It’s been a long time since my last story. Health issues, recovery
and rehab has taken It’s toll on my time. The following is a story that has been
bouncing around in my head for a while. I hope you enjoy it. As always any
comments on the contents of the story is welcome, as far as grammar, spelling
and such keep it to yourself.
It was a warm spring evening, the local community theater group was having tryouts for their production
of Tea House of an August Moon. I was up on the catwalk replacing some of the
bulbs in the spot lights. Below me the director was running lines with a woman auditioning for the female lead. A beautiful
redhead with big boobs and a body that won’t quit was up and doing a damn good job, but damn how was a stacked redhead going to pass for a Japanese Geisha. I mean sure she was petite enough a wig could cover her red hair but her boobs were
lets say a bit large for
My name is Greg Miller, I’m a twenty ************* electrical engineer. I volunteer at the local community center, which use to be my high school. The county built a new modern school tore down all the classrooms and left the gym, cafeteria,
offices and the auditorium and turned it into a community center. I was head of the stage crew in high school,
so I volunteer to run stage during productions held there. Now a days I have a lot of time to volunteer after catching my ex fiancée in our bed with her boss. At least I was able to get a few shots of them with my cell phone and send them
to her bosses wife, as they say pay back is hell.
Right now I’m sitting up on this catwalk looking down at the woman I planned to make my wife even though I
didn’t even know her name. As stage manager I get to know everyone in the production so I planned to use that to get to know her.
Her name was Beth Hinson and she did get the part. She was a part time receptionist for a law firm and full time actress at least in her heart. She was continually taking acting and voice lessons to improve her skills.
It took me two weeks to take her out to dinner, on our second date she met me at my house for dinner and breakfast the next morning. Let me tell you that woman knows her way around a bed. Beth was over joyed when she tried to wrap her hand around my
cock and couldn’t. I was blessed with an above average lower appendage not porn star size huge but much larger than
I don’t know if you would call it love at first sight, certainly it was lust. Six month’s hence found me down on one knee Christmas
Eve followed by an enthusiastic yes and we almost missed Christmas Day, due to sexual exhaustion. I snuck out of bed showered, than lifted her out of bed sat her in the shower and turned the water on. That almost cost me my engagement. Beth realized we had to be at her Mom’s house at 1:30 and my Dad’s at 5:00 for dinner. Beth had lost her Dad years ago and cancer took my Mom when I was a junior in high school. We talked Linda, Beth’s Mom Into coming to dinner at my Dad’s. Who knew they would hit it off and wind up getting married before Beth and I.
Beth and l had been married for a year, Beth was taking every acting part she could get, she actually got a part in a commercial for a
local car dealership. I was in hog heven my job was going great, our marriage was fantastic I was on top of the world.
We were eating dinner and Beth says Greg there’s something I should have told you I’m bisexual. I ask what are you saying are you having an affair with some woman, are you leaving me for her. Beth laughed and says of course not silly I could never leave you, you are my life.
So why are you telling me this now. Beth says wellll you remember me telling you about my roommate in college Alice, we slept together in the same bed for all four years of college. We weren’t in love just fuck sisters. I said ok again so what are you trying to tell me. Beth pcomes over sits in my lap and says Alice called me today and she is coming into town and I told her all about you how wonderful a man and husband you are she smiles and says and how big you are down there. BETH I turn three shades of red and say damn she laughs then says Greg you know I love you with all my heart, but I told Alice she could stay with us and sleep with me while she is here, it’s just for three days, and I’ll make it up to you, baby this isn’t love it’s just something I need please let me have this time with her.
I’m stunned I don’t know what to say I guess more than a little hurt a bit jealous and very concerned. I didn’t know what to say I loved
her with all my heart so against my better judgment I say yes, then asked where should I stay, should I get a motel room for a few days. Beth says oh my God no you stay in the guest room. I would never ask you to leave our house, everything will be normal except at bed time Alice and I will go to bed together. In three days she will be on a flight back to California and everything will be back to normal.
I ask so what does Alice do, Beth hesitates gets a strange look on her face than says she is an actress. I ask has she been in any movies I have heard of, Beth says God I hope not. I ask why do you say that Beth says because she is a lesbian porn star. I’m stunned I don’t know what to say.
The next day when I come home from work the bedroom door is closed I sit down in my chair in the living room and a few seconds later the bedroom door opens and out pops a blonde nymph with huge boobs she was a real knockout she is perky cute as a button and she was nude as the day she was born. When she sees me she pranced over gives me a peck on the cheek and says you must be Greg
I’m Alice, damn your hot no wonder Beth is head over heels in love with you. She gets a serious look on her face and says thank you for this you have no idea what this means to us it takes a real man truly in love with his woman secure enough to go along with this. Alice
goes to the frig grabs a bottle of water and disappears back in the bedroom. The view from the back was as good as the front she has an ass that just don’t quit. There’s not a normal human male that wouldn’t get an erection from seeing ***** of them nude.
The bedroom door burst open Beth comes out plops down on my lap, wraps her arms around my head and kisses me so hard I thought I was going to pass out she had her tongue so far down my throat I thought she was going to lick my tonsils. Wait what is that I taste and smell it’s pussy but not Beth’s OH SHIT it was Alice’s pussy I was tasting. Beth giggles and says WOOPS, pussy breath sorry but she does taste good doesn’t she. Beth sees the confused look on my face, then I look down and notice the small hickey just above her right nipple. She sees me looking down and says what are you looking at she holds up her boob and yells DAMN IT ALICE I TOLD YOU NO MARKS, Alice yells back SORRY BABY SORRY GREG I JUST GOT CARRIED AWAY.
Beth spins around straddles me pressing her pussy against my pants with my very hard cock below. She says go get cleaned up Alice and I are taking you out and treating you to a steak dinner. She jumps up runs into the bedroom I hear a loud slap and Alice yelp what was that for Beth says my boob now come on we need to take a shower we smell like pussy.
I’m thinking it’s Friday night and Alice gets on the plane on Sunday evening will I make it without going crazy or ****ing both of them, wait better not Alice is a lesbian.
An hour later I’m sitting in the living room and yell our reservations are in twenty minutes and I’m about to starve to death out here, they come out of the bedroom laughing and cutting up Alice says well Beth can’t be very hungry she’s been eating me all afternoon. Beth
swats her butt and says stop it now. I take a good look at them they both have on almost transparent white blouses cut down to their navels no bras their skirts were so short if they sneezed their bald pussy lips would be exposed that’s right no panties on *****. They both had the tallest spiked heals I have ever seen. I stand up each takes an arm and off we go, with me thinking I’m going to have my hands full tonight keeping these two from getting *****.
They get in the back seat and Beth says to the restaurant James. I wasn’t real happy to start with but that crossed a line in my mind. When we got to the restaurant our table wasn’t ready so we had to wait in the bar, within five minutes both Alice and Beth had four drinks in front of them. I’m watching as two guys come over and ask the girls to dance, without hesitation they both accept, this pissed me off no end . Within two minutes both guys were all hands and trying to explore areas that I considered off limits. I was half way out of my chair when both guy’s were on the floor in pain. Seams spiked heels did more than enhance the appearance of their legs. Suddenly our table was ready and two bouncers were e*****ing the two perverts out the door.
