I was driving to Fort Wayne, Indiana to meet a 27 year old cross dresser named Miranda. We initially met online and started chatting. I learned she had been living as a woman for over four years. I was ccurious, I asked many questions and she was kind enough to oblige. Eventually we started calling each other once or twice a week. If she had a bad day, I listened. If I was having problems with my girlfriend, she would give advice. I had known for some time that I was bisexual and told Miranda about my earlier experiences. Similarly, she and I had experienced traumatic events in our earlier lives that left us hurt, ashamed, confused, angered, and violated. We talked in great length about it and confessed about the post effects that we currently struggled with. I told her more about myself than my girlfriend at that time. So as I made to Miranda's place, I found myself excited and very much aroused as the prospect of becoming a full time cross dresser.
You might think that we were meeting for sex but on the contrary. ....Miranda said I wasn't her type. She had a couple of guys she was seeing and my body type was a turn off for her. I was 22, 5'10", a bottom, slim waisted 26", very lean muscled 105lbs, pasty white kid with long white blonde hair, blue eyes, average looking, and small cocked of just 6.5" with a nice cut tip. Miranda was 6'2" tall, a top,she weighed 185lbs, she was also fair skinned, with long dark hair and brown eyes, she had very nice slender long cut cock of 8 inches. She liked her men thick and husky, with better than average looks, and had money. Of which, I was a college student with hardly no money. Still, it was summer break and my girlfriend was going on a girls week long party and I was left behind because I couldn't afford to go with her. I managed to get a cheap motel room near where Miranda lived. I was to meet Miranda after checking in. If she could help me....we were going to go out together.
I arrived at the motel with a bag of my girlfriend's clothes and make-up. I shaved my entire body in the shower, and got dressed a little slurry. A tight top with sheer panties, a short hot pink skirt, sandals because my girlfriend's feet were smaller than mine. Miranda was going to help me with my hair and make-up. I was nervously shaking as I walked up the two floors to her apartment. I knocked and their was no answer. I knocked again. I began to think she had stood me up and was beginning to think I looked foolish for nothing. The door across the hall opened and Miranda appeared. Her dark hair was draped around her face she spoke in a deeper tone than I was expecting and asked me to come in. It was a test, she confessed. The apartment I knocked on was empty and she was looking through the peep hole to see if it was me. Her apartment was messy, piles of boxes were stacked everywhere, the kitchen was unkempt, the small living room had a long couch and a sex swing hung in the corner. Her bedroom, at the moment was off limits, as she took me into her bathroom. The bathroom was a large as the living room. There was stand up shower with two heads, a long counter across one wall with a long mirror and two faucets. She asked me to sit down and started curling and spraying aqua net to style my hair. We talked. It was weird at first and I could sense she was as nervous as I was. I confessed my nnervousness and she did as well. We laughed and the mood relaxed. She did a great job on my hair and went to town on the make-up. When she finished, I looked so hot.....I wanted to fuck myself !! Miranda got herself ready as we chatted on. As she was doing the final touches, she let me on the game plan for the evening.
We were going to meet a guy friend of hers and he was bringing a friend. It was to be a double date. I asked what to expect, Miranda explained that nothing had to happen if I didn't want it. It was a test run for me and her guy's friend who was bisexual but was unsure if he liked cds. I asked if he was cute and Miranda laughed saying he was perfect for me. She complimented me on how sexy I looked and made me feel warm all over. She flirted with me and I with her. Our egos were high and I felt this incredible sense of confidence. I was now Miranda's friend "Tina". I got some feminine advice from Miranda. If things went well, she said, Tina would be getting lucky tonight. We stepped out and I drove to the restaurant. The guy showed up .....by himself!! He was an inch taller than Miranda, he had a full beard, husky build, big strong hands, with a tan complextion. He smiled at us and gave Miranda a small kiss on the lips. His hand patted her ass. He quickly informed us that his friend couldn't make it and he was stuck having two hot dates. He looked at me and I could feel his stare stripping away my clothes. It felt oddly erotic to be visually sexualized. We ate and talked. Miranda and him had a few drinks...I wasn't much of a drinker. While we were just sitting at the table, Miranda took off her high heel and stuck her foot up my skirt. I jumped and the table banged loudly. She and the guy laughed. She rubbed me so hard. I twitched and squirmed trying not to be obvious. They watched me. I could see the guys arm moving. He was rubbing Miranda, Miranda was rubbing him, and she was rubbing my tiny cock hard. I confessed it was hot. I begged Miranda to stop because I was getting close to climax. I tried to stop her. I grabbed the thick napkin and stuffed it down on myself as I gushed. I moaned as softly as I could. The man followed, the Miranda. An exhausted look covered our faces. I was sweating and I needed Miranda to touch my make-up. We went into the ladies room.
