Identification - Hatred of wh*teness - Militancy
The massive use of IR pornography, the free diffusion on social media (even the most mainstream ones) of "hypno" pornographic videos based on the exceptional physical qualities of NIGS MONKEYS and on the declining and weak ones of wh*ites will allow us to reprogram the imaginary, erotic or otherwise, of the white race. This must especially concern white males, because wh*te women will be sexually attracted to the Power of the Black Gods. In addition to the charm of sexual attraction, however, the aggressiveness of Nigs will play an important role: this is why in this psy-op of mental reprogramming it will be necessary to allow any violent abuse by Black people both against wh*te people and against their property. .
To escape this situation of gratuitous violence that goes unpunished, wh*tes will have no choice but to voluntarily proceed along the path of Africanization of their societies.
However, the Africanization of liberal wh*te societies can assert itself and take root only if wh*te males are excluded from any reproductive activity, and therefore, as already mentioned, policies of sterilization of wh*te males, bullying of those who attempt to having little wh*te monkeys, encouragement of wh*te abortions, hatred of wh*te women towards males of their own race. The use of feminist propaganda against the whi*te male may also play an important role during this delicate phase. It will then be important to leave a free hand in the work of bullying to the refugee baby gangs, both male, female and mixed, whose establishment must be encouraged.
Not being able to live with these painful feelings for long, and following the refusal of wh*te women to have relationships with wh*te partners, it will be an almost automatic act for white males to identify with the new spirit of the times, and also become a small cog in the great mechanism of the BNWO, so that they no longer feel excluded.
For younger, delicate-looking wh*te males, gender theory will provide the tools for progressive and total emasculation, while for those already married the choice of cuckolding will be available. Those who cannot fit into these two categories will have to be pushed to feel the weight of their inadequacy in an ever more dramatic way, and will blame this on their own wh*teness, which will appear to them as the only one responsible for their life of an uninterrupted feeling of suffering and inadequacy. Decisive will be the exclusion and humiliation that wh*te women of the same age will burden them with, accusing them of being racist because they are incapable of winning in the daily competition to take possession of women and reproduction, and incapable of asserting themselves economically and in the field. professional.
Many of these will get out of their own way, resorting to self-destruction with drugs and alcohol, if not the extreme remedy of suicide. The others will be given the opportunity to "militate" among the brigades of race traitors, loyal militants of the BNWO who, hating wh*teness to such an extent, will become the best allies of People of Color.
The massive use of IR pornography, the free diffusion on social media (even the most mainstream ones) of "hypno" pornographic videos based on the exceptional physical qualities of NIGS MONKEYS and on the declining and weak ones of wh*ites will allow us to reprogram the imaginary, erotic or otherwise, of the white race. This must especially concern white males, because wh*te women will be sexually attracted to the Power of the Black Gods. In addition to the charm of sexual attraction, however, the aggressiveness of Nigs will play an important role: this is why in this psy-op of mental reprogramming it will be necessary to allow any violent abuse by Black people both against wh*te people and against their property. .
To escape this situation of gratuitous violence that goes unpunished, wh*tes will have no choice but to voluntarily proceed along the path of Africanization of their societies.
However, the Africanization of liberal wh*te societies can assert itself and take root only if wh*te males are excluded from any reproductive activity, and therefore, as already mentioned, policies of sterilization of wh*te males, bullying of those who attempt to having little wh*te monkeys, encouragement of wh*te abortions, hatred of wh*te women towards males of their own race. The use of feminist propaganda against the whi*te male may also play an important role during this delicate phase. It will then be important to leave a free hand in the work of bullying to the refugee baby gangs, both male, female and mixed, whose establishment must be encouraged.
Not being able to live with these painful feelings for long, and following the refusal of wh*te women to have relationships with wh*te partners, it will be an almost automatic act for white males to identify with the new spirit of the times, and also become a small cog in the great mechanism of the BNWO, so that they no longer feel excluded.
For younger, delicate-looking wh*te males, gender theory will provide the tools for progressive and total emasculation, while for those already married the choice of cuckolding will be available. Those who cannot fit into these two categories will have to be pushed to feel the weight of their inadequacy in an ever more dramatic way, and will blame this on their own wh*teness, which will appear to them as the only one responsible for their life of an uninterrupted feeling of suffering and inadequacy. Decisive will be the exclusion and humiliation that wh*te women of the same age will burden them with, accusing them of being racist because they are incapable of winning in the daily competition to take possession of women and reproduction, and incapable of asserting themselves economically and in the field. professional.
Many of these will get out of their own way, resorting to self-destruction with drugs and alcohol, if not the extreme remedy of suicide. The others will be given the opportunity to "militate" among the brigades of race traitors, loyal militants of the BNWO who, hating wh*teness to such an extent, will become the best allies of People of Color.
10 months ago