As I slid their chairs in for them than sat down Beth could tell I was pissed. I looked at her then reached into my pocket and tossed her
the car keys. I stood up and said I’ll see you in a few days and walked away. Beth yelled Greg wait but I kept on walking out the door.
The following Wednesday when Beth walked in I said go get cleaned up dinner is almost ready. Beth ran to me through her arms around my neck and started kissing me all over my face, saying Greg I'm so sorry it was just a stupid game Alice and I use to play. As we ate Beth said I’m so sorry I thought I had lost you, Alice and I left right after you we came home and cried all night, I was so afraid you were
gone forever. I say this is the last we are going to say on the subject I’m sorry I ruined your reunion with Alice please let her know she is welcome back any time with the same arrangement.
Beth did her damn best to fuck me to death for the next month. Thankfully Alice came back into town and I got a rest. She was forwarned not to mention the incident in the restaurant and no more of their old games when we are out
We all became very close of course nothing sexual ever happened between Alice and I, we swing from different sides of the plate so to
speak. Every few weeks Alice would come into town and we would all have a great time. This went on for a year then one Monday evening Alice called she had just left Sunday. As they talked Beth got more and more excited. Beth puts the phone on speaker, and sits it on the coffee table, then comes over and sits on my lap. Gives me another tonsil tickling kiss and says I have a chance for a real break through in my career.
The woman Alice always plays opposite in her films can’t make tomorrow’s shooting, they want me to fly to California tonight and take her place. This is my big chance I’ll be a real actress in a real movie. I say Beth it’s a porn movie you do this and any chance of ever being in a lagitament production will be gone. Alice says Greg this is strictly lesbian just her and I. It’s a foreign production and won’t be released in the US. Beth will fly out tonight be here tomorrow morning Wednesday, we shoot through Friday noon hop on a plane and be back Friday evening. Oh forgot to mention she will be fifteen thousand dollars richer.
I say I don’t give a fuck about the money, my only concern is for Beth and her well-being and our marriage. Alice says it’s two and a half days , I’ll look after, what could possibly go wrong. It’s a one and done thing. I say it’s against my better judgment, but for this one time only ok. Alice says you have to hurry there is only one flight left that will get you here in time so hassle baby chop chop. The connection went dead Beth gives me a quick peck, then runs upstairs to pack. She is back in less than five minutes come on Greg you have to get me to the airport. On the short drive to the airport all she did was talk about how this is her big chance, she could get noticed become a star. When we arrived at the airport she grabbed her bag and rushed into the terminal. No goodbye, no kiss, she was just gone. That’s when I knew our marriage was in serious trouble.
Alice met me at the airport, she said I hope you slept on the plane we are driving straight to the studio for hair make up and wardrobe.
Alice says I don’t like lying to Greg like this, I say it’s my only way to become a real actress, I have worked for this all my life now it’s finally comming true. Alice asks what about Greg, I say he will be fine, once I make him realize this is just my job now. Alice says I’m not so sure about that having sex with other men, women and groups is far from a normal job. Alice says I promised Greg I would take care of you so there is only one rule when we are at the studio you stay close to me at all times.
It was hectic from the time we walked in the studio till late that afternoon. Alice’s normal counterpart JC was there, there was one long seen with JC and Alice, one with the three of us, one with JC and I then several with Alice and I. Just when we thought we were done for the day the director said Alice, JC I got bad news the lighting was off on your opening seen and we have to shoot it again now to stay on schedule.
Alice and JC looked really frustrated, I say to Alice I’m going back to the dressing room get a shower and change into street clothes. Alice says you might as well we will be a while just stay in the dressing room. On my way back to the dressing room Alice’s agent
Bob Jenkins stopped me and says Beth you have really stood out today, this certainly isn’t your first acting job, I want you to meet Henry Bloomington, he is a very important producer in our business impress him and the sky is the limit for you.
I follow him to this big plush office he introduced me to Henry. Henry says I watched you today you certainly have the looks, body, acting ability to possibly make it in this business, but to meet your full potential you need to be as good with men as you are with women. Do you think you can do that. I say let me show you and kneel down in front of him pull down his zipper reach in pull out his cock and swallow him all the way to his balls.
He says oh my God yes, he grabs my head an fucks my face till he cums down my throat. He sits back and tells Bob bring Bruce in here. Bob comes in with this huge black guy he had to be six five and three hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle. Henry says get
naked Beth, then Bruce is going to fuck you. As I strip I watch Bruce get naked. I gasp when I saw his cock it was hard as steel at least twelve inches long and as big around as a coke can. Henry says now you two go over on the couch and fuck like monkeys. I lay down Bruce lays next to me we kiss hot and passionately his huge hands mall my boobs, he kisses his way down my body, his big lips covers my pussy, his tongue laps at my clit my head is spinning I’m having a huge orgasm, he slides two huge fingers into my pussy, they are bigger than any cock I have ever had. I almost passed out, then I feel his body shift and my pussy lips being pried apart as his cock forces me open. I hear Henry say fuck her hard give it all to her she’s no good if she can’t take it all. I’m cumming over and over then Henry says flip her over and do her doggy style. Henry says Bob stick your cock in her mouth split roast her. Bruce tenses up and I feel
his hot cum filling my womb. Henry says now do her anal Bruce. I’m not sure I heard him right till Bruce pulled his cock out of me and I felt his cock against my little pink flower, he grabs my hips and plunged his cock into me up to his balls. That was all I remember till coming to laying on the couch in the dressing room nude with cum on my face and running out of my pussy and ass.
Alice and JC came walking into the dressing room, Alice sees me and says what the fuck happened, I say I auditioned for Henry Bloomington, I have made it, I’m under contract to star in twenty five films I start tomorrow.Alice says this was supposed to be a one time thing I promised Greg I would look after you and speaking of Greg what are you going to tell him. I say he will just have to learn to accept it, if not there are lots of cocks out here a lot bigger than his.
Alice and JC picked me up took me in the shower to clean me up. JC knelt in front of me and sucked the cum out of me, she says shit she fucked Black Bruce, I giggled and said yep took him balls deep in my pussy and ass. I asked how did you know, JC says after a
while you get to know guys by the taste of their cum. Alice wouldn’t know about that she only licks pussy. When we got out of the shower Alice says you can’t do this to Greg, he can never know about your “ try out “ Beth this will crush him. How can you do this to him. I tell her Greg has known all along I wanted to be an actress and adjustments would have to be made to accomplish my gole. Alice says an actress yes but a porn slut sucking and fucking every cock that’s waved in front of you is a hell of a lot more than an adjustment. I say he will just have to get used to it. Alice says ok let’s see she reaches into my bag grabbed my cell phone and dialed Greg’s number put the phone on speaker, and hands me the phone and says ok tell him the whole story see how long your marriage lasts.