In the ladies room, Miranda confessed to me that she was attracted to me and could sense that her man was also attracted to me. It made me feel good and I was aroused. Miranda helped me fix my face and hair then pulled me into the far stall. She locked it and then we started kissing. She pushed me up against the wall. I felt her down there, Miranda wasn't shy. She grabbed onto me and fondled my balls and cock. I couldn't control my feminine moans. We heard another patron enter the restroom. We went silent. Miranda turned me around and pushed me easily over the toilet. I moved quietly. She pulled down my cum soaked panties. She lifted my skirt as she hiked up her short dress. She slid up behind me and reached around as I used my arms to support myself from crashing face first into the wall. We heard the patron passing into the toilet as Miranda reached around my thin waist grabbing both our cocks. She stroked hard wanking both our cocks. Her flesh was searing hot. My legs were shaking and weak. The patron flushed. The sound seemed so loud in that moments of heighten awareness. Miranda whispered in my ear. She was going to fuck me right now and I think a little cum came out of my tip. I wasn't ready. Miranda reached into her purse, I slipped out of my panties and pulled my skirt up. A cool liquid drizzled down my backside. Fingers were used. Miranda whispered after the patron washed hands. Can I go without as she exclaimed how tight my hole was. I gave a high pitched uh huh with a nod. I stepped up on the lid of the toilet and pulled open my little gaping hole. Miranda rubbed lube on her tip. I looked back at her dark eyes. She was transfixed on my tight little ass. She gripped around her tip and pressed it onwards. I resisted a little and with some force...Miranda had penetrated me. My cock bounced as she felt her way inside me. I was moaning as softly as I could. I told her how much I had fantasized about this and how good it felt. She pushed in long and slow. My cock was hard, it oozed cum out onto the toilet and floor. Miranda squeezed my hips hard and in moments .....proceeded to explode inside my ass. She cried out and I cried out too. She quivered and shook every ounce. I begged her to stay in. Another patron entered the bathroom and Miranda pulled herself out. I moaned a sigh of relief and agony. My hole longed for Miranda and I felt empty. Soon and urge hit me and I gave out a burpy farts as the semen extruded from my sloppy violated hole. Miranda used toilet paper to clean up and had me open my legs to stuff it in the toilet. She was huge still even if she was semi hard. Miranda pulled down her dress and leaned over me. She kissed me softly and spoke. Stating she had never been that turned on in a while. Miranda confessed she didn't expect to cum so quickly. I smiled wearily and asked how do I look. We both broke out laughing as I passed gas. I am ssure the patron heard us. Miranda stepped out of the restroom to wash her hands. I pushed out the secretions as much as I could. Then fumbled to put on my panties after wiping up. I pulled down my skirt. Miranda waited for me and helped me out with reapplying my face.
We finally excited the bathroom and Miranda's date was waiting there. He had picked up the tab! Miranda suggested that we go shopping so I followed Miranda and her man in his car. As I was following, my ass was still oozing. I was stuffing kleenex down between my legs. When we got to the mall. I could feel that my pink skirt was wet. Miranda verified it was showing. I was embarrassed. I walked in with my ass throbbing. Miranda noticed I was in pain and gave me something. It took a little time but it made me feel good. Miranda's date was so nice. He proudly escorted both of us into the mall. There were some stares from onlookers. Miranda gave me an encouraging look as we got to shopping.
Immediately, Miranda picked out a couple of cute dresses. I just watched as she went on like no one was watching. Her man and I just followed around. He held my hand for a little while. It felt nice but kind of awkward. My hand was sweaty and he let go to grab my ass. I jumped as he smiled at me. I returned the smile shyly back. He bent over and whispered in my ear. Why are you not picking anything out? I replied I didn't have any money. I barely had enough for the two night stay at the motel and gas i explained. The man then took me off guard..."Kiss me!" I froze. I looked at Miranda who was looking at us. She nodded in approval. We kissed. It felt good, my knees knocked as his tongue slipped into my mouth. His hands held face while he passionately kissed me. I instinctively reached around his robust body and placed my hands on his manly hind end. I had never felt that way after kissing a guy before. He was very good. A little woozy, I stumbled over to Miranda. I looked back at the man and smiled. I told Miranda about how amazing a kisser he was and she agreed and laughed at my weakened disposition. She then told me softly that we could pick out whatever we wanted. I couldn't believe it! We shopped and shopped. He bought everything! I walked out wearing a slinky black and white dress that showed of my curvy bubble butt and nice legs. ..at least that is what the man told me. I go some lacy underwear, and top and some flattering/revealing skirts. Miranda got much more. I thanked the man and kissed him again just because I felt so grateful. He looked at me and I had never felt that way before. I was falling for Miranda's man. I began to worry. We left the mall and headed back to his place. I was feeling amazing but was concerned about Miranda. When we got to his house, I pulled Miranda into the bathroom. I confessed that I was feeling guilty about my feelings towards her man. It was in that moment, I learned about Miranda.
She didn't see him as her man. Just a guy she liked to keep on a string. In fact, she told me she had several men that did the same for her. She seemed a bit put oft by my niceness. Miranda admitted that she was hoping to make a new connection with the man's friend who didn't show up. She didn't care if I had feelings about her man. She did confess that fucking me in the bathroom was a first and she enjoyed it because she hadn't barebacked in some time. It made me feel cheap and sickly ......I liked it. Miranda would later explain that in order to live the "lifestyle" she was playing men .......sex or the possibility of sex for favors. She encouraged me to do the same.
