
Domination of the wh*te man and the spread of Christianity go hand in hand and the Illuminati Elite has decided to settle the score with both: the wh*te race and the religion of Jesus Christ must not only be destroyed, but erased: there must be no more memory of both.
The #woke and #cancelculture spirituality and the #BLM, #BNWO, #RefugeesWelcome, #NoRacism and #OpenBorders political Movements are working to achieve this goal: it is a collective effort and elaboration, in which the Illuminati Elite is supported by a dense web of #NGOs, spontaneous movements and individual supporters without distinction of gender, race, age and social class, all coordinated both from above and below in a network that produces a thousand of initiatives that favor mass immigration in Europe and America.
The watchword is: NO TO RACISM! Even if there are no serious episodes of racism in European societies, it is necessary to ensure that the RIGHTS OF REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS are safeguarded and constantly and progressively extended and increased, at the expense of native wh*tes. To achieve this, it is necessary to accuse far-right parties who want to hinder this process of racism and discrimination. Even if it's not true, the accusation of "racism" works!
Published by astarothlove
7 months ago
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