A whore/sissy contract

A whore/ slut contract

Details of Contract

Rule one

The ‘slut/whore’ will be required to be in ‘feminine mode’ 24/7. There would be NO exceptions to this rule. The ‘slut’ will obey to the best of her ability, and to devote herself entirely to the pleasure and desires of her Mistress. The ‘slut’ will also renounce all rights to her own pleasure, comfort, or gratification except insofar as permitted by her Mistress. The Mistress will be considerate in allowing the ‘slut’ some pleasure, if earned, however.

Rule one (Subsection one)

The ‘slut’ will be allowed a maximum of one hour morning and night to ensure full femininity is maintained. The Mistress will not wish to see said ‘slut’ during this period as the Mistress only wishes to own only K…… and only in her feminine form. Funds will be made available, by the Mistress, for whatever clothing, makeup, hygiene or other requirements as are reasonably requested. The ‘slut’ will become a kept sexual ‘slut/whore’ to be used freely by the Mistress and will act and behave accordingly!!

Rule one (Subsection two)

The ‘slut’ will be required, by her Mistress, to immediately undergo full and total facial and body electrolytes regardless of any pain and/or any other cosmetic procedures requested by her Mistress.

Rule one (Subsection three)

The ‘slut’ lwill commence, as soon as feasible after signing the contract, an intensive course of hormone therapy treatment designed to increase her femininity, breast enlargement, skin softness and figure enhancements. The downsides of this treatment will be an effect on, not only her virility but ensure a much smaller cock, which will again be a visual improvement. The ‘sluts’ ‘pearls’ whilst beautiful are far too big, in the Mistresses opinion, and surgical castration of them at a later date cannot, unfortunately, be ruled out.

Rule two

The ‘slut’ will, regardless of any other considerations, at least twice a day, possibly more, if necessary, perform hand or oral relief, on the Mistress, ensuring that full sperm ejectulation is achieved. One of these wanking’s or oral procedures will be required first thing in the morning, without fail, again regardless of any other demands. Failure to bring her off or for the Mistress not to scream in pleasure during orgasm will result in some form of punishment or loss of privileges to yourself.

Rule two (Subsection one)

Swallowing of the Mistresses spunk will be mandatory at ALL times without hesitation or trepidation, unless a request for facial, stocking clad leg or body spunking is made.

Rule two (Subsection two)

Should the Mistress produce any excess seminal fluid, at any time, or during the wanking procedures, or if the ‘slut’ is wearing a mouth gag and unable to swallow, the ‘slut’will endeavour to save said seminal fluid to be consumed by the ‘slut’ at a later date but not later than two days after.

Rule three

The ‘slut’ will, with NO exceptions, be available for full, deep anal penetration, by the Mitresses cock, throughout the day and night although the Mistress will try to be considerate in this requirement. The ‘slut’ shall also submit, at all times, to insemination in her anus or mouth; and to ejaculations over her hair, over her breasts, on her belly, thighs, legs, hands, feet and over her ass. Time will be allowed for cleaning/hygienic procedures to be undertaken after being used but between the hours of seven o’clock and eleven o’clock in the evening the ‘slut’ MUST be clean, fully lubricated and available to take the Mistresses cock, regardless of any other considerations. This aspect of rule three is to be STRICTLY adhered too.

Rule four

Should, for whatever reason, her Mistress not require the ‘sluts’ hole for fucking, the ‘slut’ must also, at all times be ready to take any dildo or sexual implements which the Mistress could require the ‘slut’ to take anally, regardless of length, texture or girth The ‘whore’ will not complain or offer any objection regardless of pain inflicted.

Rule four (Subsection one)

A large jewelled butt plug would be worn at all times, when the ‘slut’ is not being fucked or used and, if possible, clothing excepted, will be on full show. The coloured jewels on the ends will take the form of a ‘traffic light’ code.