The night turned into loads of drinking, watching porn, seductive talk, making out, and finishing the evening for me with the man giving me a blow job I will never forget and perhaps one of the best I ever had. I drove back to my hotel by myself. I showered and then tried on my new clothes, masturbated until I fell asleep.
The next morning , I awoke to an ass that was sore and a hard on. I took another shower and put on a tight top with my abdomen showing and cut oft jean shorts and a new pair of thong underwear with sandals. I did my hair one make-up as best as I could.......till I barely saw myself and headed to Miranda's apartment. It was around 11:25 when I arrived. Miranda looked raragged.She didn't look all that good as she just let me in. She went to the bedroom and I silently followed. To my surprise was a tall skinny dark skinned man laying naked on top of the bed. He was muscular and in great shape. He was laying face down and Miranda crashed down next to him. I stood there quietly for moments just imaging what had happened. Miranda then slurred spat out, "why don't you come back tonight and we will go out?" I said ok and was walking back to the door. Just as the door squeaked open, Miranda shouted out that I should go swe her man. She said he liked me. I took off.
I was just going back to my motel when I couldn't fight the urge to see the man again. I drove to his house. I was nervous walking up to his front door as the neighbors looked at me. I rang the door bell. There was no answer. I rang it again, and thought I had heard someone moving inside. I rang it a third time and he answered. He was wearing a robe that barely covered his big hairy body. He smiled when he saw me and quickly invited me in. He was offered me some juice and we sat at his kitchen table. I sat there unsure what to say. He just smiled as he just looked at me. He seemed to undress me with those deep brown eyes. He then asked about Miranda and me. I told him and he asked if I had fun in the bathroom with her. I turned a flush color and reluctantly recalled the experience. He smiled and then his smiled curled a bit, "did you know, I dared Miranda to fuck you?" A stunned look came across my face. "Did you know that your shopping spree on me was the deal? " Again, I was shocked and felt a sense of inadequacy. ...the juice no longer tasted good and I began to feel sick to my stomach. "She barebacked you? Did she cum inside your ass?" I started to tear up and my throat felt tight. He smiled at me, I was choking on air. I stood up quickly and felt dizzy. The man, "don't feel bad ....she uses everyone. ...including me!" I staggered out of the kitchen and made my way over to the bathroom. Tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face, I fell to my knees and threw up. After I was just dry heaving, my heart and whole body ached. I had never felt so degraded. The man stood over me while I threw up and held my long blonde hair out of the way. I wondered how this kind man could be treated like this and how he could treat me this way. He let me have a toothbrush and gave me a towel to clean up. I looked like shit, make-up was ruined, so I wiped it all off. I flopped down on his couch in the large living room. The man sat in a big puffy chair with his robe open. It was all there and I felt numb. I think he saw the pain I was in and the realization that I had just been a part of a business transaction. He began to explain how it worked out for everyone. Miranda got hers, he got to spoil us and I had gotten everything I had wanted. Forgetting the meal, the new clothes, I felt ashamed of my feelings I had for him. I told him and his face softened and his posture seemed to dip. I began to cry and stated how confused I was. He then went on to tell me how he kept himself from getting too attached from past bad experiences. He enjoyed the kissing and the oral sex he did with me and was flattered to hear how much I enjoyed them. He also told me he had been in a long term relationship with another man and after it went sour he has been keeping his heart safe by not getting too attached to anyone. I unacceptably believed him and told my whole life story. Hours went by and we just sat there talking. It made me feel better and I think he appreciated opening up too.
It was late afternoon and the man suggested we go get some lunch. I was feeling hungry too and agreed. He offered me to take a shower with him but I passed. He offered to dive but I chose to follow him in my car. We went to this gay bar and got some food. As we sat there talking, he asked why I was doing this CD thing. I explained how I just felt different one and doing this in public actually gave me a sense of empowerment and I knew it was just right for me. He then asked how far I was willing to take it. Now I had thought about this but hadn't shared it with someone yet. I figured there was nothing to lose while I ate my grilled chicken sandwich and told him a transition was what I wanted. Hormones one maybe implants but not willing to do the full transition. His eyes got big and he told me about a friend of his that was further on the path I was wanting. He then went to encourage me to to do the CD thing and swe how I felt a few years before committing to the other things. If I hadn't told my girlfriend yet, I might want to start there and see how I cope with acceptance and or rejection. It was a tough road. I confessed this was a liberating trip for me and I hoped to be more daring in the future. He paid for lunch and we went to a local born shop. It was the most fun time. We looked at videos, sex toys, and sexy outfits. I got plenty of stares and loved how comfortable I was with him in the store. The woman behind the counter told me how beautiful I was and asked the man if he had replaced Miranda. She bent over the counter and told me I actually looked like a woman compare to Miranda. Not going to lie, it felt great! He bought be an anal plug and he got a double sided dildo, videos, lube, and condoms. We kissed as he paid for them. We went back to his house. We soaked the sex toys in boiling water and popped in a video. We sat close together on the couch. I was falling for him again. He knew it. My hand was on his thigh and I wasn't shy about rubbing him. He had his arm around me. We watched and talked aabout how we could make a born video. We came up with silly plots and that 70's born music in the background. We talked about our born names. We laughed and kissed. His pants were unzipped and his meaty rod was getting some air. I performed oral in during an oral scene. My shorts were off and my new silk thong was pulled down under my clean haven balls. He gave me oral. He was much better than I was. He had me so close and would stop a while to tease me. I kept him up with my hand when my open jaw starter aching. With our toys sterilized we took them to his bedroom and watched more pornography. We laid on our side, fingers and toys were inserted. Oral was given, he got me so close but knew just went to stop. I got an injection of his man juice and choked it down. It was very salty. I sucked him dry as I removed several inches of a dildo out of his hairy ass. Then it was my turn, standing me up leaning a little back against his bed with anal plug in ass.....he sucked the cum out of me. I shouted loudly as I erupted. My cum shot out everywhere! He swallowed some but most went on a mirror, the TV, the dresser, the bed, and my face. It was the hardest I've cum in sometime! We collapsed on the bed both satisfied. We made out a little then he spooned me to sleep.