Greg answered the call and said hello babe how are things going. Really great they love me here all the acting classes are paying off, I signed a contract for twenty five films today. There was silence on Greg’s end of the line. I ask Greg you there Greg says I thought this was one and done, now you have signed for twenty five films, did you think of maybe discussing it with me. What about your job at the law firm. I say that was always temporary until my career took off now that it has I won’t need that anymore, Greg says I guess I’m
something else you don’t need anymore. Look I have to run talk to you later and the line went dead.
Alice says well that went well and you didn’t even get to the part where you sucked off two guys and fucked a huge black cock up your
ass. I say Alice why are you saying these things your supposed to be my friend. Alice yells back at her I’M GREG’S FRIEND TOO AND WHAT YOUR DOING TO HIM IS JUST NOT RIGHT. I THOUGHT YOU WERE A SWEET LOVING PERSON BUT NO YOUR JUST A
Henry walks in and asked what’s all the yelling about. I ask Henry if he could take me to a good motel because it looks like guest status has been revoked. Henry says get your stuff your staying with me.
Oh yes I stayed with him in his bed and we fucked for hours. I never saw Alice again after that evening. The next morning after sucking
Henry off we were off to the studio, as I went through hair, make up and wardrobe, craft services provided breakfast. We filmed two movies that day, by nine that evening I was dragging ass, but we wouldn’t wrap the second movie till after midnight. Henry said take a couple hits of this and I learned the rejuvenating properties of coke cane, from that point it was always present if I needed a little pick me up.
I tried calling Greg several times that day but he wasn’t taking my calls. Henry told me we wouldn’t be done filming till Sunday noon, I texted Greg to let him know that I wouldn’t be home till Sunday night due to filming schedules. Henry had a great idea for a film he titled it, IN MY HUSBAND’S BED. We would film it at my house on Monday after Greg went to work it would only take a few hours and we would be done before Greg got home. It would be my first gangbang movie. After the shoot I would have two weeks to make up with Greg before I would have to be back in California.
I would fly home first class of course on a commercial flight and the crew would be taking a private jet back home to Maryland. It
would be a minimal crew to be able to film in our house and be in and out before Greg got home, it was the perfect plan.
When I got on the plane Sunday afternoon I finally came down off my coke cane high and after a glass of Champagne I crashed. The flight attendant had to wake me up to fasten my seatbelt to land at BWI. I took a limo home when I walked in it was eleven thirty Greg was sitting in his chair in the living room. I said I know we have to talk but it’s been a long week along flight then a long ride to get home can we talk when you get home from work tomorrow. Greg stood up and said all your stuff is in the guest bedroom, then walked into our bedroom and closed the door
When I walked into the guest bedroom I knew I had a lot of making up to do, everything I owned was piled on the bed. I just pushed it all
to the floor and passed out on top the covers.
The next morning I was unceremoniously awakened by the slamming of the front door. I knew I had to get moving the crew would be here soon. Coffee I needed coffee, when I went to the kitchen none was made and we were totally out, what made it worse I could smell coffee Greg had used the last of it. I texted Henry a two word text NEED COFFEE!
The crew didn’t show up till nine I was surprised at the late start. With the crew and actors there were ten guys, my little pussy was
going to be tired tonight. Henry gave me a large coffee and said take these I asked what is it he said X it will keep your labeto up all day, then he gave me a hit of coke
I never even made the bed Greg had slept in the night before. Then we started after each guy fucked me Henry would give me a hit of coke. By the time we broke for lunch I had no idea how many guys I had fucked or even what time it was nor did I care (I should
I was putting off going home, knowing the conversation that we would have would most likely end our marriage. Nothing could have prepared me for what I walked into. There were wires running all through the house, a woman with her tits hanging out was sucking
off a black guy with a huge cock, two more women were on the sofa stroking and licking a white and Hispanic guy each both nude with cocks so big they put my oversized lower appendage to shame.
Then I heard Beth yell YES, YES FILL MY CUNT UP WITH YOUR BLACK CUM YES YES YES. I thought oh no you don’t not in my house son of a bitch. When I walk into our bedroom there were three guys with cameras catching the action on the bed as a black guy was on the bed between Beth’s legs pounding her with his huge cock. There were three nude men standing by stroking their equally huge cocks waiting their turns.
A guy wearing what appeared to be a shark skin suit walked up to me and asked me why I was there. I exploded THIS IS MY HOUSE AND I WANT YOU ALL OUT OF HERE NOW! The room suddenly became silent with everyone staring at me, except Beth she was just yelling don’t stop now fuck me fuck me hard. The guy said I'm Henry Bloomington producer and director of this film, and I believe Beth co-owns this house and has invited us to shoot this here. I say you believe wrong I owned this house long before I met Beth and I am the sole owner. I’m leaving now I’ll be back in an hour with my brother Joe who is the Sheriff for this county. I expect you and all
your stuff and people to be gone take that slut in the bed with you
An hour later I did indeed return with my brother, they were all GONE but the place was a wreck traces of coke everywhere also a vile of x and in their haste to leave they left a laptop that had all the raw footage of today’s filming. Joe snatched up on the laptop he viewed a few minutes of the film and said Greg you can never see this but if you plan to divorce her you will have no problem filing for adultery. Joe called and had the crime lab come out and gather evidence. Then he called BWI to try and detain Henry Bloomington, but the slick son of a bitch had a small private jet pick them up at the Easton Airport and was long gone, as Easton Airport was only fifteen minutes away.
I spent the next few months in a haze, there was no word from Beth and I never attempted to contact her. In one month it would be one
year since that evening I came home to find Beth filming a gangbang movie in our bed. When I got home there was a large brown envelope, I was wondering when the divorce papers would show up.
When I opened the envelope l was surprised to see it was closing papers for a beach house / mansion on the beach in Carmel, in her name only. What stunned me was the paid in full receipt for twelve and a half million dollars. I was totally confused didn’t, know what to do or which way to turn.
It came to me my big brother Joe, he would know what to do so I called him. I explained to him what was or in my case wasn’t happening. He told me to meet him at the Tidewater for lunch at one the next day. When I got there he had a guest he introduced as
Ryan the best family law attorney in the world, with that Joe got up and said he had to go but he was leaving me in good hands.
Ryan said let’s order then you can tell me your story, and we can figure which way to go. As we ate I told him my story and I showed him a screen shot of Beth from the movie that was shot at my house. His eyes got wide and he said damn that’s a whole lot of woman. You sure you don’t want to try counseling and reconciliation. I said sadly no.
Ryan says from the looks of it, it appears she has done very well for herself in the porn business. The best way to resolve your situation
is to serve her with divorce papers for adultery and ask for a seventy thirty split. I said ok Wright the papers and I’ll serve them myself. So that was our plan. A week later Ryan gave me the papers and I was on a plane heading for California, when I got to the airport I
rented a car with GPS put the address in the cars navigation system an hour later I pulled into her driveway, it was loaded with cars apparently there was a party going on. I took my cellphone put it on video and put it in my top pocket with the lens exposed.
