Neighborhood Party had a Huge Ending

Neighborhood Party had a Huge Ending - Chapter 1

Emily and I were like most married couples in our early 30’s, trying to get established, buying our first house, and having sex as much as possible. Emily, or just ‘Em’ as I called her, was smaller, shy and conservative. Em was not the first woman you would notice in a room, but if you watched her move it was always with a sort of liquid flowing grace that I found to be such a turn-on. She was like a hidden gem to me, rounded pert tits that were so firm with wide dark areola and nipples that got so hard. As well, what only I knew, was that Em was a sexual creature and when she was in the right mood making love to her was an erotic dream, no position and nothing was off-limits between us as we explored our limits. This was the opposite of her manner at any other time; reserved and cautious would be how a stranger would describe her.

I was a contrast to Em in that I was loud, talked to anyone, and enjoyed sports like tennis and basketball. We both had been minor second string college athletes, and we still worked out to keep our bodies in great shape. One hassle I had with playing sports was that I had to wear long shorts, I had a few “accidents” where my long dick was exposed past the hem of my tennis shorts which embarrassed Em more than me.

“Andrew!” Em called me. “I do not know about this ‘new in the neighborhood’ party.”

“What?,…what’s wrong with it?”, I replied.

“Well, I dug up some info online, and a couple that moved away said that the neighborhood group was pretty closed and odd.” Em said. “They said there was some sort of evaluation, and then they just felt froze out of neighborhood get-togethers” Em was worried about us making a good first impression on our new neighbors, she was more tense than usual about any encounters with these people she hoped would be our friends.

“hmmmm,..”, I mused, “Well, we could take that as a challenge to show the neighbors how much they will enjoy having us here.” I looked at Em and could see her thinking about it, and I sensed Em’s worry about being liked by our new neighbors.

“This is going to be our home and we need to be careful about being a part of the neighborhood.”, she replied “Please do not do anything stupid.”

“Well……, I replied, “…it may be a little late for that warning, because a couple from the neighborhood that I met on my run this morning should be here any minute to meet you.”

“ What…!” Em hollered, “I am all sweaty with shorts, a t-shirt, and no bra!….you should have told me …” then the doorbell rang.

Em walked past me glaring with anger, I could not help but notice her fury at me also made her nipples hard. She opened the door and welcomed in Jen and Erik bringing them to sit in the living room.

“Hey Andrew, good to see you again”, said Erik and shook my hand. He had a loud gregarious manner and his smile warmed up the room. Then he turned to Em and said, “So glad to meet you, Emily is it? Welcome to the neighborhood!”. He heartily shook Em’s hand and briefly glanced down to notice the curves of her young body. His wife Jen seemed more quiet, but smiled at her husband’s outgoingness. They looked to be in their 40’s and could have been us ten years on, both reasonably fit and at ease with themselves. Jen was full figured and did not seem to mind when I took a sidelong look to appreciate her large tits. I was also impressed with her tan, her golden skin had no tan lines and I imagined her sunbathing nude to get this all-over glow.

They took seats on the couch and we talked about school traffic in the neighborhood, what kind of grass grew well here, and other usual new-to-the-neighborhood topics. Then Erik mentioned the upcoming neighborhood party, “We sure hope you can be there, you will want to meet the rest of the neighbors.”

Em spoke up, “We do want to fit in well, uhmmmm,….. what do people typically wear to this party?”

Jen looked like she was pondering a reply, but before she could speak Erik looked at Jen with a sly grin and said, “Jen I sure hope you wear that same sundress as last year,…” and he very obviously looked down at her tits. “….made me proud to be your husband!”

“Oh brother!”, Jen said and rolled her eyes at Erik. “Come here Emily, and let’s have some girl-talk in the kitchen.” Em’s uncertainty was written across her face as Jen took her hand and led her in the kitchen.

“I am sorry about my husband.” Jen said, “He just does not have a filter like he should, just says what thoughts come in his mind.” Jen sat down with Em in the kitchen. “He is really very nice and good to me, so please give him a chance.”

“Well, that did sort of shock me.” Replied Em, “…but it was a lot like something dumb that my husband would say.” Jen smiled at her and reached out and took her hands in hers.