I awoke to darkness. I had remembered Miranda and panicked. I called her from my house but she didn't answer. I left a message for her to call me back at his number. We playfully showered and kissed a lot. I couldn't keep my hands off him. We toweled off and decided to order pizza. I tried to do myself up nice as I pieced my clothes back on. He just slipped into a robe. I warned him not to tempt me. I knew he had no interest in fucking me but I wanted it so bad. I kept saying how much I wanted him. Going over and sitting on his lap. He pushed me away playfully. I saw he didn't want it but I wanted to give myself up to him. The pizza came. The man was surprisingly attractive as we looked through the window.
The man dared me to seduce him. I immediately said no way. "How about $100? Half for you and half for him if you can give him a blow job. I'll record it on my VHS tape recorder. $200 it he agrees to fuck you in the ass." I was horny and in that split second..... I went for it. I didn't have any make-up on and hoped my feminine features and slender slutty body could do the trick. With my cutoffs pulled up exposing my lower ass cheeks and my tight top with my sensitive erect nipples showing. I greeted the pizza guy. He was very cute. I acted sweet and sissy like. I bent over as the man fumbled in tthe background setting the video camera on a tripods. I failed miserably! The pizza guy couldn't get out of there sooner after I paid. I felt a little sorry for him but we laughed so hard afterwards. It just wasn't meant to be. We ate pizza and then the man had another idea...
He had a friend who was in his late 30s, he was seriously hung, athletic body build and looked like my favorite porn star Chad Douglas moustache and all. The man got online and hoped he was online too. He hung out in m4m chatrooms looking for college aged boys to top. He lliked smooth bodied, slender, bottoms to ride. The only catch is that he preferred straight acting boys. We sat around on his computer, looking at gay ant shemale porn while chatting with a few men. Miranda never called me back after I left a few messages. It was getting late, 1:30. I was on his camera showing my naked body, playing with myself but making sure not to show my face. We got to look at many cocks and we had several interesting proposals from men in other states. It looked bleak until just before 2am. He got on and immediately we got into a private chat. I was shaking nervously. The man wow partially asleep on his bed as I stood up completely naked showing my face and everything. He approved of me after an hour of talking. In order for him to meet me, I had to agree to the following....I was already shaved smoothed, I needed to give myself an enema, I had to be wearing a towel or be fully naked so I would be less tempted to chicken out, and finally it had to be barebacked. I tentatively agreed. He would be there in an hour. At almost 4am, my ass was clean, I had lube setup next nightstand, the video camera was set in a closet ninety degrees of the bed, I was wearing just a head towel around my tiny waist. The man was sleeping in the master bedroom so I was by myself. I heard a car pull up. He got out and I saw him take two pulls on a cigarette and then discard it. He knocked gently on the door. I was shaking from nerves and excitement. I was about to get topped by a guy who just liked young boys. I opened the door and tiptoed quietly to the guest bedroom with him following. He was tall, athletic, perfect thick moustache as he removed my towel. My tiny cock was erect as he gently made it jerk in delight. I watched as he stripped. His lean hard body, his manly smooth body with a thick bush of pubic hairs hid his fully rounded ball sack, his cock was gorgeous it was long slender with a perfect mushroom shaped tip. I touched it ...it was super hard. He laid on the bed and I had him move up a little for the camera. We hardly said a word. I was sucking his tip softly. I used both my hands gently on his shaft. He ran his fingers through my blonde hair. He pulled me off his cock and I moved up on him. He refused to kiss me as I leaned back grabbed his cock and speared him into my prelubed ass. He slid deeply iinside me. He felt huge and the lower I went down the deeper his drill went. His tip went so deep that a new sensation was discovered. I jerked back and whimpered. He rolled me over. My legs went up onto his shoulders. He positioned himself and plunged deeply. I moaned or grunted. He pushed deep into me. This stud was about to breed me. I submitted as his long stiff strokes turned quicker. I ggasped for air on each stroke back out of me. I started sweating. He teased me by pulling all the way out and seeing me grasping for breath. Then he thrust as deep as he could leaning over me in great force. I cried out in pain. He was touching invading my body, stretching my ass pipes in new ways. It hurt, it was the oddest sensation of being probed so deeply, and I was enjoying it. Tears streamed down my face as he pounded hard. His balls sacking into my tiny pale ass. Slap, slap, slap. I was jerking off while he quickened his pace. Harder faster and the louder I got. He was close I was close. I erupted as he unsheathed his longsword out of me and sputtered his warm goo onto my chest and abs with mine. He mixed our fluids and finger fed me.