I thought nothing could be worse than what I had walked into almost a year ago, I was wrong. It was an out and out orgy. I walked through the house trying to find Beth then there she was on a mattress in the middle of a big room fucking three huge black guys one up her ass, one in her pussy and a third down her throat. The worse of it l could see she was very pregnant all I could think to do was yell BETH YOU SLUT YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED threw the papers at her and walked out. I got in the car and drove back to the airport, turned in the car. Then I checked in and was told I had a three hour wait. I went and got a drink and sat down in the lounge. My hands started shaking I was finally realizing Beth and I were over. I started crying as quietly as I could trying not to draw attention to myself.
It had been a hard week of filming I was exhausted and flying home to spend some much needed downtime with my family in Oxford,
Maryland. I was in the process of doing some serious sole searching, I’m twenty four and have millions in stocks and investments, I really didn’t need this lifestyle anymore. What I need is a family with a loving husband a few kids to spoil. The only problem was the man I was in love with hated me.
I heard a sobbing noise and looked over saw a man in distress, I wondered what was causing his pain, had his lover dumped him, had he lost a family member or maybe some type of professional downturn. HOLEY SHIT THAT’S GREG, what has his slut wife done to him now.
I rushed over pulled him into my arms, I suspected he would reject me as the last time I had talked to him was when I was supposed to be watching over Beth and she all but told him she now had a career as a porn actress and he would have to live with it.
Thankfully he didn’t reject me but clung to me as I was his last lifeline keeping him from jumping off a cliff. It hurt me to see the man I loved hurting so bad. I asked Greg what’s wrong what’s happened, he handed me his cellphone and started the video of the orgy at Beth’s Beach House. I was horrified at what I saw especially with Beth being pregnant.
I knew I had to take care of him, thinking fast I knew I had my prescription sedatives in my purse so I had him take two. In a few minutes he was calmed down. I decided I would take him somewhere tropical, I mean damn I had all this money why not enjoy it with the man I love. I wasn’t going to waste three hours in this lounge waiting for our flight, so I booked a flight on a private jet, we
could board in twenty minutes.
I had to let his brother know what was going on and what I planned to do. I had met Joe many times at parties and barbecues. I used Greg’s phone to call Joe, he answered right away and said Greg are you ok where are you. I said Joe this is Alice and no he’s not ok, I explained what I knew and what I was doing and I planned to do.
Joe says I was afraid of something like this happening when he flew out there by himself to serve her the divorce papers. He told me to fly into Easton, he would meet us with clothes for Greg and directions to a private island a friend of his owned. I said I was hoping he wouldn’t need a whole lot of clothes. Joe laughed then he said Alice thank God it was you who has rescued him the one woman that truly loves him. I asked is it that obvious, Joe said yes and just so you know one night when Greg was drowning his sorrows he said
he wished he had married you instead of Beth. I said well I can fix that.
On the flight to Easton Greg slept with his head in my lap, and me running my fingers threw his hair, God I love this man so much. As we were preparing to land in Easton I woke him up at first he didn’t realize where we were. When he realized it was me with him he pulled me in his arms and kissed me so passionately, then he said the words I have longed to hear, he said I love you Alice, I wish you weren’t a lesbian and could love me to. I say silly man I do love you with all my heart and sole, I’m never going to let you go. We held
each other and cried as we landed. Joe walked into the plane saw us in each other’s arms and said its about time you two realized you were meant to be together. Greg in your suit case is a few clothes, and your passport, I have cleared things with your boss for two months, Ryan is fully informed and has footage of the orgy at Beth’s and your power of attorney for the divorce. So by the time you get back hopefully you will be divorced and you and Alice will need a quick shotgun wedding.
The pilot overhearing much of their conversation breaks in and says we will be refueled in about thirty minutes, if you need a quick bite
to eat there is a little diner Sugar Cakes inside the terminal. Oh and by the way Ten minutes after we take off we will be at our cruising altitude of one mile high.
We were back in the air with in an hour, Greg had me in his arms as soon as the seat belt light went off. I told him to please be gentle, I
was still a virgin, and I have “accidentally “ seen him nude several times and was very aware of his size.
When Alice told me she was a Virgin you could have knocked me over with a feather. I said to Alice are you sure you don’t want to wait
till we are married. Alice said Gregory Howard Miller if you haven’t knocked me up in the next two months I’m trading you in, now come earn us both a set of Mile High Wings.
It had been over a year since I had been with a woman, I knew I wouldn’t last long. I also knew I had to be very careful not to hurt her
to insure this would be an experience she would want to perform over and over again. Almost before I knew what was happening Alice had us both nude I was on my back Alice had my rock hard cock in her hand as she straddled me and slowly lowered herself until the head of my cock was parting her very wet pussy lips. She continued to lower herself as her pussy swallowed me in a tight silken glove she was making a purring sound until I contacted her hymen, she stared into my eyes then pushed down hard until she had impaled herself on my cock balls deep then fell against my chest panting. Then slowly began rubbing her clit against my pelvic bone. She sat up,
put her hands on my shoulders stared straight Into my eyes, and began Rocking faster and faster her eyes closed her mouth opened her head went back and she was screaming but no sounds were coming out. Her pussy began squeezing my cock until I
couldn’t hold off any longer. I exploded filling her womb with my hot seed, hopefully one of my guys would find her fertile egg. Crying she wrapped her arms around my neck kissed me and said I never knew it could be so good, never in my whole life did I know it could be so
Alice was laying back with her legs up in the air. I asked her what she as doing she said she was sending my tadpoles to where they would do the most good. I kissed her and said I love you so much baby I just hope you remember how good this feels when you are in labor having contractions.
Hi Mom you remember that guy I loved with all my heart and soul but could never have, well I got him. I won’t be home as planned, and
right now I’m or I guess you should say we are working on getting you that grandchild you always wanted. Tell Dad to shine up his shotgun because he is going to need it when we get back to e***** Greg down the isle
A month later Alice has me on the beach nude of course she was too. My phone rang, it was Ryan, he said congratulations you’re a single man, Beth never responded to our petition, it’s been a year so the court granted your divorce with the seventy thirty sprit we requested. I’m going after her assets as we speak. I said thank you I’ll talk to you later.
I stood up told Alice I would be right back. I went to the bedroom got the engagement ring I had stashed, walked back to the beach put my hand down to her pulled Alice up standing then kneeled in front of her and said Alice Sue Jenkins will you be my wife for ever
and ever. Alice says yes oh my God yes, but Greg what about, I cut her off and said that was Ryan I’m divorced it’s final. Alice grabbed her phone called her Mom and said Mom I’m engaged and I believe PREGNET. We will be home in two weeks, set me up with an appointment with your OB GYN.
By the time we got home and I was able to get an appointment it was three months. Greg had to work so Mom went with me. After the doctors initial exam she told me we needed to do a sonogram to be sure what is going on. I asked is something wrong with our
baby. The doctor said oh no no no, and its babies not baby. I asked how many the doctor smiled and said I think it’s only two. I said Greg’s getting cut off, the doctor said you should be safe for at least six months. My Mom asked can you tell the sex, the doctor asked do you want to know. I say yes please, the doctor says you have one of each. I busted out crying hugged my Mom and said I’m finally a woman.
and rehab has taken It’s toll on my time. The following is a story that has been
bouncing around in my head for a while. I hope you enjoy it. As always any
comments on the contents of the story is welcome, as far as grammar, spelling
and such keep it to yourself.