A RED jewel plug would signify the need for anal cock fucking to be administered IMMEDIATELY and URGENTLY

A GREEN jewel plug would take the form of a remote controlled plug, controlled by the Mistress, should she not be in the ‘sluts’ vicinity and need to remind the ‘slut’ of her ownership. It should be noted that, at times, and at the Mistresses discretion, the control of this plug could be passed to other individuals to control said ‘slut’.

A PURPLE jewel plug would signify a need for LARGE DILDO or FISTING INSERTION

A BLACK jewel plug would signify a need for BLACK COCK (This will be more of a notification, to the Mistress, of the ‘whores’ lusting for black cock!!)

A ORANGE jewel plug would indicate TEMPORARY UNAVAILABILITY due to soreness or overuse

A YELLOW jewel plug would indicate TEMPORARY UNAVAILABILITY due to hygiene issues such as large amounts of ‘shit’ being seen (although ‘shit’, in itself, wouldn’t necessarily preclude either fucking or rimming’)

It would be expected that RED and GREEN jewelled plugs would be on show most of the time. However regardless of colour of the butt plug being worn, if the Mistress needs the ‘sluts’ hole to use, the colour of the plug will be deemed totally irrelevant.

Rule four (Subsection two)

The rimming of the Mistresses hole will be expected, not only to symbolically humiliate the ‘slut’, but also to give pleasure to the Mistress and, subsequently, indirectly, the ‘slut’ too. As the Mistress loves the ‘slut’ very much she will also rim the ‘slut’ to not only gain pleasure herself but to imprint her love on her hole x

Rule four (Subsection three)

The ‘whore’ may also be required to wear a horse or animal tail at times at the Mistresses request and act accordingly. The use and wearing of bridles, reins and dog collars, in particular, would also be expected especially when visiting sex clubs and dogging sites

Rule five

Clothing. The Mistress will supply necessary funds for all clothing. Stockings, hold ups or crutch less tights will be de rigueur at all times, preferably sheer!! The ‘slut/whore’ will wear what her Mistress wants to see the ‘slut’ in. This will invariably be of an extreme tarty and obscene nature. The ‘slut’ will have no decision in what to wear, however the Mistress will, occasionally, listen to any request should there be a desire to wear even more extreme and obscenely items of clothing. If the ‘slut’ did wish to go out, ‘smart secretary’ would be acceptable/appropriate but in the house she would immediately return to a normal tarty look. If found, not looking beautifully gorgeously tarty looking, punishment or loss of privileges could be applied. The ‘whores’ sole aim, clothes wise, will be to look like a whore and, by definition, to act like one too!!

Rule five (Subsection one)

Wigs. A selection of up to a dozen hairpieces will be supplied and allowed. Some will be of a very expensive nature but two or three will be used exclusively for when in ‘prostitute/whore/ slut’ mode and be of poor/cheap quality. They will not, in general, be cleaned regularly (or at all!!!) and spunk stains from ‘punters’, if so soiled, will be left in situ to enhance the already slutty appearance.

Rule five (Subsection two)

Lipstick and make up. Bright red heavily applied glossy lipstick preferred together with ‘heavy’ eye and facial makeup. It is envisaged that for normal ‘fuck’ duties, cheap Primark/superdrug makeup will be worn.

Rule five (Subsection three)

Perfume. Dior, or similarly high quality perfume, will be worn in the home when in the Mistresses company whereas for any other activity eg. Dogging, Soliciting, clubbing etc the cheapest Primark perfume will be used.