You might think that we were meeting for sex but on the contrary. ....Miranda said I wasn't her type. She had a couple of guys she was seeing and my body type was a turn off for her. I was 22, 5'10", a bottom, slim waisted 26", very lean muscled 105lbs, pasty white kid with long white blonde hair, blue eyes, average looking, and small cocked of just 6.5" with a nice cut tip. Miranda was 6'2" tall, a top,she weighed 185lbs, she was also fair skinned, with long dark hair and brown eyes, she had very nice slender long cut cock of 8 inches. She liked her men thick and husky, with better than average looks, and had money. Of which, I was a college student with hardly no money. Still, it was summer break and my girlfriend was going on a girls week long party and I was left behind because I couldn't afford to go with her. I managed to get a cheap motel room near where Miranda lived. I was to meet Miranda after checking in. If she could help me....we were going to go out together.
I arrived at the motel with a bag of my girlfriend's clothes and make-up. I shaved my entire body in the shower, and got dressed a little slurry. A tight top with sheer panties, a short hot pink skirt, sandals because my girlfriend's feet were smaller than mine. Miranda was going to help me with my hair and make-up. I was nervously shaking as I walked up the two floors to her apartment. I knocked and their was no answer. I knocked again. I began to think she had stood me up and was beginning to think I looked foolish for nothing. The door across the hall opened and Miranda appeared. Her dark hair was draped around her face she spoke in a deeper tone than I was expecting and asked me to come in. It was a test, she confessed. The apartment I knocked on was empty and she was looking through the peep hole to see if it was me. Her apartment was messy, piles of boxes were stacked everywhere, the kitchen was unkempt, the small living room had a long couch and a sex swing hung in the corner. Her bedroom, at the moment was off limits, as she took me into her bathroom. The bathroom was a large as the living room. There was stand up shower with two heads, a long counter across one wall with a long mirror and two faucets. She asked me to sit down and started curling and spraying aqua net to style my hair. We talked. It was weird at first and I could sense she was as nervous as I was. I confessed my nnervousness and she did as well. We laughed and the mood relaxed. She did a great job on my hair and went to town on the make-up. When she finished, I looked so hot.....I wanted to fuck myself !! Miranda got herself ready as we chatted on. As she was doing the final touches, she let me on the game plan for the evening.
We were going to meet a guy friend of hers and he was bringing a friend. It was to be a double date. I asked what to expect, Miranda explained that nothing had to happen if I didn't want it. It was a test run for me and her guy's friend who was bisexual but was unsure if he liked cds. I asked if he was cute and Miranda laughed saying he was perfect for me. She complimented me on how sexy I looked and made me feel warm all over. She flirted with me and I with her. Our egos were high and I felt this incredible sense of confidence. I was now Miranda's friend "Tina". I got some feminine advice from Miranda. If things went well, she said, Tina would be getting lucky tonight. We stepped out and I drove to the restaurant. The guy showed up .....by himself!! He was an inch taller than Miranda, he had a full beard, husky build, big strong hands, with a tan complextion. He smiled at us and gave Miranda a small kiss on the lips. His hand patted her ass. He quickly informed us that his friend couldn't make it and he was stuck having two hot dates. He looked at me and I could feel his stare stripping away my clothes. It felt oddly erotic to be visually sexualized. We ate and talked. Miranda and him had a few drinks...I wasn't much of a drinker. While we were just sitting at the table, Miranda took off her high heel and stuck her foot up my skirt. I jumped and the table banged loudly. She and the guy laughed. She rubbed me so hard. I twitched and squirmed trying not to be obvious. They watched me. I could see the guys arm moving. He was rubbing Miranda, Miranda was rubbing him, and she was rubbing my tiny cock hard. I confessed it was hot. I begged Miranda to stop because I was getting close to climax. I tried to stop her. I grabbed the thick napkin and stuffed it down on myself as I gushed. I moaned as softly as I could. The man followed, the Miranda. An exhausted look covered our faces. I was sweating and I needed Miranda to touch my make-up. We went into the ladies room.
