First nice peeks on my beautiful sister :-P
Some "fragments of memory" :-P about my beautiful sister in the period before that I started to have beautiful thoughts on her (and beautiful handjobs due to beautiful "casual" episodes with her), or in any case in this first period of peeks on my beautiful sister I thought about it a bit of make myself some handjobs on her but I always thought that it was my sister but anyway I did some handjobs thinking on her :-P. One day A nice passage parading in front of the door of the open room of two beautiful girls like my cousin and especially my sister :-P, it was our cousin's room at her house, i at that moment there after chatting with various relatives I found myself "casually" to pass in front of our cousin's room with the door open and our cousin and my sister were there (dressed normally and both with skirts) to put on (or to change? :-P) the stockings :-P, I remember that our cousin had already put on her boots (with pantyhose on) while my sister (also she with pantyhose on :-P) was still barefoot, i remember that they both had nice black-transparent pantyhose :-P, so my sister being, as I have said before, barefoot and with pantyhose on and so I had a nice flash of my sister with her bare feet with pantyhose :-P also because those pantyhose besides having a nice black-brown-transparent color were also beautiful sheer and therefore it had the reinforcement ( black-transparent :-P) on her toes and one of her leg with the pantyhose still in the middle i.e. little tucked in :-P, so after my "unauthorized" passage our cousin and my sister thought about closing the door ajar :-P, but in any case they didn't have me scolded :-P, i remember with pleasure this beautiful episode for my beautiful sister, our cousin is also a beautiful girl but I remember it above all for my sister :-P, also if at that moment there I didn't think so much about masturbating for my sister because I always thought in those moments there about the fact that it was my sister :-P. With the rented house by the sea in the summer (the previous summer to the one to i will tell in a my next post entitled "A very nice downblouse and other"), beautiful poses of my sister for some photos, with nice overcoats for the sea, with a wide miniskirt over the bathing suit with, obviously with bare legs and bare feet and low clogs, one she was sitting on the lawn and in another photo she was riding on the bed in front of the poster of a singer she liked :-P, or while she was sitting at the table outside in the garden reading a book with a nice tunic a little wide yellow-white-cream :-P and I wanted to take a picture of her just to joke :-P and she got up with the book closed in her hands and she told me "I'm not a philosopher" :-P while the photo was being taken :-P, then looking at that photo I obviously noticed the shape of her beautiful body under that tunic a bit wide of color yellow-white-cream :-P, with, I think, from under the bathing suit and then bare legs and low clogs and bare feet, and then other photos on the beach with one-piece swimsuits, or in a bikini between female friends and boys, where she stood out among her friends :-P thanks to her beautiful face and beautiful body :-P, i, reviewing those photos now obviously always make me quite tough :-P, but, as I said before, in those times I didn't pay too much attention to she, being my sister :-P. One afternoon (lunchtime) and hot period I knock on the door of our house (I didn't have the keys) and my sister opens it for me and I walk in and walk behind her down the corridor towards the dining room (it was lunchtime) during this "commite" in the house corridor i see that my sister wears a tunic for the house of a color I do not want to remember badly but it was a beautiful heavenly tunic and and also enough tight and therefore (her body from below this tunic for the house let's say was uncovered i.e. arms and legs bare because it was hot period) during this "commute" in the house corridor I noticed her nice round and swollen ass and buttocks that was dancing a little tight in the middle of this tight tunic and in her "long johns" I say "long johns" because you could see the line of the panties that she had in that moment from that tight tunic :-P and so i thinked into me in that moment "...beautiful shapes has my sister..." :-P. One day in the gym my sister and I had to follow a dance lesson, let's say a general dance lesson for both males and females :-P, my sister had a nice ballerina costume, that is, from above a black leotard and from below a black tights with dancers, while I was a voyeur in general for all the girls during this dance class :-P and in any case I noticed the beautiful body of my sister with its fit and her beautiful fleshy thighs between the black leotard and the beginning of the pantyhose :-P basically my sister's outfit in that moment there it was like this beautiful girl in this video , and therefore it was a question of doing exercises that had to be performed by the whole group together :-P, I immediately put myself behind my sister and therefore, when it was necessary to lean forward with the torso, while I was standing behind my sister, I saw with surprise :-P her bent ass and every time :-P, and then in bending her body in front sometimes her panties stick out a bit, which, as I remember, was white with small red balls :-P, then after some other "exit" :-P of his panties my sister touched herself a little behind for to "repair" :-P because obviously she had "felt" her panties come out a little bit :-P, to tell the truth, for that beautiful situation I didn't want to masturbate later, thinking as long as it was my sister, but still I certainly enjoyed myself for that beautiful occasion :-P, but then from my next post-tale (in chronological order) about my beautiful sister i yes that I will begin to make me nice handjobs on my beautiful sister :-P. And in the end for these recountes of this post , an a very good accidental peek, always on a summer day in the city in our parents' car when our parents got out of the car for to go in the supermarket, my sister and I were sitting in the back seats and the radio (on the dashboard in front of course :-P) was on and at a certain point my sister says indeed she exlaims "That sucks this station!..." (the station-radio :-P) and so my sister gets up quickly leaning her torso on the front seats for to change the radio-station and she had a pretty thin and wide enough summer skirt :-P and so when she bend herself forward :-P, I, being there :-P:-P :-P, i put a bit my head under there :-P in the way of the "*****" :-P how do you say :-P or simply upskirt :-P or more briefly "ups" :-P and so I could see her bare thighs come out and even a little her panties that I remember were white :-P, while her buttocks you could see and not see :-P but at a certain point her buttocks you could see well :-P and (I have to say the truth :-P) her panties were a bit skinny :-P and also a bit loose :-P and so I saw around over there i.e. between at what I saw for well in that moment in the middle of her buttocks, a little, let's say a little more of a little i.e. enough :-P of her back hair :-P i.e. her perineum's fluff :-P enough substantial :-P :-P :-P (in that moment there it was so for her youth age :-P) and so i thinked inside me ".Mmmmmm... my sister is rather hairy... Mmmmmmmm..." :-P, then when she went back to sit on her seat I of course I pretended that nothing had happened :-P :-P :-P and, subsequently, when I thought about this very nice episode, I laughed a bit with myself always thinking it was my sister :-P but then I, honestly :-P, I did some nice handjobs thinking about this very nice episode :-P.
10 months ago