“You seem a lot like me,” Jen said to Em, “..and I would love for you to be my friend.” Jen’s kind smile made Em feel welcome for the first time and she felt such relief, tears welled up in her eyes. “Awwww,….don’t cry!”, Jen got up and went over and hugged Em, pulling her close. Em relaxed in her arms and enjoyed the full hug from Jen. As Jen held her she turned and Em could feel those full breasts against her tits, their nipples were in contact with each other. Em did not care and lingered in that warm embrace. Jen kissed her cheek softly again and again comforting and loving Em. It was such a nice feeling for Em.

Jen sat back down and they talked and talked. Erik and I went out and explored in the yard talking about the weather, sports, and kidding each other on whose wife was hotter.

When Erik and I came in the kitchen to get a beer I noticed that Jen and Em were holding hands as they talked, and I thought I heard Jen call her ‘Em’. I took that as a great sign that they were going to be good friends.

Jen and Em’s conversation got back around to the upcoming party. “Em, this party will be a little odd, but I want to steer you through it if you will let me.”, said Jen.

“What do you mean by odd?”, asked Em.

“Well,….”, Jen paused, “…some neighbors could think you two may not like some of their,….habits, and so they may hold you at arms-length until they are more sure about you. However I just love you, and I am sure I can help you navigate through this.” Jen turned and looked into Em’s eyes and held both her hands, “Will you trust me and let me help you?”, Jen asked.

“Yes,…oh yes!” Em sighed and melted with relief. Jen leaned forward and kissed her full on the lips. It did not feel sexual at first, and Em moaned softly in her mouth as she accepted the love and kindness that she felt in this kiss. Jen moaned softly back and her tongue entered Em’s mouth gently rubbing her friend’s tongue. They began to kiss more deeply as they felt their friendship becoming deeper and deeper. Jen turned her head so she could more fully kiss Em, and pushed her tongue as deeply as she could into her mouth, and Em responded by lovingly sucking on Jen’s extended tongue. As they continued kissing Jen let her hand travel across Em’s tits and felt her hard nipples. “Uhnnnnn…..”, Em moaned as she closed her lips on Jen’s tongue and enjoyed the fingers sliding over her breasts. Their kiss continued for several minutes, tongues sliding across each other, heads twisting to allow their mouths to fully explore each other’s lips.

Jen ended the embrace first and leaned back. “Wow, that was so beautiful!”, murmured Jen as she stared into Em’s eyes. “I will talk to you again soon Em, I love you so much already, let me collect my husband.” Jen went out back to find Erik.

Em was alone in the kitchen, she caught her breath and looked down, her nipples had never felt this hard and they stood out so far from her breasts. She pulled off her t-shirt and admired her tits, then lifted her tits and recalled how good they felt under Jen’s hand. She pulled one tit up to her mouth, extended her tongue, and……. she licked her own nipple and sighed with pleasure.

Neighborhood Party had a Huge Ending- Chapter 2

“Are you ready yet?” Em called up to me.

I had just got out of the shower and was drying off. “No, I just got out of the shower.”, I hollered back down to her. As I toweled off I checked out my tan; I was glad Em talked me into us sunbathing nude (I think Jen suggested it to her) this past week, my entire body had a light golden brown hue. I looked in the mirror and was satisfied with what I saw, 6 feet tall, 180 pounds and still trim and muscular; I pulled at my cock and stretched it out to its full 8 inch length.

“Wear what I laid out for you on the bed.”, called back Em.

“It is just shorts and a light polo shirt,….where is my underwear?”, I shouted.

Em appeared at the bedroom doorway and said “Just wear what I put out, no underwear.”. I turned and Em was wearing a dress I had never seen before, it was sheer and shimmering, her nipples and areola were plainly visible. My mouth fell open as she walked across the room, the slinky material moving on her swaying hips. As I continued to stare at my hot wife my brain began contemplating the situation; sexy dress on Em, no underwear for me, I began to think I was going to get lucky after this party.

“I looooove that dress!”, I growled.

“Cool it tiger.” Em responded. “This is all being done so that both you and I can make the best possible impression at this party.”

“What?!?…how do you mean?”, I asked.

“I talked quite a lot with Jen, and I think I have some idea how this party will go.”, she said.