In the ladies room, Miranda confessed to me that she was attracted to me and could sense that her man was also attracted to me. It made me feel good and I was aroused. Miranda helped me fix my face and hair then pulled me into the far stall. She locked it and then we started kissing. She pushed me up against the wall. I felt her down there, Miranda wasn't shy. She grabbed onto me and fondled my balls and cock. I couldn't control my feminine moans. We heard another patron enter the restroom. We went silent. Miranda turned me around and pushed me easily over the toilet. I moved quietly. She pulled down my cum soaked panties. She lifted my skirt as she hiked up her short dress. She slid up behind me and reached around as I used my arms to support myself from crashing face first into the wall. We heard the patron passing into the toilet as Miranda reached around my thin waist grabbing both our cocks. She stroked hard wanking both our cocks. Her flesh was searing hot. My legs were shaking and weak. The patron flushed. The sound seemed so loud in that moments of heighten awareness. Miranda whispered in my ear. She was going to fuck me right now and I think a little cum came out of my tip. I wasn't ready. Miranda reached into her purse, I slipped out of my panties and pulled my skirt up. A cool liquid drizzled down my backside. Fingers were used. Miranda whispered after the patron washed hands. Can I go without as she exclaimed how tight my hole was. I gave a high pitched uh huh with a nod. I stepped up on the lid of the toilet and pulled open my little gaping hole. Miranda rubbed lube on her tip. I looked back at her dark eyes. She was transfixed on my tight little ass. She gripped around her tip and pressed it onwards. I resisted a little and with some force...Miranda had penetrated me. My cock bounced as she felt her way inside me. I was moaning as softly as I could. I told her how much I had fantasized about this and how good it felt. She pushed in long and slow. My cock was hard, it oozed cum out onto the toilet and floor. Miranda squeezed my hips hard and in moments .....proceeded to explode inside my ass. She cried out and I cried out too. She quivered and shook every ounce. I begged her to stay in. Another patron entered the bathroom and Miranda pulled herself out. I moaned a sigh of relief and agony. My hole longed for Miranda and I felt empty. Soon and urge hit me and I gave out a burpy farts as the semen extruded from my sloppy violated hole. Miranda used toilet paper to clean up and had me open my legs to stuff it in the toilet. She was huge still even if she was semi hard. Miranda pulled down her dress and leaned over me. She kissed me softly and spoke. Stating she had never been that turned on in a while. Miranda confessed she didn't expect to cum so quickly. I smiled wearily and asked how do I look. We both broke out laughing as I passed gas. I am ssure the patron heard us. Miranda stepped out of the restroom to wash her hands. I pushed out the secretions as much as I could. Then fumbled to put on my panties after wiping up. I pulled down my skirt. Miranda waited for me and helped me out with reapplying my face.
We finally excited the bathroom and Miranda's date was waiting there. He had picked up the tab! Miranda suggested that we go shopping so I followed Miranda and her man in his car. As I was following, my ass was still oozing. I was stuffing kleenex down between my legs. When we got to the mall. I could feel that my pink skirt was wet. Miranda verified it was showing. I was embarrassed. I walked in with my ass throbbing. Miranda noticed I was in pain and gave me something. It took a little time but it made me feel good. Miranda's date was so nice. He proudly escorted both of us into the mall. There were some stares from onlookers. Miranda gave me an encouraging look as we got to shopping.
Immediately, Miranda picked out a couple of cute dresses. I just watched as she went on like no one was watching. Her man and I just followed around. He held my hand for a little while. It felt nice but kind of awkward. My hand was sweaty and he let go to grab my ass. I jumped as he smiled at me. I returned the smile shyly back. He bent over and whispered in my ear. Why are you not picking anything out? I replied I didn't have any money. I barely had enough for the two night stay at the motel and gas i explained. The man then took me off guard..."Kiss me!" I froze. I looked at Miranda who was looking at us. She nodded in approval. We kissed. It felt good, my knees knocked as his tongue slipped into my mouth. His hands held face while he passionately kissed me. I instinctively reached around his robust body and placed my hands on his manly hind end. I had never felt that way after kissing a guy before. He was very good. A little woozy, I stumbled over to Miranda. I looked back at the man and smiled. I told Miranda about how amazing a kisser he was and she agreed and laughed at my weakened disposition. She then told me softly that we could pick out whatever we wanted. I couldn't believe it! We shopped and shopped. He bought everything! I walked out wearing a slinky black and white dress that showed of my curvy bubble butt and nice legs. ..at least that is what the man told me. I go some lacy underwear, and top and some flattering/revealing skirts. Miranda got much more. I thanked the man and kissed him again just because I felt so grateful. He looked at me and I had never felt that way before. I was falling for Miranda's man. I began to worry. We left the mall and headed back to his place. I was feeling amazing but was concerned about Miranda. When we got to his house, I pulled Miranda into the bathroom. I confessed that I was feeling guilty about my feelings towards her man. It was in that moment, I learned about Miranda.
She didn't see him as her man. Just a guy she liked to keep on a string. In fact, she told me she had several men that did the same for her. She seemed a bit put oft by my niceness. Miranda admitted that she was hoping to make a new connection with the man's friend who didn't show up. She didn't care if I had feelings about her man. She did confess that fucking me in the bathroom was a first and she enjoyed it because she hadn't barebacked in some time. It made me feel cheap and sickly ......I liked it. Miranda would later explain that in order to live the "lifestyle" she was playing men .......sex or the possibility of sex for favors. She encouraged me to do the same.
The night turned into loads of drinking, watching porn, seductive talk, making out, and finishing the evening for me with the man giving me a blow job I will never forget and perhaps one of the best I ever had. I drove back to my hotel by myself. I showered and then tried on my new clothes, masturbated until I fell asleep.
