
I went to the football in the 1970s with my mates and there were two girls who used to come and stand near us, one was quite pretty and a couple of the guys tried to chat her up. The other one looked like Olive from ''On The Buses'' but she couldn't work out why we called her Olive, her name turned out to be Janice. At one match in the crowd she was wearing a mini skirt and crop top, as the crowd swayed I ran my hand up the back of her leg right up to her bum and she wasn't wearing any nickers. She turned round and said if you do that again you will have to fuck me. I said what! and she said you heard, I touched her leg again and said when?
Tonight if you like. We arranged to meet later, none of my mates cottoned on to what had happened.
I did meet her that night and went back to her place and did fuck her, she was great in bed she loved sucking cock and having her pussy licked, I funked her twice that night and once more in the morning. But didn't meet up with her again she just looked to much like Olive from ''On The Buses''.
Published by Andy1213
10 months ago
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