Rule Six

Further clothing requirements. At the Mistresses expense, the ‘slut’ will have several ‘best’ sexy outfits. One of these will be a made to measure skin tight fully fitted soft supple leather catsuit with suitable zippers in strategic places to allow full anal sexual penetration and nipple torture. A similar catsuit in bright red shiny latex and a further one in rubber will also be supplied. Additional outfits will be supplied, in line with whatever sexual deviation takes her Mistresses fancy which could include various uniforms. (Nurse, policewoman etc). The style selected will invariably include obscenely short micro mini skirts and dresses, and the aim, in her Mistresses eyes, will be to ensure a look, whenever possible, to a look as similar as possible, to a cheap slutty street whore. Rewards will be given for looking even more like a prostitute than the Mistress could ever possibly imagine xxx

Rule seven

Heels. High heeled stilettos will be worm at all times whilst indoors, without exception. High heeled white ankle boots are also favoured by the Mistress. Monies will be made available for an expensive and extensive shoe and boot collection. Several thigh length high heeled boots will be included and worn on a regular basis. No heels under four inches in height will be permitted and this rule will be strictly enforced. Ridiculously high scrappy platform heels in red or white would be a perfect and acceptable accompaniment to most outfits. When in ‘smart secretary’ mode, outdoors or driving lower heels or the ‘sluts’ favourite 2” ankle boots will be permitted.

Rule eight

The ‘slut’ will be allowed and expected to remain ‘caged’ and, like the jewelled butt plug, her beautiful caged cock would be, whenever possible, be completely exposed, on view and accessible to be fondled by her Mistress, as she so wishes, at any time. In the main, no underwear will be worn although, in some cases, for instance on the way to a sex club, a very skimpy string thong would be permitted or some form of see through plastic type knickers.

Rule eight (Subsection one)

At least once a month (or if you were to be punished for any rule infringements), you will remove the cage to allow your Mistress unfettered access, allowing her to wank, suck or use your cock at her pleasure. The Mistress fully accepts that this may be a contentious rule but I feels that once a month to suck and wank your gorgeous cock would be allowable. If, at any time, pre cum or full ejeculation occur, you will immediately inform the Mistress to allow mouth, lip and tongue cleaning, by the Mistress and full swallowing of said seminal fluid.

Rule eight (Subsection two)

As requested, the Mistress has agreed to a further one hour release clause to allow the torture and abuse of your girl-cock and pearls by a Dom or Domme of your choosing. These ‘meets’ would NOT be on a regular basis but at the Mistresses discretion but she is very mindful of your needs. The Mistress would need to be present during these visits to, not only ensure safety but also to study the methods used as, eventually, she would like to undertake this torture herself. If the surgical procedure mentioned in Rule one (Subsection three) takes place this requirement, the Mistress feels, will become less of an issue.

Rule nine

At NO time, will the Mistress object to the ‘whore’ being fucked by any other men the ‘whore’ desires to be fucked by. Large black cocks to fuck you as a complete ‘slut’ are preferred and will be encouraged!!! The Mistress will actively search for, on the ‘sluts’ behalf, using various internet tools, to find suitable black men with large well endowed cocks, for the ‘slut’ to be serviced on a regular basis. To maintain a regular supply of cocks to use on the ‘slut’ there may be, at times, a requirement for the ‘slut’ to accept white cocks which maybe off an inferior size. The ‘slut’ will NOT complain in this instance. It will be a requirement that on the first meet a rubber WILL be used although for subsequent fucking’s, by the same black (or white) cock, this rule will NOT be enforced by the Mistress. The Mistress fully accepts that as a ‘slut’ you cannot be held responsible for their actions and fully understands that craving black men’s cock spunk deep inside you is a normal want and necessity on your part xxx

Rule nine (Subsection one)

You will also, in intimate detail, explain to your Mistress, after you’ve been used, a complete breakdown of every aspect of the sex act previously performed. It will also be a requirement that the Mistress will also fuck you as soon as possible (hole still dripping with spunk, preferably ) after you’ve had sex with another man or men, or, if you are still sore from hard forced sex, you will wank her to completion. The Mistress will, NEVER use any form of protection whist fucking your hole, regardless of what state it’s in, and will expect you to retain her spunk within your hole for as long as possible.