The next morning , I awoke to an ass that was sore and a hard on. I took another shower and put on a tight top with my abdomen showing and cut oft jean shorts and a new pair of thong underwear with sandals. I did my hair one make-up as best as I could.......till I barely saw myself and headed to Miranda's apartment. It was around 11:25 when I arrived. Miranda looked raragged.She didn't look all that good as she just let me in. She went to the bedroom and I silently followed. To my surprise was a tall skinny dark skinned man laying naked on top of the bed. He was muscular and in great shape. He was laying face down and Miranda crashed down next to him. I stood there quietly for moments just imaging what had happened. Miranda then slurred spat out, "why don't you come back tonight and we will go out?" I said ok and was walking back to the door. Just as the door squeaked open, Miranda shouted out that I should go swe her man. She said he liked me. I took off.
I was just going back to my motel when I couldn't fight the urge to see the man again. I drove to his house. I was nervous walking up to his front door as the neighbors looked at me. I rang the door bell. There was no answer. I rang it again, and thought I had heard someone moving inside. I rang it a third time and he answered. He was wearing a robe that barely covered his big hairy body. He smiled when he saw me and quickly invited me in. He was offered me some juice and we sat at his kitchen table. I sat there unsure what to say. He just smiled as he just looked at me. He seemed to undress me with those deep brown eyes. He then asked about Miranda and me. I told him and he asked if I had fun in the bathroom with her. I turned a flush color and reluctantly recalled the experience. He smiled and then his smiled curled a bit, "did you know, I dared Miranda to fuck you?" A stunned look came across my face. "Did you know that your shopping spree on me was the deal? " Again, I was shocked and felt a sense of inadequacy. ...the juice no longer tasted good and I began to feel sick to my stomach. "She barebacked you? Did she cum inside your ass?" I started to tear up and my throat felt tight. He smiled at me, I was choking on air. I stood up quickly and felt dizzy. The man, "don't feel bad ....she uses everyone. ...including me!" I staggered out of the kitchen and made my way over to the bathroom. Tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face, I fell to my knees and threw up. After I was just dry heaving, my heart and whole body ached. I had never felt so degraded. The man stood over me while I threw up and held my long blonde hair out of the way. I wondered how this kind man could be treated like this and how he could treat me this way. He let me have a toothbrush and gave me a towel to clean up. I looked like shit, make-up was ruined, so I wiped it all off. I flopped down on his couch in the large living room. The man sat in a big puffy chair with his robe open. It was all there and I felt numb. I think he saw the pain I was in and the realization that I had just been a part of a business transaction. He began to explain how it worked out for everyone. Miranda got hers, he got to spoil us and I had gotten everything I had wanted. Forgetting the meal, the new clothes, I felt ashamed of my feelings I had for him. I told him and his face softened and his posture seemed to dip. I began to cry and stated how confused I was. He then went on to tell me how he kept himself from getting too attached from past bad experiences. He enjoyed the kissing and the oral sex he did with me and was flattered to hear how much I enjoyed them. He also told me he had been in a long term relationship with another man and after it went sour he has been keeping his heart safe by not getting too attached to anyone. I unacceptably believed him and told my whole life story. Hours went by and we just sat there talking. It made me feel better and I think he appreciated opening up too.
It was late afternoon and the man suggested we go get some lunch. I was feeling hungry too and agreed. He offered me to take a shower with him but I passed. He offered to dive but I chose to follow him in my car. We went to this gay bar and got some food. As we sat there talking, he asked why I was doing this CD thing. I explained how I just felt different one and doing this in public actually gave me a sense of empowerment and I knew it was just right for me. He then asked how far I was willing to take it. Now I had thought about this but hadn't shared it with someone yet. I figured there was nothing to lose while I ate my grilled chicken sandwich and told him a transition was what I wanted. Hormones one maybe implants but not willing to do the full transition. His eyes got big and he told me about a friend of his that was further on the path I was wanting. He then went to encourage me to to do the CD thing and swe how I felt a few years before committing to the other things. If I hadn't told my girlfriend yet, I might want to start there and see how I cope with acceptance and or rejection. It was a tough road. I confessed this was a liberating trip for me and I hoped to be more daring in the future. He paid for lunch and we went to a local born shop. It was the most fun time. We looked at videos, sex toys, and sexy outfits. I got plenty of stares and loved how comfortable I was with him in the store. The woman behind the counter told me how beautiful I was and asked the man if he had replaced Miranda. She bent over the counter and told me I actually looked like a woman compare to Miranda. Not going to lie, it felt great! He bought be an anal plug and he got a double sided dildo, videos, lube, and condoms. We kissed as he paid for them. We went back to his house. We soaked the sex toys in boiling water and popped in a video. We sat close together on the couch. I was falling for him again. He knew it. My hand was on his thigh and I wasn't shy about rubbing him. He had his arm around me. We watched and talked aabout how we could make a born video. We came up with silly plots and that 70's born music in the background. We talked about our born names. We laughed and kissed. His pants were unzipped and his meaty rod was getting some air. I performed oral in during an oral scene. My shorts were off and my new silk thong was pulled down under my clean haven balls. He gave me oral. He was much better than I was. He had me so close and would stop a while to tease me. I kept him up with my hand when my open jaw starter aching. With our toys sterilized we took them to his bedroom and watched more pornography. We laid on our side, fingers and toys were inserted. Oral was given, he got me so close but knew just went to stop. I got an injection of his man juice and choked it down. It was very salty. I sucked him dry as I removed several inches of a dildo out of his hairy ass. Then it was my turn, standing me up leaning a little back against his bed with anal plug in ass.....he sucked the cum out of me. I shouted loudly as I erupted. My cum shot out everywhere! He swallowed some but most went on a mirror, the TV, the dresser, the bed, and my face. It was the hardest I've cum in sometime! We collapsed on the bed both satisfied. We made out a little then he spooned me to sleep.