It was a warm spring evening, the local community theater group was having tryouts for their production
of Tea House of an August Moon. I was up on the catwalk replacing some of the
bulbs in the spot lights. Below me the director was running lines with a woman auditioning for the female lead. A beautiful
redhead with big boobs and a body that won’t quit was up and doing a damn good job, but damn how was a stacked redhead going to pass for a Japanese Geisha. I mean sure she was petite enough a wig could cover her red hair but her boobs were
lets say a bit large for
My name is Greg Miller, I’m a twenty ************* electrical engineer. I volunteer at the local community center, which use to be my high school. The county built a new modern school tore down all the classrooms and left the gym, cafeteria,
offices and the auditorium and turned it into a community center. I was head of the stage crew in high school,
so I volunteer to run stage during productions held there. Now a days I have a lot of time to volunteer after catching my ex fiancée in our bed with her boss. At least I was able to get a few shots of them with my cell phone and send them
to her bosses wife, as they say pay back is hell.
Right now I’m sitting up on this catwalk looking down at the woman I planned to make my wife even though I
didn’t even know her name. As stage manager I get to know everyone in the production so I planned to use that to get to know her.
Her name was Beth Hinson and she did get the part. She was a part time receptionist for a law firm and full time actress at least in her heart. She was continually taking acting and voice lessons to improve her skills.
It took me two weeks to take her out to dinner, on our second date she met me at my house for dinner and breakfast the next morning. Let me tell you that woman knows her way around a bed. Beth was over joyed when she tried to wrap her hand around my
cock and couldn’t. I was blessed with an above average lower appendage not porn star size huge but much larger than
I don’t know if you would call it love at first sight, certainly it was lust. Six month’s hence found me down on one knee Christmas
Eve followed by an enthusiastic yes and we almost missed Christmas Day, due to sexual exhaustion. I snuck out of bed showered, than lifted her out of bed sat her in the shower and turned the water on. That almost cost me my engagement. Beth realized we had to be at her Mom’s house at 1:30 and my Dad’s at 5:00 for dinner. Beth had lost her Dad years ago and cancer took my Mom when I was a junior in high school. We talked Linda, Beth’s Mom Into coming to dinner at my Dad’s. Who knew they would hit it off and wind up getting married before Beth and I.
Beth and l had been married for a year, Beth was taking every acting part she could get, she actually got a part in a commercial for a
local car dealership. I was in hog heven my job was going great, our marriage was fantastic I was on top of the world.
We were eating dinner and Beth says Greg there’s something I should have told you I’m bisexual. I ask what are you saying are you having an affair with some woman, are you leaving me for her. Beth laughed and says of course not silly I could never leave you, you are my life.
So why are you telling me this now. Beth says wellll you remember me telling you about my roommate in college Alice, we slept together in the same bed for all four years of college. We weren’t in love just fuck sisters. I said ok again so what are you trying to tell me. Beth pcomes over sits in my lap and says Alice called me today and she is coming into town and I told her all about you how wonderful a man and husband you are she smiles and says and how big you are down there. BETH I turn three shades of red and say damn she laughs then says Greg you know I love you with all my heart, but I told Alice she could stay with us and sleep with me while she is here, it’s just for three days, and I’ll make it up to you, baby this isn’t love it’s just something I need please let me have this time with her.
I’m stunned I don’t know what to say I guess more than a little hurt a bit jealous and very concerned. I didn’t know what to say I loved
her with all my heart so against my better judgment I say yes, then asked where should I stay, should I get a motel room for a few days. Beth says oh my God no you stay in the guest room. I would never ask you to leave our house, everything will be normal except at bed time Alice and I will go to bed together. In three days she will be on a flight back to California and everything will be back to normal.
I ask so what does Alice do, Beth hesitates gets a strange look on her face than says she is an actress. I ask has she been in any movies I have heard of, Beth says God I hope not. I ask why do you say that Beth says because she is a lesbian porn star. I’m stunned I don’t know what to say.
The next day when I come home from work the bedroom door is closed I sit down in my chair in the living room and a few seconds later the bedroom door opens and out pops a blonde nymph with huge boobs she was a real knockout she is perky cute as a button and she was nude as the day she was born. When she sees me she pranced over gives me a peck on the cheek and says you must be Greg
I’m Alice, damn your hot no wonder Beth is head over heels in love with you. She gets a serious look on her face and says thank you for this you have no idea what this means to us it takes a real man truly in love with his woman secure enough to go along with this. Alice
goes to the frig grabs a bottle of water and disappears back in the bedroom. The view from the back was as good as the front she has an ass that just don’t quit. There’s not a normal human male that wouldn’t get an erection from seeing ***** of them nude.
The bedroom door burst open Beth comes out plops down on my lap, wraps her arms around my head and kisses me so hard I thought I was going to pass out she had her tongue so far down my throat I thought she was going to lick my tonsils. Wait what is that I taste and smell it’s pussy but not Beth’s OH SHIT it was Alice’s pussy I was tasting. Beth giggles and says WOOPS, pussy breath sorry but she does taste good doesn’t she. Beth sees the confused look on my face, then I look down and notice the small hickey just above her right nipple. She sees me looking down and says what are you looking at she holds up her boob and yells DAMN IT ALICE I TOLD YOU NO MARKS, Alice yells back SORRY BABY SORRY GREG I JUST GOT CARRIED AWAY.
Beth spins around straddles me pressing her pussy against my pants with my very hard cock below. She says go get cleaned up Alice and I are taking you out and treating you to a steak dinner. She jumps up runs into the bedroom I hear a loud slap and Alice yelp what was that for Beth says my boob now come on we need to take a shower we smell like pussy.
I’m thinking it’s Friday night and Alice gets on the plane on Sunday evening will I make it without going crazy or ****ing both of them, wait better not Alice is a lesbian.
An hour later I’m sitting in the living room and yell our reservations are in twenty minutes and I’m about to starve to death out here, they come out of the bedroom laughing and cutting up Alice says well Beth can’t be very hungry she’s been eating me all afternoon. Beth
swats her butt and says stop it now. I take a good look at them they both have on almost transparent white blouses cut down to their navels no bras their skirts were so short if they sneezed their bald pussy lips would be exposed that’s right no panties on *****. They both had the tallest spiked heals I have ever seen. I stand up each takes an arm and off we go, with me thinking I’m going to have my hands full tonight keeping these two from getting *****.
They get in the back seat and Beth says to the restaurant James. I wasn’t real happy to start with but that crossed a line in my mind. When we got to the restaurant our table wasn’t ready so we had to wait in the bar, within five minutes both Alice and Beth had four drinks in front of them. I’m watching as two guys come over and ask the girls to dance, without hesitation they both accept, this pissed me off no end . Within two minutes both guys were all hands and trying to explore areas that I considered off limits. I was half way out of my chair when both guy’s were on the floor in pain. Seams spiked heels did more than enhance the appearance of their legs. Suddenly our table was ready and two bouncers were e*****ing the two perverts out the door.