“Well please do enlighten me.” I commented as I slipped on my shirt and shorts.

“Well,” Em said, “I don’t know how much will be helpful, but the hosts are Brent and Tammy so we need to be particularly good to them. Jen said Brent is older, maybe in his 50’s, and Tammy is younger and from the Philippines.”

“Okay, tell me more.”, I replied.

“Uhmmmm,….no.”, she replied. I gave Em a puzzled look and she stepped over to me. “Look, Jen and I have talked it out and we think we know what to do, but please just follow our lead and that is the best chance for everything to go well.”

I looked at her with a frown. Em looked in my eyes and moved forward so her tits mashed against my chest, her hand slid across my cock, she pursed her lips in a sexy pout, “Please, do this for me.”, she pleaded.

The squeezing on my cock, her nipples in my chest, and her big eyes looking up at me melted my resistance. “Okay,…sure,….I will follow your lead at the party.”, I replied.

“Thanks honey!”, she replied. “I think you will be happy with the attention you will get at the party.”, she said with a sly grin.

Neighborhood Party had a Huge Ending- Chapter 3

We stepped up to Brent and Tammy’s front door, it was one of the larger and nicer houses in the neighborhood in a secluded area. I rang the doorbell and a beautiful small black haired woman answered the door. “Hi,” she smiled, “I am Tammy, welcome to our home”. She hugged each of us warmly and led us inside.

As we moved through their house and Tammy chatted with Em I took the chance to size up Tammy in the mirrors we walked past. Her light brown skin looked so smooth and soft, it glowed like warm carmel. Her light cotton dress had no underwear lines that I could see and it slid across her rounded body as she walked. I guessed she was in her late twenties, and obviously very fit. Her butt and tits were more full than my wife, but they both moved with an easy grace that brought all manner of erotic thoughts to my mind.

“Brent, here are the new neighbors, Andrew and Emily.”, said Tammy as she introduced us to her husband.

“How nice to have such good looking neighbors.”, Brent smiled as he reached out to shake my hand. He was slightly taller than I was with graying hair and an easy manner. His hand seemed large even for a man his size, and his grip was firm and strong. He looked like he lifted weights, his hard flat chest narrowed down to a trim waist. Just a damn good looking older man.

“We want you to enjoy the party, and I understand that Jennifer has filled you in on how all your neighbors will be getting to know you tonight?”, Brent asked.

I kept my cool and stayed quiet as Em stepped forward and said,”Yes, we hope to make a good impression.” As she did this she leaned back and effectively displayed her body to Brent, her tits and hard nipples clearly outlined in her sheer dress.

Brent looked up and down her body, and Tammy admired her from the side. “Wonderful,”, Brent said, “please do meet your neighbors, and I hope to see you again at the end of the party.” Then Brent turned away and Tammy led us both to another room.

“Well, I can see from his reaction that your husband does not know about how the neighbors will interact with him.” Tammy said to Em.

“Yes,” Em replied, “I told him to just follow my lead.”. I was listening intently to try to figure out what was going on, because my wife had just essentially shown her body off to an older man with his wife standing right there. Then I saw Jennifer walking over towards us with a big smile on her face.

“Jennifer so good to see you!”, said Tammy. They hugged and then kissed each other full on the mouth. The kiss extended and their tongues moved into each other’s mouths, “Mmmmmm, ….uhnnn.”, Tammy moaned softly enjoying their deep kiss. “Emily is just as beautiful as you told me.” said Tammy to Jennifer. Then they ended their embrace and looked towards Em and I.

“We need to tell Andrew now what to expect tonight.”, said Em.

“You are right,” replied Jennifer. Then turning to me Jennifer said, “Andrew, your neighbors want to learn some more about you,…..sexually. There will not be any sex acts, and your clothes will stay on,……mostly. But your neighbors just want to get an idea what you could be like in an erotic situation.”

“Uh,……okay?…..”, I replied.

“So they will rub against you,….ALL of your body.”, said Tammy as she came up beside me and pushed her tits into my arm. “You just need to enjoy it, and not spend too much time with any one neighbor or couple.”

Jennifer continued, “You and Em cannot stay together tonight, but Tammy will be your guide, and I will e***** Em.”

