My job as a Sissy 3

Then the thought of another mans cock in my hand , made me want to retch, As my stomach heaved and I was about to run for the door the killing blow hit me. My car, the car that I was so proud of, that I new all my mates were jealous of, I had only had it two weeks and I had borrowed the money off two very, very unsavoury guys, the kind of guys that do just shrug their shoulders and say ā€œno worries mate!ā€ They were the kind of guyā€™s who broke your finger if you were a day lake with the monthly, suddenly jacking the boss off didnā€™t seem so bad, fucking terrible, but nothing would be broken. Resolutely I helped Miss Hale take off my trousers and socks until , a broken man I stood in nothing but my boxers in the middle of the office. Seeing my utter dejection Miss Hale sort to give me some encouragement, ā€œ Look Honey, how about I make you a little dealā€ she said, ā€œa dealā€ I said. ā€œ Yes, how about you get all dressed up in these clothes, go in there and give old chubby cock a quick wank, and then when we get backā€ she then leaned in and whispered in my earā€ Iā€™ll suck you off and swallow you loadā€ and again my mind flipped, so this super hot woman who had not taken a blind bit of notice of me wants to suck me off, This was some real Alice Through The Looking Glass Shit. And just then to push the point home she gave the front of my boxers a little rub and with an encouraging smile said, ā€œ come on then letā€™s get you in this dressā€Holding up a pair of very small white panties she Said ā€œ Start with these ā€œ now having a bit more motivation I whipped off my boxers took the panties and pulled the up over my now stiff cock, the thin material was strained tight, ā€œgoodā€she said encouragingly holding out a pair of Black hold up seamed stockings, pulling them on felt surprisingly good ,all I was focused on was the promised blow job.
Then picking up the dress which turned out to some sort of a French Maid type thing she helped pull it over my head and down into place, then after helping me in to the heels and placing a Blond wig on my head, she lead me , tottering in the unfamiliar shoes to stand in front of a full length mirror fitted on the inside of the door in the corner, I was shocked to see my self but with promise of the impending BJ , I looked good ,and felt good,ā€That will have to do for now, shame we havenā€™t got time for makeup ā€œ she said, Then taking me by my hand lead me back to Mr Allenā€™s office, Out side the door and before knocking, she turned to me and saidā€ ok, you ready?ā€ I nodded and she knocked on the door and walked in. Mr Allen was still sitting at his desk and after looking me up and down, said, ā€œ Ahh excellent work Miss Haleā€ and to me said, ā€œ right then , err come round this sideā€ gesturing to the Right hand side, as I came round the end of his desk , he swivelled on his chair to face me revealing that he had no trousers or pants on and sitting erect was as Miss Hale had described, A cubby little cock. ā€œOkā€ He said ā€œ I you wouldnā€™t mindā€ waving towards his groin, so this was it then the nub of the matter,so to speak right, erm , I just have wank him off , in this dress, I keep my job , my legs wonā€™t get broken by a pair of loan sharks, and I get sucked off,ok, I can do this, ā€œ I there a problem? ā€œ he asked Snapped out of my revelry in knelt down in front of him took a firm hold of his member and began to pump away. To my surprise he turned his head towards Miss Hale and saidā€did we get that shipment of vinyl form Blakeā€™s yet?ā€ ā€œ No Mr Allen, I was going to chase it up this afternoonā€ Again with surreal, Iā€™m on the floor in a dress tossing him off and the pair of them are carrying on as if Iā€™m not there. I kept my eyes and thoughts firmly on the body of Miss Hale , and before I knew it in the the middle of sentence about maintenance expenses and just a slight pause he shot his load in four short spurts, then finishing what he said turn to me and said,ā€ ermmm, thank you Jane, that, that was a very good startā€
And that was it job done , now for the reward, I stood up and headed to Miss Hales office , I could her finish up and follow after me.Once in her office she shut the door I held up up right hand which was covered in my bosses come, ā€œ have you got any tissue ā€œ I asked looking at my hand with some disgust, ā€œI take care of thatā€ she said and taking hold of my hand she lifted it her mouth and began to lick it clean. More to follow.
Published by Grace331
7 months ago
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Naughtynev69 1 month ago
peterjones1967 4 months ago
This is great, please continue :smile:
algar56 4 months ago
j'aime aussiĀ 
hottvcarole 7 months ago
Please donā€™t leave it there.Ā 
sensual2011 7 months ago
it feels so good to become a sissy