As I slid their chairs in for them than sat down Beth could tell I was pissed. I looked at her then reached into my pocket and tossed her
the car keys. I stood up and said I’ll see you in a few days and walked away. Beth yelled Greg wait but I kept on walking out the door.
The following Wednesday when Beth walked in I said go get cleaned up dinner is almost ready. Beth ran to me through her arms around my neck and started kissing me all over my face, saying Greg I'm so sorry it was just a stupid game Alice and I use to play. As we ate Beth said I’m so sorry I thought I had lost you, Alice and I left right after you we came home and cried all night, I was so afraid you were
gone forever. I say this is the last we are going to say on the subject I’m sorry I ruined your reunion with Alice please let her know she is welcome back any time with the same arrangement.
Beth did her damn best to fuck me to death for the next month. Thankfully Alice came back into town and I got a rest. She was forwarned not to mention the incident in the restaurant and no more of their old games when we are out
We all became very close of course nothing sexual ever happened between Alice and I, we swing from different sides of the plate so to
speak. Every few weeks Alice would come into town and we would all have a great time. This went on for a year then one Monday evening Alice called she had just left Sunday. As they talked Beth got more and more excited. Beth puts the phone on speaker, and sits it on the coffee table, then comes over and sits on my lap. Gives me another tonsil tickling kiss and says I have a chance for a real break through in my career.
The woman Alice always plays opposite in her films can’t make tomorrow’s shooting, they want me to fly to California tonight and take her place. This is my big chance I’ll be a real actress in a real movie. I say Beth it’s a porn movie you do this and any chance of ever being in a lagitament production will be gone. Alice says Greg this is strictly lesbian just her and I. It’s a foreign production and won’t be released in the US. Beth will fly out tonight be here tomorrow morning Wednesday, we shoot through Friday noon hop on a plane and be back Friday evening. Oh forgot to mention she will be fifteen thousand dollars richer.
I say I don’t give a fuck about the money, my only concern is for Beth and her well-being and our marriage. Alice says it’s two and a half days , I’ll look after, what could possibly go wrong. It’s a one and done thing. I say it’s against my better judgment, but for this one time only ok. Alice says you have to hurry there is only one flight left that will get you here in time so hassle baby chop chop. The connection went dead Beth gives me a quick peck, then runs upstairs to pack. She is back in less than five minutes come on Greg you have to get me to the airport. On the short drive to the airport all she did was talk about how this is her big chance, she could get noticed become a star. When we arrived at the airport she grabbed her bag and rushed into the terminal. No goodbye, no kiss, she was just gone. That’s when I knew our marriage was in serious trouble.
Alice met me at the airport, she said I hope you slept on the plane we are driving straight to the studio for hair make up and wardrobe.
Alice says I don’t like lying to Greg like this, I say it’s my only way to become a real actress, I have worked for this all my life now it’s finally comming true. Alice asks what about Greg, I say he will be fine, once I make him realize this is just my job now. Alice says I’m not so sure about that having sex with other men, women and groups is far from a normal job. Alice says I promised Greg I would take care of you so there is only one rule when we are at the studio you stay close to me at all times.
It was hectic from the time we walked in the studio till late that afternoon. Alice’s normal counterpart JC was there, there was one long seen with JC and Alice, one with the three of us, one with JC and I then several with Alice and I. Just when we thought we were done for the day the director said Alice, JC I got bad news the lighting was off on your opening seen and we have to shoot it again now to stay on schedule.
Alice and JC looked really frustrated, I say to Alice I’m going back to the dressing room get a shower and change into street clothes. Alice says you might as well we will be a while just stay in the dressing room. On my way back to the dressing room Alice’s agent
Bob Jenkins stopped me and says Beth you have really stood out today, this certainly isn’t your first acting job, I want you to meet Henry Bloomington, he is a very important producer in our business impress him and the sky is the limit for you.
I follow him to this big plush office he introduced me to Henry. Henry says I watched you today you certainly have the looks, body, acting ability to possibly make it in this business, but to meet your full potential you need to be as good with men as you are with women. Do you think you can do that. I say let me show you and kneel down in front of him pull down his zipper reach in pull out his cock and swallow him all the way to his balls.
He says oh my God yes, he grabs my head an fucks my face till he cums down my throat. He sits back and tells Bob bring Bruce in here. Bob comes in with this huge black guy he had to be six five and three hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle. Henry says get
naked Beth, then Bruce is going to fuck you. As I strip I watch Bruce get naked. I gasp when I saw his cock it was hard as steel at least twelve inches long and as big around as a coke can. Henry says now you two go over on the couch and fuck like monkeys. I lay down Bruce lays next to me we kiss hot and passionately his huge hands mall my boobs, he kisses his way down my body, his big lips covers my pussy, his tongue laps at my clit my head is spinning I’m having a huge orgasm, he slides two huge fingers into my pussy, they are bigger than any cock I have ever had. I almost passed out, then I feel his body shift and my pussy lips being pried apart as his cock forces me open. I hear Henry say fuck her hard give it all to her she’s no good if she can’t take it all. I’m cumming over and over then Henry says flip her over and do her doggy style. Henry says Bob stick your cock in her mouth split roast her. Bruce tenses up and I feel
his hot cum filling my womb. Henry says now do her anal Bruce. I’m not sure I heard him right till Bruce pulled his cock out of me and I felt his cock against my little pink flower, he grabs my hips and plunged his cock into me up to his balls. That was all I remember till coming to laying on the couch in the dressing room nude with cum on my face and running out of my pussy and ass.
Alice and JC came walking into the dressing room, Alice sees me and says what the fuck happened, I say I auditioned for Henry Bloomington, I have made it, I’m under contract to star in twenty five films I start tomorrow.Alice says this was supposed to be a one time thing I promised Greg I would look after you and speaking of Greg what are you going to tell him. I say he will just have to learn to accept it, if not there are lots of cocks out here a lot bigger than his.
Alice and JC picked me up took me in the shower to clean me up. JC knelt in front of me and sucked the cum out of me, she says shit she fucked Black Bruce, I giggled and said yep took him balls deep in my pussy and ass. I asked how did you know, JC says after a
while you get to know guys by the taste of their cum. Alice wouldn’t know about that she only licks pussy. When we got out of the shower Alice says you can’t do this to Greg, he can never know about your “ try out “ Beth this will crush him. How can you do this to him. I tell her Greg has known all along I wanted to be an actress and adjustments would have to be made to accomplish my gole. Alice says an actress yes but a porn slut sucking and fucking every cock that’s waved in front of you is a hell of a lot more than an adjustment. I say he will just have to get used to it. Alice says ok let’s see she reaches into my bag grabbed my cell phone and dialed Greg’s number put the phone on speaker, and hands me the phone and says ok tell him the whole story see how long your marriage lasts.