My head was swimming as I tried to wrap my mind around all of this, and then Em stepped in front of me and said, “Andrew, let’s do this, I want to try it.”

“Okay baby.”, I replied, and with that Tammy put her arm around my waist and led me into another room.

Tammy introduced me to an older couple. We talked briefly about where we were from and then Tammy maneuvered me to stand between them. The wife stroked my chest and the husband looked down at my growing bulge. Then he put his wife’s hand on my cock and they both squeezed and felt up and down my shaft. “We like your big cock.”, the wife said. They continued to rub and feel my dick as a much younger couple came up and watched.

Tammy e*****ed the older couple aside and the boy and girl ( they looked like teenagers) came up next to me. I looked down at her pert young tits with her hard nipples sticking out, she grinned up at me as I stared, “You like my small tits?”, she teased. I just nodded.

“Well I like this big cock,” she said and slid her hand inside my shorts and put her hand on my shaft. “Ohhhhh, so thick!” she said to her boyfriend, “You feel it.”, she exclaimed. The next thing I knew two hands were in my shorts and they were both grinning at each other.

Then this hot teenager feeling my erect cock looked at Tammy and said, “I want to taste it.”

Tammy frowned at her and hesitated, “It is allowed, but not for long.”

“Yea!”, squealed the teenager and knelt in front of me. She took my throbbing cock out and licked the precum off my head. “Mmmmmmm,” she moaned, and turned her head towards her boyfriend. They kissed and shared my precum. It was such a hot scene and I was so turned on that I grabbed the shoulders of the hot young girl and pulled her up to me. I kissed her and shoved my tongue deep in her mouth, I wanted to fuck her hot little body.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, “Time for a cool down.”, whispered Tammy in my ear.

I froze when I realized I was about to try to fuck a teen in a room full of people.

“Hee, hee, loved your big cock!”, said the teen and bounced off with her boyfriend.

Tammy led me into a secluded room and said, “We just need to slow it down for a minute.”

I caught my breath and realized I had almost fucked a teenager with my wife in the same house. I exhaled and said, “What am I doing?!?” I put my head in my hands.

“You are enjoying your body and letting other people enjoy your sexuality.”, Tammy calmly replied.

“No, where is my wife?”, I demanded.

“You want to see her?”, Tammy replied.

“Yes, now!”, I exclaimed. I was feeling worried and wanted my wife that I loved back close to me.

“Okay,” Tammy replied, “but remember she told you she wanted this….”

“Where is she? Show her to me!” I commanded.

Tammy led me to the side of the room and we overlooked a room with a high ceiling, and five or six couples in it. I saw Emily at the far end of the room with Jennifer just behind her, and a couple on either side of her. I started to call out to her, but for some reason I hesitated.

Then I saw the hands moving across her body, both couples and Jennifer were sliding their palms and fingers across Em’s lithe golden body. Em begin to sway and her mouth opened as her tits were caressed, her nipples were squeezed, and her firm butt was rubbed. Then Jennifer turned Em’s head back so she could kiss her as both couples continued to feel all over my wife’s body.

“She looks like she is enjoying it.”, whispered Tammy in my ear as her hand found my cock, “Why don’t you enjoy it?” I was entranced watching my wife being felt up, but could not help but groan as Tammy worked my hard 8 inch cock.

As Jennifer continued to kiss Em she pushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders, and Em’s large dark aureoles came in view along with her hard nipples. Everyone in that room was now watching Em as she writhed in pleasure with her tits exposed. The two men next to her brought their mouths to Em’s nipples and sucked them and lashed them with their tongues.

Then Jennifer, still kissing Em as her tits were being mauled begin pulling up the hem of Em’s short dress. As Em’s pussy came in view the two women knelt down and began looking at and rubbing Em’s pussy lips and clit. Then they took turns leaning in and licking up and down the wet hot slit of my wife, as their husbands tried to take all of Em’s breasts in their mouths.
I was both shocked by what I saw, and more erotically excited than I had ever been. “Fuck me while you watch your wife come.”, purred Tammy. I positioned Tammy in front of me, lifted her dress, and slid my rock hard dick in her dripping pussy from behind. We both continued to watch my wife as she threw her head back, moaning so loud I could hear her up where I had my cock deep in Tammy. Then Em’s body went rigid and trembled with her orgasm, Jennifer kissing her as the two women’s tongues slurped the juices from her pussy.