Rule nine (Subsection two)

As a special dispensation, the Mistress will endeavour to ensure that, as a treat, you have full anal or oral sex, hopefully at least once a week with another man who is a total stranger, and previously unknown to you. This additional usage of you anally and orally will in no way impact or impinge on Rule three (ESPECIALLY) or Rule four giving the Mistress unfettered access to your hole at ALL times regardless.

Rule nine (Subsection three)

Requests, by the ‘slut’ for full sex with other transsexuals or cross dressers will be reviewed on a case by case basis but allowing this to happen will be very restricted due to jealousy on your Mistresses part.

Rule ten

Clubs. Trips to clubs, especially in the London and Manchester areas will be entertained and, if the occasion arises, you will offer yourself for split roasting, orgies, gang bangs, toilet sex, glory holes, or any similar activities without exception. Whenever possible the entire visit will be videoed for either sale, posted on the internet or for detailed appraisal later. Should you be asked for your permission to be filmed, during any sex act, you will accept willingly with no requirement to request your Mistresses permission.

Rule ten (Subsection one)

Should the Mistress require sex with another woman, man, cross dresser or transsexual, at any such venue, you will actively encourage, watch and assist totally including assisting, by hand, the Mistresses cock into the recipients relevant hole. You will also ensure you are available to suck your Mistress clean after said sex or, prior to leaving the club, ensure that she is completely clean, satisfied sexually and drained, spunk wise.

Rule ten (Subsection two)

Dogging. There could be a requirement, at certain times, to accompany the Mistress to various dogging sites. It would be hard, in this type of scenario, to enforce the rubber protection rule and your Mistress would therefore relax the rule placing the decision in your hands entirely. It may be, on occasions, that the Mistress takes on a unfamiliar male mode, and joins the queue of ‘admirers’ waiting to fuck and use the ‘whores’ spunky hole xx

Rule ten (Subsection three)

Whoring and Soliciting. There will also be a requirement for you to offer yourself, standing on street corners, dressed accordingly, for sex in ‘red light areas’ with complete strangers, as a street whore. If a punter is picked up and sex is agreed, a rubber WILL be worn (NOT NEGOTIABLE) as most prostitutes would request this anyway. This would NOT be a requirement if oral sex is provided. You will offer full anal sex for £30 (bartered down to £20 if necessary), oral sex for £10 (bartered down to £5 if necessary) however ‘handjobs’ will be offered free. Sex will take place either alongside the car for oral or over the bonnet for anal. The Mistress will be in the car watching and wanking whilst you are being used. A run down dirty side alley would also be an acceptable location for sex, particularly if the Mistress used you straight afterwards in the same location. You will NOT retain any monies earned and pass said monies directly to your Mistress.

Rule ten (Subsection four)

The Mistress will also, on selected trips to said ‘red light areas’, accompany the ‘whore’ and offer herself accordingly to said same ‘punters’ probably only, in the first instance, for hand relief (this however may change if the Mistresses anal training , by the ‘slut’ proves successful). The ‘slut’ will ensure that the Mistress looks suitably whorey and tarty, if necessary offering her a ‘tart’ outfit, if deemed necessary. The ‘slut’ will, when soliciting, ensure the safety of the Mistress at all times during these visits.

Rule ten (Subsection five)

Whether clubbing, dogging or soliciting the ‘standard’ dress will be, generally, whore!! This will consist of a cheap ‘soiled’ wig, tight skimpy top, micro mini skirt, NO knickers (string thong excepted if soliciting and travelling to said venues) and high heeled stilettos or ankle boots. Cheap laddered holdups are permitted.

Rule eleven

Several holidays would be taken each year, fully funded by the Mistress, at no cost to the ‘whore’. Whilst most would be probably to sun resorts, city breaks or sites of mutual interest, some of these holidays would also be taken to well known sex ‘destinations’ such as Amsterdam or Thailand, in particular, where we would both enjoy ‘total’ sexual experiences. During any city breaks, ‘red light areas’ would definitely be explored and, where possible, the women/men used accordingly or even the ’slut’ offered to be further exploited for sex and money.