Greg answered the call and said hello babe how are things going. Really great they love me here all the acting classes are paying off, I signed a contract for twenty five films today. There was silence on Greg’s end of the line. I ask Greg you there Greg says I thought this was one and done, now you have signed for twenty five films, did you think of maybe discussing it with me. What about your job at the law firm. I say that was always temporary until my career took off now that it has I won’t need that anymore, Greg says I guess I’m
something else you don’t need anymore. Look I have to run talk to you later and the line went dead.
Alice says well that went well and you didn’t even get to the part where you sucked off two guys and fucked a huge black cock up your
ass. I say Alice why are you saying these things your supposed to be my friend. Alice yells back at her I’M GREG’S FRIEND TOO AND WHAT YOUR DOING TO HIM IS JUST NOT RIGHT. I THOUGHT YOU WERE A SWEET LOVING PERSON BUT NO YOUR JUST A
Henry walks in and asked what’s all the yelling about. I ask Henry if he could take me to a good motel because it looks like guest status has been revoked. Henry says get your stuff your staying with me.
Oh yes I stayed with him in his bed and we fucked for hours. I never saw Alice again after that evening. The next morning after sucking
Henry off we were off to the studio, as I went through hair, make up and wardrobe, craft services provided breakfast. We filmed two movies that day, by nine that evening I was dragging ass, but we wouldn’t wrap the second movie till after midnight. Henry said take a couple hits of this and I learned the rejuvenating properties of coke cane, from that point it was always present if I needed a little pick me up.
I tried calling Greg several times that day but he wasn’t taking my calls. Henry told me we wouldn’t be done filming till Sunday noon, I texted Greg to let him know that I wouldn’t be home till Sunday night due to filming schedules. Henry had a great idea for a film he titled it, IN MY HUSBAND’S BED. We would film it at my house on Monday after Greg went to work it would only take a few hours and we would be done before Greg got home. It would be my first gangbang movie. After the shoot I would have two weeks to make up with Greg before I would have to be back in California.
I would fly home first class of course on a commercial flight and the crew would be taking a private jet back home to Maryland. It
would be a minimal crew to be able to film in our house and be in and out before Greg got home, it was the perfect plan.
When I got on the plane Sunday afternoon I finally came down off my coke cane high and after a glass of Champagne I crashed. The flight attendant had to wake me up to fasten my seatbelt to land at BWI. I took a limo home when I walked in it was eleven thirty Greg was sitting in his chair in the living room. I said I know we have to talk but it’s been a long week along flight then a long ride to get home can we talk when you get home from work tomorrow. Greg stood up and said all your stuff is in the guest bedroom, then walked into our bedroom and closed the door
When I walked into the guest bedroom I knew I had a lot of making up to do, everything I owned was piled on the bed. I just pushed it all
to the floor and passed out on top the covers.
The next morning I was unceremoniously awakened by the slamming of the front door. I knew I had to get moving the crew would be here soon. Coffee I needed coffee, when I went to the kitchen none was made and we were totally out, what made it worse I could smell coffee Greg had used the last of it. I texted Henry a two word text NEED COFFEE!
The crew didn’t show up till nine I was surprised at the late start. With the crew and actors there were ten guys, my little pussy was
going to be tired tonight. Henry gave me a large coffee and said take these I asked what is it he said X it will keep your labeto up all day, then he gave me a hit of coke
I never even made the bed Greg had slept in the night before. Then we started after each guy fucked me Henry would give me a hit of coke. By the time we broke for lunch I had no idea how many guys I had fucked or even what time it was nor did I care (I should
I was putting off going home, knowing the conversation that we would have would most likely end our marriage. Nothing could have prepared me for what I walked into. There were wires running all through the house, a woman with her tits hanging out was sucking
off a black guy with a huge cock, two more women were on the sofa stroking and licking a white and Hispanic guy each both nude with cocks so big they put my oversized lower appendage to shame.
Then I heard Beth yell YES, YES FILL MY CUNT UP WITH YOUR BLACK CUM YES YES YES. I thought oh no you don’t not in my house son of a bitch. When I walk into our bedroom there were three guys with cameras catching the action on the bed as a black guy was on the bed between Beth’s legs pounding her with his huge cock. There were three nude men standing by stroking their equally huge cocks waiting their turns.
A guy wearing what appeared to be a shark skin suit walked up to me and asked me why I was there. I exploded THIS IS MY HOUSE AND I WANT YOU ALL OUT OF HERE NOW! The room suddenly became silent with everyone staring at me, except Beth she was just yelling don’t stop now fuck me fuck me hard. The guy said I'm Henry Bloomington producer and director of this film, and I believe Beth co-owns this house and has invited us to shoot this here. I say you believe wrong I owned this house long before I met Beth and I am the sole owner. I’m leaving now I’ll be back in an hour with my brother Joe who is the Sheriff for this county. I expect you and all
your stuff and people to be gone take that slut in the bed with you
An hour later I did indeed return with my brother, they were all GONE but the place was a wreck traces of coke everywhere also a vile of x and in their haste to leave they left a laptop that had all the raw footage of today’s filming. Joe snatched up on the laptop he viewed a few minutes of the film and said Greg you can never see this but if you plan to divorce her you will have no problem filing for adultery. Joe called and had the crime lab come out and gather evidence. Then he called BWI to try and detain Henry Bloomington, but the slick son of a bitch had a small private jet pick them up at the Easton Airport and was long gone, as Easton Airport was only fifteen minutes away.
I spent the next few months in a haze, there was no word from Beth and I never attempted to contact her. In one month it would be one
year since that evening I came home to find Beth filming a gangbang movie in our bed. When I got home there was a large brown envelope, I was wondering when the divorce papers would show up.
When I opened the envelope l was surprised to see it was closing papers for a beach house / mansion on the beach in Carmel, in her name only. What stunned me was the paid in full receipt for twelve and a half million dollars. I was totally confused didn’t, know what to do or which way to turn.
It came to me my big brother Joe, he would know what to do so I called him. I explained to him what was or in my case wasn’t happening. He told me to meet him at the Tidewater for lunch at one the next day. When I got there he had a guest he introduced as
Ryan the best family law attorney in the world, with that Joe got up and said he had to go but he was leaving me in good hands.
Ryan said let’s order then you can tell me your story, and we can figure which way to go. As we ate I told him my story and I showed him a screen shot of Beth from the movie that was shot at my house. His eyes got wide and he said damn that’s a whole lot of woman. You sure you don’t want to try counseling and reconciliation. I said sadly no.
Ryan says from the looks of it, it appears she has done very well for herself in the porn business. The best way to resolve your situation
is to serve her with divorce papers for adultery and ask for a seventy thirty split. I said ok Wright the papers and I’ll serve them myself. So that was our plan. A week later Ryan gave me the papers and I was on a plane heading for California, when I got to the airport I
rented a car with GPS put the address in the cars navigation system an hour later I pulled into her driveway, it was loaded with cars apparently there was a party going on. I took my cellphone put it on video and put it in my top pocket with the lens exposed.
