Two Things I Don't Like in Porn

Shaved! WTF?! Does everybody have crabs? It's fine sometimes, but now it seems like hair is not allowed. That's fucked up. Seems pedophilic and creepy to me. . .

As much as I love love love anal and love love love love love rimjobs, sucking cock after it's been in someone's ass seems like you're asking for trouble--bacteria trouble. I find it a turnoff. Lick the outside. Probe the asshole with your tongue all you want, but a cock down your throat that's been up your ass seems problematic at best. . . !
Published by bindy1111
12 years ago
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direwolf1 12 years ago
I totally agree! I want to see a womans pussy not a young girls! I love hairy pussy we need more in porn!
But they do all have crabs... LOL
Pretty sure the porn girls have enemas before their scenes. I can't recall ever seeing a girl suck a visibly dirty dick in porn. Yes, I know bacteria are microscopic, but you get my point. Its not like they're just getting off of a long day of work at Walmart and doing an atm. IJS :wink:
Lol! I totally agree. Personally i love a good hairy pussy. Sometimes neatly trimmed and sometimes a nice thick bush!

I never stick my cock in a mouth after i had it in their ass!