I awoke to darkness. I had remembered Miranda and panicked. I called her from my house but she didn't answer. I left a message for her to call me back at his number. We playfully showered and kissed a lot. I couldn't keep my hands off him. We toweled off and decided to order pizza. I tried to do myself up nice as I pieced my clothes back on. He just slipped into a robe. I warned him not to tempt me. I knew he had no interest in fucking me but I wanted it so bad. I kept saying how much I wanted him. Going over and sitting on his lap. He pushed me away playfully. I saw he didn't want it but I wanted to give myself up to him. The pizza came. The man was surprisingly attractive as we looked through the window.
The man dared me to seduce him. I immediately said no way. "How about $100? Half for you and half for him if you can give him a blow job. I'll record it on my VHS tape recorder. $200 it he agrees to fuck you in the ass." I was horny and in that split second..... I went for it. I didn't have any make-up on and hoped my feminine features and slender slutty body could do the trick. With my cutoffs pulled up exposing my lower ass cheeks and my tight top with my sensitive erect nipples showing. I greeted the pizza guy. He was very cute. I acted sweet and sissy like. I bent over as the man fumbled in tthe background setting the video camera on a tripods. I failed miserably! The pizza guy couldn't get out of there sooner after I paid. I felt a little sorry for him but we laughed so hard afterwards. It just wasn't meant to be. We ate pizza and then the man had another idea...
He had a friend who was in his late 30s, he was seriously hung, athletic body build and looked like my favorite porn star Chad Douglas moustache and all. The man got online and hoped he was online too. He hung out in m4m chatrooms looking for college aged boys to top. He lliked smooth bodied, slender, bottoms to ride. The only catch is that he preferred straight acting boys. We sat around on his computer, looking at gay ant shemale porn while chatting with a few men. Miranda never called me back after I left a few messages. It was getting late, 1:30. I was on his camera showing my naked body, playing with myself but making sure not to show my face. We got to look at many cocks and we had several interesting proposals from men in other states. It looked bleak until just before 2am. He got on and immediately we got into a private chat. I was shaking nervously. The man wow partially asleep on his bed as I stood up completely naked showing my face and everything. He approved of me after an hour of talking. In order for him to meet me, I had to agree to the following....I was already shaved smoothed, I needed to give myself an enema, I had to be wearing a towel or be fully naked so I would be less tempted to chicken out, and finally it had to be barebacked. I tentatively agreed. He would be there in an hour. At almost 4am, my ass was clean, I had lube setup next nightstand, the video camera was set in a closet ninety degrees of the bed, I was wearing just a head towel around my tiny waist. The man was sleeping in the master bedroom so I was by myself. I heard a car pull up. He got out and I saw him take two pulls on a cigarette and then discard it. He knocked gently on the door. I was shaking from nerves and excitement. I was about to get topped by a guy who just liked young boys. I opened the door and tiptoed quietly to the guest bedroom with him following. He was tall, athletic, perfect thick moustache as he removed my towel. My tiny cock was erect as he gently made it jerk in delight. I watched as he stripped. His lean hard body, his manly smooth body with a thick bush of pubic hairs hid his fully rounded ball sack, his cock was gorgeous it was long slender with a perfect mushroom shaped tip. I touched it ...it was super hard. He laid on the bed and I had him move up a little for the camera. We hardly said a word. I was sucking his tip softly. I used both my hands gently on his shaft. He ran his fingers through my blonde hair. He pulled me off his cock and I moved up on him. He refused to kiss me as I leaned back grabbed his cock and speared him into my prelubed ass. He slid deeply iinside me. He felt huge and the lower I went down the deeper his drill went. His tip went so deep that a new sensation was discovered. I jerked back and whimpered. He rolled me over. My legs went up onto his shoulders. He positioned himself and plunged deeply. I moaned or grunted. He pushed deep into me. This stud was about to breed me. I submitted as his long stiff strokes turned quicker. I ggasped for air on each stroke back out of me. I started sweating. He teased me by pulling all the way out and seeing me grasping for breath. Then he thrust as deep as he could leaning over me in great force. I cried out in pain. He was touching invading my body, stretching my ass pipes in new ways. It hurt, it was the oddest sensation of being probed so deeply, and I was enjoying it. Tears streamed down my face as he pounded hard. His balls sacking into my tiny pale ass. Slap, slap, slap. I was jerking off while he quickened his pace. Harder faster and the louder I got. He was close I was close. I erupted as he unsheathed his longsword out of me and sputtered his warm goo onto my chest and abs with mine. He mixed our fluids and finger fed me.
7 months ago