I could not take anymore and grabbed Tammy’s hips and pulled her onto me. My raging hard cock erupted shooting cum deep in Tammy’s cunt. Tammy was coming at the same time, “Oh yes, fuck me baby,…..uhnnnnn, …..Fuck Meeeeee!”, panted Tammy. My balls were swinging up slapping her clit as I continued to stroke deep into her fucking her like a man possessed.

Em begin to come down from her orgasm, and Jennifer pushed Em’s dress back in place and the two women stood up in front of Em and begin to kiss her together. Their three mouths simultaneously shared soft kisses with the wet slickness from Em’s pussy shared between them. Before Jennifer led Em away I noticed off to the side Brent, he had been observing Em the whole time, and his smile looked as if he approved of what happened.

I slowed my pace with Tammy, and felt my cock begin to soften in her warm cunt that was still enveloping my shaft. “Andrew that was amazing.”, murmured Tammy. She moved forward and as my cock dropped out of her pussy she deftly put my shorts back on me. “I think you have both done well.”, said Tammy, “but after the guests leave we will have a review with Brent.”

Once again I felt somewhat bewildered, everything that had transpired so far at this party had drained me emotionally, mentally, and physically. “Well, a review sounds like a chance to sit down and relax anyway.” I said.

“Uhmmmm, that may not be what Brent has in mind.”, said Tammy as she smiled knowingly at me. Little did I know then how right she was, and how even more mind blowing this last review would be.

Neighborhood Party had a Huge Ending- Chapter 4

Tammy opened the door to a small dark room near the back of the house, I saw Em next to Jennifer and immediately went to her and put my arms around her. She shuddered and hugged me in return, “I am so glad to see you.”, she sighed.

“It has been a crazy evening.”, I replied. As Em nestled herself against me I could not help but think back to her orgasm with four or five people stroking her, and I sensed her smoldering body as she clung to me.

“Crazy, but I hope not too unwelcome.”, said a low calming voice at the end of the room. I turned to see Brent in a large wooden chair, and Jennifer and Tammy were standing on either side of him.

“Well,….”, I struggled to reply, “just so many things for Em and I to unpack with all that happened “ I wondered if he knew I fucked his wife just a few minutes ago. Em shrank away from him and tucked herself under my arm.

Brent noticed Em drawing away from him and in a deep reassuring voice he said, “Emily you are a beautiful woman, I was most impressed with how sensual you were.” Brent got up and held out his hand to Em and led her to sit on a couch near his chair, and he motioned for me to sit near Em. “You are such a wonderful couple and I want you both to feel a part of our neighborhood.”

Brent’s kind manner and calming words put us at ease. He continued, “There are no other things that myself, or the other neighbors, will ask of you. We do this just because it is important for new neighbors to understand that we are a group of people for whom the pleasures of sex are an intrinsic part of our lives.”

Em and I both relaxed further and as I put my arm around her I asked, “So, there are no other parties to attend or get-togethers we should look forward to?”

Brent smiled at me, and then Em elbowed me and said, “Cool it horn-dog!” Everyone laughed at her comment and I smiled sheepishly knowing they recognized my hope for more wild sex.

“You should feel free to interact with your neighbors however you choose, and plan your own adventures going forward.”, he said. “There is one thing you could do that is entirely voluntary, and I only ask it as a small favor to me.”

“What is it that we could do for you?”, I asked.

“I would like to watch you and Emily have sex here now, in front of the three of us.”, Brent requested.

Again I was caught off guard, and froze in silence. Emily though was still smoldering from all her sexual encounters that evening, and spoke up quietly saying, “We would love for the three of you to watch Andrew and I fuck.”

“Wonderful.”, replied Brent. “Jennifer and Tammy will undress you both and assist you.” With that Brent pulled his chair close to a low coffee table in front of the couch and Tammy came over to me with Jennifer approaching Em.

Jennifer kissed Em deeply and begin to lift her dress from her body. Tammy put her hands on my chest and begin pulling up my shirt, I looked down at Tammy and she softly kissed me.