I thought nothing could be worse than what I had walked into almost a year ago, I was wrong. It was an out and out orgy. I walked through the house trying to find Beth then there she was on a mattress in the middle of a big room fucking three huge black guys one up her ass, one in her pussy and a third down her throat. The worse of it l could see she was very pregnant all I could think to do was yell BETH YOU SLUT YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED threw the papers at her and walked out. I got in the car and drove back to the airport, turned in the car. Then I checked in and was told I had a three hour wait. I went and got a drink and sat down in the lounge. My hands started shaking I was finally realizing Beth and I were over. I started crying as quietly as I could trying not to draw attention to myself.
It had been a hard week of filming I was exhausted and flying home to spend some much needed downtime with my family in Oxford,
Maryland. I was in the process of doing some serious sole searching, I’m twenty four and have millions in stocks and investments, I really didn’t need this lifestyle anymore. What I need is a family with a loving husband a few kids to spoil. The only problem was the man I was in love with hated me.
I heard a sobbing noise and looked over saw a man in distress, I wondered what was causing his pain, had his lover dumped him, had he lost a family member or maybe some type of professional downturn. HOLEY SHIT THAT’S GREG, what has his slut wife done to him now.
I rushed over pulled him into my arms, I suspected he would reject me as the last time I had talked to him was when I was supposed to be watching over Beth and she all but told him she now had a career as a porn actress and he would have to live with it.
Thankfully he didn’t reject me but clung to me as I was his last lifeline keeping him from jumping off a cliff. It hurt me to see the man I loved hurting so bad. I asked Greg what’s wrong what’s happened, he handed me his cellphone and started the video of the orgy at Beth’s Beach House. I was horrified at what I saw especially with Beth being pregnant.
I knew I had to take care of him, thinking fast I knew I had my prescription sedatives in my purse so I had him take two. In a few minutes he was calmed down. I decided I would take him somewhere tropical, I mean damn I had all this money why not enjoy it with the man I love. I wasn’t going to waste three hours in this lounge waiting for our flight, so I booked a flight on a private jet, we
could board in twenty minutes.
I had to let his brother know what was going on and what I planned to do. I had met Joe many times at parties and barbecues. I used Greg’s phone to call Joe, he answered right away and said Greg are you ok where are you. I said Joe this is Alice and no he’s not ok, I explained what I knew and what I was doing and I planned to do.
Joe says I was afraid of something like this happening when he flew out there by himself to serve her the divorce papers. He told me to fly into Easton, he would meet us with clothes for Greg and directions to a private island a friend of his owned. I said I was hoping he wouldn’t need a whole lot of clothes. Joe laughed then he said Alice thank God it was you who has rescued him the one woman that truly loves him. I asked is it that obvious, Joe said yes and just so you know one night when Greg was drowning his sorrows he said
he wished he had married you instead of Beth. I said well I can fix that.
On the flight to Easton Greg slept with his head in my lap, and me running my fingers threw his hair, God I love this man so much. As we were preparing to land in Easton I woke him up at first he didn’t realize where we were. When he realized it was me with him he pulled me in his arms and kissed me so passionately, then he said the words I have longed to hear, he said I love you Alice, I wish you weren’t a lesbian and could love me to. I say silly man I do love you with all my heart and sole, I’m never going to let you go. We held
each other and cried as we landed. Joe walked into the plane saw us in each other’s arms and said its about time you two realized you were meant to be together. Greg in your suit case is a few clothes, and your passport, I have cleared things with your boss for two months, Ryan is fully informed and has footage of the orgy at Beth’s and your power of attorney for the divorce. So by the time you get back hopefully you will be divorced and you and Alice will need a quick shotgun wedding.
The pilot overhearing much of their conversation breaks in and says we will be refueled in about thirty minutes, if you need a quick bite
to eat there is a little diner Sugar Cakes inside the terminal. Oh and by the way Ten minutes after we take off we will be at our cruising altitude of one mile high.
We were back in the air with in an hour, Greg had me in his arms as soon as the seat belt light went off. I told him to please be gentle, I
was still a virgin, and I have “accidentally “ seen him nude several times and was very aware of his size.
When Alice told me she was a Virgin you could have knocked me over with a feather. I said to Alice are you sure you don’t want to wait
till we are married. Alice said Gregory Howard Miller if you haven’t knocked me up in the next two months I’m trading you in, now come earn us both a set of Mile High Wings.
It had been over a year since I had been with a woman, I knew I wouldn’t last long. I also knew I had to be very careful not to hurt her
to insure this would be an experience she would want to perform over and over again. Almost before I knew what was happening Alice had us both nude I was on my back Alice had my rock hard cock in her hand as she straddled me and slowly lowered herself until the head of my cock was parting her very wet pussy lips. She continued to lower herself as her pussy swallowed me in a tight silken glove she was making a purring sound until I contacted her hymen, she stared into my eyes then pushed down hard until she had impaled herself on my cock balls deep then fell against my chest panting. Then slowly began rubbing her clit against my pelvic bone. She sat up,
put her hands on my shoulders stared straight Into my eyes, and began Rocking faster and faster her eyes closed her mouth opened her head went back and she was screaming but no sounds were coming out. Her pussy began squeezing my cock until I
couldn’t hold off any longer. I exploded filling her womb with my hot seed, hopefully one of my guys would find her fertile egg. Crying she wrapped her arms around my neck kissed me and said I never knew it could be so good, never in my whole life did I know it could be so
Alice was laying back with her legs up in the air. I asked her what she as doing she said she was sending my tadpoles to where they would do the most good. I kissed her and said I love you so much baby I just hope you remember how good this feels when you are in labor having contractions.
Hi Mom you remember that guy I loved with all my heart and soul but could never have, well I got him. I won’t be home as planned, and
right now I’m or I guess you should say we are working on getting you that grandchild you always wanted. Tell Dad to shine up his shotgun because he is going to need it when we get back to e***** Greg down the isle
A month later Alice has me on the beach nude of course she was too. My phone rang, it was Ryan, he said congratulations you’re a single man, Beth never responded to our petition, it’s been a year so the court granted your divorce with the seventy thirty sprit we requested. I’m going after her assets as we speak. I said thank you I’ll talk to you later.
I stood up told Alice I would be right back. I went to the bedroom got the engagement ring I had stashed, walked back to the beach put my hand down to her pulled Alice up standing then kneeled in front of her and said Alice Sue Jenkins will you be my wife for ever
and ever. Alice says yes oh my God yes, but Greg what about, I cut her off and said that was Ryan I’m divorced it’s final. Alice grabbed her phone called her Mom and said Mom I’m engaged and I believe PREGNET. We will be home in two weeks, set me up with an appointment with your OB GYN.
By the time we got home and I was able to get an appointment it was three months. Greg had to work so Mom went with me. After the doctors initial exam she told me we needed to do a sonogram to be sure what is going on. I asked is something wrong with our
baby. The doctor said oh no no no, and its babies not baby. I asked how many the doctor smiled and said I think it’s only two. I said Greg’s getting cut off, the doctor said you should be safe for at least six months. My Mom asked can you tell the sex, the doctor asked do you want to know. I say yes please, the doctor says you have one of each. I busted out crying hugged my Mom and said I’m finally a woman.
8 months ago