Mommy Grace and fuck puppet Callie
Grace fifty year old crossdressing bitch, Callie sweet looking twentyfour year old girl next door type with a deep desire to be abused and humiliated. Grace was pissed, her brand new toy turned out to be fucking useless, seems she is unable to complete the simplest of humiliation tasks and she needed to be taught a lesson. So here she was standing outside Callie’s apartment, she knocked on the door and as soon as the stupid fuck tart starts to open the door, Grace shoves it hard all the way open and gives Callie a meaty slap across her face, knocking her glasses to the floor, taking advantage of the shock and surprise she grabs her by the hair and drags her out into the street , pushing her in through the open side door of a waiting van, climbing in behind her and subduing her with another slap she forces and ball gag in her mouth and drawing up her knees duct tapes her wrists to her ankles.Grace climbs into the driving seat and quickly drives off, She had come up with the plan to teach Callie a lesson after talking with one of her friends who having had a similar problem in the past put her in touch with someone that might be able to help. So now following her satnav and with her new daughter trussed up and whimpering in the back, she left town and headed out in to the country side. After about forty five minutes the satnav announced that the had arrived, and Grace pulled the van on the the gravel car park of a Road House, the ramshackle look and the row of around Ten Harleys announced it to be a biker dive. Grace turned off the van went into the back and cut off the binds to Callie’s hands and feet, Callie immediately pulled the ball gag out and began whining “Mommy I’m sorry, I no I’m a fuck up , I was going to do it “ She said. Grace held a hand in front of her face, and said” Honey it’s to late for that, when I give you a task you do it, your only purpose in life now is to please me, and when you don’t, well, we are going to find out, aren’t we” Grace said. Callie reply’s “yes Mommy” Grace takes her hand and leads her across the car park to the door of the bar. On entering the dimly lit room they stand just inside the door and as their eyes adjust to the gloom they find themselves being studied by around half a dozen mean looking bull dyke biker bitches, dressed in baggy jeans denim jackets and leather waste coats with some gang logo on, sittings along side some of the were some of the sexiest young girls Grace had seen, all the girls looked as if they were about to walk on to a porno set. Nobody said a word but all of the dykes stared hungrily at the two new arrivals. The a slight Asian girl of such stunning beauty, that Grace’s jaw actually dropped open, detached her self from the bar and seemed to glide towards them , staring at Callie and with out looking at Grace she said, “ you daughter is like a jewel from a dragons neck” she then turned her face towards Grace and gave her an enigmatic smile. A loud voice from behind the bar called “ That’s just Little Bamboo, or LB as we call her, she is always coming out with shit like that, she’s touched in the head, but she sure is pretty on she’s got a tongue that can lap your cunny for hours, I’m Mama June, I guess you’re Grace and this fine drink of water is your problem girl?” This was spoken by a short very squat buzz cut dyke standing behind the bar. “LB honey why don’t you show are guests into the card room” she said. . LB takes Callie’s by her free hand and leads both Callie and Grace between the tables to a door in the back wall of the bar, everyone in the place watching them go, many of them with a knowing smirk on their faces. The ‘card room’ turned out to be a room even less well lit than the bar with a single yellowing build glowing feeble over a table in the middle of the room surrounded by several chairs. Grace dropped Callie hand and LB took her to the table and bent her over it. Callie looked up at Grace and said in a shaky voice “Mommy I am sorry, and I will take my punishment, I do just want to be Mommy’s good slut!” “ Ok Honey, that’s all I want.”Grace replied. Just then the door opened and June waddled in followed by one of the other bull dykes from the bar, both of them were wearing two of the biggest strap ons Grace had ever seen. June positioned her self behind Callie and LB produced a jar andProceed to rub some of its contents up and down June massive rubber cock. Callie wide eyed turned to Grace again with a pleading look ”Momm” she started to say but was cut short my the bar biker stepping in front her her grabbing her hair and feeding her dildo in to her mouth and with a thrust of her hip sliding deep down her throat, Callie gave a muffled gagging cry as just then June forced her dildo in to her arse and again without any finesse deep in to Callie guts. Callie tried to scream her throat was crammed with rubber cock. The two dykes began to get in to a rhythm both thrusting at the same, making it seem to Grace that the whole of Callie’s body was expanding and then contracting with every in and out thrust. Callie was moaning like so sort of wounded animal. As she thrust June looked at LB and said “Honey, now if you wouldn’t mind” with that LB went to one corner of the room and returned with ab old school Hitachi Magic Wand that looked like it came from the eighties, plugging it in to a power outlet, she crawled under the table turned it on and began to buzz Callie’s clit from underneath as she was pounded from the back and the front. Grace had stood mesmerised by the sight of her litl girl being so mercilessly fucked, her cock felt so massive in her panties she thought she might explod. June, who was starting to sweat from the effort looked at Grace and slightly breathlessly said, “ Beautiful sight isn’t it, off you feel the need, don’t be shy” Grace needing to come so bad now, need no further encouragement. She pulled up the hem of her dress with one hand and with the other freed her ridged cock, going the head of the table and standing next to bar dyke she began to wank over the dildo sliding in and out of Callie’s mouth, up close she could see her throat expanding with every thrust, she was so turned on that within a very short time she was shooting her load over the dildo as it came out of Callie’s mouth so that with every stroke back in it was carrying some of her come in to her mouth. June laughed “ wow little lady you don’t hang about” Grace replied “ This is so fucking hot, thank you for taking care of her” just then Callie’s moans and muffled scream began to build higher and higher, the dykes both began to thrust harder and LB worked the wand harder against Callie’s clit, then with mighty chocked scream Callie’s hole body jerked and shook, with her eyes rolling in to the back of her head she slumped motionless on the table. “Yep” June said sweating profusely and breathless, “ works every time, I think your girl has learned her lesson, and if your ever get board of her we could always do with some more sweet meat around here!” She slowly withdrew her massive cock and it made a meaty flop as it dropped from Callie’s ruined arse hole on to the table. “We’ll look at that “ she said looking down “ a little rose bud” because Callie’s anus had prolapsed out about Two inches. LB seeing it came from under the table and pushing June to one side began to greedily lick and slurp at it, trying to take it all in her mouth , this continued until Callie’s unconscious body drew it back inside.” We will help you get her back in the van “ June said” she could be out for hours, and your probably best to pick up some adult diapers on the way home, cause she won’t be able to control herself for a couple of weeks.” So after two of the big dykes from the bar picked up the still unconscious Callie and dumped her in the front seat of the van. Grace again thanked Mama June “ no problem, any time , that just got my motor running, now I have a date with LB tongue and my cunny, take care now” she said and turned and headed back into her bar. On the drive back about half way home Callie stirred, opened her eyes , looked over at ar Grace and said in a low strained voice “ Thank you Mommy” the closed her eyes again.
6 months ago