When we were completely naked Jennifer led Em to the coffee table table and had her kneel on it facing Brent in his chair. Tammy pulled me in behind Jennifer and brought my cock up to touch her pussy. Em had begun to sway and softly moan in this erotic setting, she pulled her tits up and stared at Brent as he looked over her body. Jennifer and Tammy had returned to either side of Brent and also drank in the view of Emily’s hot body naked and twisting before them.

Em turned her head and said to me,”Fuck me slow and deep baby, I want them to see how good I feel when your big dick is deep inside me.”

I pushed my cock inside and felt how wet and hot Em’s pussy was, my shaft pulsed as she groaned taking my cock. I looked down and my hands went to her hips to control her movements as I rhythmically fucked her, slow and deep as she requested. Raising my head I saw Brent, Jennifer, and Tammy smiling as they watched us making love, tilting their heads for a better view of Em as she was being fucked by my 8 inch dick.

As we continued I noticed Jennifer’s hand travel to Brent’s lap, she was moving her hand far down his leg and became engrossed in feeling him. Then she looked up at Tammy and raised an eyebrow. As I continued to slide in and out of Em I saw Tammy whispering to Brent, then she waited and Brent appeared thoughtful, then nodded. At that Tammy and Jennifer exchanged knowing looks and Jennifer began to run her hands up and down the growing bulge at Brent’s crotch.

As we continued to fuck both Jennifer and Tammy were running their hands up and down the big cock hidden in Brent’s trousers. Em was now down on all fours as I took her doggy style, and this put her face less than a foot away from Brent’s covered cock. All of us were now staring at the manhood under that fabric. Finally Tammy begin to slowly unzip and open Brent’s pants, my view was somewhat obscured as I continued to penetrate Em. Then I heard Em inhale and say “Oh my fucking god! No way!”

I leaned around Em to see the head of Brent’s cock appearing, it looked as big as the fist of a man. It was impossibly wide and thick. Jennifer and Tammy were moving their hands back and forth over this amazing dick head. “Holy shit!”, I exclaimed and that was when I knew we were in the presence of a truly giant dick.

The fucking was now an afterthought as the attention of all five of us was now on the continuing slow appearance of Brent’s massive cock. I went on fucking Em, but like all the girls had my rapt attention on the shaft coming into view. Tammy was now reaching in to his pants to bring all of that cock out in the open, Jennifer pulled down his pants and all of that dick came into view.

Em begin to pant excitedly as she saw all of it, and Jennifer and Tammy begin to lick and slurp on either side of his cockhead. I craned my head to the side and stopped fucking Emily, I could not believe what I was seeing. This monstrosity was well over 12 inches long and as thick as my forearm, it was an absolute perfect huge cock. This powerful specimen was drawing us all to it, and I begin fucking Em again pushing her face up to it.

Then Em leaned forward and her lips made contact with the shaft. “Mmmmmmm, yes, so good, …..uhnnnnnn, …..what a cock!”, moaned Em as her lips slid across his shaft. I leaned down as I fucked her from behind, watching closely as my wife adored this wide shaft with her lips and tongue. I looked up to see Jennifer and Tammy licking at the sides of the head, and Brent leaned down and his tongue reached to his own cockhead as he licked precum from his slit.

This powerful dick was magnetic, and I pushed my head up alongside Em’s. Em turned her head and said, “Taste it baby, it is so good.” I then put my lips on the shaft too, feeling the size and might of Brent’s cock. Em and I began alternating kisses and licks on that giant dick as we fucked and saw the other three worshipping that dick with us.

Then Tammy said, “I want to see it in her.” Tammy pulled Em forward up to Brent, and got her above his cock.

“No, no, no,…..NO!”, begged Em. “It is too big!”. Her eyes were wide and real fear was written across her face.

I started to reach up for her and felt Jennifer’s hands on my shoulders, and her mouth came up to my ear. “Wouldn’t you like to see if your wife could take that cock?”, Jennifer whispered to me. “See your wife get fucked by the most massive dick you have ever seen?”

