JayneG. Fun With Three - 2004

So here I was, 42 yo enjoying a late Summer holiday with my husband in Benidorm, Spain.
My in-laws had agreed to look after our offspring as we enjoyed a second honeymoon.
OOn our second day there, Steve, my husband pointed out a group of lad sitting on lounges by the pool, " I reckon you've got a little fan club over there, " he laughed motioning towards the three, " they haven't taken their eyes off you since you sat down! "
I looked across to the lads. They were around 17 or 18 yo, definitely not over 20 yo. " I'm sure that they're not interested in me! Not with all these sexy teenagers around, even the Twenty-Somethings if they wanted an older woman, " my husband gave a low chuckle,

" You think that way love, but. I've seen the way they've looked at your arse and boobs! " I looked down at my swimsuit, bright orange and showing my ample body off to anybody interested. I quietly shook my head and lay back down on my lounger enjoying the warm sunshine.
About twenty minutes later Steve gave a cough nudging my knee with his foot. I looked up to see that the three lads had moved to the lounger nearer to us, " Told you sweetheart you're certainly the object of their attention! " Steve laughed. I reached for my glass of Pepsi, sipping it slowly I looked at the lads, my eyes meeting the eyes of a dark haired young man who quickly turned away, his face reddening slightly as if he was embarrassed at being caught stating at me.
Idly I ran my left hand across my breasts down to my stomach. I felt three sets of eyes suddenly fixing upon me. Steve laughed again, " You still sure they're not looking at you? "
I sneered at him and returned to my drink running my tongue across my lips as I lowered my glass, " I think I'll take a quick dip, try and cool off a bit! " I put my glass onto the table and stood up stretching my arms as I did.
I felt the eyes of the lads burning into my backside as I moved to the pool, gently lowering myself into the warm water.
I slowly began to swim towards the top of the pool , turning I swam back to our loungers, " Are you coming in? " I called to my husband as I turned again to swim away, " Maybe later! " He answered, sipping his coffee. As I turned once again I noticed two of the lads entering the pool. I noted my husband raising his eyebrow as they did.
As I swam back across the pool the dark haired lad came alongside, " God it's so hot already isn't it? " Stopping to tread water I answered, " Yeah it's going to be a real scorcher I'm sure, " I smiled at him. He was about 6 foot tall with broad shoulders, flat stomach and muscular legs. " I'm Richard, and this is Phil, " he motioned towards the tousle haired youth that had moved by his side, " Hi I'm Jayne and on that lounger over there is my husband, Steve, " I replied nodding towards his friend.
Having broken the ice, as it were, Richard asked me if we were going to the beach, I said probably and he said they'd probably see us there later. So saying he and Phil moved to the side and clambered out.
Following them I climbed out and towelled myself dry before lying back down on the lounger. " So they chat you up then, " hubby enquired. I took a long swig from !y now like warm drink, " not really no, just introduced themselves and said they might catch us on the beach later. " Steve smiled and shook his head knowingly, " Alright smarmy go get me a fresh drink with plenty of ice! "

He returned shortly with a fresh glass just as the lads were leaving the pool side, " See you on the beach later! " called Richard as he and his two friends waved to me, " Later! " I answered waving in return.
" Fan club gone then? " asked Steve passing me my drink, " Shut it smart arse and sit down, I'll dry off for half an hour then we'll wander up to the beach, OK? "
Steve nodded " Whatever you say my darling, we can't let your teen fans down can we?, " I moved to flick him with my wet towel but he sat down laughing and blowing me a sarcastic kiss.
Published by JayneG
8 months ago
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