Rule twelve

BDSM. All forms of BDSM will be used and encouraged, especially on the ‘slut’ and to a lesser degree on the Mistress as well. You will be also encouraged to push boundaries in this area, particularly in regard to nipple torture, anal insertions, anal gapping and fisting. The only limit will be your ability to accept and withstand pain!!! The Mistress will at NO stage inflict any torture or pain on you unless specifically requested.

Rule twelve (Subsection one)

Experienced guest Dom’s and Dommesses will be invited, occasionally, to give additional instructions/education, to broaden our outlook in this genre and to give specialised pleasurable pain to you, the ‘slut’, in particular. The equipment used by said Doms and Dommes will be completely at their discretion as will be the severity of their use. The Mistress will offer complete support to his ‘slut’, assistance, love and affection after said instruction and education.

Rule twelve (Subsection two)

The Mistress agrees to furnish all toys such as vibrators, dildos, strap ons etc. and punishment implements such as crops and whips. You will, as a ‘slut’ and ‘whore’, agree to clean and maintain all toys, have them available for use on you at all times, and inform the Mistress of any needing repairs or replacements.

Rule twelve (Subsection three)

The safe word to be used when limits are exceeded will be ‘Watermelon’ and a visual hand signal will be also agreed.

Rule thirteen

Watching Pornography, especially by the Mistress, will be perfectly acceptable to you, as will the more extreme forms of this genre. You will be encouraged to find, on the internet, more extreme forms for the Owners pleasure and titillation. This will NOT involve any form of sex with young persons but include videos including group, tranny, shemale, piss, street walkers, Indian, oiled black boys and gay. The sensual wanking of your Mistresses cock during this activity will be required and expected.

Rule fourteen

General rules and observations. You will impart all your knowledge, to your Mistress, regarding feminisation and makeup techniques, instruct her in anal and sexual hygiene techniques (ESPECIALLY) and encourage her to take and enjoy being fucked anally by other men and transsexuals. You will use your skills to open up your Mistress using a variety of butt plugs and dildos without causing her undue pain to prepare her for ‘proper’ sexual intercourse.

Rule fourteen(subsection one)

The Mistress agrees to furnish you with a symbolic token of her ownership. You will agree to wear this symbol at all times, except when to do so would be inappropriate or would non-consensually, involve others. The actual nature of this symbol is yet to be determined but could be a form of collar, ring, bracelet or something of a more intimate sexual nature. Although not generally favoured by your Mistress, a Tattoo on your body, if acceptable to yourself, could be considered a suitable token of ownership. It’s form to be agreed by both parties.

Rule fourteen(Subsection two)

Threesomes, particularly with other like minded cross dressers, although gentle and considerate black men, would be considered, even more so when the Mistresses anal training had been completed.

Rule fourteen(Subsection three)

Obviously the ‘slut’ would, as part of her sexual duties, be expected to be spanked, usually prior to being fucked, to help with sexual arousal for both the ‘slut’ and your Mistress and on a fairly regular basis. Being spanked lightly should not, in any respect, be considered a punishment.

Rule fourteen (Subsection four)

However if you commit any ‘serious’ transgressions you will be punished severely and this will unfortunately involve ‘hard and very painful’ corporal punishment. The Mistress will not administer this punishment as she is deeply in love with you but will ‘invite’ a specialist to carry out this punishment. The Mistress will NOT be present during this time !!!

Rule fifteen

The last and most important rule is that the Mistress will worship the very ground you walk on, love your sex unconditionally, be always in total awe of your beauty, fuck you always with love and affection, spunk and fill you with as much cum as she can summon, never cause you pain and worship your gorgeous body as a shine to all things sexual and beautiful xxx

Rule fifteen (Subsection one)


Joanna ‘Loves’ everything about his perfect slut xxx

Signed………….(. ) The Mistress

Signed …………(. ) The Slut/Whore
Published by joannacd1
7 months ago
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