I stopped and realized I was turned on by the thought of that cock spreading open my wife. I looked up at Em and saw Tammy talking to her, telling her it was okay, that she should just feel how good that wide head was against her pussy. Em was hesitant, listening to Tammy and keeping her body on top of Brent, I knew then that Tammy and Jennifer were going to get their way.

Tammy continued to sooth Em and tell her to relax. Jennifer and I were at his cock and Jennifer put the head at Em’s pussy, and it looked so big there was no way it would go inside. Jennifer begin to rub the head back and forth on Em and her pussy lips were spreading out across the head. Em was now writhing as that giant dick pushed against her entrance,”ohhhh,…..uhnnnn,….no way,… is too huge…” grunted Em.

Tammy rubbed Em’s tits and kissed her, telling her, “You are so hot baby, I want you to have my husband’s big dick!”

Em was panting now, “Oh yes! I want it!…..but it is too big!”

I was holding that cock up at Em’s pussy and Jennifer was rubbing Em’s pussy and kneading her butt. Brent had his hands on Em’s hips pushing her down. We all wanted that monster cock inside Em.

Em’s pussy lips were stretched out so thin that they were almost transparent, and then they did the impossible,……taking in the head of that cock. Brent’s huge dick went into my wife’s pussy. Em threw her head back and screamed, “AHHhHhhhh!……..”

“Oh yes!” Jennifer mumbled as she and I watched that unbelievable dick take my wife’s pussy. I was transfixed as more and more of that shaft gradually went up in Em. I looked up and saw her shaking in disbelief as more cock than she could ever dream of went into her cunt.

Tammy was feeling Em’s body as it trembled while taking that cock. Brent began to grunt as he slowly fucked my wife with his huge dick. Jennifer and I kissed as we looked on at the amazing sight of the impossible fucking going on inches from our faces.

Em began to accept she could not get way from the fucking by Brent’s monster cock, and was trying to accept the pain of being spread out by his wide shaft. “Oh my god,….. never taken such a big cock, ……my pussy so stretched,……uhnnnn,…uh,…..uh” she panted and babbled as she was impaled on that horse cock.

Jennifer laid on her back and brought her mouth up to Brent’s balls and licked them while he fucked Em. I was so turned on I put my cock into Jennifer and had my face right at the junction of my wife’s pussy and Brent’s cock. As I fucked Jennifer I begin to lick Brent’s shaft and my wife’s pussy lips where they came together.

Then Brent began to growl as his dick pulsed and throbbed in Em. He gave a deep grunt and I saw the massive tube in his shaft begin to spasm, his cum was shooting up in my wife. “Ohhhhhhh nooooooo,…….eeeee, …….uhnnnnn”, screamed Emily.

Brent pulled her down on his cock and the cum and pussy juices begin dripping down his shaft. Em went rigid as she came on his cock shooting up in her, her head thrown back and her mouth wide open in a silent scream. I reached up and pulled her down harder onto his cock, wanting her to be fucked like never before. Em convulsed as her body went into continuous orgasm from the fucking being done to her. “Yes! Fuck her!,….fuck my wife with your giant cock!”, I hollered at Brent.

Brent kept fucking Em until she began to whimper and cry. Then he laid her back on the coffee table and fucked her some more. Jennifer and Tammy and I fucked in a threesome as we watched Brent ravage my wife with that unbelievable cock. After an hour of this Em finally passed out and I picked her up and carried her home.

The next day I woke up to Em kissing me. “I love you.”, she said. “But today I cannot walk, so I will be staying in bed all day today.”
Published by Andrewlongc8
8 months ago
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billbig5893 8 months ago
So special - So erotic - and - so well written.  Thank you for sharing.  Wishing I was in your story! 
mfmfantasy50 8 months ago
OH!  I assume there are going to be more installments of this story???
mfmfantasy50 8 months ago
Some might say this is ALL FANTASY and could never happen.  But, I say this is quite possible in some of today's suburban groups, where an Alpha Couple SEXUALLY DOMINATES and therefore LEADS the rest of the younger and more submissive Clan members.  The ONLY thing, that would make this even more plausible, is the replacement of the Alpha Couple with a BLACK ALPHA COUPLE.
retcntryboy 8 months ago
WOW, hot story, and I betc it does go on in American Neighborhoods